47 research outputs found

    Evaluación a respuesta de palmas de aceite que presentan enfermedad de pudrición del cogollo (pc) al ser tratadas con quelato de zinc para su control, aplicando tres (3) dosis diferentes, en el Municipio de Sabana de torres Santander.

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    El presente proyecto trata sobre la evaluación de la respuesta a la aplicación de quelato de zinc sobre palmas que presentan la enfermedad pudrición de cogollo (pc). El cual consiste en evaluar diferentes dosis dirigidas al cogollo de la palma de aceite afectadas por esta enfermedad la cual está causando grandes pérdidas a los palmicultores del municipio de sabana de torres y otros municipios productores en el departamento de Santander. Por esta razón se analiza el comportamiento y respuesta de diferentes palmas haciendo las respectivas aplicaciones que permitan realizar un diagnóstico evaluando la viabilidad del quelato de zinc para el manejo y control de la pudrición del cogollo (P.C), se tendrán en cuenta las características generales del cultivo, como los grados de afectación de las palmas a tratar. En la realización de este trabajo se tienen en cuenta tres dosis diferentes para lo cual se hacen aplicaciones cada 15 días evaluando la eficacia del producto aplicado para el control de la enfermedad pudrición del cogollo.The present project deals with the evaluation of the response to the application of zinc chelate on palms that have the disease of heart rot (pc). Which consists of evaluating different applications directed to the heart of the oil palm affected by this disease which is causing great losses to the palm growers of the municipality of Sabana de Torres and other producing municipalities in the Santander department. For this reason, the behavior and response of different palms is analyzed, making the respective applications that allow a diagnosis to be made evaluating the viability of zinc chelate for the management and control of bud rot (pc). The general characteristics of the culture, such as the degrees of involvement of the palms to be treated. To carry out this work, three different doses will be taken into account, for which applications will be made every 15 days evaluating the efficacy of this product for the control of this disease

    Determinación in vitro del efecto antibacteriano de la miel de la abeja común (Apis mellífera) y de la abeja angelita (Tetragonisca angustula) ante el Staphylococcus aureus coagulasa positivo

