19 research outputs found

    Min-Jun Huh (éd.), Introduction générale à la philosophie chez les commentateurs néoplatoniciens

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    Cette publication bienvenue fait lumière sur la littérature tardo-antique des prolégomènes : introductions à la philosophie, aux corpus d’Aristote (en part. l’Organon) et Platon, ou aux œuvres de ces corpus. Le livre est ainsi composé : présentation ; cinq articles arrangés chronologiquement ; abréviations ; bibliographie (p. 185-205). On regrettera l’absence d’index. Le titre de l’ouvrage sonne curieusement, comme s’il était une introduction à la philosophie néoplatonicienne plutôt qu’une ét..

    Wilhelm Kroll, Discours sur les oracles chaldaĂŻques

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    (Toutes références données aux pages de la traduction, et non de l’œuvre originale traduite). Plus d’un siècle après sa première parution (Breslau 1894), la dissertation latine de W. Kroll (ci-après : K.), ouvrage majeur qui fit accéder l’étude des Oracles chaldaïques (ci-après : OC) à un statut scientifique, trouve une seconde naissance à travers la traduction donnée par H. D. Saffrey (ci-après : S.). Cette entreprise, aussi bien, constitue un hommage d’un savant d’une longévité exceptionnel..

    French Roadmap for complex Systems 2008-2009

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    This second issue of the French Complex Systems Roadmap is the outcome of the Entretiens de Cargese 2008, an interdisciplinary brainstorming session organized over one week in 2008, jointly by RNSC, ISC-PIF and IXXI. It capitalizes on the first roadmap and gathers contributions of more than 70 scientists from major French institutions. The aim of this roadmap is to foster the coordination of the complex systems community on focused topics and questions, as well as to present contributions and challenges in the complex systems sciences and complexity science to the public, political and industrial spheres

    Aircraft Numerical "Twin": A Time Series Regression Competition

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    International audienceThis paper presents the design and analysis of a data science competition on a problem of time series regression from aeronautics data. For the purpose of performing predictive maintenance, aviation companies seek to create aircraft "numerical twins", which are programs capable of accurately predicting strains at strategic positions in various body parts of the aircraft. Given a number of input parameters (sensor data) recorded in sequence during the flight, the competition participants had to predict output values (gauges), also recorded sequentially during test flights, but not recorded during regular flights. The competition data included hundreds of complete flights. It was a code submission competition with complete blind testing of algorithms. The results indicate that such a problem can be effectively solved with gradient boosted trees, after preprocessing and feature engineering. Deep learning methods did not prove as efficient

    Order and variation : essay on Iamblichus’ system

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    Cette thèse se propose de donner une synthèse générale du système du néoplatonicien Jamblique de Chalcis, acteur important de l’évolution de la métaphysique grecque durant l’âge antique tardif. Elle reconstruit tour à tour sa doctrine psychologique, sa hiérarchie des êtres et quelques-uns de ses concepts fondamentaux, en mettant l’accent sur l’histoire des idées entre le fondateur de l’école, Plotin, et la naissance de l’école néoplatonicienne d’Athènes. L’ensemble des œuvres laissées par Jamblique est exploité, ainsi que les quelque 800 fragments et témoignages sur sa vie et sa doctrine laissés par les auteurs postérieurs. Les influences subies sont analysées et replacées en contexte : néoplatonisme de Plotin et Porphyre, qui donne à Jamblique les principaux niveaux de son ontologie, qu’il analyse et fractionne ; médio-platonisme, dont le néoplatonisme hérite des topiques philosophiques ; aristotélisme, qui lègue une conception dynamique de l’âme et une hiérarchie des puissances cognitives consacrant la transcendance de l’intellect ; pythagorisme, qui permet à Jamblique de concevoir les mathématiques comme un langage valable pour la description de toutes les parties de la philosophie. Par l’ampleur de son œuvre ainsi que l’originalité et la fermeté des solutions apportées aux problèmes traités, Jamblique crée une synthèse puissante qui sert de base doctrinale aux écoles néoplatoniciennes tardives d’Athènes et Alexandrie, et est profondément représentative d’un âge théocentrique, où l’âme humaine n’est qu’un principe dérivé, qui doit prendre sa place dans l’ordre universel des choses : une métaphysique de l’unité, reposant sur la dualité dynamique de l’ordre et de sa variation.This thesis strives to provide modern research with a synthesis of the system of Iamblichus of Chalcis, an important figure in the development of later Greek metaphysics. It reconstructs in turn his psychology, his hierarchy of being and some of his most basic concepts and philosophical laws, with a stress on the continuity between Plotinus, founder of the Neoplatonic school, and the beginnings of the school of Athens. The whole of Iamblichus’ body of work is exploited, as well as the 800 fragments and testimonia on his life and doctrine handed down to us by later authors. Influences received are analysed and set in context: Plotinus’ and Porphyry’s Neoplatonism, which provides the general levels of reality which Iamblichus tried to analyse and enrich; Middle Platonism, whose topics are debated in Neoplatonism; Aristotelianism, which accounts for a dynamic conception of the human soul and a hierarchy of cognitive powers beginning with the transcendent Intellect; Pythagoreanism, which allows Iamblichus to depict mathematics as a universal language, able to take the mark of all parts of philosophy. By the scope of his work and the originality and neatness of the solutions he provided to problems which nascent Neoplatonism had to confront, Iamblichus is able to create a powerful synthesis which acts as a doctrinal basis for the later schools of Athens and Alexandria: it is profoundly representative of a theocentric era, in which human soul is but a derived principle that has to keep its place in the grand scheme of being. It is a metaphysics of unity, founded on the dual dynamic of order and variation

