89 research outputs found

    Selección de bacterias aerobias formadoras de Endospora (BAFEs) con capacidad de promoción de crecimiento vegetal, provenientes de cultivos de caña panelera con manejos agronómicos contrastantes

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    Resumen Las Bacterias Aerobias Formadoras de Endosporas (BAFEs) han sido poco estudiadas en asociación con los cultivos de caña de azúcar, ya sea desde el punto de vista de biofertilización o de su ecología. El cultivo de caña panelera en Colombia reviste gran importancia desde el punto de vista socioeconómico y su manejo agronómico se desarrolla de manera diferencial a lo largo de la geografía del país. Con el fin de conocer si el manejo del cultivo tiene un efecto en las actividades asociadas a promoción de crecimiento vegetal de este grupo funcional y seleccionar aislamientos con potencial uso como promotores de crecimiento vegetal, 52 aislamientos de BAFEs rizosféricas obtenidas de cultivos de caña panelera de Cundinamarca y Santander con diferente régimen de fertilización, diferente variedad y tasa de renovación de semilla, fueron caracterizados en términos de producción de compuestos indolicos, solubilización de fosfato de calcio y aluminio, mineralización de ácido fítico, fijación biológica de nitrógeno, actividad ACC deaminasa y antagonismo frente a tres hongos fitopatógenos. Se encontró que los aislamientos provenientes de Santander son más destacados en la producción de indoles, solubilización de fosfato tricálcico y mineralización de ácido fítico, mientras que los aislamientos provenientes de Cundinamarca exhibieron mayor capacidad antagónica frente a hongos fitopatógenos. Las actividades de solubilización de fosfato de aluminio, fijación biológica de nitrógeno y ACC deaminasa no fueron destacadas dentro del grupo de BAFEs estudiado. Los aislamientos de BAFEs se encontraron en su mayoría asociados a los clados de Bacillus cereus y Bacillus megaterium y la inoculación de plántulas de caña panelera con B. megaterium 6C07 mostróó un aumento en la longitud de vástago en la Variedad POJ 2878 y también en el diámetro del tallo y en el peso seco de vástago en la variedad CC93-771 en comparación con el control no inoculado.Abstract: The aerobic endospore forming bacteria (AEFB) have been little studied in association with sugarcane crops, either from the point of view of biofertilization or its ecology. Sugarcane crops for the production of “panela” have great socio-economic importance in Colombia, however, its agronomic management is developed differentially throughout the country's geography. In order to know if the management of the crop has an effect in the activities associated to promotion of plant growth of this functional group and to select isolates with potential use as promoters of plant growth promotion, 52 isolates of rhizospheric AEFB from sugarcane plantations for Panela of Cundinamarca and Santander with different fertilization regime, different variety and rate of seed renewal, were characterized in production of indolic compounds, aluminum and calcium phosphate solubilization, phytate mineralization, nitrogen biological fixation, ACC deaminase activity and antagonic activity against three phytopathogenic fungi. It was found that isolates from Santander are more prominent in the production of indolic compounds, solubilization of calcium phosphate and mineralization of phytic acid, while isolates from Cundinamarca exhibited greater antagonistic capacity against phytopathogenic fungi. The aluminum phosphate solubilization, nitrogen biological fixation and ACC deaminase activity were not outstanding within of AEFB studied. The isolates were closed to the Bacillus cereus and Bacillus megaterium clades and the inoculation of sugarcane seedlings with B.megaterium 6C07 increased the shoot length in the variety POJ 2878 and also the diameter of stem and the dry weight of the variety CC 93771 compared to the control not inoculated.Maestrí

    Lipid allocation in late-stage barnacle larvae from subtropical and temperate waters

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    The transition of planktonic late-stage barnacle larvae to a benthic life requires enough energy to power settlement and metamorphosis, and may be compromised by food limitation during early ontogeny. We carried out a comparative study to better understand the larval physiology of space-monopolizing barnacles exposed to contrasting regimes of primary productivity: Chthamalus bisinuatus under a meso-oligotrophic regime on the southeastern coast of Brazil, and C. montagui under a highly productive regime on the southwestern coast of the British Isles. We used an index based on lipid composition—the triacylglycerol (TAG) to phospholipid (PL) ratio—to characterize lipid allocation (energy/structure) in the tissues of cyprid larvae and anticipated depleted TAG reserves in cyprids from less productive waters. Despite the considerably different levels of primary productivity between subtropical (1.31 ± 0.4 mg chl a m-3) and temperate waters (3.09 ± 1.2 mg chl a m-3), TAG/PL ratio and settlement success were comparable for C. bisinuatus and C. montagui. Lipid allocation of daily cohorts was also comparable for both chthamalids, with cyprids equally storing TAG reserves (≥50% of total lipid content). This points to an energetic threshold below which nauplii cannot develop to a cyprid and/or selection for lipid accumulation under poor trophic conditions. We highlight the challenges of directly relating estimates of primary productivity with food supply and larval physiological status, as lower chl a concentrations do not necessarily indicate food limitation for barnacle nauplii. We propose a conceptual model to clarify the process of lipid allocation (energetic to structural lipids) in the tissues of cyprid larvae

