124 research outputs found

    Coronelismo: um referente anacrônico no espaço organizacional brasileiro contemporâneo?

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    A partir de Coronelismo, Enxada e Voto, de Victor Nunes Leal (1949) – obra clássica interpretativa do Brasil –, o referente coronelismo vem sendo estudado como uma manifestação singular de poder/autoridade do espaço organizacional brasileiro. Para alguns, entretanto, esse referente se apresenta como uma forma histórica datada de mandonismo, característica do cenário político brasileiro da República Velha. Neste ensaio analisamos a pertinência ou não-pertinência da sobrevivência desse referente no espaço organizacional do Brasil atual. A reflexão aqui formulada postula que o coronelismo tem sobrevivido historicamente no ambiente brasileiro, quer no seu significante transformado coronelismo eletrônico como, ainda, sob outras formas de manifestação. A análise ora proposta revela que as semioses desses referentes linguísticos apresentam os traços semiológicos semelhantes. Como conclusão, postula-se que o referente genérico coronelismo, ao sofrer re-significações ao longo da História, tem-se mantido como forma viva e singular de mandonismo da cultura política organizacional no Brasil

    The importance of prenatal dental care: a concise systematic review

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    Introduction: Prenatal dental care is extremely important, as it requires a series of specific care for pregnant patients. There is a need for specific care with the health of the mouth and informing the patient of essential care for her and her baby's health. Also, the microorganisms that cause these diseases can migrate to the uterus and cause premature births. Several studies show that dental care was considered safe for the mother and fetus throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Objective: To carry out a brief systematic review of the literature to elucidate the main considerations for success during the treatment of oral health in pregnant women. Methods: The research was carried out from May 2021 to June 2021 and developed based on Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, Scielo, and Google Scholar, following the Systematic Review-PRISMA rules. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results: A total of 244 articles were found. A total of 76 articles were evaluated in full and 19 were included and evaluated in the present study. A total of 3 Studies with a High Risk of Bias and 1 Study with Uncertain Risk. Studies have suggested a protective effect of prenatal oral health care against the onset of caries in infancy and up to before 4 years of age. The transport of S. mutans in children was also significantly reduced in the intervention group. Children exposed to the use of maternal substances had a higher incidence of hospitalization for dental caries than unexposed children. Thus, inadequate prenatal education in oral health can negatively impact the quality of oral hygiene in children. It is imperative to develop strategies to improve oral health and develop a health system strengthening by interprofessional collaboration in the prenatal phase of pregnant women. Furthermore, an inverse relationship was observed between 25(OH)D levels and the number of decayed primary teeth. Conclusion: Taking care of oral health is part of the daily rhythm of personal hygiene. The monitoring of a dental surgeon during pregnancy is considered to prevent and treat the pregnant woman's oral diseases and clarify the doubts of future mothers since the baby's oral health begins to establish itself during the gestational period

    A multidisciplinary approach for the management of hypodontia: case report

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    Hypodontia is the congenital absence of one or more teeth and may affect permanent teeth. Several options are indicated to treat hypodontia, including the maintenance of primary teeth or space redistribution for restorative treatment with partial adhesive bridges, tooth transplantation, and implants. However, a multidisciplinary approach is the most important requirement for the ideal treatment of hypodontia. This paper describes a multidisciplinary treatment plan for congenitally missing permanent mandibular second premolars involving orthodontics, implantology and prosthodontic specialties

    Characterization and Evaluation of Layered Bi2WO6 Nanosheets as a New Antibacterial Agent

