171 research outputs found

    Reform in the EU Sugar Regime: Impact on the Global Sugar Markets

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    The ongoing trade negotiations, unilateral trade concessions and obligations under the WTO are pushing the EU sugar regime to undertake reforms. These reforms will alter the positions of developing countries in the global sugar markets. A complete unilateral liberalisation of the EU sugar sector is simulated to depict the winners and losers in the global sugar markets if no preferences are governing the imports of sugar into the EU. The supply responses, which strongly affect the outcomes, are dependent on both the nature of substitution for sugar as well as on the efficiency of sugar production in different countries. The multiregion general equilibrium framework (GTAP) is used for this analysis. The results show that the total liberalisation of sugar imports from the LDCs will be a major threat to the EU sugar regime. The current regime limits sugar imports from all developing countries or some efficient producers, if the production cost data is a right estimate of the potential supply response from developing countries. The LDCs will be the winners under the EBA concession supported by the current regime, but a few efficient sugar producers will be the winners if the current regime is entirely liberalised.EU sugar regime, reform, developing countries, unilateral liberalisation, GTAP, Agricultural and Food Policy, International Relations/Trade, E17, F17, Q18,

    Implications of Trade Liberalization and Domestic Reforms on EU Agricultural Markets

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    The objective of this paper is to explore the overall effects of further trade liberalization and the implemented CAP reforms on EU agricultural production, imports and exports within different EU regions by using the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) model. The GTAP model is used to compare a lower tariff reduction formula (EU Proposal) with a higher reduction formula (US Proposal) in order to show how sensitive the examined agricultural commodity/sector is to the different tariff reduction formulae. This analysis reveals that EU imports would escalate and EU exports would plummet with declining EU production because of trade liberalization and domestic policy reforms in the EU agricultural markets and sectors.EU, WTO, CAP reforms, tariff reductions, export subsidies, Agricultural and Food Policy, Agricultural Finance, Demand and Price Analysis, Environmental Economics and Policy, Financial Economics, International Relations/Trade, Q1,

    Modelling the impacts of multilateral agricultural trade liberalization on the EU

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    The objective of this paper is to explore the implications of domestic policy reforms and trade liberalisation on EU and global agricultural markets by utilising the GTAP model. The results suggest that CAP reforms in conjunction with the removal of export subsidies and tariff reductions according to the proposals from the EU and the US in the WTO would decrease EU's production, reduce EU's exports, and increase EU's imports in almost all the examined agricultural products. For countries such as Australia, the US, and the MERCOSUR group, higher world prices stimulate domestic agricultural production, partly offsetting the EU output decline.EU, WTO, tariff reductions, export subsidies, CAP reforms, GTAP model, International Relations/Trade,

    Winners and Losers in the World Sugar Market due to Trade Liberalisation in the EU Sugar Sector

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    The ongoing trade negotiations, unilateral trade concessions and obligations under the World Trade Organization (WTO) are pushing the EU sugar regime to undertake reforms. These reforms will alter the positions of developing countries in the global sugar markets. Gradual changes within the tariff rate quotas in the EU sugar regime would have a very marginal impact on the flow of sugar exports to the EU and world sugar markets as well. The simulation results showed that the scheduled changes in tariff rate quotas and transition period are stalling the impacts of tariff liberalisation granted by the Everything But Arms (EBA) concession. Small concessions will not threaten the EU internal market, but total liberalisation of sugar imports from the least developed countries (LDCs) will be a major threat to the EU sugar regime. Conversely, the EU would gain from the liberalisation scenarios in welfare terms due to cheaper imports of sugar. The current regime limits sugar imports from all developing countries or some efficient producers, if the cost data is a right estimate of the potential supply response from developing countries. The supply responses, which strongly affect the outcomes, are dependent on both the nature of substitution for sugar as well as on the efficiency of sugar production in different countries. The LDCs would be the major winners under the EBA concession supported by the unchanged EU sugar regime, but if the current regime is entirely liberalised, much of the gains are diluted due to the deterioration in the terms of trade and a few efficient sugar producers would be the winners. The multi-region and multi-sector general equilibrium framework (GTAP model) is used for this analysis.The full liberalisation of the EU sugar regime and the abolition of the preferential treatment in the EU sugar regime would change the position of the countries as winners or losers. The assumptions on the production and export possibilities of the sugar producing countries and the homogenous nature of sugar would create more losers than winners. For some of the losers, the loss of sugar exports could seriously damage their fragile economy. Therefore, the abolition or loss of preferential treatment is an important issue and hotly debated around the world.Trade preferences have the potential of helping developing countries to promote self-sustained economic development and can substitute transfers in the form of direct financial assistance from developed countries to poor developing countries. The EU has maintained this development perspective by granting preferential access to the highly protected and subsidised EU sugar market with prices significantly above the world market prices. In the short run, any sudden changes in the EU regime and trade policies may cause severe problems for the poor currently employed in the export-oriented sugar industry of the developing countries. Compensation is needed for these affected people because of the adjustment costs due to the changes in trade policies. In the long run, the sustainable export performance and economic development based on the comparative advantage of the developing countries should be the final objective. Though, the livelihood of the poor must be protected against sudden changes in trade policies in the effort to achieve the Millennium Development Goals

