215 research outputs found

    Prototype 20 watt solid-state telemetry transmitter, volume 1 Final technical report

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    Design and operational performance of solid state ultrahigh frequency prototype telemetry transmitte

    Coralline algal Mg-O bond strength as a marine <i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub> proxy

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    Past ocean acidification recorded in the geological record facilitates the understanding of rates and influences of contemporary &lt;i&gt;p&lt;/i&gt;CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; enrichment. Most pH reconstructions are made using boron, however there is some uncertainty associated with vital effects and isotopic fractionation. Here we present a new structural proxy for carbonate chemistry; Mg-O bond strength in coralline algae. Coralline algae were incubated in control (380 ÎĽatm &lt;i&gt;p&lt;/i&gt;CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;), moderate (750 ÎĽatm&lt;i&gt;p&lt;/i&gt;CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;), and high (1000 ÎĽatm &lt;i&gt;p&lt;/i&gt;CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;) acidification conditions for 24 months. Raman spectroscopy was used to determine skeletal Mg-O bond strength. There was a positive linear relationship between &lt;i&gt;p&lt;/i&gt;CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; concentration and bond strength mediated by positional disorder in the calcite lattice when accounting for seasonal temperature. The structural preservation of the carbonate chemistry system in coralline algal high-Mg calcite represents an alternative approach to reconstructing marine carbonate chemistry. Significantly, it also provides an important mechanism for reconstructing historic atmospheric CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; concentrations

    Scientism, Humanism, and Religion: The New Atheism and the Rise of the Secular Movement

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    This dissertation examines the New Atheism as a secular fundamentalism that is both a utopian ideology and a social movement. It situates New Atheist thought within the context of the historical development of atheist thought and outlines the features of the ideology it promotes. It also examines the New Atheism’s role in the secular movement through research on major movement actions, campaigns, and debates on goals and strategies. It argues that the New Atheism comes into conflict with two other movement discourses: secular humanism and libertarian rationalism. These ideological conflicts are propelling the movement away from the New Atheism’s aggressive critique of religion toward more a more accommodating and inclusive approach that emphasizes basic humanistic values

    Intraoperative Hypotension in Non-Cardiac Surgery Patients at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center

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    Background Intraoperative Hypotension (IOH) during non-cardiac surgery is a common side effect of anesthesia that is associated with acute kidney injury (AKI), myocardial injury (MI), mortality, and other adverse outcomes1,3,4. These risks increase as the duration and severity of IOH exposure increase3,4. Blood pressure is a modifiable risk factor of mortality and organ damage that can be readily treated by the anesthesia provider2 . Limiting IOH can improve patient outcomes and produce monetary savings5 . The objective of this project is to report the incidence of IOH at a large tertiary teaching hospital, and extrapolate the risks of mortality and organ damage among patients with IOH. This project also identifies IOH risk factors, and reports timing of IOH during surgery. Methods We conducted a retrospective analysis of secondary, observational data at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center (PSHMC) • Eligibility Criteria. Inclusion: patients \u3e18 years of age who received general anesthesia for elective non cardiac surgery from October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018 Exclusion: cardiopulmonary bypass, emergent, cesarean & pediatric surgical populations; persons with blood pressure frequency \u3e5 minutes • Patient demographic and surgical data from electronic medical records were extracted using a REDCap data collection tool • We defined IOH according to absolute mean arterial pressure thresholds described by Wesselink et al., 20184 • Descriptive analyses were conducted to examine baseline demographics, incidence and timing of IOH in the study population • Multivariable analyses using binary logistic regression were performed to examine risk factors associated with IOH ( = 0.5) • The risks of mortality, AKI & MI associated with each IOH definition were extrapolated based upon data from a 2018 systematic review4 • This project was approved by the PSHMC Clinical Innovation and Research Council, and deemed exempt from human subjects research by Providence Health Care institutional review board Discussion At a large tertiary teaching hospital, we found that 24% of our study population experienced IOH associated \u3e 50% increased risk of MI, while 8% and 6% of patients experienced IOH associated with a \u3e2 times greater risk for AKI and mortality, respectively. Female sex, longer case duration, and interventional radiology, cardiology, and plastics service lines were among the top IOH risk factors. 42% of IOH occurred between anesthesia induction and surgical incision, even though that time period only accounted for 19% of the intraoperative time. These findings suggest that up to one-quarter of non-cardiac surgical patients may be at elevated risk for organ damage, and as much as 6% patients may double their risk of mortality due to IOH. Given these risks, anesthesia providers should minimize IOH, and be aware of patient and surgical characteristics associated with higher IOH risk. The period between anesthesia induction and surgical incision may represent a time in which the anesthesia providers can work independently to reduce IOH exposure. Future projects should examine the utility of strategies for anesthesia providers to reduce IOH exposure in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery and reassess incidence rates.https://digitalcommons.psjhealth.org/other_pubs/1117/thumbnail.jp

