325 research outputs found

    Visual and Linguistic Influences on Public Perceptions of Swine Confinement

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    This study was designed to analyze the visual and linguistic characteristics of online (YouTube) videos and electronic newspapers, identifying relationships with positive, negative, and neutral attitudes toward swine confinement. This study followed a content analysis design. Two coders, trained to an acceptable level of agreement (κ = .68), examined online videos and electronic newspapers, assessing linguistic and visual images used in relation to attitudes toward swine confinement. A series of search terms deemed suitable for this study\u27s objectives were employed in multiple search engines, and 48 articles and 157 videos were coded for content. Results from this study showed that certain confinement and animal terminology had strong relationships with negative and positive attitudes toward swine confinement. When used in articles, the confinement term crate had a significant relationship with negative attitudes toward swine confinement. When the confinement term stall was used in videos, a relationship was observed with positive attitudes toward swine confinement. When the animal term pig was used in articles, a relationship with positive attitudes toward swine confinement was observed. When the animal terms pig and piglet were used in videos, a relationship was seen with negative attitudes toward swine confinement. Elements of visual imagery also displayed the ability to resonant with an audience, exhibiting a relationship with certain attitudes toward swine confinement. There was no statistically significant relationship between the gender of the individual delivering the message in online videos and the videos\u27 attitudes toward confinement, but the presence of a person increased the modality of media and therefore is likely to appeal better to audiences, regardless of the message or position. Increased modality was observed in a large amount of online videos and was associated with negative and neutral attitudes toward swine confinement. As a result of message framing in the videos, both farm and outdoor settings were most closely associated with negative attitudes toward confinement. Recommendations were made to agricultural producers and communicators with respect to future research aspirations. Increasing producers\u27 and agricultural communicators\u27 level of awareness and transparency is the most crucial recommendation for decreasing the knowledge gap between producers and consumers. Improved internal and external communications within the agriculture industry also is a key recommendation for agricultural communicators, encouraging them to assume a more active role when producing and disseminating messages. Recommendations for future research focused on the ability to expand knowledge and strategies from previously conducted research

    ¿Con cuántos dispositivos se produce una subjetividad?

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    El objetivo de este artículo es contestar una serie de cuestiones planteadas por Sánchez-Criado sobre la ANT, especialmente sobre su posible carácter metafísico. Para esto ha sido propuesta la búsqueda de una definición sobre lo que es la agencia, sobre el papel que juega el principio de simetría, sobre el sentido de la in/distinción humanos-no humano, y sobre cómo debemos aproximarnos al estudio de la subjetividad o del self. Para tal cosa, se esfuerzo de atravesar estas cuestiones, sin responderlas de forma categórica. El esfuerzo será una toma de posición sobre una serie de apuestas estratégicas. Así, será defendido el carácter de teoría solvente de la ANT, y se apunta un abordaje de la producción de subjetividad de forma más radical que el propuesto en el interior de la ANT. Partiendo de estas posiciones, también, se discutirán los conceptos de simetría y la distinción entre humanos y no humanosThe aim of this article is to answer some questions proposed by Sánchez-Criado about ANT and its possible metaphysical character. For that some subjects of discussion such as the concepts of agency, symmetry, the distinction between human & non-human and the nature of our self were proposed. As well as some strategic positions, trying to answer in a nondogmatic way. So, the "solvent" character of ANT theory and a more radical theory of subjectivity production will be defended. The concepts of symmetry and the distinction between humans and non-humans will be discussed considering these position

    Evaluating New Extension Agent Communication Training Effectiveness to Prepare Agricultural and Environmental Communicators for Global Issues

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    Extension agents are a valuable source of information within their communities throughout the world. Tasked with sharing research-based information from the universities and serving as the land-grant university within their communities, agents are the face and voice of the university on daily basis. However, this research sought to determine how confident new agents in Georgia were in their ability to effectively communicate within their communities before and after attending a communication workshop. Using a retrospective pre- and post-test survey, the results indicated the agents were most confident in their abilities create high-quality promotional videos and write Public Service Announcements for radio after the training. The results indicated agents were least confident in their abilities to utilize the Extension data base and write effectively. Overall, the results indicated in increase in agents’ perceived ability to effectively communicate in their communities after attending the training. Additionally, the results provide direction for future training and workshops to better prepare agents to effectively communicate information from land-grant universities to their communities and the world

