107 research outputs found


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    In the title compound, C13H15NO2, the hexa­hydro­pyrrolo­[2,1-c][1,4]oxazine fragment is disordered over two conformations (A and B) in a 0.656 (5):0.344 (5) ratio. The five-membered ring is similarly disordered and adopts an envelope conformation in A, while in B this ring is nearly planar [maximum deviation = 0.088 (1) Å]. The six-membered rings in both A and B exhibit chair conformations. In the crystal, weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into ribbons propagating in [010]

    Parental Attitudes Towards the Children with Down Syndrome

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperIntroduction. The birth of a baby is a very important moment for each family. It is even more important when the newly born family member suffers from a disease or is disabled, like in case of babies afflicted with Down syndrome. The disorder evokes varied and changeable attitudes and feelings of parents towards their children. According to statistics, out of 600–700 babies born alive there is one affected by Down syndrome. Such a child may show diff erent degrees of mental disability, a wide range of dismorphic symptoms as well as suffer from various developmental defects affecting both their organs and systems. The families of such children encounter numerous barriers and difficulties, and their lives change completely. Aim of the work. To show what percentage of parents show positive and negative attitudes towards their children and to fi nd out which attitude prevails among the parents of children affected by trisomy 21. Materials and methods. A diagnostic ballot was used to collect data for the research. The respondents were asked to fill in the questionnaire of parental attitudes by Maria Ziemska. The research was conducted in February and March 2010 on the group of 31 mothers of children suffering from Down syndrome, 24 of the women belonging to foundations and associations working for the benefit of the children affected by the syndrome. Results and conclusions. According to the research, most of the mothers show negative attitudes towards their children. These involve overprotection, excessive protection against peers and the whole world, helping the children out with everything, restricting them and setting them lower challenges. The minority of mothers show positive or border attitudes. It is worth mentioning that the right attitude towards the child, and its acceptance are essential and determine a happy and stately life of a child suffering from Down syndrome


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    Cel pracy: Ocena przebiegu ciąży, porodu i połogu u chorych z wadami serca, obserwowanych w Klinice Chorób Serca i Naczyń w Krakowie. Materiał i metody: W latach 1987-1999 obserwowano 304 kobiety ciężarne z wadami serca w wieku 18-42 lat, średnio 24,1 ± 4,7 lat. Grupę I stanowiły 133 chore z wadą zastawki mitralnej; grupę II - 49 z wadą zastawki aorty; grupę III - 39 chorych z wszczepionymi zastawkami, w tym 29 ze sztucznymi zastawkami oraz 10 z homogennymi zastawkami aortalnymi; grupę IV - 83 chore z wrodzonymi wadami serca. W I, II, III trymestrze ciąży oraz 6-8 tygodni po porodzie wykonywano badanie podmiotowe i przedmiotowe z oceną wydolności krążenia według klasyfikacji NYHA, badanie elektrokardiograficzne i echokardiograficzne. Wyniki: Ocena stanu klinicznego: W I trymestrze ciąży 285 chorych zaliczono do I lub II, a 9 do III klasy czynnościowej według NYHA. Pogorszenie wydolności krążenia w czasie ciąży wystąpiło u 34 chorych - u 22 z grupy I, u 6 z grupy II, u 6 z grupy III oraz po porodzie u 1 chorej z grupy IV. Ocena noworodków: 292 zdrowe noworodki, w tym 8 z wcześniactwem, 16 z hipotrofią wewnątrzmaciczną, 8 poronień, 2 martwo urodzonych dzieci, 2 zgony noworodków. Sposób rozwiązania: 237 porodów siłami natury, 59 cięć cesarskich. Wnioski: 1. Kobiety ciężarne z krytycznym zwężeniem zastawki mitralnej (powierzchnia zastawki Ł 1,5 cm2) stanowią grupę wysokiego ryzyka wystąpienia zagrażających życiu powikłań w czasie ciąży i w okresie okołoporodowym. 2. U chorych z ciasnym zwężeniem zastawki aorty (powierzchnia zastawki Ł 1,0 cm2) ciąża może spowodować nagłe pogorszenie stanu klinicznego. 3. Pogorszenia stanu klinicznego w przebiegu ciąży można oczekiwać u chorych z wadami zastawkowymi serca, u których stwierdzono powiększenie i upośledzenie kurczliwości lewej komory. 4. O pomyślnym przebiegu ciąży, porodu i połogu u chorych ze sztucznymi zastawkami decyduje czynność zastawki, funkcja lewej komory oraz skuteczność leczenia przeciwzakrzepowego. 5. Ciąża u chorych z wrodzonymi wadami serca bez zaawansowanego nadciśnienia płucnego jest dobrze tolerowana

    Spectroscopic properties of erbium-doped oxyfluoride phospho-tellurite glass and transparent glass-ceramic containing BaF2 nanocrystals