    On the Links between Microwave and Solar Wavelength Interactions with Snow-Covered First-Year Sea Ice

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    Electromagnetic (EM) energy at solar and microwavelengths will interact with a snow-covered sea ice volume as a function of its geophysical properties. The seasonal metamorphosis of the snow cover modulates the relative distribution of the three main interaction mechanisms of EM energy: reflection, transmission, and absorption. We use a combination of modeling and observational data to illustrate how the total relative scattering cross section (Sigma 0) at microwavelengths can be used to estimate the surface climatological shortwave albedo and the transmitted Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) for a snow-covered, first-year sea ice volume typical of the Canadian Arctic. Modeling results indicate that both 5.3 and 9.25 GHz frequencies, at HH polarization and incidence angles of 20 degrees, 30 degrees, and 40 degrees can be used to estimate the daily averaged integrated climatological albedo (Alpha). The models at 5.3 GHz, HH polarization, at 20 degree, 30 degree, and 40 degree incidence angles were equally precise in predications of Alpha. The models at 9.25 GHz were slightly less precise, particularly at the 40 degree incidence angle. The reduction in precision at the 40 degree incidence angle was attributed to the increased sensitivity at both 5.3 and 9.25 GHz to the snow surface scattering term (Sigma 0 ss) used in computation of the total relative scattering cross section (Sigma 0). Prediction of subsnow PAR was also possible using the same combination of microwave sensor variables utilized in prediction of Alpha, but because subice algal communities have evolved to be low light sensitive, the majority of the growth cycle occurs prior to significant changes in Sigma 0. A method of remote estimation of snow thickness is required to be scientifically useful. Observational data from the European ERS-1 SAR were used to confirm the appropriateness of the modeled relationships between Sigma 0, Alpha, and PAR. Over a time series spanning all conditions used in the modeled relationships, the same general patterns were observed between Sigma, Alpha, and PAR.Key words: microwave scattering models, snow, sea ice, climatological shortwave radiation, photosynthetically active radiation, microwave remote sensingL'&eacute;nergie &eacute;lectromagn&eacute;tique &agrave; des ondes ultra-courtes et solaires va interagir avec un volume de glace de mer couverte de neige, en fonction de ses propri&eacute;t&eacute;s g&eacute;ophysiques. La m&eacute;tamorphose saisonni&egrave;re du couvert nival module la distribution relative des trois grands m&eacute;canismes d'interaction de l'&eacute;nergie &eacute;lectromagn&eacute;tique: r&eacute;flexion, transmission et absorption. On utilise une combinaison de r&eacute;sultats de mod&eacute;lisation et de donn&eacute;es d'observation pour illustrer la fa&ccedil;on dont la coupe transversale totale de diffusion relative (sigma-zero) &agrave; des longueurs d'onde ultra-courtes peut &ecirc;tre utilis&eacute;e pour estimer l'alb&eacute;do climatologique en ondes courtes de la surface et le rayonnement photosynth&eacute;tiquement utilisable (RPU) pour un volume de glace de mer nouvelle couverte de neige, typique de l'Arctique canadien. Les r&eacute;sultats de mod&eacute;lisation indiquent qu'on peut utiliser les deux fr&eacute;quences de 5,3 et 9,25 GHz, ayant une polarisation HH et des angles d'incidence de 20, 30 et 40&deg; pour estimer la moyenne quotidienne de l'alb&eacute;do climatologique int&eacute;gr&eacute; (alpha). Les mod&egrave;les &agrave; 5,3 GHz, ayant une polarisation HH et des angles d'incidence de 20, 30 et 40&deg; pr&eacute;disaient alpha avec le m&ecirc;me degr&eacute; de pr&eacute;cision. Les mod&egrave;les &agrave; 9,25 GHz &eacute;taient l&eacute;g&egrave;rement moins pr&eacute;cis, surtout en ce qui concerne l'angle d'incidence de 40&deg;. La r&eacute;duction de pr&eacute;cision &agrave; l'angle d'incidence de 40&deg; &eacute;tait attribu&eacute;e &agrave; une augmentation de sensibilit&eacute;, aux deux fr&eacute;quences de 5,3 et 9,25 GHz, au terme de diffusion de la surface nivale (sigma-zero-ss) utilis&eacute; dans le calcul de la coupe transversale totale de diffusion relative (sigma-zero). Pour pr&eacute;dire le RPU sous la couche nivale, on a &eacute;galement pu utiliser la m&ecirc;me combinaison de variables de capteurs d'ondes ultra-courtes que celle utilis&eacute;e pour pr&eacute;dire alpha. Mais parce que les communaut&eacute;s d'algues vivant sous la glace ont d&eacute;velopp&eacute; un niveau de photosensibilit&eacute; &eacute;lev&eacute;, la plupart du cycle de croissance se produit avant que des changements importants n'aient lieu dans sigma-zero. Il faut d&eacute;velopper une m&eacute;thode d'estimation de l'&eacute;paisseur nivale par la t&eacute;l&eacute;d&eacute;tection pour que cette m&eacute;thode soit utilisable du point de vue scientifique. On a utilis&eacute; des donn&eacute;es d'observation prises au RALS dans le cadre du ERS-1 europ&eacute;en pour confirmer la pertinence des rapports de mod&eacute;lisation entre sigma-zero, alpha et le RPU. Dans une s&eacute;rie chronologique couvrant toutes les conditions utilis&eacute;es dans les rapports de mod&eacute;lisation, on a observ&eacute; les m&ecirc;mes grandes tendances entre sigma-zero, alpha et le RPU.Mots cl&eacute;s: mod&egrave;les de diffusion d&rsquo;hyperfr&eacute;quences, neige, glace de mer, rayonnement climatologique de courtes longueurs d&rsquo;onde, rayonnement photosynth&eacute;tiquement utilisable, t&eacute;l&eacute;d&eacute;tection des ondes ultra-courte

