145 research outputs found

    Complex Velocity Fields in the Shell of T Pyxidis

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    We present spatially-resolved, moderate-resolution spectrophotometry of the recurrent nova T Pyx and a portion of the surrounding shell. The spectrum extracted from a strip of width 10'' centered on the star shows well-known, strong emission lines typical of old novae, plus a prominent, unfamiliar emission line at 6590 Angstroms. This line, and a weaker companion at 6540 Angstroms which we also detect, have been previously reported by Shahbaz et al., and attributed to Doppler-shifted H alpha emission from a collimated jet emerging from T Pyx. We demonstrate that these lines are instead due to [NII] 6548, 6584 from a complex velocity field in the surrounding nebula. The comments of past workers concerning the great strength of HeII 4686 in T Pyx itself are also reiterated.Comment: 8 pages including 2 figures; Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Proposed Schematics for an Advanced Development Lunar Portable Life Support System

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    The latest development of the NASA space suit is an integrated assembly made up of primarily a Pressure Garment System (PGS) and a Portable Life Support System (PLSS). The PLSS is further composed of an oxygen (O2) subsystem, a ventilation subsystem, and a thermal subsystem. This paper baselines a detailed schematic of the PLSS to provide a basis for current and future PLSS development efforts. Both context diagrams and detailed schematics describe the hardware components and overall functions for all three of the PLSS subsystems. The various modes of operations for the PLSS are also presented. A comparison of the proposed PLSS to the Apollo and Shuttle PLSS designs is presented, highlighting several anticipated improvements over the historical PLSS architectures

    Variations on Keeler's Theorem

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    The 2010 Futurama episode The Prisoner of Benda features a mind swapping machine that swaps the minds of two people at a time with the restriction that the same pair of people cannot use the machine more than once. We show that if a machine swaps nn people cyclically with the condition that the same group of people cannot use the machine again, we can find a way to get everyone back. We prove our solution is optimal for when n=3n =3. We also introduce an infinite variant of the mind swapping machine

    The Use of and Interest in Ancient Grains in Northeastern Institutional Kitchens

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    We report on a survey of institutional kitchens in the Northeast, seeking to better understand the extent to which institutions currently use locally produced grain products and what barriers they face in increasing their use of local grain products. We focus additional attention on local, organic grains, and ask specifically about a set of “ancient” grains: barley, einkorn, farro, rye, and spelt. Results indicate that current use of these products is extremely low. Familiarity with the grains in question, both by kitchen staff and their customers, emerges as a first-order barrier to expanding use of ancient grains in institutional kitchens. Additionally, while many of the respondents are open to the idea of substituting ancient grain products for their current grain products (rice, wholewheat flour), limited budgets, uncertainties regarding the procurement process and staff and equipment limitations pose additional challenges

    Senate \u27libelously\u27 labeled by Campus

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    Letter to the editor of The Maine Campus. We feel it necessary to take issue with your recent editorial, entitled, Elected Cowardice. The seven authors of the letter express support for the decision made by the University Senate to deny finding to the Wilde-Stein club and vow, ...if they successfully obtain travel funds, we intend to approach the senate with the idea of one of our classmates and form a Happy Hetero Club, and [ask] for funds to travel [to] prime chick locations