42 research outputs found

    Useful Open Call-By-Need

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    This paper studies useful sharing, which is a sophisticated optimization for ?-calculi, in the context of call-by-need evaluation in presence of open terms. Useful sharing turns out to be harder in call-by-need than in call-by-name or call-by-value, because call-by-need evaluates inside environments, making it harder to specify when a substitution step is useful. We isolate the key involved concepts and prove the correctness and the completeness of useful sharing in this setting

    Low dose responses of different glyphosate formulations on plants

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    Although glyphosate clearly has real and potential commercial uses as a growth regulator at low doses, its main commercial significance has been as an herbicide. An important prerequisite for low dose applications gaining significance is a high efficiency and reliability of effects. This, however, seems to be a major constraint, especially regarding the approach of increasing yield by glyphosate hormesis. Glyphosate is marketed in various formulations, but potential disparities in low dose responses are unknown. Therefore, this study evaluated the expression and reliability of hormetic effects of different glyphosate formulations as a possible means for glyphosate hormesis to be more reliably and sustainably be achieved. Four commercial products sold in Germany (Glyfos, Glyfos Supreme, Glyfos Dakar, and Roundup Speed) were evaluated in germination assays with Lactuca sativa. Experiments were conducted as dose-response assays and evaluated for root length and shikimic acid production. In bioassays with exposure of seeds, none of the commercial formulations induced hormesis, while all formulations showed a similar hormetic effect if methanol pre-treated seedlings were exposed. Evaluating the reliability of the observed hormetic effect showed that the effect could only be reproduced in one out of three repeats independent of the formulation used. Hence, results indicated that in controlled bioassays, the induction of hormesis by glyphosate is independent of the formulation used and requires a preconditioning, although this does not ensure a hormetic effect. Therefore, the reliability of glyphosate hormesis may remain a major constraint for potential practical uses of this phenomenon despite new formulations claiming a safer response.Keywords: Crop enhancement, dose-response, growth stimulation, hormesis, pelargonic acidSubletale Wirkungen verschiedener Glyphosat-Formulierungen auf PflanzenObwohl Glyphosat in niedrigen Dosierungen ein wachstumsregulatorisches Potenzial besitzt, ist seine kommerzielle Bedeutung weitgehend auf den Einsatz als Herbizid beschrĂ€nkt. Eine wichtige Voraussetzung zur Nutzung des Potenzials niedriger Dosierungen, ist eine hohe Effizienz und ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit der Wirkung. Dies scheint jedoch vor allem hinsichtlich der Nutzung hormetischer Effekte von Glyphosat zur Ertragssteigerung problematisch zu sein. Da Glyphosat in verschiedensten Formulierungen vertrieben wird und bisher keine Erkenntnisse ĂŒber mögliche Unterschiede in der hormetischen Wirkung vorliegen, wurden in dieser Studie die Expression und die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit hormetischer Effekte verschiedener Glyphosat-Formulierungen untersucht. Vier kommerzielle Produkte, die in Deutschland vertrieben werden, wurden dazu in Keimtests mit Lactuca sativa geprĂŒft (Glyfos, Glyfos Supreme, Glyfos Dakar und Roundup Speed). Die Versuche wurden als Dosis-Wirkungsversuche durchgefĂŒhrt und Auswirkungen auf die WurzellĂ€nge und den ShikimisĂ€uregehalt wurden erhoben. In Versuchen mit Samen ergab sich bei allen Produkten regelmĂ€ĂŸig keine Hormesis, wĂ€hrend bei Behandlung von in Methanol vorgekeimten Keimlingen alle Produkte einen Ă€hnlichen Hormesiseffekt zeigten. Dieser konnte allerdings unabhĂ€ngig vom eingesetzten Produkt nur in einem von drei Versuchen reproduziert werden. Dies zeigt, dass Glyphosat Hormesis im Biotest mit L. sativa weitgehend unabhĂ€ngig vom eingesetzten Produkt und nur nach PrĂ€konditionierung auftritt, obgleich letzteres keine Garantie fĂŒr das Auftreten von Hormesis gewĂ€hrt. Die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit der hormetischen Wirkung wird deshalb trotz vielfĂ€ltiger Glyphosat-Formulierungen vermutlich auch in Zukunft ein wichtiger Hemmfaktor fĂŒr einen möglichen praktischen Einsatz dieses PhĂ€nomens bleiben.Stichwörter: Dosis-Wirkungsbeziehung, Hormesis, Kulturpflanzenförderung, PelargonsĂ€ure, Wachstumsstimulatio

