4,058 research outputs found

    Predictors of victim disclosure in child sexual abuse: Additional evidence from a sample of incarcerated adult sex offenders

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    The under-reporting of child sexual abuse by victims is a serious problem that may prolong the suffering of victims and leave perpetrators free to continue offending. Yet empirical evidence indicates that victim disclosure rates are low. In this study, we perform regression analysis with a sample of 369 adult child sexual offenders to examine potential predictors of victim disclosure. Specifically, we extend the range of previously examined potential predictors of victim disclosure and investigate interaction effects in order to better capture under which circumstances victim disclosure is more likely. The current study differs from previous studies in that it examines the impact of victim and offense variables on victim disclosure from the perspective of the offender. In line with previous studies, we found that disclosure increased with the age of the victim and if penetration had occurred. In addition, we found that disclosure increased when the victim came from a non-dysfunctional family and resisted the abuse. The presence of an interaction effect highlighted the impact of the situation on victim disclosure. This effect indicated that as victims get older, they are more likely to disclose the abuse when they are not living with the offender at the time of abuse, but less likely to do so when they are living with the offender at the time of abuse. These findings are discussed in relation to previous studies and the need to facilitate victim disclosure

    Influence of diesel surrogates on the behavior of simplified spray models

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    Numerous experimental investigations make use of diesel surrogates to make the computational time reasonable. In the few studies where measured (surrogate and real diesel) and computed (surrogate only) results have been compared, the selection methodology for the surrogate constituent compounds and the measures taken to validate the chemical kinetic models are not discussed, and the range of operating conditions used is often small. Additionally, most simplified models use tuning variables to fit model results to measurements. This work makes the comparison between some frequently used diesel surrogates using a simple 1D vaporizing spray model, with the spray cone angle as the tuning parameter. Results show that liquid length and fuel fraction strongly depend on the physical properties of the used fuel for a fixed spray angle. These parameters are important for modeling auto-ignition and pollutant formation. The spray angle is varied till the spray length is the same for each surrogate. Results show important differences between other spray parameters such as local mixture fraction and axial velocity

    Situational Precipitators and Interactive Forces in Sexual Crime Events Involving Adult Offenders

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    We investigated the role of situational precipitators in sexual offenses in relation to the use of physical force by offenders, penetration of the victim, and physical injuries to the victim. We used self-report data obtained from a Canadian sample of 553 incarcerated adult male sexual offenders. All data used in this study were gathered through a semi-structured interview conducted with each participant. First, we found that 75.8% of sexual crime events were somehow precipitated, or characterized, by the presence of precipitators before crime. Second, the relationship between each precipitator and the type of offense was statistically significant except for one precipitator. Third, although a number of precipitators were associated with the dependent variables, we also found two interaction effects that illuminated the complexity of the role of precipitators in sexual offenses. Interaction analysis can increase our understanding of sexual crime events and better inform prevention practices, such as relapse prevention

    Experimental and modeling study of the autoignition of 1-hexene/iso-octane mixtures at low temperatures

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    Autoignition delay times have been measured in a rapid compression machine at Lille at temperatures after compression from 630 to 840 K, pressures from 8 to 14 bar, \Phi = 1 and for a iso octane/1 hexene mixture containing 82% iso-octane and 18% 1 hexene. Results have shown that this mixture is strongly more reactive than pure iso-octane, but less reactive than pure 1 hexene. It exhibits a classical low temperature behaviour, with the appearance of cool flame and a negative temperature coefficient region. The composition of the reactive mixture obtained after the cool flame has also been determined. A detailed kinetic model has been obtained by using the system EXGAS, developed in Nancy for the automatic generation of kinetic mechanisms, and an acceptable agreement with the experimental results has been obtained both for autoignition delay times and for the distribution of products. A flow rate analysis reveals that the crossed reactions between species coming from both reactants (like H-abstractions or combinations) are negligible in the main flow consumption of the studied hydrocarbons. The ways of formation of the main primary products observed and the most sensitive rate constants have been identified

    Sistema de Balanço Hídrico: manual do desenvolvedor.

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    O Sistema Balanço Hídrico, elaborado pela Unidade, completa o Sistema AgroCast desenvolvido e divulgado pela Agência Estado. O AgroCast disponibiliza diversas informações para o AgroNegócio, como commodities, previsão de tempo, taxas etc. Já o sistema desenvolvido pela Unidade, disponibiliza na internet dados sobre o Balanço Hídrico para diversos estados de São Paulo, com a possibilidade de gerar dados especificamente para os tipos de solos existente na região.bitstream/item/116952/1/898.PD

    Noncompleted Sexual Offenses: Internal States, Risks and Difficulties Related to Crime Commission through the Lens of Sexual Offenders

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    The study aims to generate insights from sexual offenders on the influence of internal states and how they perceive risks of apprehension and difficulties in the context of noncompleted sexual offenses, that is when offenders initiated the offense but were stopped or discouraged either before or during sexual contact. Adult males incarcerated for sexually offending completed a self-report questionnaire. Regression models, including interaction effects, were estimated. Two interaction effects were found providing insights into which and how internal states, such as intoxication to alcohol, may influence perceived difficulties related to crime. Future research should promote the investigation of noncompleted sexual offenses, which could provide a real opportunity to generate new or complementary insights for better understanding and guiding prevention initiatives

    Yang-Mills Interactions and Gravity in Terms of Clifford Algebra

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    A model of Yang-Mills interactions and gravity in terms of the Clifford algebra Cl(0,6) is presented. The gravity and Yang-Mills actions are formulated as different order terms in a generalized action. The feebleness of gravity as well as the smallness of the cosmological constant and theta terms are discussed at the classical level. The invariance groups, including the de Sitter and the Pati-Salam SU(4) subgroups, consist of gauge transformations from either side of an algebraic spinor. Upon symmetry breaking via the Higgs fields, the remaining symmetries are the Lorentz SO(1,3), color SU(3), electromagnetic U(1)_EM, and an additional U(1). The first generation leptons and quarks are identified with even and odd parts of spinor idempotent projections. There are still several shortcomings with the current model. Further research is needed to fully recover the standard model results.Comment: 20 pages, to appear in Advances in Applied Clifford Algebra

    Mathisson-Papapetrou equations in metric and gauge theories of gravity in a Lagrangian formulation

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    We present a simple method to derive the semiclassical equations of motion for a spinning particle in a gravitational field. We investigate the cases of classical, rotating particles (pole-dipole particles), as well as particles with intrinsic spin. We show that, starting with a simple Lagrangian, one can derive equations for the spin evolution and momentum propagation in the framework of metric theories of gravity and in theories based on a Riemann-Cartan geometry (Poincare gauge theory), without explicitly referring to matter current densities (spin and energy-momentum). Our results agree with those derived from the multipole expansion of the current densities by the conventional Papapetrou method and from the WKB analysis for elementary particles.Comment: 28 page