    The SIMMS Program: A Study of Change and Variability within the Marine Cryosphere

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    This paper describes the scientific context of an experimental program for an eight year study of change and variability within the marine cryosphere in the Canadian Arctic and summarizes the field program since its inception in 1990. The focus is on understanding the process linkages between the atmosphere, cryosphere and ocean at the sea ice interface and in establishing a method by which these processes can be modeled numerically. Remote sensing plays a significant role as a major source of temporally and spatially consistent data in this relatively inaccessible region. In this program, we combine in situ measurement of geophysical characteristics of the sea ice interface, electromagnetic radiation interactions with the interface, and numerical modeling of marine cryosphere processes operating across this interface. Our primary objective is to observe and simulate the mechanisms that may contribute to change and variability. We conclude by proposing a conceptual spatial signature of an icescape as the basis for integration of these processes and illustrate how remote sensing data can be used to identify these functional signatures.Key words: Canadian Arctic, marine cryosphere, remote sensing, atmosphere-cryosphere interactions, snow and sea iceCet article d&eacute;crit le contexte scientifique d'un programme exp&eacute;rimental consistant en une &eacute;tude portant sur une p&eacute;riode de huit ans des changements et de la variabilit&eacute; au sein de la cryosph&egrave;re marine dans l'Arctique canadien, et il r&eacute;sume le programme de terrain depuis sa cr&eacute;ation en 1990. On se concentre sur la compr&eacute;hension des liens entre les processus &agrave; l'oeuvre, &agrave; l'interface de la glace de mer, qui impliquent l'atmosph&egrave;re, la cryosph&egrave;re et l'oc&eacute;an, ainsi que sur l'&eacute;laboration d'une m&eacute;thode permettant de faire une mod&eacute;lisation num&eacute;rique de ces processus. La t&eacute;l&eacute;d&eacute;tection joue un r&ocirc;le important comme source principale de donn&eacute;es coh&eacute;rentes sur les plans temporel et spatial provenant de cette r&eacute;gion relativement inaccessible. Dans ce programme on combine les mesures in situ des caract&eacute;ristiques g&eacute;ophysiques de l'interface de la glace de mer, les interactions du rayonnement &eacute;lectromagn&eacute;tique avec l'interface et la mod&eacute;lisation num&eacute;rique des processus de la cryosph&egrave;re agissant &agrave; cette interface. Notre objectif premier est d'observer et de simuler les m&eacute;canismes qui peuvent contribuer au changement et &agrave; la variabilit&eacute;. On conclut en proposant sur le plan conceptuel une signature spatiale d'un panorama glaciaire comme base d'int&eacute;gration de ces processus, et on illustre la fa&ccedil;on dont les donn&eacute;es obtenues par la t&eacute;l&eacute;d&eacute;tection peuvent servir &agrave; identifier ces signatures fonctionnelles.Mots cl&eacute;s: Arctique canadien, cryosph&egrave;re marine, t&eacute;l&eacute;d&eacute;tection, interactions atmosph&egrave;re-cryosph&egrave;re, neige et glace de me

