163 research outputs found

    Ferimento por arma branca impactada na face: relato de caso

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    A região maxilofacial é comumente acometida nos traumas, porém os ferimentos por arma branca em face são raros, acometendo, principalmente, jovens do gênero masculino e vítimas de agressão física. Cuidados em relação à manutenção das vias aéreas, aspectos neurológicos, oftalmológicos e vasculares integram o tratamento interdisciplinar. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em relatar o caso de um paciente do gênero masculino acometido por ferimento de arma branca, com uma faca impactada em região maxilofacial

    Gene tags assessment by comparative genomics (GTACG) : a user-friendly framework for bacterial comparative genomics.

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    Genomics research has produced an exponential amount of data. However, the genetic knowledge pertaining to certain phenotypic characteristics is lacking. Also, a considerable part of these genomes have coding sequences (CDSs) with unknown functions, posing additional challenges to researchers. Phylogenetically close microorganisms share much of their CDSs, and certain phenotypes unique to a set of microorganisms may be the result of the genes found exclusively in those microorganisms. This study presents the GTACG framework, an easy-to-use tool for identifying in the subgroups of bacterial genomes whose microorganisms have common phenotypic characteristics, to find data that differentiates them from other associated genomes in a simple and fast way. The GTACG analysis is based on the formation of homologous CDS clusters from local alignments. The frontend is easy to use, and the installation packages have been developed to enable userslacking knowledge of programming languages or bioinformatics analyze high-throughput data using the tool. The validation of the GTACG framework has been carried out based on a case report involving a set of 161 genomes from the Xanthomonadaceae family, in which 19 families of orthologous proteins were found in 90% of the plant-associated genomes, allowing the identification of the proteins potentially associated with adaptation and virulence in plant tissue. The results show the potential use of GTACG in the search for new targets for molecular studies, and GTACG can be used as a research tool by biologists who lack advanced knowledge in the use of computational tools for bacterial comparative genomics


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    Este trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de um dispositivo alternativo como elemento motivador ao aprendizado de computação e robótica utilizando as placas Raspberry PI e Arduino. São apresentadas as ligações de todo o hardware utilizado para a construção do dispositivo, denominado de Betabot, e também são relatadas as tecnologias utilizadas para a sua programação. Foi desenvolvido um ambiente para a escrita de programas a serem executados no Betabot. Com esse ambiente é possível escrever programas na linguagem de programação Python, utilizando bibliotecas com funções específicas para o dispositivo. Com o Betabot pode-se, por meio do uso de uma webcam e utilizando processamento de imagens, procurar por padrões como rostos, círculos, quadrados e cores. O dispositivo também possui funções para movimentar servos e motores, e capturar valores retornados por alguns tipos de sensores conectados às portas de comunicação. A partir da idealização deste trabalho, foi possível desenvolver um dispositivo fácil de ser manipulado e programado, que pode ser utilizado como apoio ao ensino de computação e robótica


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    Biometric authentication through typing dynamics offers security for more systems, coupled with the traditional login and password, as it associates authentication with biometric factors. This work presents methodologies for biometric authentication performance from the middle of the typing dynamics, techniques for extracting characteristics after capturing the time in which to press and release as keys. The methods used were: Mahalanobis distance classifier (classification and authentication) and Random Forest (classification).A autenticação biométrica por meio da dinâmica da digitação, oferece uma segurança a mais para os sistemas, se associando ao tradicional login e senha, pois associa autenticação com fatores biométricos. Esse trabalho apresenta metodologias para a realização da autenticação biométrica po meio da dinâmica da digitação, utilizando técnicas para a extração de características após capturar o tempo em que se pressionar e soltar as teclas. Os métodos utilizados foram: Classificador baseado na distância de Mahalanobis (classificação e autenticação) e Floresta Aleatória (classificação)

    Identification and analysis of seven effector protein families with different adaptive and evolutionary histories in plant-associated members of the Xanthomonadaceae.

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    The Xanthomonadaceae family consists of species of non-pathogenic and pathogenic γ-proteobacteria that infect different hosts, including humans and plants. In this study, we performed a comparative analysis using 69 fully sequenced genomes belonging to this family, with a focus on identifying proteins enriched in phytopathogens that could explain the lifestyle and the ability to infect plants. Using a computational approach, we identified seven phytopathogen-enriched protein families putatively secreted by type II secretory system: PheA (CM-sec), LipA/LesA, VirK, and four families involved in N-glycan degradation, NixE, NixF, NixL, and FucA1. In silico and phylogenetic analyses of these protein families revealed they all have orthologs in other phytopathogenic or symbiotic bacteria, and are involved in the modulation and evasion of the immune system. As a proof of concept, we performed a biochemical characterization of LipA from Xac306 and verified that the mutant strain lost most of its lipase and esterase activities and displayed reduced virulence in citrus. Since this study includes closely related organisms with distinct lifestyles and highlights proteins directly related to adaptation inside plant tissues, novel approaches might use these proteins as biotechnological targets for disease control, and contribute to our understanding of the coevolution of plant-associated bacteria

