61 research outputs found

    Basal autophagy is involved in the degradation of the ERAD component EDEM1

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    Abstract.: Little is known about the fate of machinery proteins of the protein quality control and endoplasmic reticulum(ER)-associated degradation (ERAD). We investigated the degradation of the ERAD component EDEM1, which directs overexpressed misfolded glycoproteins to degradation. Endogenous EDEM1 was studied since EDEM1 overexpression not only resulted in inappropriate occurrence throughout the ER but also caused cytotoxic effects. Proteasome inhibitors had no effect on the clearance of endogenous EDEM1 in non-starved cells. However, EDEM1 could be detected by immunocytochemistry in autophagosomes and biochemically in LC3 immuno-purified autophagosomes. Furthermore, influencing the lysosome-autophagy pathway by vinblastine or pepstatin A/E64d and inhibiting autophagosome formation by 3-methyladenine or ATGs short interfering RNA knockdown stabilized EDEM1. Autophagic degradation involved removal of cytosolic Triton X-100-insoluble deglycosylated EDEM1, but not of EDEM1-containing ER cisternae. Our studies demonstrate that endogenous EDEM1 in cells not stressed by the expression of a transgenic misfolded protein reaches the cytosol and is degraded by basal autophag

    2-я Международная конференция «Высокочистые материалы: получение, применения, свойства»

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    17–20 сентября 2013 года в Харькове проходила 2-я Международная конференция «Высокочистые материалы: получение, применения, свойства», посвященная памяти академика НАН Украины Владимира Михайловича Ажажи. В организации Конференции приняли участие: Национальная академия наук Украины, Отделение ядерной физики и энергетики НАНУ, Национальный научный центр «Харьковский физико-технический институт», Харьковский национальный университет им. В.Н. Каразина. В работе Конференции приняло участие более 50 человек

    Distally based sural fasciomusculocutaneous flap for treatment of wounds of the distal third of the leg and ankle with exposed internal hardware

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    Soft tissue reconstruction of the distal third of the lower limb with exposure of the internal hardware is a challenging problem with several potential complications, such as exposure of the fracture line, fracture instability and bacterial contamination. The treatment of these lesions usually consists of substitution of the internal hardware with external fixation devices and further flap coverage. We propose a different reconstructive approach, characterized by harvesting a sural fasciomusculocutaneous flap on the exposed internal hardware once a sterile ground has been obtained. Four patients were retrospectively analyzed. Soft tissue reconstruction was achieved in all cases. In one case hardware removal was necessary for complete healing. The sural fasciomusculocutaneous flap is a safe alternative to other pedicled and free flaps. Moreover, it allows direct coverage of internal fixators, thus completing the reconstruction in less time. This flap fits best to the morphology of the wound and internal hardware, leaving the main vascular trunk of the leg intact and at the same time providing a reliable vascular supply

    Secretion of Novel SEL1L Endogenous Variants Is Promoted by ER Stress/UPR via Endosomes and Shed Vesicles in Human Cancer Cells

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    We describe here two novel endogenous variants of the human endoplasmic reticulum (ER) cargo receptor SEL1LA, designated p38 and p28. Biochemical and RNA interference studies in tumorigenic and non-tumorigenic cells indicate that p38 and p28 are N-terminal, ER-anchorless and more stable relative to the canonical transmembrane SEL1LA. P38 is expressed and constitutively secreted, with increase after ER stress, in the KMS11 myeloma line and in the breast cancer lines MCF7 and SKBr3, but not in the non-tumorigenic breast epithelial MCF10A line. P28 is detected only in the poorly differentiated SKBr3 cell line, where it is secreted after ER stress. Consistently with the presence of p38 and p28 in culture media, morphological studies of SKBr3 and KMS11 cells detect N-terminal SEL1L immunolabeling in secretory/degradative compartments and extracellularly-released membrane vesicles. Our findings suggest that the two new SEL1L variants are engaged in endosomal trafficking and secretion via vesicles, which could contribute to relieve ER stress in tumorigenic cells. P38 and p28 could therefore be relevant as diagnostic markers and/or therapeutic targets in cancer