    Circularity on the periphery: exploring the circular economy in rural and peripheral geographies

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    The prevailing wisdom about the Circular Economy (CE) is that it is a largely technical and industrial endeavour, one that is centred in major urban cores. Recent scholarship has highlighted the need for more critical social sciences research on the topic to illuminate the human and social dimensions of CE. Heeding the call for more social sciences voices in the field of CE research, my thesis offers a qualitative perspective on small-scale stories of circular innovations in the Netherlands and Scotland. In particular, I focus on peripheral spaces in these countries; in the case of Scotland, this entailed an exploration of CE in and around the postindustrial city of Dundee and in the Netherlands, the research was more rural-focused. Drawing on thematic concepts like ethical consumerism, daily practice and institutional/political/social linkages, as well as scholarship focusing on peripherality and the scalar dimensions of sustainability transitions, this work offers an in-depth examination of the complex dynamics that underscore particular CE initiatives. More specifically, my research reveals that CE projects are diverse and site-specific in nature, therefore indicating that a blanket approach to CE is likely to be very ineffective. My findings emphasize the need to examine small-scale circular narratives to better understand what factors facilitate or inhibit their implementation. The smallness of these projects is to their advantage as smaller, peripheral actors are more likely to leverage creativity and innovative thinking, as they do not have to implement their projects across a wide geographical area. Their size also allows researchers to observe more clearly the various dynamics at play. The purpose of such studies is not meant to be didactic, but rather their intention should be to stimulate broader thinking about what the CE can mean across a multiplicity of contexts

    Elements of the Gothic in the Works of Judith Thompson

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    This thesis is an examination of the Gothic elements present in a selection of works by Canadian playwright Judith Thompson. The Gothic genre is marked by continual flux and adaptation, ensuring that its ability to inspire terror, as well as its relevance as a form of cultural critique, remains undiminished. Gothic texts seek to uncover the anxieties and uncertainties that societies would prefer to repress, and then forcing a confrontation with those elements. Frequently this pattern of repression and return takes the form of various kinds of hauntings, as well as the monstrous. As this emphasis on the “return of the repressed” would suggest, psychoanalysis will figure prominently in my analysis of Thompson’s work and is woven throughout the four chapters. Chapter One concentrates on establishing a working definition of the Gothic, its history and development, and the three subcategories of the genre that I will be focusing on in the subsequent chapters: the postmodern Gothic, the feminist Gothic and the Canadian Gothic. All three Gothic subgenres share their affinity for translating late twentieth-century anxieties into the language of the Gothic. They also share a resistance to closure or solutions of any kind, even if such solutions would seem to be advantageous to the author’s putative ideological stance. The works by Thompson I have chosen evidence her preoccupation with postmodern, feminist and contemporary Canadian concerns. She expresses these concerns in a unique style that blends contemporary literary techniques with the more timeless elements of the Gothic tradition

    Spatial and Temporal Variation of Sea Ice Geophysical Properties and Microwave Remote Sensing Observations: The SIMS'90 Experiment

