841 research outputs found

    Resonance energy transfer and interface forces:Quantum electrodynamical analysis

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    On the propagation of radiation with a suitably resonant optical frequency through a dense chromophoric system - a doped solid for example - photon capture is commonly followed by one or more near-field transfers of the resulting optical excitation, usually to closely neighboring chromophores. Since the process results in a change to the local electronic environment, it can be expected to also shift the electromagnetic interactions between the participant optical units, producing modified inter-particle forces. Significantly, it emerges that energy transfer, when it occurs between chromophores or particles with electronically dissimilar properties (such as differing polarizabilities), engenders hitherto unreported changes in the local potential energy landscape. This paper reports the results of quantum electrodynamical calculations which cast a new light on the physical link between these features. The theory also elucidates a significant relationship with Casimir-Polder forces; it transpires that there are clear and fundamental links between dispersion forces and resonance energy transfer. Based on the results, we highlight specific effects that can be anticipated when laser light propagates through an interface between two absorbing media. Both steady-state and pulsed excitation conditions are modeled and the consequences for interface forces are subjected to detailed analysis

    Developmental Pharmacogenetics in Pediatric Rheumatology: Utilizing a New Paradigm to Effectively Treat Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis with Methotrexate

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    Although methotrexate is widely used in clinical practice there remains significant lack of understanding of its mechanisms of action and the factors that contribute to the variability in toxicity and response seen clinically. In addition to differences in drug administration, factors that affect pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics such as genetic variation may explain individual differences in drug biotransformation. However, the pediatric population has an additional factor to consider, namely the ontogeny of gene expression which may result in variation throughout growth and development. We review the current understanding of methotrexate biotransformation and the concept of ontogeny, with further discussion of how to implement a developmental pharmacogenomics approach in future studies

    A molecular theory for two-photon and three-photon fluorescence polarization

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    In the analysis of molecular structure and local order in heterogeneous samples, multiphoton excitation of fluorescence affords chemically specific information and high-resolution imaging. This report presents the results of an investigation that secures a detailed theoretical representation of the fluorescence polarization produced by one-, two-, and three-photon excitations, with orientational averaging procedures being deployed to deliver the fully disordered limits. The equations determining multiphoton fluorescence response prove to be expressible in a relatively simple, generic form, and graphs exhibit the functional form of the multiphoton fluorescence polarization. Amongst other features, the results lead to the identification of a condition under which the fluorescence produced through the concerted absorption of any number of photons becomes completely unpolarized. It is also shown that the angular variation of fluorescence intensities is reliable indicator of orientational disorder

    Are Albumin Levels a Good Predictor of Mortality in Elderly Patients with Neck of Femur Fractures?

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    Background Neck of femur (NOF) fractures are associated with significant morbidity and mortality in elderly people with multiple co-morbidities; making management of this patient subgroup challenging. Predictors of an increase in morbidity and mortality would therefore provide a useful framework for the assessment and management of this demographic. Within the current literature, hypoalbuminaemia (<35g/dl) has been highlighted as being a good biochemical predictor of short-term mortality (<12 months). Our aims were to assess whether there was an association between low albumin levels and short-term mortality and whether the severity adversely affects outcomes. Materials and Methods Patients admitted to our large district hospital between January 2011 and December 2012 who had sustained a NOF fracture, were over 65 years old and had a pre-operative albumin level were included. The study concluded in July 2014. Demographic and pre-operative function and albumin data was collated retrospectively. Correlation with mortality was made. Results 471 patients had usable data. Mean pre-operative albumin level was 29.5g/dl (SD 6.22g/dl) in patients who died and 32.8g/dl (SD 6.43g/dl) in patients who survived during the study period. Pre-operative albumin level was significantly associated with survival (hazard ratio0.957: 95% CI (0.937, 0.978); p<0.001) A reduction of 1g/dl in pre-operative albumin is associated with an increased hazard of death of 4.3%. Conclusions Early identification of patients with hypoalbuminaemia on admission with a venous blood sample and timely input from orthogeriatrians could optimise these patients pre- and post-operatively. This may enable rates of morbidity and mortality to fall. Hypoalbuminaemia may be a reasonable predictor of shorter-term mortality in this patient subgroup. However, this may reflect existing co-morbidities rather than an isolated cause. This study supports a correlation between hypoalbuminaemia and poorer outcome for patients with NOF fractures

    A short diastereoselective total synthesis of (±)-vibralactone

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    A total synthesis of the (±)-vibralactone has been achieved in 11 steps and 16% overall yield from malonic acid. Key steps include a highly diastereoselective allylation of an α-formyl ester containing an all carbon α-quaternary center, a Pd-catalyzed deallylative β-lactonization, and an aldehyde-selective Wacker oxidation of a terminal alkene

    Genome-wide prediction, display and refinement of binding sites with information theory-based models

