13 research outputs found

    Un état de coexistence du soja transgénique et conventionnel au Paraná, Brésil

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    document consultable au : http://economierurale.revues.org/index2881.html Cette version a corrigé des erreurs dans le tableau 4, et a ajusté les commentaires correspondant, mais sans changement du fond de l'articleInternational audienceIn Brazil, soybean production has increased with an annual growth of 7.2% since 1996. The adoption of transgenic soybean, rendered tolerant to glyphosate herbicide, has contributed to this remarkable increase. After the presentation of soybean production in Brazil, this article introduces the results of a survey conducted to capture the use of transgenic soybean, during the 200708 campaign in Paraná, one of the main producing States. The survey indicates that producers may show no, partial or total adoption of glyphosate-tolerant varieties of transgenic soybean. The allocation of transgenic soybean to most weedy plots is one reason of the coexistence of transgenic and non-transgenic soybean within the same farm holding. The continuation of the observed coexistence depends particularly on the evolution of royalties on transgenic soybean, and on the measures to ensure the non-transgenic purity of conventional soybean seeds.Au Brésil, la production de soja a progressé avec une croissance annuelle de 7,2 % depuis 1996. La culture des variétés de soja transgéniques tolérantes à l'herbicide glyphosate a concouru à cette importante progression. Après avoir présenté le contexte de production du soja au Brésil, l'article présente les résultats d'une enquête sur l'utilisation du soja transgénique, se rapportant à la campagne 2007/2008 dans le Paraná, l'un des principaux États brésiliens producteurs de soja. Cette enquête indique que, selon les exploitations agricoles, l'adoption du soja transgénique peut être nulle, partielle ou totale. L'utilisation du soja transgénique en fonction de l'état d'infestation des parcelles par les mauvaises herbes est une raison de la production simultanée des deux types de soja dans une même exploitation. La poursuite de cette coexistence dépend notamment de l'évolution des royalties appliquées au soja transgénique et des dispositions prises pour assurer la pureté des semences de soja conventionnel

    A convergência entre o turismo rural e as indicações geográficas brasileiras

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    Geographical indications (GIs) can become powerful development strategies for rural territories. The strengthening of rural tourism has become one of the priority development axes of the Ministry of Tourism. Several common factors exist between them such as scale of action, location in rural areas, agricultural activities among others, quality of landscapes, cultural and traditional aspects. Considering this confluence of elements, the present study tries to define which relations can be woven between rural tourism and geographical indications, trying to confirm or not the theory elaborated by Le Guerroué and Barjolle (2018), which advance the hypothesis that there are four possible types of interactions. By doing so, the work consists in associating the territories, identified by the municipalities, according to their classifications in terms of tourism development to the geographical areas defined in the codes of pratice ( CoP) of the geographical indications seeking from different sources to evaluate which activities are present in these common areas and in particular. which are directly associated with GIs. The data grouping made it possible to see the heterogeneity of tourism in the territories of geographical indications. The observed data confirmed the hypothesis identifying four types of interaction between the development of geographical indications and rural tourism. Complementary studies are needed to more accurately represent other variables not contemplated in this paper. Key-words: Geographical Indications. Rural Tourism. Interaction. Territorial Development.As indicações geográficas (IG) podem se tornar poderosas estratégias de desenvolvimento dos territórios rurais. O fortalecimento do turismo rural tornou-se um dos eixos prioritários de desenvolvimento do Ministério do Turismo. Diversos fatores comuns existem entre ambos como a escala de ação, a localização em meios rurais, as atividades agrícolas, entre outras, como a qualidade das paisagens, os aspectos culturais e tradicionais. Considerando essa confluência de elementos, o presente estudo tenta definir quais relações podem se tecer entre turismo rural e indicações geográficas buscando confirmar ou não a teoria elaborada por Le Guerroué e Barjolle (2018), que propõem a hipóteses de que existe quatro tipos de interações possíveis. Assim, o trabalho consiste em associar os territórios, identificados pelos munícipios, segundo suas classificações em termo de desenvolvimento turístico, às áreas geográficas definidas nos cadernos de especificações das indicações geográficas, buscando em fontes diversas avaliar quais atividades estão presentes nessas áreas comuns e em particular quais estão diretamente associadas às IGs. O agrupamento de dados possibilitou ver a heterogeneidade do turismo nos territórios das indicações geográficas. Os dados observados confirmaram a hipótese emitida, identificando quatro tipos de interação entre o desenvolvimento das indicações geográficas e do Turismo rural. Estudos complementares são necessários para representar de modo mais preciso outras variáveis não contempladas no presente trabalho. Palavras-chave: Indicações Geográficas. Turismo Rural. Interação. Desenvolvimento Territorial

    Un état de coexistence du soja transgénique et conventionnel au Paraná (Brésil)

