54,513 research outputs found

    Robust probabilistic-constrained optimization for IRS-aided MISO communication systems

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    Taking into account imperfect channel state information, this letter formulates and solves a joint active/passive beamforming optimization problem in multiple-input single-output systems with the support of an intelligent reflecting surface. In particular, we introduce an optimization problem to minimize the total transmit power subject to maintaining the users' signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio coverage probability above a predefined target. Due to the presence of probabilistic constraints, the proposed optimization problem is non-convex. To circumvent this issue, we first recast the proposed problem in a convex form by adopting the Bernstein-type inequality, and we then introduce a converging alternating optimization approach to iteratively find the active/passive beamforming vectors. In particular, the transformed robust optimization problem can be effectively solved by using standard interior-point methods. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of jointly optimizing the active/passive beamforming vectors

    Revival of Silenced Echo and Quantum Memory for Light

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    We propose an original quantum memory protocol. It belongs to the class of rephasing processes and is closely related to two-pulse photon echo. It is known that the strong population inversion produced by the rephasing pulse prevents the plain two-pulse photon echo from serving as a quantum memory scheme. Indeed gain and spontaneous emission generate prohibitive noise. A second π\pi-pulse can be used to simultaneously reverse the atomic phase and bring the atoms back into the ground state. Then a secondary echo is radiated from a non-inverted medium, avoiding contamination by gain and spontaneous emission noise. However, one must kill the primary echo, in order to preserve all the information for the secondary signal. In the present work, spatial phase mismatching is used to silence the standard two-pulse echo. An experimental demonstration is presented.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Galaxy Selection and Clustering and Lyman alpha Absorber Identification

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    The effects of galaxy selection on our ability to constrain the nature of weak Ly\alpha absorbers at low redshift are explored. Current observations indicate the existence of a population of gas-rich, low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies, and these galaxies may have large cross sections for Ly\alpha absorption. Absorption arising in LSB galaxies may be attributed to HSB galaxies at larger impact parameters from quasar lines of sight, so that the observed absorption cross sections of galaxies may seem unreasonably large. Thus it is not possible to rule out scenarios where LSB galaxies make substantial contributions to Ly\alpha absorption using direct observations. Less direct tests, where observational selection effects are taken into account using simulations, should make it possible to determine the nature of Ly\alpha absorbers by observing a sample of ~100 galaxies around quasar lines of sight with well-defined selection criteria. Such tests, which involve comparing simulated and observed plots of the unidentified absorber fractions and absorbing galaxy fractions versus impact parameter, can distinguish between scenarios where absorbers arise in particular galaxies and those where absorbers arise in gas tracing the large scale galaxy distribution. Care must be taken to minimize selection effects even when using these tests. Results from such tests are likely to depend upon the limiting neutral hydrogen column density. While not enough data are currently available to make a strong conclusion about the nature of moderately weak absorbers, evidence is seen that such absorbers arise in gas that is around or between galaxies that are often not detected in surveys.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, accepted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Weak local rules for planar octagonal tilings

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    We provide an effective characterization of the planar octagonal tilings which admit weak local rules. As a corollary, we show that they are all based on quadratic irrationalities, as conjectured by Thang Le in the 90s.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Words are Malleable: Computing Semantic Shifts in Political and Media Discourse

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    Recently, researchers started to pay attention to the detection of temporal shifts in the meaning of words. However, most (if not all) of these approaches restricted their efforts to uncovering change over time, thus neglecting other valuable dimensions such as social or political variability. We propose an approach for detecting semantic shifts between different viewpoints--broadly defined as a set of texts that share a specific metadata feature, which can be a time-period, but also a social entity such as a political party. For each viewpoint, we learn a semantic space in which each word is represented as a low dimensional neural embedded vector. The challenge is to compare the meaning of a word in one space to its meaning in another space and measure the size of the semantic shifts. We compare the effectiveness of a measure based on optimal transformations between the two spaces with a measure based on the similarity of the neighbors of the word in the respective spaces. Our experiments demonstrate that the combination of these two performs best. We show that the semantic shifts not only occur over time, but also along different viewpoints in a short period of time. For evaluation, we demonstrate how this approach captures meaningful semantic shifts and can help improve other tasks such as the contrastive viewpoint summarization and ideology detection (measured as classification accuracy) in political texts. We also show that the two laws of semantic change which were empirically shown to hold for temporal shifts also hold for shifts across viewpoints. These laws state that frequent words are less likely to shift meaning while words with many senses are more likely to do so.Comment: In Proceedings of the 26th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2017

