6 research outputs found

    voiceHome-2 corpus - localization and speech enhancement baseline - code

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    Baseline scripts for localization and speech enhancement for the voiceHome-2 corpus, a corpus dedicated to distant-microphone speech processing in domestic environments that is available at https://zenodo.org/record/1252143 and described in the paper N. Bertin, E. Camberlein, R. Lebarbenchon, E. Vincent, S. Sivasankaran, I. Illina and F. Bimbot: VoiceHome-2, an extended corpus for multichannel speech processing in real homes, Speech Communication, Elsevier : North-Holland, 2019, 106, pp.68-78. ⟹10.1016/j.specom.2018.11.002⟩

    Evaluation of an Open-Source Implementation of the SRP-PHAT Algorithm within the 2018 Locata Challenge

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    International audienceThis short paper presents an efficient, flexible implementation of the SRP-PHAT multichannel sound source localization method. The method is evaluated on the single-source tasks of the LOCATA 2018 development dataset, and an associated Matlab toolbox is made available online

    VoiceHome-2, an extended corpus for multichannel speech processing in real homes

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    International audienceWe present a new, extended version of the voiceHome corpus for distant-microphone speech processing in domestic environments. This 5-hour corpus includes short reverberated, noisy utterances (smart home commands) spoken in French by 12 native French talkers in diverse realistic acoustic conditions and recorded by an 8-microphone device at various angles and distances and in various noise conditions. Noise-only segments before and after each utterance are included in the recordings. Clean speech and spontaneous speech recorded in 12 real rooms distributed in 4 different homes are also available. All data have been fully annotated. At last, we provide baseline software for speaker and noise localization, enhancement by source separation, and automatic speech recognition. This corpus stands apart from other corpora in the field by the number of rooms and homes considered and by the fact that it is publicly available at no cost. We describe the corpus specifications and annotations and the data recorded so far, and we report baseline results

    Predator and scavenger movements among and within endangered seabird colonies: opportunities for pathogen spread

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    International audience1. The spatial structure of host communities is expected to constrain pathogen spread. However, predators and/or scavengers may connect distant host (sub)populations when foraging. Determining whether some individuals or populations play a prominent role in the spread of pathogens is critical to inform management measures.2. We explored movements and epidemiological status of brown skuas (Stercorarius antarcticus), the only avian terrestrial consumer native of Amsterdam Island (Indian Ocean), to assess whether and how they could be involved in the spread of the bacterium Pasteurella multocida, which recurrently causes avian cholera outbreaks in endangered albatross and penguin species breeding on the island.3. High proportions of seropositive and DNA-positive individuals for P. multocida indicated that skuas are highly exposed to the pathogen and may be able to transmit it. Movement tracking revealed that the foraging ranges of breeding skuas largely overlap among individuals and expand all along the coasts where albatrosses and penguins nest, but not on the inland plateau hosting the endemic Amsterdam albatross (Diomedea amsterdamensis).4. Considering the epidemiological and movement data, skua movements may provide opportunity for pathogen spread among and within seabird colonies.5. Synthesis and applications. This work highlights the importance of considering the behaviour and epidemiological status of predators and scavengers in disease dynamics because the foraging movements of individuals of such species can potentially limit the efficiency of local management measures in spatially-structured host communities. Such species could thus represent priority vaccination targets to implement efficient management measures aiming at limiting pathogen spread and also be used as sentinels to monitor pathogen circulation and evaluate the effectiveness of management measures.1. La circulation d’agents infectieux dans les populations sauvages peut ĂȘtre fortement contrainte par la structuration spatiale de leurs communautĂ©s d’hĂŽtes. Cependant, de par leurs comportements alimentaires, certains prĂ©dateurs et/ou charognards peuvent connecter des(sous-)populations spatialement Ă©loignĂ©es. Identifier les individus ou populations susceptibles de jouer un rĂŽle prĂ©pondĂ©rant dans la dissĂ©mination d’agents infectieux pathogĂšnes est un Ă©lĂ©ment clĂ© pour la comprĂ©hension, et Ă©ventuellement le contrĂŽle, des dynamiquesĂ©pidĂ©miologiques dans les populations sauvages.2. Dans ce contexte, nous avons suivi les dĂ©placements et statuts Ă©pidĂ©miologiques de labbes subantarctiques (Stercorarius antarcticus), uniques prĂ©dateurs et charognards terrestres aviaires natifs de l’üle Amsterdam (OcĂ©an Indien), afin d’évaluer leur implication dans la dissĂ©mination de Pasteurella multocida, la bactĂ©rie responsable d’épizooties rĂ©currentes de cholĂ©ra aviaire affectant les albatros et gorfous de l’üle.3. Les fortes proportions d’individus positifs Ă  P. multocida par sĂ©rologie et PCR indiquent que les labbes sont trĂšs exposĂ©s Ă  la bactĂ©rie et susceptibles de la transmettre. Par ailleurs le suivi des dĂ©placements d’individus reproducteurs a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que les zones de recherche alimentaire individuelles des labbes se superposent et s’étendent tout le long de la partie de cĂŽte occupĂ©e par les albatros et les gorfous. Au contraire, le plateau central oĂč se reproduit l’albatros d’Amsterdan (Diomedea amsterdamensis), espĂšce endĂ©mique de l’üle, ne semble pas visitĂ© par les labbes en reproduction.4. Compte tenu des donnĂ©es Ă©pidĂ©miologiques et Ă©cologiques prĂ©sentĂ©es les labbes sont susceptibles de contribuer Ă  dissĂ©mination d’agents infectieux au sein et entre des colonies d’oiseaux marins menacĂ©s d’extinction.5. SynthĂšse et applications. Cette Ă©tude met en Ă©vidence l’importance de prendre en considĂ©ration le comportement et le statut Ă©pidĂ©miologique des prĂ©dateurs et charognards lors de la mise en place de programmes de contrĂŽle de dynamiques Ă©pidĂ©miologiques. En effet, le comportement alimentaire de telles espĂšces peut limiter l’efficacitĂ© des mesures locales malgrĂ© l’apparente structuration spatiale des populations affectĂ©e. PrĂ©dateurs et charognards peuvent ainsi reprĂ©senter des cibles prioritaires pour les programmes de vaccination visant Ă  limiter la dissĂ©mination d’agents infectieux pathogĂšnes mais Ă©galement ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s comme sentinelles pour en suivre la circulation et Ă©valuer l’efficacitĂ© des programmes de contrĂŽle

    A French corpus for distant-microphone speech processing in real homes

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    International audienceWe introduce a new corpus for distant-microphone speech processing in domestic environments. This corpus includes reverberated , noisy speech signals spoken by native French talkers in a lounge and recorded by an 8-microphone device at various angles and distances and in various noise conditions. Room impulse responses and noise-only signals recorded in various real rooms and homes and baseline speaker localization and enhancement software are also provided. This corpus stands apart from other corpora in the field by the number of rooms and homes considered and by the fact that it is publicly available at no cost. We describe the corpus specifications and annotations and the data recorded so far. We report baseline results