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    The indiscriminate misuse of antibiotics in recent decades, for prophylaxis of diseases in man and animals, has triggered an alarm in the world of medicine microbiological, since these microorganisms have responded in a dangerous way, with called bacterial resistance, so it is necessary to recognize, investigate and apply in our professional field, there are alternative options in veterinary medicine. The objectives in the present study are to establish if the honey bee Apis mellifera (honeybee) and honey bee Tetragonisca angustula (angelita or virgin bee) obtained from our regional flora, possess some antibacterial feature inhibit microbial growth achieved in different bacterial concentrations planting, later analyze and compare them statistically. The results obtained were asked comparative and descriptive analysis of the population mean, using this program estad.graphad.instat Software version 3.06 (2003). It looked for statistically significant differences between pairs P<0.005 using multiple range test or Tukey-Kramer test. Pure honeys both Apis mellifera and the Tetragonisca angustula showed the highest inhibition in vitro bacterial concentrations 1x10-4 UFC. The diluted honey of Apis mellifera and Tetragonisca angustula 20% did not present sufficient inhibition at concentrations of 1x10-1, 1x10-2 and 1x10-3 UFC. The remaining dilutions showed no marked difference from each other by what is generally considered to four inhibitory concentrations. All honeys were within a range of 21.2 mm and maximum diameter of 11 mm as minimum, maximum obtained corresponded to pure honey bee Apis mellifera to the concentration of 1x10-4 CFU and the minimum corresponded to honey the Tetragonisca angustula in dilution to 20% at the concentration of 1x10-1 bacterial CFU. In all states honey was superior to the positive control: oxytetracycline 10%. In conclusion it was found during this study that the honey bee Apis mellifera and Tetragonisca angustula, pure and diluted to 50 and 20%, possess antibacterial properties that make them effective in stopping the growth of colonies of coagulase-positive Staphylococcus aureus, in an in vitro assay and minimum inhibitory concentrations of honey depend on bacterial concentration and pure or dilute them honeys. It could recommend that future studies of this nature are required before the presence and quantity of the catalase and glucosidase enzymes in honey under study, besides obtaining the specific moisture for it.El uso indebido e indiscriminado de los antibióticos en las últimas décadas, para profilaxis de enfermedades tanto en el hombre como en los animales, ha detonado una alarma en el mundo de la medicina microbiológica, ya que dichos microorganismos han respondido de una manera peligrosa, con la llamada resistencia bacteriana, por eso es necesario reconocer, investigar y aplicar en nuestro campo profesional, las opciones alternas que existen en medicina veterinaria. Los objetivos comprendidos en el presente estudio son los de establecer si la miel de la abeja Apis mellífera (abeja común de la miel) y la miel de la Tetragonisca angustula (abeja angelita o virgencita) obtenidas de nuestra flora regional, poseen alguna característica antibacteriana que logre inhibir el desarrollo microbiano en las diferentes concentraciones bacteriales de siembra, para posteriormente analizarlos y compararlos entre sí estadísticamente. A los resultados obtenidos se les hizo un análisis comparativo y descriptivo de la media poblacional, utilizando para esto el programa Software estad.graphad.instat versión 3.06 (2003). Se buscó las diferencias entre parejas estadísticamente significativas P<0.005 aplicando la prueba de rangos múltiples o Test de Tukey-Kramer. Las mieles puras tanto de la Apis mellifera como de la Tetragonisca angustula presentaron la mayor inhibición en concentraciones bacterianas in vitro de 1x10-4 UFC. Las mieles diluidas de la Apis mellifera y Tetragonisca angustula al 20% no presentaron suficiente inhibición ante las concentraciones de 1x10-1,1x10-2 y 1x10-3 UFC. El resto de las diluciones no presentaron una diferencia marcada entre sí por lo que se consideraron en general inhibitorias para las cuatro concentraciones. Todas las mieles estuvieron dentro de un rango de 21.2 mm como máximo y 11 mm como diámetro mínimo; el máximo obtenido, correspondió a la miel pura de la abeja Apis mellifera ante la concentración de 1x10-4 UFC y el mínimo correspondió a la miel de la Tetragonisca angustula en dilución al 20% ante la concentración bacteriana de 1x10-1 UFC. En todos sus estados la miel fue superior al control positivo: oxitetraciclina al 10%. En conclusión, se comprobó durante este estudio que la miel de la abeja Apis mellífera y de la Tetragonisca angustula, puras y diluidas al 50 y 20%, poseen propiedades antibacteriales que las hacen efectivas para detener el crecimiento de las colonias del Staphylococcus aureus coagulasa positivo, en un ensayo in vitro y que las concentraciones mínimas inhibitorias de la miel dependen de la concentración bacteriana y del estado puro o diluido de las mismas mieles. Se podría recomendar que, para próximos estudios de esta índole, sea necesario establecer antes, la presencia y cantidad de las enzimas catalasa y glucoxidasa en la miel sometida a estudio; además de obtener el porcentaje de humedad específico para la misma

    A modular safety system for an insulin dose recommender: A feasibility study

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    Background: Delivering insulin in type 1 diabetes is a challenging, and potentially risky, activity; hence the importance of including safety measures as part of any insulin dosing or recommender system. This work presents and clinically evaluates a modular safety system that is part of an intelligent insulin dose recommender platform developed within the EU-funded PEPPER project. Methods: The proposed safety system is composed of four modules which use a novel glucose forecasting algorithm. These modules are: predictive glucose alerts and alarms; a predictive low-glucose basal insulin suspension module; an advanced rescue carbohydrate recommender for resolving hypoglycaemia; and a personalised safety constraint applied to insulin recommendations. The technical feasibility of the proposed safety system was evaluated in a pilot study including eight adult subjects with type 1 diabetes on multiple daily injections over a duration of six weeks. Glycaemic control and safety system functioning were compared between the two-weeks run-in period and the end-point at eight weeks. A standard insulin bolus calculator was employed to recommend insulin doses. Results: Overall, glycaemic control improved over the evaluated period. In particular, percentage time in the hypoglycaemia range (<3.0mmol/l) significantly decreased from 0.82 (0.05-4.79) % at run-in to 0.33 (0.00-0.93) % at endpoint (p=0.02). This was associated with a significant increase in percentage time in target range (3.9-10.0mmol/l) from 52.8 (38.3-61.5) % to 61.3 (47.5-71.7) % (p=0.03). There was also a reduction in number of carbohydrate recommendations. Conclusion: A safety system for an insulin dose recommender has been proven to be a viable solution to reduce the number of adverse events associated to glucose control in type 1 diabetes

