26 research outputs found

    The decline of mussel aquaculture in the European Union: causes, economic impacts and opportunities

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    ABSTRATC: In contrast to the increasing aquaculture production of mussels worldwide, production in the European Union (EU) has shown a decreasing trend over the last two decades. Aquaculture production of mussels in the EU peaked in the late 1990s at more than 600 000 tonnes; by 2016, production volume had dropped by 20% to 480 000 tonnes. As mussel production represents more than 1/3 of EU aquaculture production, this decrease is an important contributor to the stagnation of EU aquaculture. Previous studies have suggested diseases, lack of mussel seed (spat), and low profitability as the main causes of the EU mussel production decrease. In this study, we investigate how economic and environmental factors have contributed. Moreover, we examine if the different mussel production techniques (raft, longline, on-bottom, and "bouchot") have been differently affected, by analysing the economic performance and cost structure evolution for the period 2010-2016. We complement these results with a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis of the EU mussel sector based on expert knowledge

    Dinophag. Programme de recherche sur Dinophysis dans les eaux littorales des Pays de la Loire

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    Ce document résume les conclusions du programme de recherche Dinophag réalisé par l’Ifremer avec l’aide de la Région Pays de la Loire de janvier 2011 à décembre 2012. Il est destiné à tous ceux qui se sont interrogés sur la place que tient la microalgue toxique Dinophysis dans l’économie littorale de notre Région. Les lecteurs y découvriront aussi que Dinophysis n’est pas vraiment une microalgue comme les autres et qu’il reste encore pour les chercheurs de nombreuses interrogations sur le déterminisme de son développement et de sa toxicité

    Electrical or gas stunning: which consequences for the meat quality in three chicken genotypes?

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    National audienc

    Use of fluorescence front face technique for measurement of lipid oxidation during refrigerated storage of chicken meat

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    International audienceLipid oxidation in chicken breast was measured during refrigerated storage in air by front face fluorescence and by thiobarbituric acid techniques. Three chicken genotypes were compared: Standard (fast-growing line), Certified (medium-growing line) and Label (slow-growing line). Lipid oxidation was stable during the first 3 days of storage and then increased in the certified and label animal groups. Standard animals were verb stable towards lipid oxidation. This study showed a good correlation between fluorescence intensity and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances measurements. Front face fluorescence technique can be used as a valuable index of lipid oxidation in chicken meat