14 research outputs found

    El reto de profesionalizar la salud pública

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    Somos profesionales de la salud pública, aunque nuestras familias siguen sin saber a qué nos dedicamos. No es lo contrario de la salud privada: es la salud de y para toda la población. Dada la complejidad que esta definición entraña y la confusión semántica inherente al adjetivo “público”, los profesionales de la salud pública nos enfrentamos con frecuencia al reto de tener que justificar nuestra existencia.N

    Study protocol for the evaluation of the health effects of superblocks in barcelona : The "salut als carrers" (health in the streets) project

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    Superblocks are currently being introduced in Barcelona to respond to the city's scarcity of green spaces and high levels of air pollution, traffic injuries, and sedentariness. The aim is to calm the streets by reducing the number of square meters dedicated to private vehicles and to reclaim part of this public space for people. Salut als Carrers (Health in the Streets) is a project to evaluate the potential environmental and health effects of the superblock model with an equity perspective in Barcelona. This study aims to explain the various interventions implemented in different neighborhoods in Barcelona and the methods that will be used to evaluate them in a quasi-experimental and health impact assessment (HIA) approaches. Given the complexity of the intervention evaluated, the project employs mixed methodologies. Quantitative methods include: (a) a pre-post health survey of 1200 people randomly selected from the municipal register asked about self-perceived health and quality of life, social support, mental health, mobility, physical activity, neighborhood characteristics, and housing; (b) pre-post environmental measurements, mainly of nitrogen dioxide (NO), particulate matter of less than 10 µm (PM), and particulate matter of less than 2.5 µm (PM) and black carbon; (c) pre-post environmental walkability measures using the Microscale Audit of Pedestrian Streetscapes (MAPS) tool; (d) use of public space and physical activity levels using the System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities (SOPARC), a validated observation tool; (e) pre-post traffic injury measures with a comparison group; and (f) the comparison and integration of pre-post assessment with previous HIAs and the improvement of future HIAs. Qualitative studies will be performed to analyze residents' perception of these effects by using: (a) various focus groups according to different participant characteristics who are more or less likely to use the superblocks; and (b) a guerrilla ethnography, which is a method that combines ethnographic observation and semi-structured interviews. This study, which evaluates the impact of an ambitious urban-renewal program on health, will help to assess the effectiveness of public policy in terms of health and health inequalities

    Desigualdad, opresiones de poder y salud reproductiva : O cómo las opresiones de poder generan desigualdades en la salud reproductiva de las mujeres

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    Podrán cuestionarse históricamente la existencia de un vínculo entre las opresiones de poder, la reproducción y la salud en general sin embargo no cabe la menor duda que punto y aparte de nuestras diferencias genéticas o nuestras diferencias conductuales las decisiones personales en el mundo no son tan personales y se realizan a nivel poblacional. Es en este sentido en el cual se plantea que los sistemas en que vivimos como sociedad permean en nuestros determinantes más proximales y distales. Y si los sistemas permean a tal punto y generan desigualdad sistémica ¿Por qué no podemos darnos la oportunidad de cuestionarnos como los sistemas, sus opresiones y privilegios sistémicos permean en nuestra sociedad, nuestro conocimiento, nuestros haceres y a su vez en nuestra reproducción, nuestra sexualidad, nuestra salud?The existence of a link between the oppressions of power, reproduction and health in general may be questioned historically, but there is no doubt that apart from our genetic differences or our behavioural differences, personal decisions in the world are not so personal and are made at the population level. It is in this sense that the systems in which we live as a society permeate our most proximal and distal determinants. And if the systems permeate to such an extent and generate systemic inequality, why can't we give ourselves the opportunity to question how the systems, their systemic oppressions and privileges permeate our society, our knowledge, our actions and in turn our reproduction, our sexuality, our health

    La sociedad española de epidemiología: Una sociedad científica para mejorar la salud de la población

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    La Sociedad Española de Epidemiología (SEE), fundada en 1978, tiene como cultivar y fomentar el contenido y la metodología epidemiológica, contribuyendo así a la promoción de la salud pública. En la actualidad cuenta con más de un millar de personas asociadas y doce grupos de trabajo. Asimismo, la SEE procura, siempre, contribuir a la toma de decisiones basadas en el conocimiento científico y libres de conflicto de intereses que puedan ser de utilidad para la població

    Self-Reported Anxiety in Spain : A Gendered Approach One Year After the Start of COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on mental health. However, there is little evidence on how different axes of social inequity influence mental health from a gender perspective and over time. Our aim is to analyze anxiety according to gender identity and other axes of social inequities (migration status, sexual orientation, age, and employment conditions) one year after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. We conducted a cross-sectional study among adults living in Spain with an online survey from April 8 to May 28, 2021. The main variable was anxiety measured by Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7). Sex-stratified multivariate logistic regression models were constructed to assess the association between axes of inequities and anxiety. Our findings (N = 2,053) suggest that women have greater anxiety risk than men (35.2 vs. 28.2%, respectively). We observe in both genders that there is a clear age gradient, with anxiety decreasing as age increases; and that there is an association between worsening employment status and anxiety risk, although there is a difference between women by education level. Additionally, not having Spanish nationality is also associated with greater anxiety risk in women. In men, identifying as non-heterosexual is associated with a higher risk of anxiety. The axes of inequities have different effects according to gender identity. These differences in anxiety risk by population subgroup must be taken into account in order to sensibly and equitably treat the surge in mental health disorders brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic

    MOESM4 of Bayesian smoothed small-areas analysis of urban inequalities in fertility across 1999–2013

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    Supplementary results associated with a paper titled "Bayesian smoothed small-areas analysis of urban inequalities in fertility across 1999–2013"