    Aplicaciones de ĂĄlgebra universal al reticulado de Post

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    El reticulado de todos los clones de funciones booleanas ordenados por inclusiĂłn, mejor conocido como reticulado de Post, es de suma importancia en Ciencias de la ComputaciĂłn en lo referido al problema de satisfacibilidad booleana y su complejidad. En este trabajo se logra describir una de las cadenas infinitas del reticulado de Post mediante la aplicaciĂłn de varios conceptos de Álgebra Universal. Para esto, estudiaremos el reticulado de congruencias de un ĂĄlgebra, las variedades, las ĂĄlgebras subdirectamente irreducibles, el ĂĄlgebra libre de una variedad, las condiciones de Mal'cev y de JĂłnnson, y los clones. AdemĂĄs, se presentan la variedad de las ĂĄlgebras implicativas y las AE-sentencias (sentencias de la forma "para todo existe un Ășnico (conjunciĂłn de equivalencias)"), centrales en el desarrollo de este trabajo. A travĂ©s de las AE-sentencias, estudiaremos el clon de funciones algebraicas y las (sub)clases algebraicamente expandibles. SerĂĄ posible, entonces, describir la cadena infinita de clones comprendidos entre el clon de operaciones tĂ©rmino y el clon de funciones algebraicas del ĂĄlgebra implicativa de 2 elementos (i.e., los clones que contienen a la funciĂłn booleana implica) mediante la demostraciĂłn de un anti-isomorfismo con el reticulado de subclases algebraicamente expandibles de la variedad de las ĂĄlgebras implicativa

    Cyber-Physical-Systems for Fluid Manufacturing Systems

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    Increased volatility continues to challenge the automotive manufacturer's production performance. More than a century after the start of mass production, changeable production systems that allow the flexibility for the economic mass production of customized products have arisen. Limitations on established production systems are driving the development of changeable production systems like the Fluid Manufacturing System (FLMS). In an FLMS, the individual production modules are mobile and consist of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) which can be combined ad-hoc to adapt to changing requirements. By connecting different CPS - e.g., Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) or smart load carriers - adaptable and flexible production will be achieved. This paper presents the first real-world initiation of an FLMS with the design and development of CPS and digital twins for production and logistics at the ARENA2036 research campus

    Une dissection de l'appel-par-nécessité par la personnalisation des systÚmes de multi types

