3,406 research outputs found

    Study of cloud properties from single-scattering, radiative forcing, and retrieval perspectives

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    This dissertation reports on three different yet related topics in light scattering computation, radiative transfer simulation, and remote sensing implementation, regarding the cloud properties and the retrieval of cloud properties from satellite-based infrared radiometric measurements. First, the errors associated with the use of circular cylinders as surrogates for hexagonal columns in computing the optical properties of pristine ice crystals at infrared (8-12 µm) wavelengths are investigated. It is found that the differences between the results for circular cylinders and hexagonal columns are on the order of a few percent at infrared wavelengths. Second, investigated in this dissertation are the outgoing broadband longwave and window channel radiances at the top-of-atmosphere under clear-sky conditions on the basis of the data acquired by the Cloud and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) instrument onboard the NASA Terra satellite platform. Based on the comparison of the observed broadband radiances with those obtained from rigorous radiative transfer simulations, it is found that the theoretical results tend to be larger than their measured counterparts. Extensive sensitivity studies regarding the uncertainties of various parameters were carried out. Within the considered uncertainties of various factors, the computed radiances are still larger than the observed radiances if thin cirrus clouds are excluded. Thus, a potential cause for the differences could be associated with the presence of thin cirrus clouds whose visible optical thickness is smaller than approximately 0.3. Third, presented in this dissertation is an illustration of the application of hyperspectral infrared channel observations to the retrieval of the cloud properties. Specifically, the hyperspectral measurements acquired from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) aboard the NASA Aqua platform are used to infer cloud top pressure, effective cloud amount, cloud thermodynamic phase, cloud optical thickness, and the effective size of cloud particles. The AIRS-based retrievals are compared with the counterparts of the operational cloud products derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). The two retrievals agree reasonably well except for the retrieved cloud effective particle size. Furthermore, the diurnal and seasonal contrasts of cloud properties are also investigated on the basis of the cloud properties retrieved from the AIRS data


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    Fluidization XIII: New Paradigm in Fluidization Engineering May 16-21, 2010 Hotel Hyundai, Gyeong-ju, Kore

    Salmonella typhimurium harboring plasmid expressing interleukin-12 induced attenuation of infection and protective immune responses

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    IL-12 is known to be an essential cytokine which appears to provide protective immunity against intracellular bacteria, such as Salmonella. In this study, we investigated the possibility of developing a vaccine using IL-12 against virulent Salmonella. We used the host defense system activated by cytokine IL-12. The highly virulent Salmonella strain (Salmonella typhimurium UK-1) was transformed with cytokine-expressing plasmids. These live, wild-type pathogens were used as vaccine strains without undergoing any other biological or genetic attenuating processes. The newly developed strains induced partial protection from infections (30-40%). Of note, the interleukin-12 transformed pathogen was safe upon immunization with low doses (103 CFU), induced IgG responses, and stimulated protective immune responses against Salmonella Typhimurium in mice (80-100%). These results suggest that IL-12 induced attenuation of wild-type Salmonella in the host infection stage and vaccine development using the wild-type strain harboring IL-12 secreting plasmids may be considered as an alternative process for intracellular bacterial vaccine development without the inconvenience of time-consuming attenuation processes

    Analysis of Content Legibility for Smartphones of Websites of the Korean Urological Association and Other Urological Societies in Korea

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    Purpose: We performed an analysis of the smartphone legibility of the websites of the Korean Urological Association (KUA) and other urological societies. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on the websites of the KUA and nine other urological societies. Each website was accessed via iPhone Safari and Android Chrome, respectively, to evaluate the establishment and readability of the mobile web pages. The provision of Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds by the websites and whether the websites had Twitter and Facebook accounts were evaluated. In addition, a validation test on the web standards was performed by using the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C???) Markup Validation Service, and subsequently the numbers of errors and warnings that occurred were analyzed. Results: When accessed via Safari, two websites were legible, four were somewhat legible, and four were somewhat illegible. When accessed via Chrome, two websites were legible, six were somewhat legible, and two were somewhat illegible. One website provided an RSS feed and two websites managed members via separate Twitter accounts. No website supported mobile web pages. The result of the W3C??? Markup Validation test on 10 websites showed a mean error rate of 221.6 (range, 13-1,477) and a mean warning rate of 127.13 (range, 0-655). Conclusions: The smartphone legibility level of the websites of urological societies was relatively low. Improved smartphone legibility and web standard compliance of the websites of urological societies are required to keep up with the popularity of smartphones

    Difference in the color stability of direct and indirect resin composites

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    Indirect resin composites are generally regarded to have better color stability than direct resin composites since they possess higher conversion degree. OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed at comparing the changes in color (ΔE) and color coordinates (ΔL, Δa and Δb) of one direct (Estelite Sigma: 16 shades) and 2 indirect resin composites (BelleGlass NG: 16 shades; Sinfony: 26 shades) after thermocycling. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Resins were packed into a mold and light cured; post-curing was performed on indirect resins. Changes in color and color coordinates of 1-mm-thick specimens were determined after 5,000 cycles of thermocycling on a spectrophotometer. RESULTS: ΔE values were in the range of 0.3 to 1.2 units for direct resins, and 0.3 to 1.5 units for indirect resins, which were clinically acceptable (Δ

    Influence of HEMA content on the mechanical and bonding properties of experimental HEMA-added glass ionomer cements

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of incrementally added uncured HEMA in experimental HEMA-added glass ionomer cement (HAGICs) on the mechanical and shear bond strength (SBS) of these materials. Increasing contents of uncured HEMA (10-50 wt.%) were added to a commercial glass ionomer cement liquid (Fuji II, GC, Japan), and the compressive and diametral tensile strengths of the resulting HAGICs were measured. The SBS to non-precious alloy, precious alloy, enamel and dentin was also determined after these surfaces were subjected to either airborne-particle abrasion (Aa) or SiC abrasive paper grinding (Sp). Both strength properties of the HAGICs first increased and then decreased as the HEMA content increased, with a maximum value obtained when the HEMA content was 20% for the compressive strength and 40% for the tensile strength. The SBS was influenced by the HEMA content, the surface treatment, and the type of bonding surface (