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    Au Brésil, la production de soja a progressé avec une croissance annuelle de 7,2 % depuis 1996. La culture des variétés de soja transgénique tolérantes à l’herbicide glyphosate a concouru à cette importante progression. Après avoir présenté le contexte de production du soja au Brésil, l’article présente les résultats d’une enquête sur l’utilisation du soja transgénique, se rapportant à la campagne 2007-2008 dans le Paraná, l’un des principaux états brésiliens producteurs de soja. Cette enquête indique que, selon les exploitations agricoles, l’adoption du soja transgénique peut être nulle, partielle ou totale. L’utilisation du soja transgénique en fonction de l’état d’infestation des parcelles par les mauvaises herbes est une raison de la production simultanée des deux types de soja dans une même exploitation. La poursuite de cette coexistence dépend notamment de l’évolution des royalties appliquées au soja transgénique et des dispositions prises pour assurer la pureté des semences de soja conventionnel.In Brazil, soybean production has increased with an annual growth of 7.2% since 1996. The adoption of transgenic soybean, rendered tolerant to glyphosate herbicide, has contributed to this remarkable increase. After the presentation of soybean production in Brazil, this article introduces the results of a survey conducted to capture the use of transgenic soybean, during the 200708 campaign in Paraná, one of the main producing States. The survey indicates that producers may show no, partial or total adoption of glyphosate-tolerant varieties of transgenic soybean. The allocation of transgenic soybean to most weedy plots is one reason of the coexistence of transgenic and non-transgenic soybean within the same farm holding. The continuation of the observed coexistence depends particularly on the evolution of royalties on transgenic soybean, and on the measures to ensure the non-transgenic purity of conventional soybean seeds


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    Some aspects of leaf proteins, specially from cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), as physiologic origin, amino acid composition, biochemical properties, nutritional role and technological process are reviewed. Cassava leaves present high protein content (20-30% w/w dry basis), of satisfactory quality when compared to FAO recommended pattern, and also high content of vitamins A and C and minerals. Some potential applications for human nutrition, animal feed or biotechnology industries are discussed. Alguns aspectos ligados à tecnologia de proteínas de folhas, com ênfase para as folhas de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz), são revisados. A composição em aminoácidos, as propriedades bioquímicas, a importância nutricional e os princípios dos métodos de extração são apresentados. As folhas de mandioca apresentam elevado teor de proteínas (20-30% base seca), de valor nutricional adequado às recomendações da FAO, além de altos teores de vitaminas A e C e de minerais. Algumas aplicações potenciais em nutrição humana ou animal ou como substrato para a indústria de biotecnologia são discutidas

    Private governance in royalty collection: Effectiveness and limitations in tracing GM soybean in Brazil

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    Ce papier analyse l'émergence d'une innovation institutionnelle en accompagnement de la diffusion du soja génétiquement modifié au Brésil. Il en découle une gouvernance plutôt efficace par la création d'une situation gagnant-gagnant pour les acteurs impliqués, au moins à court terme, tant que la coexistence avec les variétés conventionnelles peut demeurer. Cette coexistence est menacée surtout du fait d'une absence de prime de marché pour le soja conventionnel.OGM; soja; Brésil; innovation institutionnelle; redevance d'emploi; coexistence


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    Some aspects of leaf proteins, specially from cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), as physiologic origin, amino acid composition, biochemical properties, nutritional role and technological process are reviewed. Cassava leaves present high protein content (20-30% w/w dry basis), of satisfactory quality when compared to FAO recommended pattern, and also high content of vitamins A and C and minerals. Some potential applications for human nutrition, animal feed or biotechnology industries are discussed. Alguns aspectos ligados à tecnologia de proteínas de folhas, com ênfase para as folhas de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz), são revisados. A composição em aminoácidos, as propriedades bioquímicas, a importância nutricional e os princípios dos métodos de extração são apresentados. As folhas de mandioca apresentam elevado teor de proteínas (20-30% base seca), de valor nutricional adequado às recomendações da FAO, além de altos teores de vitaminas A e C e de minerais. Algumas aplicações potenciais em nutrição humana ou animal ou como substrato para a indústria de biotecnologia são discutidas

    La recherche agricole, vecteur de dynamiques collectives des territoires ruraux : l’Indication géographique « Vales da Uva Goethe » au Brésil

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    L’article analyse en quoi et comment la recherche peut être un vecteur de renforcement des dynamiques collectives des territoires par la méthode participative ImpresS (Impact des recherches au Sud). Celle-ci qualifie la façon dont la recherche accompagne les processus d’innovation et y contribue, et la façon dont elle renforce les actions collectives par la création de nouveaux espaces de dialogue et d’échanges entre les chercheurs et les parties prenantes d’un projet d’indication géographique (IG). La contribution de la recherche est analysée dans trois objets et échelles d’analyse : l’organisation porteuse de l’IG – l’association ProGoethe – ; le territoire de l’IG « Vales da Uva Goethe » ; et ses liens avec d’autres territoires impliqués dans des démarches de valorisation de produits locaux

    Influence of heat treatment and grain germination on the isoflavone profile of soy milk

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    Soy foods have attracted much attention for their possible effects on human health because of their phytochemical content, mainly isoflavones.Twelve forms of isoflavones have been identified in soybeans and soy products. Technological processes like heat treatment or fermentation can change the isoflavone profile of soy products. In this study, the effects of heat treatment and grain germination on isoflavone profile of soy milk prepared from BRS 213 soybean variety were evaluated. Isoflavone forms were separated and quantified by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Heat treatment by autoclaving for 5 min did not affect the total isoflavone content, but led to a 90% decrease in malonyl forms, whereas b-glycosides increased by 70%. Autoclaving for 15 min led to a 20% loss of total isoflavones. Germination for 3 days did not change the total isoflavone content, but changed the distribution profile (15% increase of malonyl forms and 30% decrease of b-glycosides). Germination for 7 days increased the bioavailability of aglycone isoflavones in soy milk by seven times