502 research outputs found

    Bipolar HII regions - Morphology and star formation in their vicinity - I - G319.88++00.79 and G010.32-00.15

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    Our goal is to identify bipolar HII regions and to understand their morphology, their evolution, and the role they play in the formation of new generations of stars. We use the Spitzer and Herschel Hi-GAL surveys to identify bipolar HII regions. We search for their exciting star(s) and estimate their distances using near-IR data. Dense clumps are detected using Herschel-SPIRE data. MALT90 observations allow us to ascertain their association with the central HII region. We identify Class 0/I YSOs using their Spitzer and Herschel-PACS emissions. These methods will be applied to the entire sample of candidate bipolar HII regions. This paper focuses on two bipolar HII regions, one interesting in terms of its morphology, G319.88++00.79, and one in terms of its star formation, G010.32-00.15. Their exciting clusters are identified and their photometric distances estimated to be 2.6 kpc and 1.75 kpc, respectively. We suggest that these regions formed in dense and flat structures that contain filaments. They have a central ionized region and ionized lobes perpendicular to the parental cloud. The remains of the parental cloud appear as dense (more than 10^4 per cm^3) and cold (14-17 K) condensations. The dust in the PDR is warm (19-25 K). Dense massive clumps are present around the central ionized region. G010.32-00.14 is especially remarkable because five clumps of several hundred solar masses surround the central HII region; their peak column density is a few 10^23 per cm^2, and the mean density in their central regions reaches several 10^5 per cm^3. Four of them contain at least one massive YSO; these clumps also contain extended green objects and Class II methanol masers. This morphology suggests that the formation of a second generation of massive stars has been triggered by the central bipolar HII region. It occurs in the compressed material of the parental cloud.Comment: 32 pages, 28 figures, to be published in A&

    Characterization of the HD 108236 system with CHEOPS and TESS Confirmation of a fifth transiting planet

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    Context. The HD 108236 system was first announced with the detection of four small planets based on TESS data. Shortly after, the transit of an additional planet with a period of 29.54 d was serendipitously detected by CHEOPS. In this way, HD 108236 (V = 9.2) became one of the brightest stars known to host five small transiting planets (Rp < 3 R⊕). Aims. We characterize the planetary system by using all the data available from CHEOPS and TESS space missions. We use the flexible pointing capabilities of CHEOPS to follow up the transits of all the planets in the system, including the fifth transiting body. Methods. After updating the host star parameters by using the results from Gaia eDR3, we analyzed 16 and 43 transits observed by CHEOPS and TESS, respectively, to derive the planets’ physical and orbital parameters. We carried out a timing analysis of the transits of each of the planets of HD 108236 to search for the presence of transit timing variations. Results. We derived improved values for the radius and mass of the host star (R★ = 0.876 ± 0.007 R0 and M★ = 0.867-0.046+0.047M⊙). We confirm the presence of the fifth transiting planet f in a 29.54 d orbit. Thus, the HD 108236 system consists of five planets of Rb = 1.587±0.028, Rc = 2.122±0.025, Rd = 2.629 ± 0.031, Re = 3.008 ± 0.032, and Rf = 1.89 ± 0.04 [R⊕]. We refine the transit ephemeris for each planet and find no significant transit timing variations for planets c, d, and e. For planets b and f, instead, we measure significant deviations on their transit times (up to 22 and 28 min, respectively) with a non-negligible dispersion of 9.6 and 12.6 min in their time residuals. Conclusions. We confirm the presence of planet f and find no significant evidence for a potential transiting planet in a 10.9 d orbital period, as previously suggested. Further monitoring of the transits, particularly for planets b and f, would confirm the presence of the observed transit time variations. HD 108236 thus becomes a key multi-planetary system for the study of formation and evolution processes. The reported precise results on the planetary radii – together with a profuse RV monitoring – will allow for an accurate characterization of the internal structure of these planets

    Unbiasing the density of TTV-characterised sub-Neptunes: Update of the mass-radius relationship of 34 Kepler planets

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    Transit Timing Variations (TTVs) can provide useful information on compact multi-planetary systems observed by transits, by putting constraints on the masses and eccentricities of the observed planets. This is especially helpful when the host star is not bright enough for radial velocity follow-up. However, in the past decades, numerous works have shown that TTV-characterised planets tend to have a lower densities than RV-characterised planets. Re-analysing 34 Kepler planets in the super-Earth to sub-Neptunes range using the RIVERS approach, we show that at least part of these discrepancies was due to the way transit timings were extracted from the light curve, which had a tendency to under-estimate the TTV amplitudes. We recover robust mass estimates (i.e. low prior dependency) for 23 of the planets. We compare these planets the RV-characterised population. A large fraction of these previously had a surprisingly low density now occupy a place of the mass-radius diagram much closer to the bulk of the known planets, although a slight shift toward lower densities remains, which could indicate that the compact multi-planetary systems characterised by TTVs are indeed composed of planets which are different from the bulk of the RV-characterised population. These results are especially important for obtaining an unbiased view of the compact multi-planetary systems detected by Kepler, TESS, and the upcoming PLATO mission

