366 research outputs found

    Fast E-sail Uranus entry probe mission

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    The electric solar wind sail is a novel propellantless space propulsion concept. According to numerical estimates, the electric solar wind sail can produce a large total impulse per propulsion system mass. Here we consider using a 0.5 N electric solar wind sail for boosting a 550 kg spacecraft to Uranus in less than 6 years. The spacecraft is a stack consisting of the electric solar wind sail module which is jettisoned roughly at Saturn distance, a carrier module and a probe for Uranus atmospheric entry. The carrier module has a chemical propulsion ability for orbital corrections and it uses its antenna for picking up the probe's data transmission and later relaying it to Earth. The scientific output of the mission is similar to what the Galileo Probe did at Jupiter. Measurements of the chemical and isotope composition of the Uranian atmosphere can give key constraints to different formation theories of the Solar System. A similar method could also be applied to other giant planets and Titan by using a fleet of more or less identical probes.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, Meudon Uranus workshop (Sept 16-18, 2013) special issue of Planetary and Space Scienc

    The Huygens Mission to Titan: Overview and Status

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    A general overview and status of the Huygens Mission to Titan is presented

    Cassini: Mission to Saturn and Titan

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    The Cassini Mission to Saturn and Titan represents an important step into the exploration of the outerplanets. It will expand on the flyby encounters of Pioneer and Voyager and parallel the detailed exploration of the Jupiter system to be accomplished by the Galileo Mission. By continuing the study of the two giant planets and enabling detailed comparisons of their structure and behavior, Cassini will provide a tremendous insight into the formation and evolution of the solar system. In addition, by virtue of its focus on the Saturnian satellite Titan, Cassini will return detailed data on an environment whose atmospheric chemistry may resemble that of the primitive Earth. The scientific objectives can be divided into five categories: Titan, Saturn, rings, icy satellites, and magnetospheres. The key area of interest to exobiologists is Titan; the other four scientific categories will be discussed briefly to provide a comprehensive overview of the Cassini Mission

    Huygens attitude reconstruction based on flight engineering parameters

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    Huygens is ESA’s main contribution to the joint NASA/ESA/ASI Cassini/Huygens mission to Saturn and its largest moon Titan. The Probe, delivered to the interface altitude of 1270 km above the surface by NASA/JPL Cassini orbiter, entered the dense atmosphere of Titan on 14 January 2005 and landed on the surface after a descent under parachute of slightly less than 2.5 hours. Huygens continued to function after landing for more than 3 hours. Data was transmitted and successfully recovered by Cassini continuously during the parachute descent and for 72 minutes on the surface. Although the Huygens attitude reconstruction based on the flight engineering parameters was not foreseen during the development phase (no gyros were included), a rough descent under parachute and indications of an anomaly in the probe spin direction make the engineering dataset valuable in the frame of the ADRS (Huygens Attitude Determination and Reconstruction Subgroup) as a complement to the scientific measurements. In addition, several scientific teams have a strong interest in understanding the orientation of the probe for interpreting their data, as DISR (Descent Imager and Spectral Radiometer) and HASI-PWA (Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument-Permeability, Wave and Altimetry). In this paper we describe the engineering parameters used for the Probe attitude reconstruction (Clausen et al., 2002), namely the radio link AGC (Automatic Gain Control), RASU and CASU (Radial and Central Accelerometer Sensor Units) and RAU (Radar Altimeter Unit). We explain the methodology applied to indirectly infer the attitude information from the measurements of these sensors. We also discuss and present the reconstructed information related to attitude: spin rate and azimuthal position (during the atmospheric descent), and landing orientation. Tip and tilt implications are still being worked at the time of writing. Preliminary data on their behavior is presented

    vanA in Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis, and Enterococcus casseliflavus detected in French cattle.

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    The goal of this study was to assess the presence of enterococci species presenting van-mediated glycopeptide resistance in French cattle. Fecal samples were collected from healthy and sick animals, and enterococci were screened for vancomycin resistance. Vancomycin resistance was principally encountered in Enterococcus gallinarum and Enterococcus casseliflavus strains. However, glycopeptide resistance was detected in three different species of enterococci (E. faecalis, E. faecium, and E. casseliflavus). Molecular characterization of the genetic support proved that they all presented the prototypic VanA element. Interestingly, the E. casseliflavus strain displayed a remarkable VanB phenotype/vanA-vanC genotype. Transferability, associated resistances, and factors of vanA cotransfer were sought. This study proved that acquired vanA genes can still be detected in food-producing animals more than a decade after the avoparcin ban. Indeed, calves, which are recurrently exposed to antibiotics in France, may allow the re-emergence of glycopeptide resistance through coselection factors, and this might potentially be concerning for human health