    Tampereen Museoiden yö 2010 : asiakastutkimus ja kehittämisideoita

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    Opinnäytetyöni tarkoituksena oli järjestää asiakaskysely Tampereen Museoiden yö 2010 - tapahtuman kävijöille. Idean opinnäytetyöhöni sain tapahtuman tuottajalta Niklas Nylundilta. Asiakaskyselyn tavoitteena oli selvittää, millainen on tyypillinen Tampereen Museoiden yön kävijä sekä saada mahdollisimman paljon ideoita, joiden pohjalta tapahtumaa voisi kehittää. Kyselyn avulla hain myös vastauksia siihen, miten tapahtuman markkinointi on onnistunut ja mitä markkinointikanavia jatkossa kannattaa käyttää. Menetelmänä tutkimuksessani käytin triangulaatiotutkimusta eli yhdistin kvantitatiivisia sekä kvalitatiivisia tutkimusmenetelmiä. Kyselyn suoritin pääasiassa tapahtuman aikana toukokuussa 2010 jakamalla kävijoille kyselylomakkeita. Lisäksi kyselyyn saattoi osallistua Tampereen Museoiden yön kotisivuilla. Kyselyyn vastasi kaiken kaikkiaan 327 kävijää. Asiakastutkimuksen tuloksia tarkastelin matkailumarkkinoinnin teorioiden pohjalta. Näitä teorioita olivat segmentointi, tapahtuman markkinointi, mediasuunnittelu sekä tuotekehitys. Tutkimuksellani sain selville, että tyypillinen Tampereen Museoiden yön kävijä on 21-30 - vuotias tamperelainen nainen, joka on saanut tietää tapahtumasta netistä tai ystävältä. Häntä kiinnosti vuoden 2010 tapahtumassa eniten näyttelyt ja konsertit. Koska suurin osa kävijöistä oli tamperelaisia, ei majoituspaketille tapahtuman yhteydessä toistaiseksi ole tarvetta. Suosituimmaksi markkinointikanavaksi osoittautui internet ja erityisesti Facebook. Aiempia vuosia selvästi monipuolisempi ohjelmatarjonta houkutteli paikalle aiempiin vuosiin nähden nelinkertaisen määrän kävijöitä. Johtopäätöksenä voin todeta, että monipuolista ohjelmaa kannattaa vaalia myös jatkossa ja yrittää houkutella mukaan useampia kohteita. Lisäksi lapsiperheet kannattaa jatkossa ottaa paremmin huomioon. Internet-markkinointia kannattaa hyödyntää myös tulevina vuosina ja lisäksi panostaa sanoma- ja paikallislehtinäkyvyyteen. Näkyvämpi tiedottaminen kaiken kaikkiaan olisi jatkossa tarpeen. Koko tapahtuman ohjelman olisi hyvä löytyä käsiohjelmasta tai olla muuten saatavilla tapahtuman aikana.The purpose of the thesis was to arrange a customer survey for the visitors of Tampere Night of Museums. The survey was made to find out the main characteristics among the event visitors and also to see which marketing channels were the most popular ones. Another purpose for the survey was to collect ideas for how the event should be developed. The research method used was triangulation which is a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. The survey was executed during the event in May 2010 where the questionnaire was given to the visitors. It was also possible to take part in the survey on the Night of Museums web page. Altogether, 327 visitors participated in the survey. The results have been analyzed from the tourism marketing´s point of view. The theories used in the research were event marketing, segmentation, product development and media planning. The results reveal that a typical event visitor is a 21-30 year old woman from Tampere. She found out about the event from internet or from a friend. In the 2010 event she found exhibitions and concerts most interesting. With the help of Facebook, the most popular marketing channel turned out to be internet. The marketing itself is the keyword what comes to developing the event. With more media visibility and even more diverse programme, the event will continue its growth