    Experimental Microbial Evolution of Extremophiles

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    Experimental microbial evolutions (EME) involves studying closely a microbial population after it has been through a large number of generations under controlled conditions (Kussell 2013). Adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE) selects for fitness under experimentally imposed conditions (Bennett and Hughes 2009; Dragosits and Mattanovich 2013). However, experimental evolution studies focusing on the contributions of genetic drift and natural mutation rates to evolution are conducted under non-selective conditions to avoid changes imposed by selection (Hindré et al. 2012). To understand the application of experimental evolutionary methods to extremophiles it is essential to consider the recent growth in this field over the last decade using model non-extremophilic microorganisms. This growth reflects both a greater appreciation of the power of experimental evolution for testing evolutionary hypotheses and, especially recently, the new power of genomic methods for analyzing changes in experimentally evolved lineages. Since many crucial processes are driven by microorganisms in nature, it is essential to understand and appreciate how microbial communities function, particularly with relevance to selection. However, many theories developed to understand microbial ecological patterns focus on the distribution and the structure of diversity within a microbial population comprised of single species (Prosser et al. 2007). Therefore an understanding of the concept of species is needed. A common definition of species using a genetic concept is a group of interbreeding individuals that is isolated from other such groups by barriers of recombination (Prosser et al. 2007). An alternative ecological species concept defines a species as set of individuals that can be considered identical in all relevant ecological traits (Cohan 2001). This is particularly important because of the abundance and deep phylogenetic complexity of microbial communities. Cohan postulated that “bacteria occupy discrete niches and that periodic selection will purge genetic variation within each niche without preventing divergence between the inhabitants of different niches”. The importance of gene exchange mechanisms likely in bacteria and archaea and therefore extremophiles, arises from the fact that their genomes are divided into two distinct parts, the core genome and the accessory genome (Cohan 2001). The core genome consists of genes that are crucial for the functioning of an organism and the accessory genome consists of genes that are capable of adapting to the changing ecosystem through gain and loss of function. Strains that belong to the same species can differ in the composition of accessory genes and therefore their capability to adapt to changing ecosystems (Cohan 2001; Tettelin et al. 2005; Gill et al. 2005). Additional ecological diversity exists in plasmids, transposons and pathogenicity islands as they can be easily shared in a favorable environment but still be absent in the same species found elsewhere (Wertz et al. 2003). This poses a major challenge for studying ALE and community microbial ecology indicating a continued need to develop a fitting theory that connects the fluid nature of microbial communities to their ecology (Wertz et al. 2003; Coleman et al. 2006). Understanding the nature and contribution of different processes that determine the frequencies of genes in any population is the biggest concern in population and evolutionary genetics (Prosser et al. 2007) and it is critical for an understanding of experimental evolution

    Basal autophagy is involved in the degradation of the ERAD component EDEM1

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    Abstract.: Little is known about the fate of machinery proteins of the protein quality control and endoplasmic reticulum(ER)-associated degradation (ERAD). We investigated the degradation of the ERAD component EDEM1, which directs overexpressed misfolded glycoproteins to degradation. Endogenous EDEM1 was studied since EDEM1 overexpression not only resulted in inappropriate occurrence throughout the ER but also caused cytotoxic effects. Proteasome inhibitors had no effect on the clearance of endogenous EDEM1 in non-starved cells. However, EDEM1 could be detected by immunocytochemistry in autophagosomes and biochemically in LC3 immuno-purified autophagosomes. Furthermore, influencing the lysosome-autophagy pathway by vinblastine or pepstatin A/E64d and inhibiting autophagosome formation by 3-methyladenine or ATGs short interfering RNA knockdown stabilized EDEM1. Autophagic degradation involved removal of cytosolic Triton X-100-insoluble deglycosylated EDEM1, but not of EDEM1-containing ER cisternae. Our studies demonstrate that endogenous EDEM1 in cells not stressed by the expression of a transgenic misfolded protein reaches the cytosol and is degraded by basal autophag

    Distally based sural neurocutaneous pedicle flap

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