    A proposed bare tether experiment on board a sounding rocket

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    A sounding rocket experiment is proposed to carry out two experiments by the conductive bare-tether; 1) the test of the OML (Orbital-Motion-Limited) theory to collect electron, and II) the test of techniques to determine (neutral) density profile in critical E-layer. The main driver of the mission is provide a space tether technology experiment in low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) deploying a long tape tether in space and verify the performance of the bare electrodynamic tape tether. The sounding rocket experiment will show no danger to other satellites as the tether missions YES1, SEDSAT, and ProCEDS, which is cancelled just for afraid of collision with the ISS orbit. Also, the sounding rocket mission is possible to demonstrate the bare tether technology in low cost, simple mission concept, fast realization for space structures. The present sounding rocket experiment is expected to be the first conductive bare tether experiment

    Using Schumann Resonance Measurements for Constraining the Water Abundance on the Giant Planets - Implications for the Solar System Formation

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    The formation and evolution of the Solar System is closely related to the abundance of volatiles, namely water, ammonia, and methane in the protoplanetary disk. Accurate measurement of volatiles in the Solar System is therefore important to understand not only the nebular hypothesis and origin of life but also planetary cosmogony as a whole. In this work, we propose a new, remote sensing technique to infer the outer planets water content by measuring Tremendously and Extremely Low Frequency (TLF-ELF) electromagnetic wave characteristics (Schumann resonances) excited by lightning in their gaseous envelopes. Schumann resonance detection can be potentially used for constraining the uncertainty of volatiles of the giant planets, mainly Uranus and Neptune, because such TLF-ELF wave signatures are closely related to the electric conductivity profile and water content

    HD 172555: Detection of 63 μ m [OI] emission in a debris disc

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    Astronomy and Astrophysics 546 (2012): L8 Reproduced with permission from Astronomy & AstrophysicsContext. HD 172555 is a young A7 star belonging to the β Pictoris moving group that harbours a debris disc. The Spitzer/IRS spectrum of the source showed mid-IR features such as silicates and glassy silica species, indicating the presence of a warm dust component with small grains, which places HD 172555 among the small group of debris discs with such properties. The IRS spectrum also shows a possible emission of SiO gas. Aims. We aim to study the dust distribution in the circumstellar disc of HD 172555 and to asses the presence of gas in the debris disc. Methods. As part of the GASPS open time key programme, we obtained Herschel/PACS photometric and spectroscopic observations of the source.We analysed PACS observations of HD 172555 and modelled the spectral energy distribution with a modified blackbody and the gas emission with a two-level population model with no collisional de-excitation. Results. We report for the first time the detection of [OI] atomic gas emission at 63.18 μm in the HD 172555 circumstellar disc. We detect excesses due to circumstellar dust toward HD 172555 in the three photometric bands of PACS (70, 100, and 160 μm).We derive a large dust particle mass of (4.8 ± 0.6) × 10−4 M⊕ and an atomic oxygen mass of 2.5 × 10−2R2 M⊕, where R in AU is the separation between the star and the inner disc. Thus, most of the detected mass of the disc is in the gaseous phaseThis research has been funded by Spanish grants AYA 2010-21161-C02-02, CDS2006-00070 and PRICIT-S2009/ESP-1496. J.-C. Augereau and J. Lebreton thank the ANR (contract ANR-2010 BLAN-0505-01, EXOZODI) and the CNES-PNP for financial support. C. Pinte, F. Menard and W.-F. Thi acknowledges funding from the EU FP7-2011 under Grant Agreement nr. 284405. G. Meeus is supported by RYC-2011-07920. G. Meeus, C. Eiroa, I. Mendigutía and B. Montesinos are partly supported by AYA-2011-26202. F.M. acknowledges support from the Millennium Science Initiative (Chilean Ministry of Economy), through grant ÒNucleus P10-022-F

    A bacterial protein targets the BAHD1 chromatin complex to stimulate type III interferon response

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    International audienceIntracellular pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenesListeria\ monocytogenes subvert cellular functions through the interaction of bacterial effectors with host components. Here we found that a secreted listerial virulence factor, LntA, could target the chromatin repressor BAHD1 in the host cell nucleus to activate interferon IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs). IFN-λ\lambda expression was induced in response to infection of epithelial cells with bacteria lacking LntA; however, the BAHD1-chromatin associated complex repressed downstream ISGs. In contrast, in cells infected with lntAlntA-expressing bacteria, LntA prevented BAHD1 recruitment to ISGs and stimulated their expression. Murine listeriosis decreased in BAHD1+/−^{+/-} mice or when lntAlntA was constitutively expressed. Thus, the LntA-BAHD1 interplay may modulate IFN-λ\lambda-mediated immune response to control bacterial colonization of the host
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