43 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the learning management system and its relationship in the perception of engineering students

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    The objective of this study was to identify the results of the learning management system (LMS) functionality, and its relationship in the perception of electronic engineering students. The results serve as a basis for continuous improvement for the higher institution, because these systems are tools that have the purpose of improving the performance and retention of the student in the virtual teaching-learning process. Initially, the reliability of the data collected was determined using Cronbach's Alpha, obtaining a consistency coefficient of 0.868. After processing the data in the SPSS software, using the 5-level Likert scale, it was determined that the indicators that present a better perception are related to the design and ease of navigation. However, 21.4% do not fully agree with the functionality, due to the technical problems presented when downloading the study material. The effect generated by the optimal functionality of the LMS is 70.87% satisfaction in students. The Chi square test validated the cause-effect relationship, with a significance of 0.000, between the functionality of the LMS, on the perception of the students. It determined that the indicators with a greater relationship refer to design, availability (connectivity) and ease of communication and interaction with the teacher and their peers.Campus Lima Centr

    Design of a Technological Tool to Recompile Scientific Research in Students of a National University

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    El presente trabajo de investigación surge de la necesidad de promover la investigación, es evidente en el ambiente académico que mientras mayor producción científica evidencia la universidad es señal de progreso y desarrollo en la educación. Para ello se propone diseñar una herramienta digital a través de la cual los estudiantes puedan ingresar sus trabajos académicos que aspiran a ser publicados en revistas indexadas nacionales e internacionales. Posteriormente, luego de una revisión académica por parte de docentes investigadores Renacyt, de acuerdo con un nivel o puntaje establecido podrá ser enviado a una revista que reúna las características necesarias. Adicionalmente, el software propuesto permitirá la interacción entre estudiantes y docentes investigadores para la retroalimentación de los productos académicos. El método de investigación que se desarrolla es bajo en enfoque cuantitativo, de alcance causal, de diseño no experimental y de corte transversal; además, se usó la metodología SCRUM para el desarrollo del software. La población está identificada como los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal y la muestra de 40 estudiantes de la Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial y de Sistemas. La hipótesis planteada es que la herramienta tecnológica favorece el promover la investigación científica. El impacto o resultado del proyecto será el aumento de publicaciones científicas por parte de estudiantes de la Universidad y por ende el nivel de impacto académico en el ámbito nacional e internacional se verá mejorado en el ranquin de universidades con mayor número de publicaciones.The present research work arises from the need to promote research, it is evident in the academic environment that the greater scientific production that the university shows is a sign of progress and development in education. For this, it is proposed to design a digital tool through which students can enter their academic works that aspire to be published in national and international indexed journals. Additionally, the proposed software will allow interaction between students and research teachers for feedback on academic products. The research method that will be developed will be based on a quantitative approach, of causal scope, of non-experimental design and of cross section. The population is identified as the students of the Federico Villarreal National University and the sample of the students of the Faculty of Industrial and Systems Engineering. The hypothesis raised is that the technological tool will favor the promotion of scientific research. The impact or result of the project will be the increase in scientific publications by University students and therefore the level of academic impact at the national and international level will be improved in the ranking of universities with the highest number of publications

    Evaluation of teaching performance in the virtual teaching-learning environment, from the perspective of the students of the Professional School of Mechanical Engineering

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    The objective of this article is to evaluate the effect that virtual teaching learning generates in the evaluation of teaching performance, from the perspective of the students, of the professional mechanical engineering school. During the development of the research, it has been determined that the planning, communication and overall performance factors of the teaching performance have experienced a positive variation of 63.64%, increasing by 3.8%, when moving from the face-to-face environment to the virtual teaching-learning environment. While the didactic strategies, organization and subject mastery factors have experienced a positive variation of 59.09%, this increase represents 1.92%. Although a positive effect has been generated on teacher performance, it has been determined that, of the 6 factors, it is the Communication factor which has presented the greatest negative variation, being of the total of 22 teachers, 11 who have decreased their qualification.Campus At