    Modeling the performance of broilers under heat stress

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    A meta-analysis was developed to model performance depression in heat stress (HS), to analyze the influence of HS type (cyclic or constant), and to assess the correlation between dietary electrolyte bal- ance (DEB) and HS in broilers. Two databases (Dat) with performance and temperature were constructed (initial phase − up to 21 d of age − 14 articles, 7,667 ani- mals, average replicate number treatment-ARN/T, 5 and growing phase − over 21 d of age − 74 articles and 25,145 broilers, ARN/T, 7). The criteria for article selec- tion were (1) experiments using at least 2 temperatures (thermoneutral and high temperature); (2) results of ADFI and ADG; (3) feed and water ad libitum during the experiment. Each treatment was classified as cyclic or constant HS and the HS group response was calcu- lated relative to the thermoneutral group. Performance was evaluated as raw data or as relativized information (indicated as “HS effect or 61⁄4”), expressed as a percentage of the difference between results. The models to predict “HS effect” showed that for the initial phase, only ADG was influenced by HS, while for the grower phase, pre- diction equations were created for ADFI and ADG. Con- sidering the simplest models, there was a reduction of 1.4% in ADFI and 2.1% in ADG for each unit (°C) above the upper critical temperature for broilers older than 21 d. Feed conversion (FC) was not affected by HS in any of the studied phases. Constant HS proved to be more negative than cyclic HS to broiler performance after 21 d of age. The relation between DEB and performance of broilers under HS was analyzed considering broilers over 21 d of age, and very weak correlations were observed. It was concluded that HS affects broilers over 21 d more, although FC is not affected. ADFI is the most important variable affected by HS and the relation between the DEB of the diet and HS is very weak. The empirical models generated in this study accurately predicted ADG and ADFI of broilers exposed to HS and can be used to minimize those effects on poultry production

    An in-situ assessment of Dorsal Cranial Myopathy in broilers, approaching regarding meteorological influences in South Brazil, classification, and appearance of the lesions during industrial processing

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    Broiler meat is a high-quality food for humans, and is worldwide consumed. Brazil plays an important role in the poultry industry and in its South region is situated the most important pro- ducer. Recently, alterations on the meat aspect have aroused the interest of researchers to clarify their causes. The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the relationship between environ- mental conditions and seasons on the prevalence of Dorsal Cranial Myopathy (DCM) and also, to generate a DCM classification in scores, for griller-type broilers. Carcasses were picked out from several stages of industrial processing from a slaughterhouse located in South Brazil. The preva- lence of DCM was measured using the database of partial condemnations of the Official Inspection Service during 19 months. Meteorological data were obtained from the National Institute of Meteo- rology (in Portuguese Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia- INMET), of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply. In addition, microorganisms with public health importance were measured on samples taken from the muscles with DCM. The prevalence of DCM was compared among sea- sons using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The relation with other environmental conditions was accessed using a principal component analysis. Partial condemnations by DCM were higher (P 0.05). Visually, it could be noted that the hemorrhagic lesion of the Anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) muscle diminished during the processing line, making the DCM imperceptible, even in those carcasses with severe DCM score at the beginning of the process. In conclusion, the climate features approached here could be correlated to this emerging myopathy. However, this lesion does not represent a food security issue for the consumers regarding evaluated microorganisms, as this kind of lesion tends to disappear in the final sellable product

    Analysis of the Cochrane review : anti-vascular endothelial growth factor for prevention of postoperative vitreous cavity hemorrhage after vitrectomy for proliferative diabetic retinopathy : Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015;8:CD008214