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    Background: Pathogenic microorganisms are causing increasing cases of mortality and morbidity, along with alarming rates of ineffectiveness as a result of acquired antimicrobial resistance. Bi2WO6 showed good potential to be used as an antibacterial substance when exposed to visible light. This study demonstrates for the first time the dimension-dependent antibacterial activity of layered Bi2WO6 nanosheets. Materials and methods: The synthesized layered Bi2WO6 nanosheets were prepared by the hydrothermal method and characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Antibacterial and antibiotic-modulation activities were performed in triplicate by the microdilution method associated with visible light irradiation (LEDs). Results: Bi2WO6 nanosheets were effective against all types of bacteria tested, with MIC values of 256 µg/mL against Escherichia coli standard and resistant strains, and 256 µg/mL and 32 µg/mL against Staphylococcus aureus standard and resistant strains, respectively. Two-dimensional (2D) Bi2WO6 nanosheets showed antibacterial efficiency against both strains studied without the presence of light. Conclusions: Layered Bi2WO6 nanosheets revealed dimension-dependent antibacterial activity of the Bi2WO6 system.The authors thank Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico— CNPq, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior—CAPES, and Fundação Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico—FUNCAP (Proc. BP4-00172-00232.01.00/20 and Proc. PR2-0101-00006.01.00/15) for the financial support. The authors would also like to thank the educational institutions UFCA, URCA, and UNILEÃO for their support during the experiments


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    A utilização de probióticos na dieta de coelhos melhora o consumo e a digestibilidade dos nutrientes, entretanto pesquisas são necessárias para verificar a melhor forma de sua incorporação na ração. O objetivo do presente estudo consistiu em analisar a utilização de crioprotetores e a viabilidade do probiótico kefir com diferentes métodos de incorporação em ração peletizada para coelhos. Os tratamentos foram: T1 ração controle (sem adição de kefir), T2 ração com kefir in natura dessorado (6,76%), T3 kefir dessorado e liofilizado aplicado por banho de óleo após peletização (1%) e T4 kefir dessorado e liofilizado incorporado anteriormente à peletização (1%). O delineamento foi em esquema fatorial 4x4, sendo quatro rações experimentais e quatro tempos de avaliação. Como crioprotetores para a liofilização foram testados leite desnatado reconstituído (LDR, 12%) e sacarose (10%), verificando-se maior número de células sobreviventes para a sacarose (10%). Após incorporação do probiótico na ração, aos 0, 15, 30 e 45 dias de armazenamento, as amostras foram submetidas à contagem total de bactérias láticas, aeróbios mesófilos, leveduras e coliformes por meio de diluições decimais. A viabilidade das bactérias láticas decresceu de forma significativa (P0,05) de coliformes nas amostras. A sacarose como crioprotetor propiciou a manutenção de células viáveis de bactérias e leveduras na ração por 45 dias

    Performance of Purunã beef cows subjected to different nursing managements

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho ponderal e reprodutivo de vacas de corte submetidas a diferentes manejos de amamentação. Durante a estação de monta, de 85 dias, foram avaliadas 161 vacas de corte da raça Purunã, de acordo com os seguintes manejos de amamentação: desmame precoce, vacas separadas dos seus bezerros aos 75 dias pós‑parto; amamentação controlada, vacas separadas de seus bezerros aos 75 dias de idade, mas colocadas para amamentar uma vez ao dia durante a estação de monta; e desmame convencional, vacas mantidas com seus bezerros ao pé até o final da estação de monta, aos 160 dias de idade dos bezerros, em média. As taxas de prenhez não foram significativamente afetadas pelos manejos de amamentação, tendo sido de 97% no desmame precoce, de 96% na amamentação controlada e de 90% no desmame convencional. No entanto, o desmame precoce resultou em menor eficiência reprodutiva (28,26 kg), quando comparado à amamentação controlada (35,09 kg) e ao desmame convencional (35,34 kg). Vacas de corte mantidas em boas condições corporais ao parto e ao início da estação de monta apresentam alta taxa de fertilidade, independentemente do manejo de amamentação dos bezerros.The objective of this work was to evaluate the weight and reproductive performance of beef cows subjected to different nursing managements. During the breeding season of 85 days, 161 beef cows of the Purunã breed were evaluated, according to the following feeding managements: early weaning, cows separated from their calves at 75 days postpartum; controlled nursing, cows separated from their calves at 75 days of age, but taken to nurse once a day during the breeding season; and conventional weaning, cows kept with their calves until the end of the breeding season, at 160 days of age of calves, in average. Fertility rates were not significantly affected by weaning managements, being 97% for early weaning, 96% for controlled nursing, and 90% for conventional weaning. However, early weaning resulted in lower reproductive efficiency (28.26 kg), when compared to controlled nursing (35.09 kg) and conventional weaning (35.34 kg). Beef cows maintained in good body conditions at birth and at the beginning of the breeding season have a high fertility rate, regardless of calf‑feeding management