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    In this thesis, we present a quantitative study of the call-by-need lambda-calculus, both from type-theoretical and operational standpoints.Type-theoretically speaking, we derive several multi type systems—a non-idempotent variant of intersection types. Each of them targets a certain (increasingly more complex) notion of call-by-need reduction, in such a way that typability in the type system is equivalent to normalization in the corresponding version of call-by-need. In each case, the characterization of normalization is tailored to such an extent that we are capable of extracting significant quantitative information on different aspects of the normalization processes—typically, the number of reduction steps to the normal form and the size of the normal form.Operationally speaking, we follow an incremental approach, starting with the weak and closed version of call-by-need, formalized in a calculus with explicit substitutions. Aiming at more general settings, we extend it to the weak and open setting—where terms are potentially open but reduction remains weak—calling it Open CbNeed. Finally, we derive a useful variant of Open CbNeed, called Useful Open CbNeed.The interest in this useful version of call-by-need comes from the complexity theory of the lambda-calculus. It is known that proving the existence of a reasonable time cost model for the strong lambda-calculus—where reduction is allowed under lambda-abstractions—requires the implementation of useful substitutions, consisting in reducing expressions up to a shared normal form while holding back substitutions that do not contribute to its obtention.The literature only contains implementations of useful substitutions in the leftmost-outermost evaluation strategy, the standard evaluation strategy of the lambda-calculus which performs call-by-name reduction. Therefore, Useful Open CbNeed is the first-ever implementation of (all the kinds of) useful substitutions required in a strong call-by-need lambda-calculus. First introduced as a key element in Useful Open CbNeed, useful substitutions are then represented within the Useful Open CbNeed multi type system.Lastly, we derive an evaluation strategy implementing a strong call-by-value lambda-calculus, and further extend the quantitative results concerning the strong setting by deriving a multi type system for this call-by-value strategy. This concerns the quantitative theory of call-by-need in that it is a necessary step towards the development of a strong variant of Useful Open CbNeed, as well as a multi type system for it with the desired quantitative properties.Dans cette thĂšse, on prĂ©sente une Ă©tude quantitative du lambda calcul en appel-par-nĂ©cessitĂ©, du cĂŽtĂ© de la thĂ©orie de types ainsi que de celui de la sĂ©mantique opĂ©rationnelle.En ce qui concerne la thĂ©orie de types, on dĂ©rive plusieurs systĂšmes de multi types — un variant non-idempotent des types d’intersection. Chacun de ces systĂšmes cible une certaine notion de l’appel-par-nĂ©cessitĂ©, de telle façon que le typage Ă©quivaut Ă  la normalisation dans la version correspondante de l’appel-par-nĂ©cessitĂ©. Dans chaque cas, la caractĂ©risation de la normalisation est tellement raffinĂ©e que l’on est capable d’extraire d’informations quantitatives concernant plusieurs aspects du processus de normalisation — typiquement, le nombre de pas de rĂ©duction vers la forme normale et la taille de la forme normale.En ce qui concerne la sĂ©mantique opĂ©rationnelle, on suit une approche incrĂ©mentale, en partant de la version faible et fermĂ©e de l’appel-par-nĂ©cessitĂ©, formalisĂ©e dans un calcul avec des substitutions explicites. En visant le cas le plus gĂ©nĂ©ral, on l’étend vers le cadre de la rĂ©duction faible et ouverte — oĂč les termes sont potentiellement ouverts mais la rĂ©duction reste faible — et on appelle cette stratĂ©gie l’Open CbNeed. Enfin, on obtient un variant utile de l’Open CbNeed, appelĂ© Useful Open CbNeed.L’interĂȘt de ce variant utile de l’appel-par-nĂ©cessitĂ© provient de la thĂ©orie de la complexitĂ© du lambda calcul. On sait que la preuve de l’existence d’un modĂšle de coĂ»t de temps raisonnable pour le lambda calcul fort — oĂč la rĂ©duction peut aller au-dessous des abstractions lambdas — requiert la mise en Ɠuvre des substitutions dites utiles. Ces derniĂšres consistent Ă  rĂ©duire les expressions jusqu’à l’obtention d’une forme normale partagĂ©e, tandis que l’on n’effectue les substitutions ne contribuant pas a son obtention.La literature ne contient d’analyses sur les substitutions utiles que pour la stratĂ©gie d’évaluation leftmost-outermost, la stratĂ©gie d’évaluation standard du lambda calcul, appartenant Ă  la famille de l’appel-par-nom. La prĂ©sentation de l’Useful Open CbNeed est donc la toute premiĂšre analyse des substitutions utiles pour l’appel-par-nĂ©cessitĂ© dans le cadre du lambda calcul fort. PrĂ©sentĂ©es comme un Ă©lĂ©ment clĂ© dans la sĂ©mantique opĂ©rationnelle de l’Useful Open CbNeed, les substitutions utiles sont en suite reprĂ©sentĂ©es dans le systĂšme de multi types de l’Useful Open CbNeed.Finalement, on dĂ©rive une stratĂ©gie d’évaluation pour le lambda calcul fort en appel-par-valeur, et puis on Ă©tend les rĂ©sultats quantitatives du cadre fort du lambda calcul en dĂ©rivant un systĂšme de multi types pour cette stratĂ©gie de l’appel-par-valeur. Ceci concerne la thĂ©orie quantitative de l’appel-par-nĂ©cessitĂ© en tant qu’il est un pas nĂ©cessaire pour la mise en Ɠuvre d’un variant fort de l’Useful Open CbNeed, ainsi que d’un systĂšme de multi types le caractĂ©risant et ayant les propriĂ©tĂ©s quantitatives dĂ©sirĂ©es

    Strong Call-by-Value and Multi Types

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    International audienceThis paper provides foundations for strong (that is, possibly under abstraction) call-by-value evaluation for the λ-calculus. Recently, Accattoli et al. proposed a form of call-by-value strong evaluation for the λ-calculus, the external strategy, and proved it reasonable for time. Here, we study the external strategy using a semantical tool, namely Ehrhard's call-by-value multi types, a variant of intersection types. We show that the external strategy terminates exactly when a term is typable with so-called shrinking multi types, mimicking similar results for strong call-by-name. Additionally, the external strategy is normalizing in the untyped setting, that is, it reaches the normal form whenever it exists. We also consider the call-by-extended-value approach to strong evaluation shown reasonable for time by Biernacka et al. The two approaches turn out to not be equivalent: terms may be externally divergent but terminating for call-by-extended-value