6,822 research outputs found

    Bulk Current Injection Testing of Close Proximity Cable Current Return, 1kHz to 1 MHz

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    This paper presents the results of an experiment examining the percentage of current that returns on adjacent wires or through a surrounding cable shield rather than through a shared conducting chassis. Simulation and measurement data are compared from 1 kHz 1 MHz for seven common cable configurations. The phenomenon is important to understand, because minimizing the return current path is vital in developing systems with low radiated emissions

    Secondary Electron Yield Measurements of Carbon Nanotube Forests: Dependence on Morphology and Substrate

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    Total, secondary, and backscatter electron yield data were taken with beam energies between 15 eV and 30 keV, in conjunction with energy emission data, to determine the extent of suppression of yield caused by carbon nanotube (CNT) forest coatings on substrates. CNT forests can potentially lower substrate yield due to both its inherently low-yield, low-atomic number (Z) carbon composition, and its bundled, high-aspect ratio structure. Rough surfaces, and in particular, surfaces with deep high-aspect-ratio voids, can suppress yields, as the electrons emitted from lower lying surfaces are recaptured by surface protrusions rather than escaping the near-surface region. Yields of multilayered materials can be modeled essentially serially as a combination of the constituents. However, it is shown that suppression of yields due to CNT forest morphology is more significant than simple predicted contributions of homogeneous layered components. This effect is found to be most pronounced at low energies, where the incident electrons interact preferentially with the CNTs. CNT forests between 20 and 50 μm tall were grown on a thick silicon substrate capped with a 3-nm diffusion barrier of evaporated aluminum using a wet injection chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. Yields of an annealed substrate and constituent bulk materials were also investigated. At incident electron energies above ~1200 eV, the substrate secondary yield dominated those of the CNT forests, as incident electrons penetrated through the low-density, low-Z CNT forests, and backscattered from the higher-Z substrate. At lower energies \u3c1200 \u3eeV, the CNT forests substantially reduced the overall yields of the substrate, and for \u3c500 eV CNT forest yields were \u3c1, well below the already low yields of bulk graphite. This suppressed yield at low energies is attributed to the porosity and preferred vertical alignment of the CNT forest. The yield’s dependence on the height and density of the CNT forest is also discussed

    Influence of Vibrationally-Induced Structural Changes on Carbon Nanotube Forests Suppression of Electron Yield

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    Carbon nanotube (CNT) forest coatings have been found to lower electron yield from material surfaces. The suppressed yields have been attributed to both the lower inherent yields of low-atomic number carbon and the enhanced electron recapture resulting from the morphology of the carbon layer. To explore the relative contributions of these two causes of yield suppression, tests have been made on CNT forest-coated conducting substrate samples subjected to vibrationally-induced changes of the coating structure. The extent of vibrationally-induced structural changes—due, for example, to shear-force conditions during space-vehicle transit—are of interest, as CNT have been a frequent topic of scientific curiosity and space applications due to their high tensile strength, high aspect ratio geometry, and unique electromagnetic characteristics. Their use has also been beneficial for sensor equipment, both terrestrial and space-faring, due to their extremely low photon and electron reflectivity

    Suppresion of Electron Yield With Carbon Nanotube Forests: A Case Study

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    Electron emission of carbon nanotube (CNT) forests grown on silicon substrates was measured to investigate possible electron yield suppression due to the composition and morphology of CNT forests. CNT forests are vertically-oriented tubular formations of graphitic carbon grown on a substrate; these have been widely investigated for their extreme properties in optical, electrical, and mechanical aspects of physics and material sciences. CNT coatings are good candidates for yield reduction, in analogy with the near-ideal blackbody optical properties of CNT forests. Carbon with its low atomic number has an inherent low yield due to its low density of bulk electrons. Furthermore, the large aspect ratio of this vertically-aligned CNT allows for easy penetration of the high energy incident electrons, but enhanced recapture of lower-energy secondary electrons due to their wider angular distribution of emission. Total (TEY), secondary (SEY) and backscattered (BSEY) yield curves using 15 eV to 30 keV electron beams, along with energy emission spectra, were acquired for three CNT forest samples to determine the extent of yield suppression of the substrate due to the CNT forests [Wood, 2018]

    Spectral estimates of bed shear stress using suspended-sediment concentrations in a wave-current boundary layer

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    High-resolution time series of suspended-sediment profiles have been obtained using an acoustic backscatter system at an inner shelf site (North Carolina) where flows are dominated by wind-driven currents and waves. We analyzed the spatial and temporal structure of near-bed turbulence in particle-transporting flows and scalar-like fluctuations of suspended-sediment concentrations. An important element of our analysis is a new inertial dissipation method for passive tracers to estimate the shear stress acting on the seabed, using the spectral properties of suspended sediment concentrations observed by acoustic backscatter sensors. In flows that provide adequate separation of the scales of turbulence production and dissipation, a sufficiently thick constant stress wall layer, and significant sediment suspension, frequency (or associated wave number) spectra of near-bed sediment concentration exhibit a -5/3 slope in the inertial subrange that spans frequencies of order 1 Hz. This observation suggests that the suspended sediment is effectively a passive tracer of turbulent fluid motions. Inversion of the relevant, Kolmogorov scaling equations yields estimates of the shear velocity that agree reasonably well with other, independent and widely used measures. High- and low-frequency limits on application of the inertial dissipation method to sediment concentration are related to the inertial response time of sediment particles and the sediment settling timescale. We propose that, in future applications, the inertial dissipation method for passive tracers can be used to estimate either the shear velocity, effective settling velocity of suspended sediment (or equivalent particle size) or dynamic bed roughness if two of these three quantities are independently known

    Ionic Tuning of Cobaltites at the Nanoscale

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    Control of materials through custom design of ionic distributions represents a powerful new approach to develop future technologies ranging from spintronic logic and memory devices to energy storage. Perovskites have shown particular promise for ionic devices due to their high ion mobility and sensitivity to chemical stoichiometry. In this work, we demonstrate a solid-state approach to control of ionic distributions in (La,Sr)CoO3_{3} thin films. Depositing a Gd capping layer on the perovskite film, oxygen is controllably extracted from the structure, up-to 0.5 O/u.c. throughout the entire 36 nm thickness. Commensurate with the oxygen extraction, the Co valence state and saturation magnetization show a smooth continuous variation. In contrast, magnetoresistance measurements show no-change in the magnetic anisotropy and a rapid increase in the resistivity over the same range of oxygen stoichiometry. These results suggest significant phase separation, with metallic ferromagnetic regions and oxygen-deficient, insulating, non-ferromagnetic regions, forming percolated networks. Indeed, X-ray diffraction identifies oxygen-vacancy ordering, including transformation to a brownmillerite crystal structure. The unexpected transformation to the brownmillerite phase at ambient temperature is further confirmed by high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy which shows significant structural - and correspondingly chemical - phase separation. This work demonstrates room-temperature ionic control of magnetism, electrical resistivity, and crystalline structure in a 36 nm thick film, presenting new opportunities for ionic devices that leverage multiple material functionalities
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