    Sustancias psicoactivas en jóvenes de 15 a 24 años en el departamento de Norte de Santander

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    9 imágenes y 1 video de autoría propia.El siguiente trabajo se realiza para dar a conocer las diferentes problemáticas que afectan a la sociedad en especial a los adolescentes, en este caso se hace referencia a un problema que ha venido en aumento en los adolescentes, se enfocara principalmente en el departamento Norte de Santander y sus municipios que por muchas razones incluidas las de la migración de venezolanos ha ayudado a aumentar el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en las personas, se analizaran diferentes estrategias para crear un modelo el cual ayude a capacitar y rehabilitar a todos estos jóvenes. También cabe recalcar que la comunicación estratégica en salud es de vital importancia ya que ésta se utilizará como herramienta que influenciará en prevenir o modificar acciones inapropiadas. Promoviendo las conductas positivas de la manera más humanitaria posible. Evitando las barreras en la comunicación puesto que estas interfieren en la llegada de los mensajes claros, concisos y correctos en el proceso comunicativo. Es entonces donde la adecuada utilización de las estrategias educativas comunicativas contribuye al desarrollo de capacidades en una población o grupo focal especifico a través de diversos medios y métodos de comunicación.The following work is carried out to publicize the different problems that affect society, especially adolescents, in this case reference is made to a problem that has been increasing in adolescents, it will focus mainly on the department of Norte de Santander and its municipalities that for many reasons including the migration of Venezuelans has helped increase the consumption of psychoactive substances in people, different strategies will be analyzed to create a model which helps to train and rehabilitate all these young people. It should also be emphasized that strategic communication in health is of vital importance since it will be used as a tool that will influence the prevention or modification of inappropriate actions. Promoting positive behaviors in the most humane way possible

    Real-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring in an Intensive Care Unit: Better Accuracy in Patients with Septic Shock

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    This is a copy of an article published in the Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics © 2012 [copyright Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.]; Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics is available online at: http://online.liebertpub.com.[EN] Objective: This study assessed the accuracy of real-time continuous glucose monitoring system (RTCGMS) devices in an intensive care unit (ICU) to determine whether the septic status of the patient has any in¿uence on the accuracy of the RTCGMS. Subjects and Methods: In total, 41 patients on insulin therapy were included. Patients were monitored for 72 h using RTCGMS. Arterial blood glucose (ABG) samples were obtained following the protocol established in the ICU. The results were evaluated using paired values (excluding those used for calibration) with the performance assessed using numerical accuracy. Nonparametric tests were used to determine statistically signi¿cant differences in accuracy. Results: In total, 956 ABG/RTCGMS pairs were analyzed. The overall median relative absolute difference (RAD) was 13.5%, and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) criteria were 68.1%. The median RADs reported for patients with septic shock, with sepsis, and without sepsis were 11.2%, 14.3%, and 16.3%, respectively (P<0.05). Measurements meeting the ISO criteria were 74.5%, 65.6%, and 63.7% for patients with septic shock, with sepsis, and without sepsis, respectively (P<0.05). Conclusions: The results showed that the septic status of patients in¿uenced the accuracy of the RTCGMS in the ICU. Accuracy was signi¿cantly better in patients with septic shock in comparison with the other patient cohorts.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through grants DPI2007-66728-C02 and DPI-2010-20764-C02, the European Union through FEDER funds, and the Autonomous Government of Catalonia through 2009 SGR 523. Y.L. is grateful for the BR Grants of the University of Girona. The authors thank the Ph.D. candidate student Xavier Berjaga, who helped with the statistical analysis in this work. The authors thank the nursing staff of the ICU of Doctor Josep Trueta Hospital for their work; without them, this study could not have been conducted. Medtronic, Inc. provided some of the devices used in this study.Lorencio, C.; Leal, Y.; Bonet Alonso, A.; Bondía Company, J.; Palerm, CC.; Tache, A.; Sirvent, JM.... (2012). Real-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring in an Intensive Care Unit: Better Accuracy in Patients with Septic Shock. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. 14(7):568-575. https://doi.org/10.1089/dia.2012.0008S56857514

