67 research outputs found

    Polymer-grafted gold nanoparticles for cancer treatment: synthesis and evaluation of their radiosensitizing properties

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    International audienceToday, even though treatments have much improved, cancer is still a leading cause of death in the world, being responsible for 1 death out of 6. Radiotherapy is widely used for tumor treatment, but suffers from side effects due to the irradiation of healthy surrounding tissues. Another issue is the radioresistance developed by some tumor cells, which implies to increase the involved doses. The challenge remains to deliver curative doses to tumor tissues while sparing sound ones. Hence the use of tumor-located radiosensitizers is a promising way to improve the efficacy of radiotherapy. High-Z materials have been known for several decades to amplify the damaging effects of both photon and ion radiations. Various nanoparticles have already been developed to take advantage of this property: gold, platinum and gadolinium are amongst the most investigated elements. A well-controlled synthesis is key to obtain stable and scalable nano-objects. Here, various polymers were grafted onto metallic nanoparticles to improve stability and biocompatibility and to facilitate subsequent functionalization. Advanced methods of characterization attested both robustness and reproducibility of the synthesis procedure. Moreover, promising results were obtained regarding the radioenhancing properties of these hybrid nanocompounds. Therefore, special attention has been given to the underlying mechanisms of the assessed radiosensitization, since they are not fully understood yet. Synthesis of polymer-grafted gold nanoparticles was performed through an in situ method, via the reduction of gold salts in the presence of polymeric ligands mainly prepared using controlled radical polymerization. The resulting nano-objects were fully characterized by thermogravimetric analysis, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), transmission electronic microscopy and small-angle x-ray and neutron scattering. Interactions between our nanocompounds and biological systems were studied in order to better understand the mechanisms at play. At the cellular scale, three aspects were examined for each type of nanoparticles: cellular uptake, cytotoxicity and radiosensitizing properties, through ICP-MS measurements, cell proliferation assays and clonogenic assays respectively. All irradiations were performed while keeping the delivered doses to low values (under 30 Gy) that are typical of clinic reality. Different types of radiations were tested, in order to compare their effects and their synergy with the nanocompounds. The synthesized nano-objects have shown great potential to enhance radiation cancer treatment. Their stability and controlled surface chemistry have allowed to develop multiple strategies in order to optimize their radiosensitizing effect and in vitro behavior

    Deep tissue penetration of bottle-brush polymers via cell capture evasion and fast diffusion

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    Drug nanocarriers (NCs) capable of crossing the vascular endothelium and deeply penetrating into dense tissues of the CNS could potentially transform the management of neurological diseases. In the present study, we investigated the interaction of bottle-brush (BB) polymers with different biological barriers in vitro and in vivo and compared it to nanospheres of similar composition. In vitro internalization and permeability assays revealed that BB polymers are not internalized by brain-associated cell lines and translocate much faster across a blood–brain barrier model compared to nanospheres of similar hydrodynamic diameter. These observations performed under static, no-flow conditions were complemented by dynamic assays performed in microvessel arrays on chip and confirmed that BB polymers can escape the vasculature compartment via a paracellular route. BB polymers injected in mice and zebrafish larvae exhibit higher penetration in brain tissues and faster extravasation of microvessels located in the brain compared to nanospheres of similar sizes. The superior diffusivity of BBs in extracellular matrix-like gels combined with their ability to efficiently cross endothelial barriers via a paracellular route position them as promising drug carriers to translocate across the blood–brain barrier and penetrate dense tissue such as the brain, two unmet challenges and ultimate frontiers in nanomedicine

    Inborn errors of OAS-RNase L in SARS-CoV-2-related multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children

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    Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a rare and severe condition that follows benign COVID-19. We report autosomal recessive deficiencies of OAS1, OAS2, or RNASEL in five unrelated children with MIS-C. The cytosolic double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-sensing OAS1 and OAS2 generate 2'-5'-linked oligoadenylates (2-5A) that activate the single-stranded RNA-degrading ribonuclease L (RNase L). Monocytic cell lines and primary myeloid cells with OAS1, OAS2, or RNase L deficiencies produce excessive amounts of inflammatory cytokines upon dsRNA or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) stimulation. Exogenous 2-5A suppresses cytokine production in OAS1-deficient but not RNase L-deficient cells. Cytokine production in RNase L-deficient cells is impaired by MDA5 or RIG-I deficiency and abolished by mitochondrial antiviral-signaling protein (MAVS) deficiency. Recessive OAS-RNase L deficiencies in these patients unleash the production of SARS-CoV-2-triggered, MAVS-mediated inflammatory cytokines by mononuclear phagocytes, thereby underlying MIS-C