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    The ErF3-doped oxyfluoride phospho-tellurite glasses in the (40-x) TeO2-10P2O5-45 (BaF2-ZnF2) -5Na2O-xErF3 system (where x = 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, and 1.25 mol%) have been prepared by the conventional melt-quenching method. The effect of erbium trifluoride addition on thermal, structure, and spectroscopic properties of oxyfluoride phospho-tellurite precursor glass was studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR), and Raman spectroscopy as well as emission measurements, respectively. The DSC curves were used to investigate characteristic temperatures and thermal stability of the precursor glass doped with varying content of ErF3. FTIR and Raman spectra were introduced to characterize the evolution of structure and phonon energy of the glasses. It was found that the addition of ErF3 up to 1.25 mol% into the chemical composition of phospho-tellurite precursor glass enhanced 2.7 µm emission and upconversion. By controlled heat-treatment process of the host glass doped with the highest content of erbium trifluoride (1.25 mol%), transparent erbium-doped phospho-tellurite glass-ceramic (GC) was obtained. X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed the presence of BaF2 nanocrystals with the average 16 nm diameter in a glass matrix. Moreover, MIR, NIR, and UC emissions of the glass-ceramic were discussed in detail and compared to the spectroscopic properties of the glass doped with 1.25 mol% of ErF3 (the base glass)

    Rehabilitation in scoliosis - an overview of the most important procedures

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    Introduction: Scoliosis is defined as deformation of the spine and torso in three dimensions. Study show that scoliosis affects 68% of healthy individuals over 65 years of age with no low back pain. The aim of this article is to review the available scoliosis rehabilitation methods, including the newest physical rehabilitation trends. Material and methods: Articles in the Google Scholar, Pub Med database have been analysed using keywords: scoliosis, deformation of the spine and torso, modern methods of rehabilitation, older people. Results: After skeletal maturity, curves less than 30°do not progress, however most curves greater than 50°continue to progress with approximate change of 1°per year. Bracing is one of the most popular options of scoliosis treatment. Braces usage aims to slow the progression of the curve. However, complications resulting from the physical changes caused by the compression of the body and/or psychological effects due to the disturbance of the appearance while wearing the brace may occure. The Lehnert-Schroth three-plane corrective breath method principles are: a proper breathing technique where the ribs are used as levers and the breath is directed to the unstretched parts of lungs allowing correction of the curvature of the spine, and secondly activation of non-working muscles on the side of the concave curvature. Nevertheless, surgical procedure is advised for curves greater than 45° in immature patients and greater than 50° in mature patients. Conclusions: Scoliosis, defined as spinal and torso deformity in three planes. 80% of all cases of this postural defect are juvenile idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). However, degenerative scoliosis developed during the patient’s life due to the degeneration of the discs of the spine is frequent in people over the age of 65. It often limits daily functioning and can cause severe pain that requires medical intervention. It has been proven that properly selected systematic rehabilitation may lead to significant improvement in the spinal alignment. Nevertheless, in severe cases surgical treatment may be necessary

    6-Acetyl-5-hydroxy-4,7-dimethylcoumarin derivatives : design, synthesis, modeling studies, 5-HT1A, 5-HT2A and D2 receptors affinity

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    Molecular docking studies using appropriate 5-HT1A_{1A}, 5-HT2A_{2A} and D2_{2} receptors models were used to design sixteen new 5-hydroxycoumarin derivatives with piperazine moiety (3–18). The microwave radiation have been used to synthesize them and their structures have been confirmed using mass spectrometry, 1^{1}H and 13^{13}C NMR. All newly prepared derivatives were evaluated for their 5-HT1A_{1A}, 5-HT2A_{2A} and D2_{2} receptor affinity. Seven of the synthesized derivatives showed very high affinities to 5-HT1A_{1A} receptor (3–4.0 nM, 6–4.0 nM, 7–1.0 nM, 9–6.0 nM, 15–4.3 nM, 16–1.0 nM, 18–3.0 nM) and one of them showed high affinities to 5-HT2A_{2A} receptor (16–8.0 nM). In the case of the D2_{2} receptor none of the tested derivatives showed high affinity. Compounds 7 and 16 were identified as potent antagonists of the 5-HT1A_{1A} receptor as shown by the [35S]GTPcS binding assay but they didn’t show any antidepressant effect at the single dose tested (10 mg/kg) in the tail suspension tests

    Kinetics of selected serum markers of fibrosis in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy and different grades of diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle

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    Background: Fibrosis of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is common and compromises both systolic and diastolic function. The aim of this study was to investigate the kinetics of ECM fibrosis markers over a 12 month follow-up in patients with DCM based on the severity of diastolic dysfunction (DD).Methods: Seventy consecutive DCM patients (48 ± 12.1 years, ejection fraction 24.4 ± 7.4%) were included in the study. The grade of DD was determined using the ASE/EACVI algorithm. Markers of ECM fibrosis were measured at baseline and at 3 and 12 month follow-ups: collagen type I and III (PICP, PINP, PIIICP, PIIINP), transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF1-b), connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) and galectin-3 were measured.Results: Patients were divided into three groups according to DD severity: 30 patients with grade I, 18 with grade II and 22 with grade III of DD. Levels of PICP, PINP were increased over a 12-month period, while PIIINP decreased and PIIICP unchanged. Levels of TGF1-b decreased from the 3 to the 12-month points in grade I and II DD, and in grade III they remained unchanged. Levels of CTGF decreased over 12 months in grade III DD but were unchanged in grades I and II. Galectin-3 levels remained the same over all observation periods, irrespective of DD grade.Conclusions: Regardless of the DD grade, markers of collagen type I synthesis increased, markers of collagen type III decreased. Levels of TGF and CTGF had a tendency to decrease. Galectin-3 was revealed not to be a marker discriminating the severity of DD