    Technology in the educational processes of basic education in Peru

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    This research project aimed to give a perspective on the implementation of technologies in basic education in Peru. How the automation of basic education processes in Peru helps students, parents, teachers, and administrative staff to reduce time, to have better educational quality, and to obtain indicators for the teacher and student. The methodology of the research is a sequence of activities that allow us to design a framework for process technologies in basic education in Peru. Based on online surveys, it was possible to obtain information from people who want a change in the processes of education, such as: having more reach to information with the help of the internet for which mobile applications or web applications are needed, the delivery of evaluations and enrolment via online, taking advantage of technology for the benefit of the student and teachers, and other processes. The research has a qualitative approach. It is also descriptive in scope with the help of other studies or tests conducted. For the creation of this article, we used surveys, scientific journals, and our own experience as practitioners. If we want to improve education, it is necessary to improve educational processes with the help of technology and the internet.Campus Lima Centr

    Collaborative learning through virtual tools: Analysis of the perception of student satisfaction of teaching performance

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    The objective of this article is to identify the results of the evaluation of collaborative learning through technological tools as part of the pedagogical strategies in the virtual teaching process. For the evaluation, the SERVQUAL model was used, through which it was identified that 97.73% satisfactorily evaluate the reliability and security of pedagogical strategies through technological tools used in collaborative learning in the teaching process in virtual environments. The optimal evaluation regarding the reliability of collaborative learning is 100% related to compliance with the syllable, to the teacher's disposition to help them in the use of technological tools and to the conformity of the technological tools used in the subject. Regarding the security of collaborative learning, 100% of the satisfactory evaluation is related to the trust and kindness that the teacher transmitted with the use of technological tools in teaching in virtual environments.Revisón por pare

    Teaching through virtual tools and its effect on the perception of student satisfaction

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    In this context of virtualization, the educational sector has seen the need to make use of technological advances, for this reason it is important to know the perception of students, after having fully adapted distance learning through tools virtual, which have allowed teachers and students to maintain the pedagogical link at a distance, either through the virtual classroom or through the use of simulation software. In this sense, the objective of this article is to identify the perception of teaching through virtual tools in university students and determine its level of effect or relationship in student satisfaction. This research is approached from a qualitative approach using the Likert measurement method and a content analysis methodology using virtual instruments. The results of the study indicate that 92.9% and 89.3% of the students are satisfied, these results focus on the indicators “absolves the questions asked regarding the use of virtual tools” and “knowledge shown by the teacher in the development of the sessions through virtual tools”. Likewise, the correlational analysis, through Spearman's Chi square test, establishes that there is a high relationship or significant effect of 0.850 between the perception of teaching through virtual tools with student satisfaction.Campus Lima Centr

    Asynchronous learning: evaluation of virtual classroom metrics according to the perception of university students

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    The process and means that the university offers its students must be efficient and of quality, even more so considering the influence of the quality of educational services on student satisfaction. The objective of this article is to analyze the perception of asynchronous learning according to the evaluation of the virtual classroom metrics, carried out by business administration students, the results will allow to continue improving the teaching-learning process in the virtual context of education higher. The methodology of this study is qualitative at the descriptive level, the validation of the data by Cronbach's Alpha, gave a reliability value of 0.985. The results show us that 73.8% of the students perceive that the virtual classroom improved communication and helped the exchange of information between students and 71.4% indicated that the use of the virtual classroom made them more efficient and secure asynchronous learning activities. According to these results, there is a higher percentage of students who consider that the use of the virtual classroom positively influences their asynchronous learning, therefore, it is proposed to continue improving the skills in the use and appropriation of technologies of information and communication technology (ICT) in virtual students.Campus Lima Centr