    Nanoparticules d'or à couronne polymère modulable : synthèse, interactions avec les systèmes biologiques et propriétés de radiosensibilisation

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    These past twenty years, there has been a great increase in the number of studies concerning the use of nanoparticles for medical applications, especially for cancer treatment. In particular, radiosensitizing effects of metal nanoparticles have been studied a lot in radiotherapy, in order to reduce the side effects created by the irradiation of healthy tissues surrounding the tumor. In this work, we focused on polymer-grafted gold nanoparticles. The polymer corona both ensured a great stability of the objects and allowed to change their physico-chemical properties, in order to study their impact on the nanoparticles behavior. We used polymethacrylates which were obtained through controlled radical polymerization and acted as ligands during the gold nanoparticles synthesis. A library of nano-objects with different properties was established by varying both molar mass and chemical nature of (co)polymers. Thorough characterization, including by small-angle radiation scattering, revealed similar structures for all synthesized objects. Grafting of one chemotherapy agent, doxorubicin, and two proteins was also performed on polymer ligands. Interactions between these various nanoparticles and biological systems were studied in detail. Special attention was given to the impact of polymer corona properties. Four aspects were examined: colloidal stability in biological media, ability to diffuse inside the extracellular matrix, cellular uptake, and cytotoxicity. All studied ligands ensured a great stability. Regarding the other aspects, systematic comparison of the results obtained for the whole library highlighted a strong impact of the ligands nature, especially the presence of positive charges or hydrophobic segments. We have also shown that grafted doxorubicin and protein kept their toxic and targeting properties respectively. Lastly, the prospect of using these nanoparticles for radiosensitization led us to study their behavior under radiations. When irradiated, their structure was found stable. Combining them with radioiodine (internal radiotherapy) showed a great radiosensitizing effect, both in vitro and in vivo, but experiments with protontherapy (external radiotherapy) revealed different behaviors depending on the type of radiations. We also investigated the use of particle-induced X-ray emission to detect nanoparticles in situ, during protontherapy treatment.La recherche concernant l’utilisation de nanoparticules dans le domaine médical a connu un essor considérable ces vingt dernières années, notamment dans le cadre du traitement du cancer. En particulier, l’effet radiosensibilisant des nanoparticules métalliques a été beaucoup étudié en radiothérapie, dans une perspective de réduction des effets secondaires générés par l’irradiation des tissus sains autour de la tumeur. Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés à des nanoparticules d’or greffées d’une couronne polymère. Celle-ci assure une grande stabilité des objets, tout en permettant de faire varier leurs propriétés physico-chimiques et d’en étudier l’impact sur leur comportement. Les polymères utilisés sont des polyméthacrylates, obtenus par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée, qui jouent le rôle de ligands lors de la synthèse des nanoparticules d’or. Nous avons pu faire varier deux paramètres, la masse molaire et la nature chimique des (co)polymères, afin de constituer une gamme de nano-objets aux propriétés différentes. Une caractérisation approfondie, notamment par diffusion de rayonnements aux petits angles, a mis en évidence une structure similaire pour l’ensemble des objets synthétisés. Un agent de chimiothérapie, la doxorubicine, et deux protéines ont en outre pu être greffés sur les ligands polymères. Les interactions de ces différentes nanoparticules avec les systèmes biologiques ont été étudiées de manière détaillée, en particulier l’impact des propriétés de la couronne polymère. Quatre aspects ont été examinés : la stabilité colloïdale en milieux biologiques, la capacité à diffuser dans la matrice extracellulaire, la captation cellulaire et la cytotoxicité. Tous les ligands étudiés assurent une bonne stabilité. Concernant les autres aspects, la comparaison systématique des résultats obtenus pour la gamme d’objets a permis de mettre en évidence un fort impact de la nature de la couronne polymère, notamment de la présence de charges positives ou de segments hydrophobes. Nous avons également montré que les propriétés de toxicité de la doxorubicine, et de captation accrue d’une protéine étaient bien conservées après greffage. Dans une perspective d’utilisation en radiosensibilisation, nous avons enfin étudié le comportement de nos nanoparticules sous irradiation. Une bonne stabilité de leur structure a été observée sous rayonnement, et leur association à l’iode 131 (radiothérapie interne) a montré un fort effet radiosensibilisant, à la fois in vitro et in vivo. Les résultats des essais menés en protonthérapie (radiothérapie externe) mettent cependant en évidence des différences de comportements selon le type d’irradiation. Nous avons également exploré la possibilité de détecter les nanoparticules in situ, lors d’une irradiation en protonthérapie, grâce à l’analyse des rayons X émis

    Gold nanoparticles grafted with a versatile polymer corona : synthesis, interactions with biological systems and radiosensitizing properties

