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    International Relations/Trade,

    Elementary Music Teacher Preparation Gaps in Cultural Diversity: Exceptional Populations

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    Despite the extensive coursework and training in teacher preparation programs focusing on diverse populations, many teachers feel underprepared to meet the needs of emerging subcultures in the elementary music classroom. Over the years, the term diversity has grown beyond ethnicity and requires continued study and attention. This qualitative study explores the perspectives of elementary music educators about diverse populations of exceptional students with Other Health Impairments (OHI), defined as asthma, ADD, ADHD, diabetes, epilepsy, heart condition, hemophilia, lead poisoning, leukemia, nephritis, rheumatic fever, sickle cell anemia, and Tourette syndrome, in their classrooms. The results of this study identify the existing and emerging subgroups within elementary music classrooms, expose training deficiencies, and suggest necessary changes and additions to teacher training and development programs. Societal changes lead to the emergence of new subcultures and new music teachers, requiring current and improved training to provide quality music instruction to every student regardless of their background. Elementary music teachers often service the entire student body, sometimes in mixed groupings, creating a unique classroom dynamic requiring comprehensive training. They must understand and train to be able to address every situation possible. This study will expand the music education profession, building highly qualified teachers, programs, and students. This study shows the gap in teacher preparation and provides useful suggestions on how to improve degree programs and continuing education opportunities, creating an inclusive environment. The implications of this study reach beyond the subject of music and music educator training, potentially revolutionizing general education concerning diversity in terms of exceptional students

    Alice Springs Project

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    Molecular Profiling and Antibiotic Resistance of Salmonella Enterica Subsp. Enterica Isolated from Indigenous Ulam and Poultry Meat

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    Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica formed the major group that represents nearly 60% of the salmonellae. Salmonella organisms emerged as a public health problem in many countries as salmonellosis has become the most prevalent foodborne disease worldwide. It has been estimated that approximately 1.4 million cases were reported annually in the developed nations such as USA. In Malaysia, of 8,640 cases of food poisoning reported by the Ministry of Health for the year 1999, 811 (9.4%) were due to Salmonella. The purpose of this study was to characterize and study Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica (S. enterica) using multiple antimicrobial resistance and several molecular typing methods including plasmid profiling, PCR-RFLP, RAPD, ERIC-PCR and Multiplex PCR on antibiotic resistant gene. The isolate were recovered from poultry meat (55), four types of indigenous vegetables namely ‘selom’ (Oenanthe stolonifera) (59), ‘pegaga’ (Centella asiatica) (20), ‘kesum’ (Polygonum minus) (41), ‘kangkong’ (Ipomoea aquatica) (14) and processed food (11).Genomic DNA of the 200 S. enterica isolates belonging to 43 different serovars were recovered from poultry meat, various indigenous vegetables and processed food was confirmed by specific and duplex PCR targeting the iroB gene that yielded 443 bp and 606 bp amplicons. The PCR amplification of iroB gene is a rapid and reliable method for distinguishing between S. enterica and other bacterial species. Plasmids of S. enterica varied in sizes from 2 to more than 200 kb. Despite limited knowledge on their function, their presence is frequently used for strain differentiation in epidemiological studies. Plasmid profiling on the 200 S. enterica isolates demonstrated high discriminatory capability for serovars differentiation in this study that was clustered into 70 groups based on the number and pattern of the bands. One of the amplification based techniques used in this study for molecular characterization was PCR-RFLP that incorporated PCR of iroB1, iroB2 and restriction digest with BglII and AluI to determine the relatedness of bacterial strains. Results obtained showed that PCR-RFLP has excellent typeablity but low discriminatory power due to its inability to produce different banding patterns. ERIC sequences are short, highly conserved 126 bp non-coding regions found in the Enterobacteriaceae. Its location in bacterial genomes allows discrimination at the genus, species and serovars levels. RAPD is an amplification-based technique using arbitrary primers to detect changes in the DNA sequence at the sites in the genome and enable the discrimination of samples according to sources and serovars. Dendrogram of RAPD and ERIC-PCR were analyzed and comparisons made using BioNumerics gel analysis software (Applied Maths, Kortrijk, Belgium). Among the 200 isolates of S. enterica, RAPD with arbitrary primers OPAR02, OPAR17 and OPAR19 generated 47 clusters and 13 single isolates whereas ERIC-PCR with primers ERIC-1 and ERIC-2 produced 46 clusters and 12 single isolates at 60% similarity level with discriminatory index (D) of 0.9726 and 0.9606 respectively. Composite analysis of RAPD and ERIC-PCR profiling simultaneously produced 50 clusters and 18 single isolates at 60% similarity level with highest discriminatory index of 0.9824. These results demonstrated that composite analysis of RAPD (OPAR02, OPAR17 and OPAR19) together with ERIC-PCR are a better tool for differentiation and characterization of S. enterica as compared to a single method approach. The multiplex PCR targeted three different antibiotic resistance genes that was used to detect TEM, PSE-1 and cmlA/tetR genes segment encoding resistance towards ampicillin, chloramphenicol and tetracycline, respectively which could reduce labour and cost in analysis of a large number of isolates. Subsequently antimicrobial resistance was performed using disc diffusion method with a selection of 13 different antimicrobial agents. Total of 66 profiles were generated and multiple antimicrobial resistance (MAR) analysis indicated poultry meat still remains as the main reservoir for multi drug resistant Salmonella. In contrast, six isolates from the indigenous vegetables showed the highest MAR index (0.69). This might be due to animal waste fertilizer, irrigation water, contaminated container and improper handling of food by human that contributed to be the sources of Salmonella contamination of vegetables. Further investigations need to be conducted to determine if Salmonella isolates in recovered from indigenous vegetables were gaining more antimicrobial resistance. The characterization of MAR enabled the determination of antimicrobial patterns and trends in Salmonella from poultry meat and indigenous vegetables in Malaysia. As a conclusion, the results from this study could provide valuable information on the epidemiology and drug resistance trends of S. enterica, and hence contribute towards better surveillance and infection control measures as well as improved public health policy