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    This study presents the statistical evaluation of a digital image alpaca fibre diameter measurement method, Digital Image Fibre Diameter Analysis (DIFDA). This method developed in the International Potato Center (CIP) requires an evaluation of the fibre sample digital image process, prepared in slides covers and taked from a scanner of negatives and films. DIFDA presents two options for fibre diameter measurement process: Digital image complete and sections of the digital image. The results of the fibre sample are mean fibre diameter, standard deviation and coefficient of variability. The objective was to test and compare the mean fibre diameter values obtained by DIFDA with the values from two conventionals methods: Projection Microscope and OFDA (Optical Fibre Diameter Analysis). In adition, DIFDA’s process options were evaluated. Two hundred six alpaca fibre samples from Pacomarca Farm, Puno, were evaluated. The mean fibre diameter samples values, measured by commercials methods, Projection Microscope and OFDA, were, 21.64 ± 3.58 and 21.74 ± 4.0, respectively. The mean fibre diameter reported for DIFDA was 21.74 ± 3.03. No statistical differences between the methods were detected. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient for DIFDA and Projection Microscope and for DIFDA and OFDA was 0.87 and 0.84, respectively. The process of DIFDA could be done in the complete digital image option, or using three or more sections for the dimention of 1000 x 1000 pixels, or five or more sections for the dimention of 500 x 500 pixels. The conclutions were that the DIFDA’s results showed no statistical significative differences between neither the Projection Microscope’s nor the OFDA’s results. Consequently, this measurement method would be used satisfactorily in breeding programs that requires continuos fibre measurement.El presente estudio evalúa el método de medición de diámetro de la fibra de alpaca mediante el procesamiento de imagen digital, Digital Image Fibre Diameter Analisis (DIFDA), desarrollado en el Centro Internacional de la Papa, y lo compara con los valores obtenidos mediante dos métodos de medición convencionales: Lanámetro (Microscopio de Proyección) y OFDA (Optical Fibre Diameter Analysis). El DIFDA requiere de una evaluación del proceso de imágenes digitales obtenidas mediante un escáner de transparencias y negativos de una muestra de fibra de alpaca preparada en porta slides. Este método presenta una opción de procesamiento de imagen digital completa o otra de secciones dentro de la imagen digital, donde los resultados se expresan en promedio, desviación estándar y coeficiente de variación. Un total de de 206 muestras de fibra de alpacas del fundo Pacomarca, Puno, fueron evaluadas. Los valores promedio de diámetro de las fibras fueron de 21.74 ± 3.03, 21.64 ± 3.58 y 21.74 ± 4.01 según los métodos DIFDA, Lanámetro y OFDA, respectivamente; sin haber diferencia significativa entre promedios. El coeficiente de correlación de Pearson entre DIFDA con el lánametro fue de 0.87 y con OFDA fue de 0.84. La medición del diámetro puede realizarse procesando la imagen digital completa, a partir de tres secciones de 1000 x 1000 píxeles, o desde cinco secciones de 500 x 500 píxeles. Se concluye que no existe diferencia significativa entre los resultados de DIFDA y de los métodos Lanámetro y OFDA, por lo que su uso puede ser de utilidad en programas de mejoramiento animal que requieren medición continua del diámetro de fibras

    Functionality of the learning platform and its effect on the satisfaction of students in the online teaching environment

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    The objective of this article is to identify the results of the functionality of the learning platform and its effect on the satisfaction of mechanical and electrical engineering students. The results will serve as a basis for the continuous improvement of teaching-learning online from the higher institution. The research findings indicate that the indicators that present a better perception regarding the functionality of the learning platform are related to the design and ease of navigation. However, 21.4% of the students are not entirely satisfied with its functionality due to the technical problems presented when downloading the study material. According to the results, we can point out that the functionality of the learning platform generates an effect of 70.87% on student satisfaction, the relationship was validated through the Chi-square test, in which it is determined that the indicators that generate a Greater satisfaction in students refers to the design, availability (connectivity) and the ease of communication and interaction with the teacher and classmates.Campus Lima Centr

    “Analysis of economic integration strategies in the Latin American and Caribbean region to face the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020”

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    El Análisis de estrategias de integración económica en la región de América Latina y el Caribe para afrontar la pandemia de COVID-19, 2020, nos indica que los países miembros de la región han tomado diversas acciones a favor de salvaguardar a su población en los diversos ámbitos que la pandemia ha afectado, principalmente a: la economía, la salud y educación. En el trabajo de investigación se empleó la ficha de análisis documental como instrumento y como técnica la observación y análisis documental. Muchos de los países miembros de la región han tomado acciones en favor de su nación, siendo algunas muy acertadas como creación de fondos, y apoyo de los diversos organismos internacionales; por otro lado, tenemos otras decisiones que pudieron estar mejor encaminadas. Esta problemática nos ha llevado a tomar conciencia como países, y manejar un plan de contingencia y recursos para así prever futuras catástrofes y /o pandemias que nos agobien como nación.The Analysis of economic integration strategies in the Latin American and Caribbean region to face the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020, indicates that the member countries of the region have taken various actions in favor of safeguarding their population in the various areas that the pandemic has affected, mainly: the economy, health and education. In the research work, the document analysis sheet was used as an instrument and documentary observation and analysis as a technique. Many of the member countries of the region have taken actions in favor of their nation, some of which are very successful, such as the creation of funds and support from the various international organizations; on the other hand, we have other decisions that could have been better directed. This problem has led us to become aware as countries, and to manage a contingency plan and resources in order to anticipate future catastrophes and / or pandemics that overwhelm us as a nation