13 research outputs found

    Spoke Tuner for the Minerva Project

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    International audienceIn the framework of the MINERVA construction (MYRRHA Isotopes productioN coupling the linEar acceleRator to the Versatile proton target fAcility), a fully equipped prototype cryomodule is being developed. In order to control the resonance frequency of the cavities during operation, a deformation tuner has been studied. The kinematic model is based on a double lever system coupled with a screw nut linear actuator. The motion is generated by a stepper motor and two piezoelectric actuators working at low temperatures within the thermal insulation vacuum of the cryomodule. Key parameter of this work is the high tuning speed which is required to fulfill the fault tolerance strategy. This paper reports the design study and first tests of the built tuners at room temperature and in vertical cryostat configuration

    Development and Performances of Spoke Cavity Tuner for MYRRHA Linac Project

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    International audienceIn the framework of the Multi-purpose hYbrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications (MYRRHA) 100 MeV linac construction, a fully equipped prototype cryomodule is being developed. In order to control the resonance frequency of the cavities during operation, a tuner has been studied with the specific requirements: high degree of reliability and high tuning speed. This paper reports the design consideration and the first performances measurement in vertical cryostat test at an early stage of the prototyping phase

    Untargeted metabolomics unveil alterations of biomembranes permeability in human HaCaT keratinocytes upon 60 GHz millimeter-wave exposure

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    International audienceA joint metabolomic and lipidomic workflow is used to account for a potential effect of millimeter waves (MMW) around 60 GHz on biological tissues. For this purpose, HaCaT human keratinocytes were exposed at 60.4 GHz with an incident power density of 20 mW/cm², this value corresponding to the upper local exposure limit for general public in the context of a wide scale deployment of MMW technologies and devices. After a 24h-exposure, endo- and extracellular extracts were recovered to be submitted to an integrative UPLC-Q-Exactive metabolomic and lipidomic workflow. R-XCMS data processing and subsequent statistical treatment led to emphasize a limited number of altered features in lipidomic sequences and in intracellular metabolomic analyses, whatever the ionization mode (i.e 0 to 6 dysregulated features). Conversely, important dysregulations could be reported in extracellular metabolomic profiles with 111 and 99 frames being altered upon MMW exposure in positive and negative polarities, respectively. This unexpected extent of modifications can hardly stem from the mild changes that could be reported throughout transcriptomics studies, leading us to hypothesize that MMW might alter the permeability of cell membranes, as reported elsewhere

    Untargeted Metabolomics Reveal Lipid Alterations upon 2-Deoxyglucose Treatment in Human HaCaT Keratinocytes

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    International audienceThe glucose analogue 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) impedes cancer progression in animal models and is currently being assessed as an anticancer therapy, yet the mode of action of this drug of high clinical significance has not been fully delineated. In an attempt to better characterize its pharmacodynamics, an integrative UPLC-Q-Exactive-based joint metabolomic and lipidomic approach was undertaken to evaluate the metabolic perturbations induced by this drug in human HaCaT keratinocyte cells. R-XCMS data processing and subsequent multivariate pattern recognition, metabolites identification, and pathway analyses identified eight metabolites that were most significantly changed upon a 3 h 2-DG exposure. Most of these dysregulated features were emphasized in the course of lipidomic profiling and could be identified as ceramide and glucosylceramide derivatives, consistently with their involvement in cell death programming. Even though metabolomic analyses did not generally afford such clear-cut dysregulations, some alterations in phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine derivatives could be highlighted as well. Overall, these results support the adequacy of the proposed analytical workflow and might contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the promising effects of 2-DG

    Prototype SSR2 Tuner Procurement and Testing at IJCLab for PIP-II Project

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    International audienceIJCLab is involved in the PIP-II project on the design and development of accelerator components for the SSR2 (Single Spoke Resonator type 2) section of the superconducting linac. Five prototype tuners have been built and are being tested at IJCLab. After a short description of the tuner, this paper reports on the procurement strategy and the performance observed at both room and low temperatures in vertical cryostat test with SSR2 prototype cavities. This paper will also share results on accelerated lifetime tests performed in a dedicated nitrogen-cooled cryostat

    Accelerated Lifetime Test of Spoke Cavity Cold Tuning Systems for Myrrha

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    International audienceWithin the framework of MINERVA, the first Phase of MYRRHA (Multi-purpose hYbrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications) project, IN2P3 labs are in charge of the developments of several accelerator elements. Among those, a fully equipped Spoke cryomodule prototype was constructed, it integrates two superconducting single spoke cavities operating at 2K, the RF power couplers and the associated cold tuning systems. The extreme reliability specified for this project motivated to conduct ALT (Accelerated Lifetime Test) on two extra cold tuning systems in cryomodule like environment. Thus, by gathering information from experimental data, many aspects can be enhanced like maintenance plan consolidation, determination of aging indicators and design optimization of the whole system and its sub components. This paper describes the complete ALT process from the studying elements and the test environment design, to the experimental results and findings

    Progress of PIP-II Activities at IJCLab

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    International audienceSince 2018, IJCLab is involved in PIP-II project on the design and development of accelerator components for the SSR2 (Single Spoke Resonator type 2) section of the superconducting linac. First pre-production components have been fabricated, surface processing and cavity qualification in vertical cryostat are on-going. IJCLab has upgraded its facilities by developing a new set-up to perform rotational BCP. The progress of all processing and testing activities for PIP-II project will be reported and, in particular, a dedicated study to qualify removal uniformity compared to static BCP will be presented

    Contribution of IN2P3 to PIP-II Project: Plans and Progress

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    International audienceIJCLab is one of the labs of IN2P3 (National institute of nuclear and particle physics), one of the ten research institutes composing the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). Since 2018, IJCLab has been involved in the PIP-II project, assisting with the design, development, and qualification of accelerator components for the SSR2 (Single Spoke Resonator type 2) section of the superconducting linac. The first pre-production components (cavity, coupler, and tuner) have been fabricated, and some of the first qualification tests have been performed at IJCLab. This paper will summarize the complete scope of IJCLabÂżs contributions to PIP-II and give updates on the performances of the first pre-production components

    Evaluation of the Effect of Chronic 94 GHz Exposure on Gene Expression in the Skin of Hairless Rats In Vivo

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    International audienceMillimeter waves (MMW) are broadband frequencies that have recently been used in several applications in wireless communications, medical devices and nonlethal weapons [i.e., the nonlethal weapon, Active Denial Systems, (ADS) operating at 94-95 GHz, CW]. However, little information is available on their potential effects on humans. These radio-frequencies are absorbed and stopped by the first layer of the skin. In this study, we evaluated the effects of 94 GHz on the gene expression of skin cells. Two rat populations consisting of 17 young animals and 14 adults were subjected to chronic long-term 94 GHz MMW exposure. Each group of animals was divided into exposed and sham subgroups. The two independent exposure experiments were conducted for 5 months with rats exposed 3 h per day for 3 days per week to an incident power density of 10 mW/cm, which corresponded to twice the ICNIRP limit of occupational exposure for humans. At the end of the experiment, skin explants were collected and RNA was extracted. Then, the modifications to the whole gene expression profile were analyzed with a gene expression microarray. Without modification of the animal's temperature, long-term chronic 94 GHz-MMW exposure did not significantly modify the gene expression of the skin on either the young or adult rats