2,066 research outputs found

    Abordaje fisioterápico en las lesiones articulares de la articulación del codo

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    Las lesiones musculares en el codo se han incrementado en los últimos años debido al aumento en el número de personas que practican deporte, resultando la fisioterapia cada vez más necesaria en el ámbito deportivo. Es imprescindible un preciso conocimiento de las generalidades de la musculatura, anatomía y biomecánica de la estructura lesionada para abordar correctamente cualquier lesión muscular. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre las principales lesiones musculares del codo, para conocer su etiología, signos, síntomas, prevención y tratamiento. Metodología: Para realizar esta revisión se utilizaron como bases de datos Social Sciences Edition (Thomson ISI), PsycINFO (American Psychological Association), Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, Pubmed, PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence Database), National Library of Medicine, IN-RECS (Índice de Impacto Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Sociales), ISOC (CINDOC, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), Red ALyC (Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y El Caribe, España y Portugal, Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades), Latindex, SCOPUS, EMBASE y SSCI. Conclusiones: Como principales conclusiones indicamos que, el aumento de las lesiones musculares en el codo hace necesario más estudios sobre la eficacia de la fisioterapia en la recuperación de esta estructura; además este tipo de lesión suelen tener factores de riesgo comunes, por lo que un buen tratamiento preventivo evitaría en gran medida su aparición y, finalmente, la mayor efectividad en la recuperación de este tipo de lesiones se consigue a través del tratamiento interdisciplinar

    Router security effect on performance of a network

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    Recently many of the devices that create a computer network offer security to help protect networks from hackers, such as computers, servers, firewalls and even routers. In most cases when protecting a network from hackers having more security is not always the best, because the more resources of the device is used by the security in inspecting connections, and it can compromise performance of the network. This thesis investigates performance benefit of having security on a router and its impact on the connection rate of the network when it is under security attacks. In this thesis, different security features and configurations offered by the router are tested to see how they affect the connection rate of the network under different security attacks, and compare with the benchmark network performance when there was no security used at all in the router

    A presença na Internet das juntas de freguesia portuguesas: período 2002-2013

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    In Memoriam Leonel Santos (1963-2012)Em 2005, foi publicado o primeiro estudo sobre a presença na Internet das juntas de freguesia portuguesas (Santos & Amaral, 2005). Desde então, com uma periodicidade bianual, o Laboratório de Estudo e Desenvolvimento da Sociedade da Informação (Gávea) tem registado e analisado o grau de maturidade e evolução dos sítios web das juntas de freguesia portuguesas. Num momento em que está em curso a reforma territorial das freguesias (Lei n.º 11-A/2013, de 28 de janeiro) justifica-se a compilação deste ciclo de estudos, apresentando o estado e evolução dos sítios web das juntas de freguesia portuguesas, desde o primeiro estudo, em 2002 (Santos & Amaral, 2005), até ao momento atual (março de 2013).Este trabalho é financiado por Fundos FEDER, através do Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade – COMPETE, e por Fundos Nacionais, através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, no âmbito do Projeto: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022674

    From classroom teaching to e-learning: the way for a strong definition

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    In any process of adoption of e-learning is important to understand his elements and the way they interrelate. This work tries to achieve the e-Learning definition using a graphical interpretation supported by mathematical language that helps the understanding, step-by-step, of the transition from “Classroom Learning” to “e Learning”. In the last step, the obtained graphic and formula is used in order to reach what we call the strong e Learning definition

    Hydrogen storage in diamond powder utilizing naf for fuel cell applications

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    Abstract only availableHydrogen Fuel Cells offer the vital solution to the world's socio-political dependence on oil. Due to existing difficulty in safe and efficient hydrogen storage for fuel cells, storing the hydrogen in hydrocarbon compounds such as artificial diamond is a realistic solution. By treating the surface of the diamond powder with NaF with plasma, the surface of the diamond is cleaned of unwanted molecules. Due to fluorine's electro negativity, the diamond powder is activated and ready for hydrogen absorption. These diamond powder pellets are then placed on a graphite platform that is heated by conduction in a high voltage circuit made of tungsten wire. Then, the injection of hydrogen gas into chamber allows the storage of the H2 on the surface of the diamond powder. By neutron bombardment in the nuclear reactor, or neutron activation analysis, the samples are examined for parts per million amounts of hydrogen in the sample. NaF surface treatment allows for higher mass percentage of stored hydrogen in a reliable, resistant structure, such as diamond for fuel cells and permenantly alters the diamonds terminal bonds for re-use in the effective storage of hydrogen.Louis Stokes Missouri Alliance for Minority Participatio

    Can Routers Provide Sufficient Protection against Cyber Security Attacks?

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    Nowadays many devices that make up a computer network are being equipped with security hardware and software features to prevent cyber security attacks. The idea is to distribute security features to intermediate systems in the network to mitigate the overall adverse effect of cyber attacks. In this paper, we will be focusing on the Juniper J4350 router with the Junos Software Enhanced, and it has security-attack protections in the router. We are going to evaluate how the Juniper router with built-in security protections affected the overall server performance under a cyber security attack

    The Ethics of Regulation

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    Regulations are often imposed in order to correct any failures in the market, whether the failure is a result of the functioning of a market or the behaviour of a government. However, every regulatory intervention br ings up a question: How ethical is the regulation? Even if a regulatory intervention could achieve more effici ency or more equity, it may not mean that it is ethi cal. The concept of ethics is ne cessarily subjective, it is based on the morals and standards of a society. Yet even though a society may be concerned about ethics, the issues of equity and altrui sm matter as does the way in which firms produce and seek to rationally an d efficiently maximize profit. Defining ethics is a difficul t issue, and defining ethical regu lation is even more difficult. Any form of regulation is a tool for interv ention used to balanc e the trade-off between efficiency and equity to create harmony between a market or economy and the society it functions within. In an ideal world, any go vernment intervention implemented would be for the greater benefit of all. However, this does not always happen in the vicissitudes of the real world when governments regulate an d intervene in markets, which are, in turn, based on the principle of rational self-interest and efficiency. In this paper we discuss the role of society in market regu lation. The discussion will focus on the importance of society on ethics and therefore on what constitutes ethical regulations. In fact we argue that equity, effi ciency or even failures are not the main factors to consider when regulating. It is society that defines ethics and how society understands ethics influences the regulatory environmen

    The role of the community health worker to strengthen popular education in health

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    Objective: To discuss the Community Health Agent (CHA)'s role as a popular educator. Methods: Qualitative methodology, based on dialogic conception of action-research, using as methodological procedures focal group's interview and workshops, and content analysis. Subjects were 14 CHA from two Programmatic Areas of Rio de Janeiro city, that participated in a focal-group in november of 2010. Results: The analysis showed that the CHA performs activities based on popular education's assumptions, also permeated by normative conception and "banking education", as an attempt to obtain acknowledgement inside health team. Conclusion: The CHA is a potential popular educator that can contribute to Primary Care's success. For that, CHAs should seek their qualification and collective empowerment and think about the contradictions of their work