    Internal fit of two all-ceramic systems and metal-ceramic crowns

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the internal fit (IF) of glass-infiltrated alumina (ICA - In-Ceram Alumina), yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystals (Y-TZP - IPS e.max ZirCAD), and metal-ceramic (MC - Ni-Cr alloy) crowns. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty standardized resin-tooth replicas of a maxillary first molar were produced for crown placement and divided into 3 groups (n=20 each) according to the core material used (metal, ICA or Y-TZP). The IF of the crowns was measured using the replica technique, which employs a light body polyvinyl siloxane impression material to simulate the cement layer thickness. The data were analyzed according to the surfaces obtained for the occlusal space (OS), axial space (AS) and total mean (TM) using two-way ANOVA with Tukey s multiple comparison test (p<0.05). RESULTS: No differences among the different areas were detected in the MC group. For the Y-TZP and ICA groups, AS was statistically lower than both OS and TM. No differences in AS were observed among the groups. However, OS and TM showed significantly higher values for ICA and Y-TZP groups than MC group. Comparisons of ICA and Y-TZP revealed that OS was significantly lower for Y-TZP group, whereas no differences were observed for TM. CONCLUSIONS: The total mean achieved by all groups was within the range of clinical acceptability. However, the metal-ceramic group demonstrated significantly lower values than the all-ceramic groups, especially in OS

    Long-term effects of moderate physical exercise during early childhood on insulin sensitivity in rats during adulthood

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    It is of great importance to investigate the effects of physical exercise for metabolic health when performed in early life, and what the adulthood response would be. The aim of this study is to analyse the effects of moderate intensity physical exercise protocol during childhood on the adipose tissue and insulin sensitivity of rats during adulthood. Twenty weaned Wistar (28 days old) were divided into control and trained groups. The Control Group was kept sedentary, and the Trained group was submitted to swimming exercise at 80% of the anaerobic threshold (determined by the lactate minimum test) for 1 hour/day, 5 days/week from 28 to 90 days of age. At the end of the experiment, the body weight, adiposity (adipose tissue weight), insulin sensitivity, glycemia, insulinemia, pancreatic insulin, lipogenic activity in mesenteric fat, lipogenic activity and glycogen store in gastrocnemius and glucose uptake by soleus were analyzed. Trained group showed lower body weight gain, fat acumulation, lipid synthesis, glycemia, insulinemia and pancreatic insulin level. Kitt, HOMA-IR, glycogen store in gastrocnemius and glucose uptake by soleus were higher in this group. Therefore, we conclude that the moderate physical exercise performed during childhood can contribute to the reduction of body fat and insulin resistance during adulthood in Wistar rats.É de grande importância a investigação dos efeitos do exercício para a saúde metabólica quando realizado no início da vida, e quais seriam as respostas durante a fase adulta. O objetivo desse estudo é analisar os efeitos do exercício físico de intensidade moderada durante a infância na adiposidade e sensibilidade à insulina de ratos durante a fase adulta. Vinte ratos Wistar desmamados de 28 dias de vida foram divididos em grupos Controle e Treinado. O grupo Controle permaneceu sedentário, enquanto o grupo Treinado realizou exercício de natação a 80% do limiar anaeróbio (determinado pelo teste de lactato mínimo) por 1hora/dia, 5dias/semana do 28º até o 90º dia de vida. No fim do experimento, a massa corporal, adiposidade, sensibilidade à insulina, glicemia, insulinemia, insulina pancreática, atividade lipogênica do tecido adiposo mesentérico, atividade lipogênica e estoques de glicogênio no músculo gastrocnêmio e captação de glicose pelo músculo sóleo foram analizadas. O grupo Treinado apresentou menor ganho de massa corporal, acúmulo de gordura, síntese de lipídios, glicemia, insulinemia e insulina pancreática. Kitt, HOMA-IR, estoques de glicogênio no gastrocnêmio e captação de glicose pelo sóleo foram maiores nesse grupo. Portanto, concluímos que o exercício físico moderado realizado durante a infância pode contribuir para a redução da adiposidade corporal e resistência à insulina durante a fase adulta em ratos Wistar