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    Copyright © Ordem dos Médicos 2017Postoperative vitreous hemorrhage is a complication following vitrectomy for proliferative diabetic retinopathy, delaying visual recovery and making fundus examination and disease follow-up more difficult. Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor drugs such as bevacizumab, when injected in the vitreous cavity, reduce vascular proliferation and their use has been proposed to reduce the incidence of postoperative vitreous hemorrhage. The authors of this Cochrane systematic review evaluated all randomized controlled trials on the pre- or intraoperative use of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor to reduce postoperative vitreous hemorrhage occurrence after vitrectomy in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. The results suggested that the use of intravitreal bevacizumab was effective in reducing early postoperative vitreous hemorrhage (i.e. at four weeks) occurrence, with a good safety profile. This work aims to summarize and discuss the findings and clinical implications of this Cochrane systematic review.A hemorragia vítrea pós-operatória é uma complicação da cirurgia de vitrectomia por retinopatia diabética proliferativa, que atrasa a melhoria da acuidade visual e dificulta a visualização do fundo ocular e o seguimento da doença. Quando injetados na cavidade vítrea, os fármacos anti-factor de crescimento do endotélio vascular, como o bevacizumab, diminuem a proliferação vascular e o seu uso tem sido proposto na redução da incidência de hemorragia vítrea pós-operatória. Os autores desta revisão sistemática Cochrane reviram os ensaios clínicos aleatorizados sobre o uso pré- ou intraoperatório de anti-factor de crescimento do endotélio vascular na redução da incidência de hemorragia vítrea pós-operatória após vitrectomia em doentes com retinopatia diabética proliferativa. Dos resultados, destaca-se o efeito benéfico da utilização de bevacizumab na diminuição da hemorragia vítrea pós-operatória precoce (i.e. às quatro semanas), com um bom perfil de segurança. Neste trabalho, sumarizam-se e discutem-se os principais achados e implicações práticas desta revisão sistemática Cochrane.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Retropupillary iris claw intraocular lens implantation in aphakia for dislocated intraocular lens

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    © 2016 Faria et al. This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. The full terms of this license are available at https://www.dovepress.com/terms.php and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/).Background: Nowadays, dislocated intraocular lenses (IOLs) and inadequate capsular support are becoming a challenge for every ophthalmic surgeon. Explantation of dislocated IOL and iris claw IOL (ICIOL) are the techniques that have been used in our ophthalmic department. The aim of this study is to report our technique for retropupillar ICIOL. Methods: This study is a retrospective case series. A total of 105 eyes with dislocated IOL from the patients at the Department of Ophthalmology in Santa Maria Hospital, a tertiary reference hospital in Lisbon, Portugal, from January 2012 until January 2016, had been analyzed. Of these 105 eyes, 66 eyes had dislocated one-piece IOL and 39 eyes had dislocated three-piece IOL. The latter underwent iris suture of the same IOL and were excluded from this study. The remaining 66 eyes with dislocated one-piece IOL underwent pars plana vitrectomy, that is, explantation of dislocated IOL through corneal incision and an implantation of retropupillary ICIOL. Operative data and postoperative outcomes included best corrected visual acuity, IOL position, intraocular pressure, pigment dispersion, clinical signs of endothelial cell loss, and anterior chamber depth. Results: The mean follow-up was 23 months (range: 6–48 months). The mean preoperative best corrected visual acuity was 1.260±0.771 logMAR, and postoperative best corrected visual acuity was 0.352±0.400 logMAR units. Mean vision gain was 0.909 logMar units. The patients had the following complications: 1) retinal detachment was found in one patient, 2) corneal edema was found in three patients, 3) high intraocular pressure was observed in twelve patients, 4) subluxation of the IOL was observed in one patient, and 5) macular edema was found in three eyes. Conclusion: The results demonstrate that retropupillary ICIOL is an easy and effective method for the correction of aphakia in patients not receiving capsule support. The safety of this procedure must be interpreted in the context of a surgery usually indicated in complicated cases.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Quantifying the effect of Tmax extreme events on local adaptation to climate change of maize crop in Andalusia for the 21st century

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    Extreme events of Tmax can threaten maize production on Andalusia (Ruiz-Ramos et al., 2011). The objective of this work is to attempt a quantification of the effects of Tmax extreme events on the previously identified (Gabaldón et al., 2013) local adaptation strategies to climate change of irrigated maize crop in Andalusia for the first half of the 21st century