    Simulation training streamlines the real-life performance in endovascular repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms

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    Objective: Difficulties in distributing endovascular experience among all operating room (OR) personnel prevented full-scale use of endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) in emergencies. To streamline the procedure of EVAR for ruptured aneurysm (rEVAR) and to provide this method even to unstable patients, we initiated regular simulation training sessions. Methods: This is an observational study of 29 simulation sessions performed between January 2015 and December 2017. We analyzed the development of time from OR door to aortic balloon occlusion during simulations and OR door to needle times in real-life rEVARs as well as the outcome of the 185 ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (rAAA) patients who arrived at the university hospital between January 2013 and December 2017. A questionnaire was sent for simulation attendants before and after the simulation session. Results: In the first simulations, the door to occlusion time was 20 to 35 minutes. After adding a hemodynamic collapse to the simulation protocol, the time decreased to 10 to 13 minutes in the 10 recent simulations, including a 5-minute cardiopulmonary resuscitation (P = .01). The electronic questionnaire performed for attendees before and after the simulation session showed significant improvement in both confidence and knowledge of the OR staff regarding rEVAR procedure. In the real-life rEVARs, 75 of the 185 patients with rAAAs underwent EVAR. Among rEVAR patients, the median OR door to needle time was 65 minutes before and 16 minutes after the onset of simulations (P = .000). The overall 30-day mortality among all rAAA patients was 44.8% and 30.6% accordingly (P = .046). When patients who were turned down from the emergency surgery were excluded, the 30-day operative mortality was 39.2% and 25.1% during the periods, respectively (P = .051). The 30-day mortality was 16.2% after rEVAR and 40.6% after open surgery (P = .001). Conclusions: Simulation training for rEVAR significantly improves the treatment process in real-life patients and may enhance the outcome of rAAA patients.Peer reviewe

    Osaamisperustainen koulutus erikoistujan, kouluttajalääkärin ja ohjaajien vuoropuheluna

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    Vertaisarvioitu. Tutkimus ja opetus.Erikoislääkärikoulutuksen uudistus aikaan perustuvasta osaamisperustaiseksi tuo työpaikoille uusia toimintamalleja. Erikoistuva lääkäri ottaa entistä suuremman vastuun omasta oppimisestaan ja sen dokumentoinnista. Hän pyytää säännöllisesti ohjaajiltaan arvioita oman osaamisensa kehittymisestä. Ohjaukseen osallistuvat terveydenhuollon ammattilaiset arvioivat erikoistuvan lääkärin edistymistä suhteessa opetussuunnitelmaan sekä toimipaikan ja erikoistujan omiin osaamistavoitteisiin. Kouluttajalääkäri on uusi erikoissairaanhoidon toimija, joka huolehtii erikoistuvan lääkärin pääsystä sellaisiin työtehtäviin, jotka tukevat osaamisen karttumista. Lisäksi kouluttajalääkäri tukee muita ohjaukseen osallistuvia arviointien tekemisessä, huolehtii osaamisen kehittymistä tukevien palautekeskustelujen toteutumisesta sekä kokoaa puolivuosittaisen yhteenvedon erikoistujan edistymisestä koulutuksen vastuuhenkilölle. Erikoistujan, kouluttajalääkärin ja muiden ohjaajien välinen saumaton yhteistyö ja sujuva vuorovaikutus ovat osaamisperustaisen erikoislääkärikoulutuksen kulmakiviä

    EU:n maatalousuudistuksen vaikutukset Suomen maitotiloilla

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