    Conservação e crioconservação de sementes do porta-enxerto de marmeleiro ‘japonês’

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    A protocol of quince seedlings production was developed by grafted in the ‘Japonês’ rootstock in the winter (July). As the extraction of the seeds of the ‘Japonês’ is in May and it is demanded nine months to produce the rootstock, there is need to study techniques of seeds conservation to facilitate the seedlings production in the nursery. The present work has the objective to study the viability of the seeds conservation and cryoconservation of ‘Japonês’ quince rootstock. A part of the seeds was sowed immediately and the remaining had the humidity lowered for 14.14%. Part was stratification for 20 days in refrigerator in Petri plates, another part was stored by 3, 6, 9 or 12 months inside of plastic tubes, under 20, 5 ord -12 ºC and the remaining seeds were cryoconserved for 20 days. After the storage, all seeds were stratified, on sowed under Petri plates and placed in B.O.D. We evaluated the percentage of germination to the end of stratification and for more four evaluations spaced seven days. Concluded that it is possible to store the seeds of quince for up to 9 months under the temperature of 20 ºC or for long periods by cryoconservation.Desenvolveu-se um protocolo de produção de mudas de marmeleiro enxertadas no porta-enxerto ‘Japonês’ no inverno (julho). Como a extração das sementes do marmeleiro ‘Japonês’ é em maio e demanda-se nove meses por ano para produzir os porta-enxertos, há necessidade de estudar técnicas de conservação de sementes para facilitar o escalonamento de mudas no viveiro. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a viabilidade da conservação e crioconservação de sementes do marmeleiro ‘Japonês’. Uma parte das sementes foi semeada imediatamente e o restante teve a umidade rebaixada para 14,14%. Parte foi estratificada por 20 dias em geladeira em placas de Petri, outra parte foi armazenada por 3, 6, 9 ou 12 meses dentro de tubos plásticos, sob a temperatura de 20, 5 ou -12 ºC, e as sementes restantes foram crioconservadas por 20 dias. Após o armazenamento, todas as sementes foram estratificadas, semeadas sob placas de Petri e colocadas em câmara tipo B.O.D. Avaliou-se a porcentagem de germinação ao final da estratificação e por mais quatro avaliações espaçadas de sete dias. Concluiu-se que é possível armazenar as sementes de marmeleiro por até 9 meses sob a temperatura de 20 ºC ou por longos períodos através da crioconservação

    Qualitative characteristics of the Longissimus thoracic lumborum muscle of Nellore cattle during different maturation periods

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    The effect of maturation on the physical (pH, color, weight loss on cooking, and shear force) and biological (microbiology, concerning mesophiles and psychrotrophiles, and sarcomere length) characteristics of the Longissimus thoracic lumborum muscle of adult Nellore cattle was assessed over four maturation periods (0, 7, 14, and 21 days) and two cut thicknesses (2.5 and 7.5 cm). Sixty-four Longissimus thoracic lumborum muscles from castrated Nellore males were purchased from Frigorífico Nutrial, Sergipe, Brazil. The study was performed using a completely randomized design, corresponding to a 2 x 4 factorial with eight replicates. The microbiological analysis revealed the sanitary conditions in which the samples were handled and stored, yielding counts of psychrotrophiles (2.18 x 105 CFU g-1) and mesophiles (2.4 x 105 CFU g-1) well below the critical deterioration level (106 CFU g-1). The pH (5.57) and the loss on cooking (24.13%) were not influenced by the evaluated variables (P > 0.05). The other evaluated parameters significantly varied as a function of the maturation period and the cut thickness (both P 0.05). Regarding the b* intensity, the 2.5-cm cut yielded a darker staining at time zero, which decreased with the maturation period. However, the 7.5-cm cut differed between the non-matured and the matured samples. Regarding the red and yellow color of the meat fat (a* and b*, respectively), a* displayed lighter intensity at 7 days of maturation or the 2.5-cm cut (P 0.05). The shear force of the meat decreased to 4.49 kgf at 21 days of maturation. The sarcomere length varied for the 2.5-cm cut (P 0.05). Longissimus thoracic lumborum muscle of adult Nellore cattle should be matured as a larger, vacuum-packed cut for a minimum of 14 days to produce meat with improved quality