    Aventuras y desventuras de la educación en el Reino de Psicolandia : el supuesto respaldo cientifico del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

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    En este trabajo se valora críticamente el discurso que arropa las últimas reformas educativas de la enseñanza superior europea y española. Se lo presenta como un discurso que intenta justificar tecnocientíficamente una de las más importantes prácticas de subjetivación actuales -la educativa- recurriendo a una determinada definición de la psicología que deja en un segundo plano el hecho de la pluralidad irreductible de las prácticas y saberes psicológicos. Se hace, así, una valoración crítica conjugada de -por un lado- el uso retórico de los saberes psicopedagógicos como respaldo científico (indiscutible) de las reformas, y -por otro lado- de la asunción de que existe una disciplia bien definida (la psicología) unificada, asentada científicamente y en la cual cabe buscar ese respaldo. La crítica toma en consideración, además, el escenario sociocultural actual de la globalización y el neoliberalismo como contexto en que cobra sentido, dentro de la ideología del emprendedorismo, dicho uso de la psicología como garante científico de la reforma de la enseñanza. Se hace especial hincapié en el fomento de la subjetividad ligado a esa ideología, que exige individuos dotados de flexibilidad, capacidad de autorregulación y responsabilidad total sobre su destino.This paper critically assesses the discourse that justifies the latest educational reforms in European and Spanish higher education. It is presented as a technoscientific discourse that attempts to support one of the most important current practices of subjectivity -the educational one- using a particular definition of psychology that forget the fact of the irreducible plurality of psychological practices and knowledges. This paper aims thus to make a double critical assessment. On the one hand, about the rhetorical use of psycopedagogic knowledge as scientific (indisputable) support for the reforms. On the other hand, about the assumption that there is a well definite discipline (Psychology) which is unified, scientifically established and able to offer that support. The paper consider also the current socio-cultural scenario of globalization and neoliberalism as a context that makes sense, within the ideology of entrepreneurship, such use of Psychology as a scientific guarantor of education reform. Special emphasis is placed on the promotion of subjectivity linked to that ideology, which requires individuals gifted with flexibility, self-monitoring skills and full responsibility for their fate

    Using Critical Thinking Styles to Inform Food Safety Behavior Communication Campaigns

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    Consumers have struggled with maintaining consistent food safety behaviors over the years, which has been affected partly by their limited food safety knowledge. Researchers in this study set to determine Florida residents’ food safety behaviors while also assessing their critical thinking styles. The social cognitive theory and the University of Florida critical thinking styles (UFCTI) inventory served as the guiding framework. The UFCTI has emerged as an effective tool in measuring how an individual’s critical thinking is expressed, performed, or done. Online survey responses were collected from 510 Florida residents and data were analyzed using non-probability and weighting measures. The majority of respondents washed their fresh fruits and vegetables before eating and washed their hands before food preparation. However, respondents were not as likely to disinfect their countertops before food preparation. Respondents exhibited infrequent food label reading behaviors, as well. When receiving food related information, seekers of information preferred printed fact sheets, bulletins or brochures, and demonstration or displays. Whereas, engagers preferred websites. Recommendations included developing communication efforts focused on personalized messages and targeted mediums centered around each critical thinking style. Food safety communication should emphasize the importance and risks of not reading food labels and cleaning countertops. Future research should determine how each critical thinking style uses the mediums where no significant difference was established. Research efforts should focus on expanding the UFCTI and assessing the contributions the social cognitive theory can add

    Setting the Agenda: Exploring Florida Residents\u27 Perceptions of Water Quality and Quantity Issues

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    Water quantity and quality are among the top issues currently facing Florida. To understand residents’ perceptions of these issues as well as understand how agenda-setting may be used to influence residents’ behaviors and opinions surrounding water issues, this study explored Florida residents’ opinions of water. Agenda-setting served as the conceptual framework to aid in understanding where water quality and quantity emerge on the public’s agenda. Responses were obtained from 469 Florida residents via an online survey. The results showed respondents believed water quality had not changed, with the exception of the quality of bays, which they believed was getting worse. Water quality was found to be an issue of high importance among respondents, especially in regard to the quality of drinking water. Respondents believed water quantity was highly important; however, more importance was associated with water quality issues. The results of this study identified the current disconnect that exists among residents concerning water issues. This study also established the salience of water issues on the public’s agenda and how Florida residents could be better informed. A statewide communication campaign focused on both water quality and quantity issues was recommended to decrease the disconnect that currently exists between residents’ perceptions and the reality of water issues. This campaign should utilize the technology-based outlets to stay informed with the public’s agenda to personalize communication efforts. These efforts would increase the public’s interest concerning water issues by reducing redundant information and diluting important issues