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    In this paper we present results from a sea ice field experiment conducted coincidentally with overflights of orbital and aerial remote sensing instrumentation in Resolute Passage and Barrow Strait, Northwest Territories, Canada. Our principal focus is to describe the spatial and temporal distribution of selected geophysical variables in the context of how microwave energy interacts with this seasonally varying snow-covered sea ice surface. Over the duration of the experiment, snow crystal size, structure, and snow volume salinities changed sufficiently to affect synthetic aperture radar (SAR) scattering; thermal profiles through the snow cover were diurnally driven; ice surface microscale roughness increased due to sublimation of water vapour from the snow pack onto the ice surface; and bulk ice surface; and bulk ice salinities did not change. Results from the SAR data analysis indicate that the geophysical structure of multiyear ice created a larger and more rapid change in the seasonal SAR scattering signature than did the structure for early consolidated smooth first-year ice. These results are considered fundamental to measurement and monitoring of the seasonal evolution of the snow-covered arctic sea ice surface using SAR remote sensing.Key words: snow, sea ice, synthetic aperture radar, seasonal evolution, remote sensingR&Eacute;SUM&Eacute;. On pr&eacute;sente dans cet article les r&eacute;sultats d&rsquo;exp&eacute;riences sur le terrain portant sur la glace marine, men&eacute;es paralltAernent &agrave; des survols d&rsquo;appareils de t&eacute;l&eacute;d&eacute;tection en orbite ou a&eacute;roport&eacute;s, dans la baie Resolute et le d&eacute;troit de Barrow (Territoires du Nord-Ouest). Notre objectif principalest de d&eacute;crire la distribution spatiale et temporelle de variables g&eacute;ophysiques choisies, en consid&eacute;rant la fa&ccedil;on dont l&rsquo;&eacute;nergie micro-onde r&eacute;agit avec la surface de glace marine couverte de neige et qui varie avec les saisons. Pendant la dur&eacute;e des exp&eacute;riences, la taille des cristaux de neige, leur structure et la salinit&eacute; du volume nival ont chang&eacute; suffisamment pour influer sur la diffusion du radar &agrave; antenne synth&eacute;tique (RAAS); les profils thermiques &agrave; travers le couvert nival suivaient un rythme diurne; la rugosit&eacute; &agrave; petite &eacute;chelle de la surface de la glace augmentait par suite de la sublimation de la vapeur d&rsquo;eau venant de la neige qui y &eacute;tait accumul&eacute;e; et la salinit&eacute; de la masse de glace n&rsquo;&eacute;tait pas modifi&eacute;e. Les r&eacute;sultats de l&rsquo;analyse des donn&eacute;es recueillies avec le RAAS montrent que la structure g&eacute;ophysique de la glace de plusieurs ann&eacute;es cr&eacute;ait un changement plus important et plus rapide dans la signature saisonni&egrave;re de la diffusion du RAAS, que ne le faisait la structure de la glace lisse de l&rsquo;ann&eacute;e r&eacute;cemment consolid&eacute;e. On pense que ces r&eacute;sultats sont tr&egrave;s importants pour les mesures et la surveillance, &agrave; l&rsquo;aide de la t&eacute;l&eacute;d&eacute;tection au RAAS, de l&rsquo;&eacute;volution saisonni&egrave;re de la surface de la glace marine arctique recouverte de neige.Mots cl&eacute;s: neige, glace marine, radar &agrave; antenne synth&eacute;tique, &eacute;volution saisonni&egrave;re. t&eacute;l&eacute;d&eacute;tectio

    Graduate Student and Instructor Engagement in Course-Based Qualitative Research: A Case Study

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    This case study explores the lived experiences of two graduate students and two university instructors in a course-based qualitative research project. The course design was a research methods course that focused on qualitative research and analysis and provided a vehicle for the instructors to reflect on their experiences and the students\u27 experience of the cognitive and affective demands implicit in the assigned tasks. Findings indicate that development of student research skills is enhanced through student engagement in a real-world research project. This authentic learning experience, although stressful and overwhelming within the timelines of the course schedule, was instrumental in assisting the students to believe they could move forward with greater independence as researchers
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