517 research outputs found

    DiffServ Traffic Management with MPLS

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    La tesi consta di una prima parte teorica, dove vengono analizzate nell’ordine: i) Differentiated Services; ii) MultiPotocol Label Switching; iii) Traffic Engineering. La seconda parte, più consistente della prima, verte su una serie di simulazioni con il simulatore NS2, riguardanti due principali modelli utilizzati per integrare le varie tecnologie descritte nella prima parte della tesi. I positivi risultati ottenuti vengono esposti in un buon numero di tabelle e grafici commentati

    Sul teorema di Hellmann-Feynman

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    Nella prima parte di questo paper verrà dimostrato il teorema di Hellmann-Feynman (H-F) su autostati esatti. Nella seconda, grazie ad esso, verranno ricavati i termini lineare e quadratico della serie perturbativa di uno spettro non-degenere. Nel terzo capitolo verrà dimostrato il teorema di H-F nel contesto del metodo variazionale di Rayleigh-Ritz. Infine, verrà presentata una semplice applicazione del teorema di H-F al calcolo del valore di aspettazione dell'operatore 1/r² per un atomo idrogenoide

    Los límites de la confrontación : la Iglesia Católica y el gobierno peronista (Tucumán, 1952-1955)

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    Desde fines de 1954, la Iglesia católica desempeñó un rol central en el golpe de Estado que puso fin al gobierno de Perón. El proceso por el cual la institución eclesiástica pasó a integrar el espectro opositor al peronismo fue abordado teniendo en cuenta fundamentalmente el caso de la Capital Federal y la ciudad de Córdoba, lugares clave para estudiar la trama de la insurrección cívico-militar. El objetivo del artículo es analizar el itinerario de las relaciones entabladas entre la Iglesia católica y el gobierno en Tucumán entre 1952 y 1955. Se sostiene que en el escenario provincial no se registró el progresivo deterioro de las relaciones entre la Iglesia y el peronismo que fueron visibles en el escenario metropolitano y en otras diócesis del país, observándose, por el contrario, un campo de colaboración que se mantuvo en forma ininterrumpida hasta 1955. De ese modo, sin negar las tensiones que surcaron el camino de las relaciones entre la Iglesia católica y el gobierno provincial, el presente artículo sostiene que en Tucumán no se observó la escalada de violencia y el enfrentamiento abierto que surgió desde 1954 como una constante en otras zonas del país. Esto nos lleva a interrogarnos sobre los factores que se conjugaron para dar cauce al clima expectante que predominó en la sociedad tucumana y por las repercusiones de los acontecimientos que se sucedieron a nivel nacional durante los tramos finales del gobierno peronista, como así también emprender un análisis comparativo de las estrategias que siguió la jerarquía eclesiástica y el movimiento laico en la Capital Federal y en la ciudad de Córdoba.Since the end of 1954, the Catholic Church played a central role in the coup d'etat of September 1955, which brought to an end Peron’s government. The process by which the ecclesiastical institution step to integrate the spectrum opponent of peronism was addressed taking into account the case of the Capital Federal and the city of Cordoba, key locations to explore the insurrection civic-military. The aim of the paper is to analyze the itinerary of relations between the Catholic Church and government in Tucumán (1952-1955). It is argued that in the province is not registred the progressive deterioration of relations between the Church and Peronism that were visible in the metropolitan scene and in other dioceses of the country, showing, on the contrary, a field of collaboration that remained uninterrupted until 1955. In this way, without denying the tensions that streaked the path of the relations between the Catholic Church and the provincial government, this article argues that in Tucumán was not observed the escalation of violence and confrontation that emerged since 1954 as a constant in other areas of the country. This leads us to wonder about the factors that have combined to give way for the expectant climate that prevailed in the Tucumán society and the impact of the events which took place at the national level during the final stages of the Peronist government, as well as undertake a comparative analysis of the strategies followed by the ecclesiastical hierarchy and the lay movement in the Capital Federal and in the city of Cordoba.Fil: Santos Lepera, Lucía. Universidad Nacional de Tucumá