    F. Nietzsche e W. James: duas estratégias de combate em torno da verdade

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    Quando nos deparamos com pensadores como Friedrich Nietzsche e William James uma questão se põe: qual a relação da verdade com a vida? Estratégias diferentes na consideração do que é a vida, e o posicionamento da verdade perante esta são postulados. É deste modo que se para James a vida é adaptação constante nos fluxos da experiência, para Nietzsche, vontade de potência, forças múltiplas em busca de afirmativa em busca afirmativa de expansão, e negativa de conservação. A par das diferenças de substrato, a vida é tomada como múltipla, expansiva, e fluida na deriva do tempo. Tendo o ser as características da própria vida, a verdade que pode ser predicada sobre ele não se curva mais à sua cópia adequada, à sua "re-apresentação" (representação) no conhecimento. Aqui, duas estratégias para a consideração da verdade: de um lado se identifica esta exclusivamente à relação de adequação, na busca do Ser Transcendental por ascese, e esta, tal como este Ser, é ficcional e contrária à Vida (estratégia excludente). De outro, pode se tomar a verdade como os efeitos que nossas crenças, o nosso conhecimento se produz na vida. Esta estratégia poderia ser denominada includente ou pragmática em oposição à excludente, ou cética, que depõe a verdade enquanto imutável perante a vida. James seria nitidamente includente. Já quanto a Nietzsche, sua postura oscila; parece falar ora de uma "falsa verdade", oposta à vida, ora de uma verdade ancorada na vida, e não mais no intelecto ou na razão. O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar os deslocamentos entre as estratégias excludente e includente (pragmática) por parte de Nietzsche


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    Comentário sobre o Texto “Le Sujet et les Frontières de la Psychologie, XIIIe –XXe Siècle”, de Fernando Vida

    Discussing Extension Agents’ Role in Moderating Contentious Issue Conversations

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    Extension agents are finding themselves engaged in problem-solving roles as public needs adjust to a climate where issues facing the agricultural and natural resource industry are more often contentious than benign. As connectors between the Land-grant university system and the public, Extension agents need to know how to effectively communicate about contentious issues with clientele. This study used an online survey design to determine Extension agents’ attitudes toward contentious issues, challenges that they face, and effective means of communication. The findings revealed Extension agents’ attitudes toward communicating about contentious issues were more positive than negative. Additionally, they found the availability of misinformation and the complexity of contentious issues to be most challenging when communicating with clientele. One-on-one in-person, workshops, phone calls, and group meetings were identified as the most effective methods of communicating about contentious issues. Additional training and familiarization with current contentious issues were recommended. Future research should examine the contentious issues Extension agents are discussing, methods being used to facilitate conversations, the effect of contentious issues on job satisfaction, and the factors hindering Extension agents as they address contentious issues


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    O presente trabalho teve como escopo debater acerca da prática da eutanásia nas mais diversas áreas do conhecimento em que se encontra inserida, dentre elas a seara da ética e o campo do direito pátrio e estrangeiro, estabelecendo como princípios constitucionais, como a dignidade da pessoa humana e a autonomia da vontade, podem auxiliar na resolução de casos que abarquem o instituto em debate. O tema é de suma importância, uma vez que se encontra existente e pertinente em todas as sociedades, passadas e atuais, e possui controversa abordagem social e jurídica, além de sofrer com a escassez de normas regulamentadoras, o que só reforça a necessidade de se discutir a sua devida aplicação. Foram desenvolvidos, por meio do direito comparado, aliado aos métodos hipotético-dedutivo e sistêmico, capítulos em que se buscou trazer à tona como a conduta da eutanásia é compreendida nos mais variados setores sociais e legais, nacionais e internacionais. Regulamentar o procedimento e adotá-lo casuisticamente, observando o princípio da dignidade do sujeito em estado terminal, apresentam-se como as opções mais viáveis no que concerne ao enfrentamento das situações que abranjam a prática da eutanásia