80 research outputs found

    Do patients with advanced breast cancer benefit from chemotherapy?

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    This study aimed to assess the proportion of patients with advanced breast cancer who report benefit from first-line palliative chemotherapy using a simple global measure of wellbeing and to identify factors predicting benefit. A consecutive series of women with advanced breast cancer undergoing first-line palliative chemotherapy was evaluated. The main outcome measure was patient report of overall wellbeing assessed at post-treatment interview. Physical, psychological and functional status were assessed using the Rotterdam Symptom Checklist (RSCL) on three occasions (pretreatment, at the start of the third cycle and post treatment). It was planned that treatment would be discontinued after six cycles (i.e. 18-24 weeks). One hundred and sixty patients started treatment, of whom 155 were assessable for quality of life. After treatment, 41 (26%) patients reported they felt better, 29 (19%) felt the same and 34 (22%) felt worse than they did before treatment. The other 51 (33%) patients either died or stopped attending the hospital before the post-treatment interview and were assigned as treatment 'failures'. Patients who reported feeling better after treatment had improvements in psychological distress (P < 0.0001), pain (P = 0.01), lack of energy (P = 0.02) and tiredness (P = 0.02), as well as improvement in functional status (P = 0.07). Feeling better was also correlated with disease response (P = 0.03). Feeling worse after treatment or treatment 'failure' was predicted by the pretreatment presence of a dry mouth (P = 0.003) and high levels of psychological distress (P = 0.03). Pretreatment lack of energy (P = 0.01), dry mouth (P = 0.02), presence of liver metastases (P = 0.03) and breathlessness (P = 0.03) predicted treatment 'failures'. The results of this study suggest that first-line palliative chemotherapy for advanced breast cancer confers benefit on a substantial proportion of patients, with about one-quarter feeling better after treatment and nearly a half feeling better or the same some 4-6 months after the start of treatment. Factors identified in this study may assist clinicians in deciding which patients should not be offered treatment, because of high risk of feeling worse or treatment 'failure'. This work now needs to be validated on a further cohort of women receiving chemotherapy for advanced breast cancer

    Using assignment data to analyse a blended information literacy intervention: a quantitative approach

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    This research sought to determine whether a blended information literacy learning and teaching intervention could statistically significantly enhance undergraduates’ information discernment compared to standard face-to-face delivery. A mixture of face-to-face and online activities, including online social media learning, was used. Three interventions were designed to develop the information literacies of first-year undergraduates studying Sport and Exercise at Staffordshire University and focused on one aspect of information literacy: the ability to evaluate source material effectively. An analysis was devised where written evaluations of found information for an assessment were converted into numerical scores and then measured statistically. This helped to evaluate the efficacy of the interventions and provided data for further analysis. An insight into how the information literacy pedagogical intervention and the cognitive processes involved in enabling participants to interact critically with information is provided. The intervention which incorporated social media learning proved to be the most successful learning and teaching approach. The data indicated that undergraduate students’ information literacy can be developed. However, additional long-term data is required to establish whether this intervention would have a lasting impact

    Description and consequences of sexual violence in Ituri province, Democratic Republic of Congo

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The war in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has been the subject of numerous studies related to the problem of sexual violence. Historically, such violence is known to be part of strategic war plans to conquer and destroy communities, but it is now unfortunately prevalent in times of relative calm. METHODS: We describe the characteristics and consequences of sexual violence in Ituri province of Democratic Republic of Congo through the retrospective analysis of 2,565 patients who received medical care in the Medecins Sans Frontieres sexual violence clinic in the capital of Ituri province, Bunia, between September 2005 and December 2006. Using a standardised questionnaire, we report patients' demographics, number and status of aggressor(s), forced detention and violent threats among other variables for all patients presenting for medical consultation after a sexually violent event during this period. RESULTS: Ninety-six percent of our cohort were female and 29.3% minors, 18-29 years was the most represented age group. Acts of sexual violence (n= 2,565) were reported to be mainly perpetrated by men with military affiliations (73%), although civilians were implicated in 21% of crimes. The attack was perpetrated by two or more persons in over 74% of cases and most commonly perpetrators were unknown armed males, (87.2%). Male victims accounted for 4% (n=103) of our cohort. Forty-eight percent of our patients reported being attacked whilst performing daily domestic duties outside the home and 18% of victims being detained by their perpetrators, the majority of whom were held for less than 2 weeks (61.6%). CONCLUSIONS: The characteristics of sexually violent acts in Ituri province during this period cannot be simply explained as a 'weapon of war' as described in the literature, meaning the use of sexual violence within a military strategy where it is employed under the orders of a commander to harm a particular community. Whilst the majority of aggressions were by armed men there was an important proportion in which civilian perpetrators were implicated. This type of violence has become part of the general characteristics of violence in this war-torn population. Sometimes, as a means for some military factions to acquire remuneration with impunity and for some civilians, a means to counteract confronting, changing social norms occurring during chronic conflict

    Support for UNRWA's survival

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    The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) provides life-saving humanitarian aid for 5·4 million Palestine refugees now entering their eighth decade of statelessness and conflict. About a third of Palestine refugees still live in 58 recognised camps. UNRWA operates 702 schools and 144 health centres, some of which are affected by the ongoing humanitarian disasters in Syria and the Gaza Strip. It has dramatically reduced the prevalence of infectious diseases, mortality, and illiteracy. Its social services include rebuilding infrastructure and homes that have been destroyed by conflict and providing cash assistance and micro-finance loans for Palestinians whose rights are curtailed and who are denied the right of return to their homeland

    Dividend Stickiness in Japan

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    markdownabstract__Abstract__ The paper describes the introduction of an emphasis on ‘personal security’ in human security thinking and practice, as part of the ultimately unsuccessful attempt to compartmentalize the pursuit of security. It reviews the past twenty years of attention to ‘personal security’: both in compartments that consider organized physical violence or threats to personal safety and property (‘citizen security’), and as parts of more wide-ranging examination of threats to fulfilment of basic needs and rights, for example in comprehensive mapping exercises undertaken in various UNDP Regional and National Human Development Reports or in studies of women’s security. The paper reflects on the complex process of opening-up conventional security thinking and practice, seeking value-added and depth without shrinking into preconceived compartments

    A narrative review of health research capacity strengthening in low and middle-income countries: lessons for conflict-affected areas

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    Abstract Conducting health research in conflict-affected areas and other complex environments is difficult, yet vital. However, the capacity to undertake such research is often limited and with little translation into practice, particularly in poorer countries. There is therefore a need to strengthen health research capacity in conflict-affected countries and regions. In this narrative review, we draw together evidence from low and middle-income countries to highlight challenges to research capacity strengthening in conflict, as well as examples of good practice. We find that authorship trends in health research indicate global imbalances in research capacity, with implications for the type and priorities of research produced, equity within epistemic communities and the development of sustainable research capacity in low and middle-income countries. Yet, there is little evidence on what constitutes effective health research capacity strengthening in conflict-affected areas. There is more evidence on health research capacity strengthening in general, from which several key enablers emerge: adequate and sustained financing; effective stewardship and equitable research partnerships; mentorship of researchers of all levels; and effective linkages of research to policy and practice. Strengthening health research capacity in conflict-affected areas needs to occur at multiple levels to ensure sustainability and equity. Capacity strengthening interventions need to take into consideration the dynamics of conflict, power dynamics within research collaborations, the potential impact of technology, and the wider political environment in which they take place