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    La recherche concernant l’utilisation de nanoparticules dans le domaine médical a connu un essor considérable ces vingt dernières années, notamment dans le cadre du traitement du cancer. En particulier, l’effet radiosensibilisant des nanoparticules métalliques a été beaucoup étudié en radiothérapie, dans une perspective de réduction des effets secondaires générés par l’irradiation des tissus sains autour de la tumeur. Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés à des nanoparticules d’or greffées d’une couronne polymère. Celle-ci assure une grande stabilité des objets, tout en permettant de faire varier leurs propriétés physico-chimiques et d’en étudier l’impact sur leur comportement. Les polymères utilisés sont des polyméthacrylates, obtenus par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée, qui jouent le rôle de ligands lors de la synthèse des nanoparticules d’or. Nous avons pu faire varier deux paramètres, la masse molaire et la nature chimique des (co)polymères, afin de constituer une gamme de nano-objets aux propriétés différentes. Une caractérisation approfondie, notamment par diffusion de rayonnements aux petits angles, a mis en évidence une structure similaire pour l’ensemble des objets synthétisés. Un agent de chimiothérapie, la doxorubicine, et deux protéines ont en outre pu être greffés sur les ligands polymères. Les interactions de ces différentes nanoparticules avec les systèmes biologiques ont été étudiées de manière détaillée, en particulier l’impact des propriétés de la couronne polymère. Quatre aspects ont été examinés : la stabilité colloïdale en milieux biologiques, la capacité à diffuser dans la matrice extracellulaire, la captation cellulaire et la cytotoxicité. Tous les ligands étudiés assurent une bonne stabilité. Concernant les autres aspects, la comparaison systématique des résultats obtenus pour la gamme d’objets a permis de mettre en évidence un fort impact de la nature de la couronne polymère, notamment de la présence de charges positives ou de segments hydrophobes. Nous avons également montré que les propriétés de toxicité de la doxorubicine, et de captation accrue d’une protéine étaient bien conservées après greffage. Dans une perspective d’utilisation en radiosensibilisation, nous avons enfin étudié le comportement de nos nanoparticules sous irradiation. Une bonne stabilité de leur structure a été observée sous rayonnement, et leur association à l’iode 131 (radiothérapie interne) a montré un fort effet radiosensibilisant, à la fois in vitro et in vivo. Les résultats des essais menés en protonthérapie (radiothérapie externe) mettent cependant en évidence des différences de comportements selon le type d’irradiation. Nous avons également exploré la possibilité de détecter les nanoparticules in situ, lors d’une irradiation en protonthérapie, grâce à l’analyse des rayons X émis.These past twenty years, there has been a great increase in the number of studies concerning the use of nanoparticles for medical applications, especially for cancer treatment. In particular, radiosensitizing effects of metal nanoparticles have been studied a lot in radiotherapy, in order to reduce the side effects created by the irradiation of healthy tissues surrounding the tumor. In this work, we focused on polymer-grafted gold nanoparticles. The polymer corona both ensured a great stability of the objects and allowed to change their physico-chemical properties, in order to study their impact on the nanoparticles behavior. We used polymethacrylates which were obtained through controlled radical polymerization and acted as ligands during the gold nanoparticles synthesis. A library of nano-objects with different properties was established by varying both molar mass and chemical nature of (co)polymers. Thorough characterization, including by small-angle radiation scattering, revealed similar structures for all synthesized objects. Grafting of one chemotherapy agent, doxorubicin, and two proteins was also performed on polymer ligands. Interactions between these various nanoparticles and biological systems were studied in detail. Special attention was given to the impact of polymer corona properties. Four aspects were examined: colloidal stability in biological media, ability to diffuse inside the extracellular matrix, cellular uptake, and cytotoxicity. All studied ligands ensured a great stability. Regarding the other aspects, systematic comparison of the results obtained for the whole library highlighted a strong impact of the ligands nature, especially the presence of positive charges or hydrophobic segments. We have also shown that grafted doxorubicin and protein kept their toxic and targeting properties respectively. Lastly, the prospect of using these nanoparticles for radiosensitization led us to study their behavior under radiations. When irradiated, their structure was found stable. Combining them with radioiodine (internal radiotherapy) showed a great radiosensitizing effect, both in vitro and in vivo, but experiments with protontherapy (external radiotherapy) revealed different behaviors depending on the type of radiations. We also investigated the use of particle-induced X-ray emission to detect nanoparticles in situ, during protontherapy treatment

    Determination de la structure tridimensionnelle de proteines en solution par R.M.N.: application a l'alpha-cobratoxine

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    SIGLEAvailable from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : T 80581 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc
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