    Anti-TNF drugs for chronic uveitis in adults : a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    Copyright © 2019 Leal, Rodrigues, Sousa, Duarte, Romão, Marques-Neves, Costa and Fonseca. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.Background: We aimed to assess efficacy and safety of anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) drugs for adult chronic non-infectious uveitis (NIU). Methods: CENTRAL, MEDLINE, and EMBASE, were searched from inception to January 2019. Double-masked randomized placebo-controlled trials, assessing any anti-TNF vs. best medical intervention/standard of care in adults with chronic NIU were considered. The PRISMA and SAMPL guidelines were followed. The risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane risk of bias tool. Overall quality of the evidence was assessed according to GRADE. PROSPERO registration: #CRD42016039068. The primary efficacy and safety outcomes were preservation of visual acuity (VA) and withdrawals due to adverse events, respectively. Meta-analysis of efficacy analysis was not performed due to significant clinical heterogeneity between studies' population and interventions. Results: A total of 1,157 references were considered and 3 studies were included. The overall risk of bias was moderate. In active NIU, adalimumab group showed an increased likelihood of VA preservation (risk ratio (RR) 1.75, 95%CI 1.32 to 2.32, n = 217), whereas the etanercept group did not (RR 0.81, 95%CI 0.57 to 1.14, n = 20). In inactive NIU, adalimumab was associated with increased likelihood of VA preservation (RR 1.31, 95%CI 1.12 to 1.53, n = 226). The rate of adverse events did not differ between anti-TNF and control arms (RR 1.03, 95%CI 0.94 to 1.13, n = 410). Conclusions: There is high quality evidence that adalimumab decreases the risk of worsening VA in active and inactive NIU and very low quality evidence that the risk of etanercept worsening VA in inactive NIU is not different from placebo. Moderate quality evidence suggests that anti-TNF agents are not different from placebo on the risk of study withdrawal.This project received a research grant from a non-profit and scientific organization, Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology (Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia). UID/BIM/50005/2019, project funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (MCTES) through Fundos do Orçamento de Estado (Portuguese State Funding).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Growth performance and intestinal health of broilers fed a standard or low-protein diet with the addition of a protease

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    We evaluated the effects of a protease supplementation on the growth performance and intestinal health of broilers. Cobb chicks (392; 1-42 d) were divided into four treatments (seven replicates of 14 birds each). There were two feed formulations: a standard diet (SD) and a low crude protein and digestible amino acids diet (Low CP&AA). The two diets were either supplemented (+P) or not (−P) with a protease (Jefo Protease; 1.25 g kg−1). Performance was evaluated by feeding phases (1-7, 8-21, 21-35, and 35-42 d). On day 28, ileum samples were analyzed by a morphometric index for histological alterations (I See Inside Scoring System – ISI). Broilers fed the Low CP&AA had a poor feed conversion ratio (FCR); however, the addition of the protease to the Low CP&AA positively affected FCR and body weight gain and promoted a performance similar to the group fed SD−P. Birds fed diets supplemented with the protease presented the best ISI morphological index, mainly as a result of the low number of alterations regarding the lamina propria, epithelial thickness, and enterocyte proliferation. It is possible to conclude that the enzyme improves feed conversion and lamina propria, epithelial thickness, and proliferation of enterocytes index of broiler chickens when added to a standard diet or with a low crude protein and digestible amino acids diet

    Assessing the implications of mycotoxins on productive efficiency of broilers and growing pigs

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    The effects of mycotoxins on the productive performance of growing pigs and broilers were evaluated using meta-analytical approach. Two databases were constructed: (1) Broilers, with information collected from 51,497 birds and published in 158 scientific papers from 1980 to 2016; and (2) Pigs, with information collected from 7,743 animals and published in 72 scientific papers from 1980 to 2015. The meta-analyses were performed independently for each specie, following three sequential analyses: graphical, correlation, and variance-covariance. Broilers and pigs challenged by mycotoxins reduced (p < 0.05) feed intake by 9 and 6 %, weight gain by 15 and 11 %, and feed efficiency by 6 and 4 % compared with non-challenged animals, respectively. Aflatoxins were the most studied mycotoxins in both databases. Birds and pigs challenged by aflatoxins reduced (p < 0.05) feed intake by 10 and 8 %, growth by 15 and 11 %, and feed efficiency by 6 and 7 % compared to non-challenged animals, respectively. In both databases, variation on growth performance due to mycotoxins showed a linear relationship (p < 0.05) with the feed intake variation caused by the challenge. The intercepts of the regression-based equations were different from zero and negative, which may indicate that mycotoxins altered the maintenance requirements in challenged animals. In conclusion, both broilers and growing pigs show losses in performance responses and worse nutritional efficiency when challenged by mycotoxins