    Commentaire sur les vers d'or des Pythagoriciens ; suivi de, Traité sur la providence /

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    Includes bibliographical references (pages 249-302) and indexes

    Plasticity in memristive devices for spiking neural networks

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    Memristive devices present a new device technology allowing for the realization of compact non-volatile memories. Some of them are already in the process of industrialization. Additionally, they exhibit complex multilevel and plastic behaviors, which make them good candidates for the implementation of artificial synapses in neuromorphic engineering. However, memristive effects rely on diverse physical mechanisms, and their plastic behaviors differ strongly from one technology to another. Here, we present measurements performed on different memristive devices and the opportunities that they provide. We show that they can be used to implement different learning rules whose properties emerge directly from device physics: real time or accelerated operation, deterministic or stochastic behavior, long term or short term plasticity. We then discuss how such devices might be integrated into a complete architecture. These results highlight that there is no unique way to exploit memristive devices in neuromorphic systems. Understanding and embracing device physics is the key for their optimal use

    The high protein expression of FOXO3, but not that of FOXO1, is associated with markers of good prognosis

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    To better define the role of FOXO1 and FOXO3 transcriptional factors in breast carcinogenesis, we performed a comparative study of their expression at both the RNA and protein levels in a series of human breast tumors. We used qRT-PCR assay to quantify mRNA expression and Reverse Phase Protein Arrays (RPPA) to quantify protein expression in 218 breast tumors from patients with known clinical/pathological status and outcome. Weak correlations were observed between mRNA and protein expressions for both FOXO1 and FOXO3 genes. High expression of FOXO3 protein, but not FOXO1 protein, was a good prognostic marker, negatively correlated with KI67 and markers of activity of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR oncogenic pathway, and positively correlated with p53, a marker of apoptosis. Moreover, FOXO3 protein expression, but not FOXO1 protein expression, was also negatively correlated with various proteins involved in different DNA repair mechanisms. FOXO3 protein, but not FOXO1 protein, appears to be a tumor suppressor that inhibits breast cancer by altering DNA damage response (DDR), thereby inducing p53-dependent apoptosis. This antitumor effect appears to be suppressed by excessive activity of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway. High FOXO3 protein expression could be a biomarker of deficient DDR in breast tumors

    Platon et la politique

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    La réflexion politique de Platon n'en finit pas de susciter les débats, de Popper à Badiou en passant par Foucault ou Rancière. Dans ce volume, on cherche à comprendre les positions et analyses politiques de Platon dans leur contexte mais aussi du point de vue des débats contemporains. Comment Platon s’inspire-t-il de la politique de son temps comme la conception homérique du chef comme « pasteur d’hommes » ou les pratiques de colonisation grecques ? Peut-on défendre le « communisme » platonicien contre les critiques d’Aristote ? Comment la cité platonicienne se construit-elle par l’exclusion d’hommes « incurables »