    Testing Gravitation in the Solar System with Radio Science experiments

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    The laws of gravitation have been tested for a long time with steadily improving precision, leading at some moment of time to paradigmatic evolutions. Pursuing this continual effort is of great importance for science. In this communication, we focus on Solar System tests of gravity and more precisely on possible tests that can be performed with radio science observations (Range and Doppler). After briefly reviewing the current tests of gravitation at Solar System scales, we give motivations to continue such experiments. In order to obtain signature and estimate the amplitude of anomalous signals that could show up in radio science observables because of modified gravitational laws, we developed a new software that simulates Range/Doppler signals. We present this new tool that simulates radio science observables directly from the space-time metric. We apply this tool to the Cassini mission during its cruise from Jupiter to Saturn and derive constraints on the parameters entering alternative theories of gravity beyond the standard Parametrized Post Newtonian theory.Comment: proceedings of SF2A 2011 - minor changes (typos corrected - references updated

    Resonant Relaxation in Electroweak Baryogenesis

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    We compute the leading, chiral charge-changing relaxation term in the quantum transport equations that govern electroweak baryogenesis using the closed time path formulation of non-equilibrium quantum field theory. We show that the relaxation transport coefficients may be resonantly enhanced under appropriate conditions on electroweak model parameters and that such enhancements can mitigate the impact of similar enhancements in the CP-violating source terms. We also develop a power counting in the time and energy scales entering electroweak baryogenesis and include effects through second order in ratios ϵ\epsilon of the small and large scales. We illustrate the implications of the resonantly enhanced O(ϵ2){\cal O}(\epsilon^2) terms using the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, focusing on the interplay between the requirements of baryogenesis and constraints obtained from collider studies, precision electroweak data, and electric dipole moment searches.Comment: 30 pages plus appendices, 7 figure

    High Metallicity Mg II Absorbers in the z < 1 Lyman alpha Forest of PKS 0454+039: Giant LSB Galaxies?

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    We report the discovery of two iron-group enhanced high-metallicity Mg II absorbers in a search through 28 Lyman Alpha forest clouds along the PKS 0454+039 sight line. Based upon our survey and the measured redshift number densities of W_r(MgII) <= 0.3 A absorbers and Lyman Alpha absorbers at z ~ 1, we suggest that roughly 5% of Lyman Alpha absorbers at z < 1 will exhibit "weak" Mg II absorption to a 5-sigma W_r(2796) detection limit of 0.02 A. The two discovered absorbers, at redshifts z = 0.6248 and z = 0.9315, have W_r(Lya) = 0.33 and 0.15 A, respectively. Based upon photoionization modeling, the H I column densities are inferred to be in the range 15.8 <= log N(HI) <= 16.8 cm^-2. For the z = 0.6428 absorber, if the abundance pattern is solar, then the cloud has [Fe/H] > -1; if its gas-phase abundance follows that of depleted clouds in our Galaxy, then [Fe/H] > 0 is inferred. For the z = 0.9315 absorber, the metallicity is [Fe/H] > 0, whether the abundance pattern is solar or suffers depletion. Imaging and spectroscopic studies of the PKS 0454+039 field reveal no candidate luminous objects at these redshifts. We discuss the possibility that these Mg II absorbers may arise in the class of "giant" low surface brightness galaxies, which have [Fe/H] >= -1, and even [Fe/H] >= 0, in their extended disks. We tentatively suggest that a substantial fraction of these "weak" Mg II absorbers may select low surface brightness galaxies out to z ~ 1.Comment: Accepted The Astrophysical Journal; 25 pages; 6 encapsulated figure

    Classification of Reductive Monoid Spaces Over an Arbitrary Field

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    In this semi-expository paper we review the notion of a spherical space. In particular we present some recent results of Wedhorn on the classification of spherical spaces over arbitrary fields. As an application, we introduce and classify reductive monoid spaces over an arbitrary field.Comment: This is the final versio

    Exploring Deep Space: Learning Personalized Ranking in a Semantic Space

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    Recommender systems leverage both content and user interactions to generate recommendations that fit users' preferences. The recent surge of interest in deep learning presents new opportunities for exploiting these two sources of information. To recommend items we propose to first learn a user-independent high-dimensional semantic space in which items are positioned according to their substitutability, and then learn a user-specific transformation function to transform this space into a ranking according to the user's past preferences. An advantage of the proposed architecture is that it can be used to effectively recommend items using either content that describes the items or user-item ratings. We show that this approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art recommender systems on the MovieLens 1M dataset.Comment: 6 pages, RecSys 2016 RSDL worksho
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