    Some Parasitic Polyporaceae

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    Up to within the past eight or ten years, very little attention had been paid in America to the study of those forms of fungi causing forest diseases. The reasons are obvious. Previously, the occurrence of a few diseased trees was practically unnoticed, due to the vast area of our forests. But, with the advance of the lumberman in the last decade, the situation has changed, and a demand has arisen among all classes of people for a more economical and rational treatment of the existing forest lands. The diseased trees of the primeval forest were ignored as they were so few in comparison with the sound ones. While now the marked appreciation in the value of timber, cause the timber destroying agencies to become of immediate interest. These silent enemies of the forest are working here and there, not attracting the attention of the casual observer as do the careless habits of the lumberman and the forest fires

    Learn to synthesize and synthesize to learn

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    Attribute guided face image synthesis aims to manipulate attributes on a face image. Most existing methods for image-to-image translation can either perform a fixed translation between any two image domains using a single attribute or require training data with the attributes of interest for each subject. Therefore, these methods could only train one specific model for each pair of image domains, which limits their ability in dealing with more than two domains. Another disadvantage of these methods is that they often suffer from the common problem of mode collapse that degrades the quality of the generated images. To overcome these shortcomings, we propose attribute guided face image generation method using a single model, which is capable to synthesize multiple photo-realistic face images conditioned on the attributes of interest. In addition, we adopt the proposed model to increase the realism of the simulated face images while preserving the face characteristics. Compared to existing models, synthetic face images generated by our method present a good photorealistic quality on several face datasets. Finally, we demonstrate that generated facial images can be used for synthetic data augmentation, and improve the performance of the classifier used for facial expression recognition.Comment: Accepted to Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU

    Critical Cotnponents that Support Learning & Service: Evaluation of Funded Programs

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    Please take a few minutes to complete this external evaluation of your service-learning program funded by the Ohio Department of Education Learn and Service Office. We realize that this is a different type of report; nevertheless it is mandatory. This evaluation is being e-mailed to you as well as being sent by regular mail. The extensive Essential Elements component is part of a national effort. While you may not initially see a connection to your program, we hope that this will eventually become evident