39 research outputs found

    Haploidy of somatic cells in mouse oocyte using somatic cell nuclear transfer

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    Haploidization in somatic cells is the process of reducing the diploid somatic chromosomes to haploid. Several studies have attempted somatic haploidization using oocytes in mice and humans. Some researchers showed partial somatic haploidization, but none observed embryo development. Our study attempted somatic haploidization using the modified somatic nuclear transfer (SCNT) protocol with various combinations of chemicals or proteins in mice. This study induced the proper segregation of somatic homologous chromosomes and full embryo development in vitro. Furthermore, somatic haploid embryos established embryonic stem cells and produced live births. The current review summarizes this recent study on the success of somatic haploidization and provides an overview of other related studies on somatic haploidization

    Comparison of Complications after Coronavirus Disease and Seasonal Influenza, South Korea

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    We conducted a retrospective cohort study using claims data to determine the number and types of complications from coronavirus disease (COVID-19) that patients experience and which patients are more vulnerable to those complications compared with complications in patients with influenza. Among the cohort, 19.6% of COVID-19 patients and 28.5% of influenza patients had >= 1 new complication. In most complications, COVID-19 patients had lower or similar relative risk compared with influenza patients; exceptions were hair loss, heart failure, mood disorder, and dementia. Young to middle-aged adult COVID-19 patients and patients in COVID-19 hotspots had a higher risk for complications. Overall, COVID-19 patients had fewer complications than influenza patients, but caution is necessary in high-risk groups. If the fatality rate for COVID-19 is reduced through vaccination, management strategies for this disease could be adapted, similar to those for influenza management, such as easing restrictions on economic activity or requirements for close-contact isolation.N