230 research outputs found


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    The cucumovirus 2b gene drives selection of inter-viral recombinants affecting the crossover site, the acceptor RNA and the rate of selection

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    RNA–RNA recombination is an important pathway in virus evolution and has been described for many viruses. However, the factors driving recombination or promoting the selection of recombinants are still unclear. Here, we show that the small movement protein (2b) was able to promote selection of RNA 1/2–RNA 3 recombinants within a chimeric virus having RNAs 1 and 2 from cucumber mosaic virus, and RNA 3 from the related tomato aspermy virus, along with heterologous 2b genes. The source of the 2b also determined the selection of the acceptor RNA and the crossover site, as well as affecting the rate of selection of the recombinant RNAs. The nature of the RNA 3 also influenced the selection of the recombinant RNAs. A 163-nt tandem repeat in RNA 3 significantly affected the rate of selection of the recombinant RNA, while a single nucleotide within the repeat affected the crossover site. The recombination occurred in a non-random manner, involved no intermediates and probably was generated via a copy-choice mechanism during (+) strand RNA synthesis

    Recombination between Polioviruses and Co-Circulating Coxsackie A Viruses: Role in the Emergence of Pathogenic Vaccine-Derived Polioviruses

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    Ten outbreaks of poliomyelitis caused by pathogenic circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses (cVDPVs) have recently been reported in different regions of the world. Two of these outbreaks occurred in Madagascar. Most cVDPVs were recombinants of mutated poliovaccine strains and other unidentified enteroviruses of species C. We previously reported that a type 2 cVDPV isolated during an outbreak in Madagascar was co-circulating with coxsackieviruses A17 (CA17) and that sequences in the 3′ half of the cVDPV and CA17 genomes were related. The goal of this study was to investigate whether these CA17 isolates can act as recombination partners of poliovirus and subsequently to evaluate the major effects of recombination events on the phenotype of the recombinants. We first cloned the infectious cDNA of a Madagascar CA17 isolate. We then generated recombinant constructs combining the genetic material of this CA17 isolate with that of the type 2 vaccine strain and that of the type 2 cVDPV. Our results showed that poliovirus/CA17 recombinants are viable. The recombinant in which the 3′ half of the vaccine strain genome had been replaced by that of the CA17 genome yielded larger plaques and was less temperature sensitive than its parental strains. The virus in which the 3′ portion of the cVDPV genome was replaced by the 3′ half of the CA17 genome was almost as neurovirulent as the cVDPV in transgenic mice expressing the poliovirus cellular receptor gene. The co-circulation in children and genetic recombination of viruses, differing in their pathogenicity for humans and in certain other biological properties such as receptor usage, can lead to the generation of pathogenic recombinants, thus constituting an interesting model of viral evolution and emergence

    Razvoj strategija za izlazak na rusko tržište odabranog poduzeća

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    Pojavom globalizacije dolazi do promjena organizacijskog ponašanja. Trendovi koji mijenjaju poslovnu praksu odnose se na brzi razvoj tehnologije, novi način komunikacije, jaka konkurencija, te promjene u političkoj i ekonomskoj sferi. U prilagodbi tim promjenama, poduzeće Galko d.o.o. pokušava proširiti svoje poslovanje izlaskom na rusko tržište. Problem istraživanja je neiskorišteni kapaciteti u poduzeću Galko d.o.o. Glavni cilj istraživanja je izbor strategija za izlazak na rusko tržište. U ostvarenju glavnog cilja istraživanja podaci su prikupljeni iz sekundarnih (dokumentacija poduzeća, financijski izvještaji poduzeća, vlastiti izračuni, stručna i znanstvena literatura, stručni časopisi, internet izvori i sl.) i primarnih (intervjui) istraživanja. U procesu prikupljanja primarnih podataka koristili su se intervjui s lobistom za rusko tržište, diplomirani ekonomist koji pomaže hrvatskim poduzećima pri ulasku na rusko tržište, direktor izvoza u poduzeću Galko d.o.o., te tri menadžera iz tri hrvatska poduzeća s iskustvom poslovanja na ruskom tržištu (N=6). Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je strateško partnerstvo s ruskim poduzećem najbolja opcija ulaska na rusko tržište za poduzeće Galko d.o.o., čime bi se uočene prepreke svele na minimum. Preporuke daljnjih istraživanja u provođenju strategije ulaska na rusko tržište su izbor strateškog partnera, izrada akcijskih planova za prilagodbe novom načinu poslovanja u Rusiji i permanentna kontrola provedbe odabrane strategije.The emergence of globalization has influenced organizational behavior. Trends that are changing business practices are fast technology development, new ways of communication, strong competition, and changes in the political and economic environment. To adapt to these changes, the company Galko Ltd. is trying to expand its business by entering into the Russian market. The problem statement is unfulfilled the company’s production capacities. The main objective of this research is the strategy choice for entering into the Russian market. To achieve the main objective of the research data were collected from secondary (the company documentation, the company’s financial statements, own calculations, professional and scientific literature, professional journals, internet resources, etc.), and primary (interviews) research. In the process of collecting primary data, interviews were performed with the consultant who provided consulting services to enter the Russian market, ekonomist who helps Croatian comapnies to enter the Russian market, manager fo export in the Galko Ltd. company, and three managers from three Croatian companies with experiences working in teh Russian markets (N=6). The research results showed that the strategic partnership with the Russian company is the best option of entering the Russian market for the Galko Ltd. Company, which would be perceived barriers to a minimum. Recommendations for further research is related to the process of selecting the strategic partner, preparation of action plans to adapt a new way of doing business in Russia and permanent control of the implementation of the selected strategy