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    BACKGROUND: We present Delila-genome, a software system for identification, visualization and analysis of protein binding sites in complete genome sequences. Binding sites are predicted by scanning genomic sequences with information theory-based (or user-defined) weight matrices. Matrices are refined by adding experimentally-defined binding sites to published binding sites. Delila-Genome was used to examine the accuracy of individual information contents of binding sites detected with refined matrices as a measure of the strengths of the corresponding protein-nucleic acid interactions. The software can then be used to predict novel sites by rescanning the genome with the refined matrices. RESULTS: Parameters for genome scans are entered using a Java-based GUI interface and backend scripts in Perl. Multi-processor CPU load-sharing minimized the average response time for scans of different chromosomes. Scans of human genome assemblies required 4–6 hours for transcription factor binding sites and 10–19 hours for splice sites, respectively, on 24- and 3-node Mosix and Beowulf clusters. Individual binding sites are displayed either as high-resolution sequence walkers or in low-resolution custom tracks in the UCSC genome browser. For large datasets, we applied a data reduction strategy that limited displays of binding sites exceeding a threshold information content to specific chromosomal regions within or adjacent to genes. An HTML document is produced listing binding sites ranked by binding site strength or chromosomal location hyperlinked to the UCSC custom track, other annotation databases and binding site sequences. Post-genome scan tools parse binding site annotations of selected chromosome intervals and compare the results of genome scans using different weight matrices. Comparisons of multiple genome scans can display binding sites that are unique to each scan and identify sites with significantly altered binding strengths. CONCLUSIONS: Delila-Genome was used to scan the human genome sequence with information weight matrices of transcription factor binding sites, including PXR/RXRα, AHR and NF-κB p50/p65, and matrices for RNA binding sites including splice donor, acceptor, and SC35 recognition sites. Comparisons of genome scans with the original and refined PXR/RXRα information weight matrices indicate that the refined model more accurately predicts the strengths of known binding sites and is more sensitive for detection of novel binding sites

    Risk score modeling of multiple gene to gene interactions using aggregated-multifactor dimensionality reduction

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    BACKGROUND: Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction (MDR) has been widely applied to detect gene-gene (GxG) interactions associated with complex diseases. Existing MDR methods summarize disease risk by a dichotomous predisposing model (high-risk/low-risk) from one optimal GxG interaction, which does not take the accumulated effects from multiple GxG interactions into account. RESULTS: We propose an Aggregated-Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction (A-MDR) method that exhaustively searches for and detects significant GxG interactions to generate an epistasis enriched gene network. An aggregated epistasis enriched risk score, which takes into account multiple GxG interactions simultaneously, replaces the dichotomous predisposing risk variable and provides higher resolution in the quantification of disease susceptibility. We evaluate this new A-MDR approach in a broad range of simulations. Also, we present the results of an application of the A-MDR method to a data set derived from Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis patients treated with methotrexate (MTX) that revealed several GxG interactions in the folate pathway that were associated with treatment response. The epistasis enriched risk score that pooled information from 82 significant GxG interactions distinguished MTX responders from non-responders with 82% accuracy. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed A-MDR is innovative in the MDR framework to investigate aggregated effects among GxG interactions. New measures (pOR, pRR and pChi) are proposed to detect multiple GxG interactions

    The role of vestibular cues in postural sway

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    Controlling posture requires continuous sensory feedback about body motion and orientation, including from the vestibular organs. Little is known about the role of tilt vs. translation vs. rotation vestibular cues. We examined whether intersubject differences in vestibular function were correlated with intersubject differences in postural control. Vestibular function was assayed using vestibular direction-recognition perceptual thresholds, which determine the smallest motion that can be reliably perceived by a subject seated on a motorized platform in the dark. In study A, we measured thresholds for lateral translation, vertical translation, yaw rotation, and head-centered roll tilts. In study B, we measured thresholds for roll, pitch, and left anterior-right posterior and right anterior-left posterior tilts. Center-of-pressure (CoP) sway was measured in sensory organization tests (study A) and Romberg tests (study B). We found a strong positive relationship between CoP sway and lateral translation thresholds but not CoP sway and other thresholds. This finding suggests that the vestibular encoding of lateral translation may contribute substantially to balance control. Since thresholds assay sensory noise, our results support the hypothesis that vestibular noise contributes to spontaneous postural sway. Specifically, we found that lateral translation thresholds explained more of the variation in postural sway in postural test conditions with altered proprioceptive cues (vs. a solid surface), consistent with postural sway being more dependent on vestibular noise when the vestibular contribution to balance is higher. These results have potential implications for vestibular implants, balance prostheses, and physical therapy exercises.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Vestibular feedback is important for postural control, but little is known about the role of tilt cues vs. translation cues vs. rotation cues. We studied healthy human subjects with no known vestibular pathology or symptoms. Our findings showed that vestibular encoding of lateral translation correlated with medial-lateral postural sway, consistent with lateral translation cues contributing to balance control. This adds support to the hypothesis that vestibular noise contributes to spontaneous postural sway