    An overview of treatment options for patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma and renal impairment

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    Renal impairment (RI) is a relatively common complication of multiple myeloma, which increases in frequency as disease becomes more advanced and recovery of renal function becomes less likely as patients progress through lines of therapy. Clinical trials in the relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM) setting have not uniformly included patients with RI or robustly reported their outcomes. Here, we review existing data among patients with RI and RRMM across drug classes (including immunomodulatory agents, proteasome inhibitors, monoclonal antibodies, antibody-drug conjugates, chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapies, and exportin-1 inhibitor) to provide an improved understanding of available treatment options for this important population. We highlight data from pivotal clinical trials, including data relating to renal response (as defined by the International Myeloma Working Group) and discuss real-world experiences in patients with RI, where applicable. Despite substantial advances in RRMM treatment, the presence of RI remains associated with reduced overall survival. Consistent inclusion of patients with RI, and uniform reporting of their outcomes, should be encouraged in future prospective trials of treatments for RRMM

    Inhibiting the oncogenic translation program is an effective therapeutic strategy in multiple myeloma

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    Published in final edited form as: Sci Transl Med. 2017 May 10; 9(389). https://doi.org/10.1126/scitranslmed.aal2668.Multiple myeloma (MM) is a frequently incurable hematological cancer in which overactivity of MYC plays a central role, notably through up-regulation of ribosome biogenesis and translation. To better understand the oncogenic program driven by MYC and investigate its potential as a therapeutic target, we screened a chemically diverse small-molecule library for anti-MM activity. The most potent hits identified were rocaglate scaffold inhibitors of translation initiation. Expression profiling of MM cells revealed reversion of the oncogenic MYC-driven transcriptional program by CMLD010509, the most promising rocaglate. Proteome-wide reversion correlated with selective depletion of short-lived proteins that are key to MM growth and survival, most notably MYC, MDM2, CCND1, MAF, and MCL-1. The efficacy of CMLD010509 in mouse models of MM confirmed the therapeutic relevance of these findings in vivo and supports the feasibility of targeting the oncogenic MYC-driven translation program in MM with rocaglates

    Multicenter analysis of sputum microbiota in tuberculosis patients.

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    The impact of tuberculosis and of anti-tuberculosis therapy on composition and modification of human lung microbiota has been the object of several investigations. However, no clear outcome has been presented so far and the relationship between M. tuberculosis pulmonary infection and the resident lung microbiota remains vague. In this work we describe the results obtained from a multicenter study of the microbiota of sputum samples from patients with tuberculosis or unrelated lung diseases and healthy donors recruited in Switzerland, Italy and Bangladesh, with the ultimate goal of discovering a microbiota-based biomarker associated with tuberculosis. Bacterial 16S rDNA amplification, high-throughput sequencing and extensive bioinformatic analyses revealed patient-specific flora and high variability in taxon abundance. No common signature could be identified among the individuals enrolled except for minor differences which were not consistent among the different geographical settings. Moreover, anti-tuberculosis therapy did not cause any important variation in microbiota diversity, thus precluding its exploitation as a biomarker for the follow up of tuberculosis patients undergoing treatment

    Mental Distress Under Occupation: The Journal of Madeleine Blaess

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    Madeleine Blaess a British doctoral student studying at the Sorbonne was trapped in Paris unable to return home to York for the duration of the Occupation. In October 1940 she began a diary which she kept diligently until September 1944. This unique testimony written from the perspective of a British student at liberty to roam wartime Paris, focuses more on the civilian struggle through the everyday than on the political and military situation which Blaess, vulnerable to arrest, thinks wise to mention as little as possible. This exhaustively documented, voluminous record of the minutiae of a daily struggle with material hardship discloses a struggle with mental illness articulated and managed through the writing of the diary. That diaries can have a therapeutic purpose for writers under mental strain is axiomatic and this article examines a variety of palliative strategies both deliberate and involuntary invoked through the writing process. In so doing, the article will survey the incidence and causes of civilian mental distress on the home front over the period; an area of inquiry which, other than recent work into the psychological impact of Allied bombing of civilians, has been largely neglected in recent work foregrounding and valorising the historical importance of life-writing sources in the field of Occupation studies