    Transitando rumbos paralelos: radicales y católicos durante el primer peronismo en Tucumán

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    La dinámica de las relaciones entre la Iglesia católica y el radicalismo ocupó un lugar subsidiario en la historiografía sobre el primer peronismo. Desde una escala provincial dotada de matices divergentes respecto de los escenarios cordobés y metropolitano, el artículo rastrea los vaivenes de la relación entre radicales y católicos a lo largo del período y propone una interpretación sobre las características particulares que adoptó su participación en la coyuntura que culminó con el derrocamiento de Perón.The dynamics of the relationship between the Catholic Church and the radicalism occupied a subsidiary place in the historiography of the first peronism. From a provincial scale characterized with divergent nuances in relation to Córdoba and metropolitan scenarios, the article traces the fluctuations of the relationship between radicals and Catholics throughout the period and proposes an interpretation of the particular characteristics adopted by its participation in the conjuncture that culminates in the overthrow of Perón.Fil: Santos Lepera, Lucía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucuman. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Lichtmajer, Leandro Ary. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucuman. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales; Argentin

    Guía del investigador en la ciudad de San Miguel de Tucumán

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    El articulo introduce al lector a una caracterización de la ciudad de San Miguel de Tucumán desde un punto de vista social y cultural y brinda información sobre los acervos de archivos y bibliotecas de interés para los investigadores en historia.Fil: Gutiérrez, María Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Santos Lepera, Lucía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales; Argentin


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    This approach greatly improved the success rate of BF Doppler recording in coronaries, making CC-Doppler TTE suitable for accelerated stenotic flow and flow reserve assessment not only in the left anterior descending but also in the circumflex branch

    Nitric oxide in patients with chronic chagas disease

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      Introduction: Among the main causes of death around the world, we can highlight those caused by cardiovascular diseases, which have been growing significantly. The knowledge of the pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases evidences the involvement of inflammatory processes, acute or chronic, with action of pro-inflammatory and vasoactive factors. One of these factors is nitric oxide (NO), a potent vasodilator that acts on the physiological regulation of vascular tone and has its serum levels altered in the presence of cardiovascular event, representing a physiological compensatory mechanism, to be included in Chagas disease. Method: Peripheral blood samples from 2 patients (men, mean age 65 years) with positive Chagas; disease serology (cardiac form, chronic phase) were collected at the cardiology outpatient service of the Hospital Electro Bonini (UNAERP). Two healthy volunteer participants were used as a negative control. NO (NO 2- / NO 3-) levels were determined by a quantitative detection kit for nitrate and nitrite concentrations using colorimetric assay. Absorbance was read at 540 nm. Partial Results: The median NO activity was 1.4 umol/L in chagasic patients and 1.0 umol/L in healthy participants (p <0.001). Discussion and conclusion of the results: The cardiac form of Chagas Disease, a condition caused by the chronic infection of the protozoan Trypanossoma cruzi and marked by chronic inflammation and progressive myocardial cell damage, has progressed with new endemic areas throughout the world, although its incidence has decreased last years. The parasite compromises the energetic synthesis of cardiac myocytes without altering the mitochondrial ultrastructure. It is reported that the parasite can control the central structure of the organelle in order to obtain substrate for its proliferation. Therefore, it has become relevant to investigate the relationship of serum NO concentration with cardiovascular diseases, due to the importance of vasoactive factor and the subject for public health. Developing knowledge that allows better understanding of oxidative stress in the presence of T. cruzi infection and associating them with inflammatory mechanisms culminates in the elucidation of this chronic pathology

    Plauto e la commedia nuova greca, tra imitazione e parodia

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    La trattazione si prefigge di attuare un confronto tra la commedia latina di Plauto e la commedia nuova greca, in particolare Difilo e Filemone, in modo da stabilire dei paralleli, dovuti sia all'imitazione dei modelli o alla loro originale rielaborazione, da parte del commediografo latino, sia alla ripresa di alcune tecniche tipiche di questo genere, in particolare quelle della parodia e della paratragedia, cercando di creare i presupposti di un collegamento, seppur indiretto e incerto, alla commedia greca antica e Aristofane