    Personalised Clinical Decision Support For Diabetes Management Using Real-time Data

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    PEPPER (Patient Empowerment through Predictive PERsonalised decision support) is an EU-funded research project to develop a personalised clinical decision support system for Type 1 diabetes self-management. The tool provides insulin bolus dose advice and carbohydrate recommendations, tailored to the needs of individuals. The former is determined by Case-Based Reasoning (CBR), an artificial intelligence technique that adapts to new situations according to past experience. The latter uses a predictive computer model that also promotes safety by providing glucose alarms, low-glucose insulin suspension and fault detection

    A Federated Database for Obesity Research:An IMI-SOPHIA Study

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    Obesity is considered by many as a lifestyle choice rather than a chronic progressive disease. The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) SOPHIA (Stratification of Obesity Phenotypes to Optimize Future Obesity Therapy) project is part of a momentum shift aiming to provide better tools for the stratification of people with obesity according to disease risk and treatment response. One of the challenges to achieving these goals is that many clinical cohorts are siloed, limiting the potential of combined data for biomarker discovery. In SOPHIA, we have addressed this challenge by setting up a federated database building on open-source DataSHIELD technology. The database currently federates 16 cohorts that are accessible via a central gateway. The database is multi-modal, including research studies, clinical trials, and routine health data, and is accessed using the R statistical programming environment where statistical and machine learning analyses can be performed at a distance without any disclosure of patient-level data. We demonstrate the use of the database by providing a proof-of-concept analysis, performing a federated linear model of BMI and systolic blood pressure, pooling all data from 16 studies virtually without any analyst seeing individual patient-level data. This analysis provided similar point estimates compared to a meta-analysis of the 16 individual studies. Our approach provides a benchmark for reproducible, safe federated analyses across multiple study types provided by multiple stakeholders.</p

    A Federated Database for Obesity Research:An IMI-SOPHIA Study

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    Obesity is considered by many as a lifestyle choice rather than a chronic progressive disease. The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) SOPHIA (Stratification of Obesity Phenotypes to Optimize Future Obesity Therapy) project is part of a momentum shift aiming to provide better tools for the stratification of people with obesity according to disease risk and treatment response. One of the challenges to achieving these goals is that many clinical cohorts are siloed, limiting the potential of combined data for biomarker discovery. In SOPHIA, we have addressed this challenge by setting up a federated database building on open-source DataSHIELD technology. The database currently federates 16 cohorts that are accessible via a central gateway. The database is multi-modal, including research studies, clinical trials, and routine health data, and is accessed using the R statistical programming environment where statistical and machine learning analyses can be performed at a distance without any disclosure of patient-level data. We demonstrate the use of the database by providing a proof-of-concept analysis, performing a federated linear model of BMI and systolic blood pressure, pooling all data from 16 studies virtually without any analyst seeing individual patient-level data. This analysis provided similar point estimates compared to a meta-analysis of the 16 individual studies. Our approach provides a benchmark for reproducible, safe federated analyses across multiple study types provided by multiple stakeholders

    A Federated Database for Obesity Research:An IMI-SOPHIA Study

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    Obesity is considered by many as a lifestyle choice rather than a chronic progressive disease. The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) SOPHIA (Stratification of Obesity Phenotypes to Optimize Future Obesity Therapy) project is part of a momentum shift aiming to provide better tools for the stratification of people with obesity according to disease risk and treatment response. One of the challenges to achieving these goals is that many clinical cohorts are siloed, limiting the potential of combined data for biomarker discovery. In SOPHIA, we have addressed this challenge by setting up a federated database building on open-source DataSHIELD technology. The database currently federates 16 cohorts that are accessible via a central gateway. The database is multi-modal, including research studies, clinical trials, and routine health data, and is accessed using the R statistical programming environment where statistical and machine learning analyses can be performed at a distance without any disclosure of patient-level data. We demonstrate the use of the database by providing a proof-of-concept analysis, performing a federated linear model of BMI and systolic blood pressure, pooling all data from 16 studies virtually without any analyst seeing individual patient-level data. This analysis provided similar point estimates compared to a meta-analysis of the 16 individual studies. Our approach provides a benchmark for reproducible, safe federated analyses across multiple study types provided by multiple stakeholders.</p