19 research outputs found

    Climate change, coastal tourism, and impact chains – a literature review

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    Climate change impacts tourism, since both supply and demand of tourism services depend on the quality and the management of a set of environmental attributes. This paper critically reviews the empirical evidence in the literature of the last twenty years (2000–2019), by identifying the potential impacts of climate change in coastal and maritime destinations. The concept of Impact Chains is the methodological framework through which the literature is systematically selected, classified and assessed. A great heterogeneity of results is found, with estimates of physical and socio-economic impacts of climate change differing across destinations and methodologies. Moreover, the majority of recent studies mainly deals with only a few of the most important impacts, hence future research should be re-directed to overlooked indicators and relationships, which are key for designing effective climate policies at tourism destinations

    A century of trends in adult human height

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    El clima en relación a las actividades, la fidelidad y la satisfacción del turista náutico que visita la ruta del sol (Ecuador)

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    El clima es un atributo del destino capaz de influir en el comportamiento turístico, especialmente en aquellos segmentos motivados por el ocio y la recreación al aire libre. En turismo náutico, el clima es esencial, porque condiciona la realización de la actividad náutica. Frente a la escasez de investigaciones que estudien la relación entre clima y comportamiento náutico, este artículo propone un modelo de regresión logística ordinal, que permite medir el impacto del clima en la cantidad de actividades náuticas, el número de visitas al destino y la satisfacción global del turista, y compararlo con el efecto del resto de atributos. Como resultado de encuestar a 201 turistas náuticos, nacionales y extranjeros, de visita en la Ruta del Sol (Ecuador) en el 2015, se ha podido comprobar que la satisfacción climática del practicante náutico es esencial para garantizar su satisfacción con el destino. El estudio también pone de relieve el efecto dominante que ejerce el clima sobre el comportamiento náutico y la fidelidad del turista extranjero, lo que demuestra la importancia de trabajar en el diseño de productos y servicios con información climático-meteorológica, para la gestión del turismo náutico internacional en este destino. Sin embargo, en aras de elevar la fidelidad y estimular el consumo náutico del mercado nacional, se requiere trabajar en otros aspectos, que se descubren a lo largo de este trabajo

    Coopetition in Maritime Tourism: Assessing the Effect of Previous Islands’ Choice and Experience in Tourist Satisfaction

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    Maritime tourism has become a competitive opportunity for many island destinations in search of sustainable development. This article aims to analyze the hypothesis that tourist satisfaction with nautical destinations depends on the experience of previous visits to competing destinations. This hypothesis is relevant in order to ascertain the extent of potential coopetition between tourist destinations from the point of view of the consumers. This may ask for the need of cooperation within the competitive environment in which tourist destinations manage sustainability. The evidence is obtained from the case of Cape Verde, an archipelago strongly committed to the development of the nautical sector. Survey data from nautical tourists’ satisfaction visiting Cape Verde is modeled utilizing an ordinal logistic approach. Results show that tourist satisfaction with Cape Verde increases with the authenticity of the cultural experience offered by the destination, the diversity and quality of the nautical offer and the security perceived. Moreover, tourists declaring a satisfactory travel experience in other recently visited islands have higher levels of satisfaction with the nautical destination of Cape Verde. This suggests that proper strategies for nautical tourism development in these islands should not only allow tourists to discover the best cultural and local values of the destination, but also enhance their awareness of the quality of the experience provided by island competitors and, therefore establishing a benchmark for the common benefit of all island destinations becomes of interest. In this regard, coopetition strategies among islands with common interests of specialization may allow them to gain better positioning in the international nautical tourism market, and contribute to tourism development and the sustainability of the industry

    Determinantes de la satisfacción de los navegantes europeos con los puertos de escala de Canarias (España)

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    The nautical activiity has great potential for the socio-economic development of tourism. In Spain, the sector is a priority concern, especially for the Canary Islands, which show a clear commitment to specialise and reposition the destination as a top quality nautical destination on a European level. These aspects, together with the prior experience and tradition these islands have as a stopover destination for vessels in the Atlantic, when crossing Europe towards the Caribbean, represent strengths that have not yet been taken advantage of in the archipelago’s attempt to move away from its image as a traditional sun and beach destination. The Governmental Authorities in the Canary Islands have clear strategies in place to promote the yachting tourism growth. However, renewing the sector is believed to be a difficult process because of the large number of factors that interact within the same. This is a phenomenon of sufficient social and environmental significance to justify academic attention. This research analyses therefore the determinants of the European yachtsmen´s satisfaction with the ports of call of the Canary Islands. Data results of questioning 185 European yachtsmen crossing the Atlantic during 2014 and 2015 reveal that, among other aspects, proper environmental management of marinas leads to an increasing yachtsmen´s satisfaction. The findings provide the opportunity for developing recommendations for tourism managers and practitioners, in the attempt to contribute to a more sustainable and reasoned development and growth in the sector. Based on the current preferences of the European market of yachtsmen, it is possible to assure that environmental and social responsibility policies are a key differentiation factor for the competitiveness of the sector

    As ilhas canárias e marrocos como destinos para turismo náutico: Foco comparativo através das percepções do turista

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    Nautical tourism is considered to be an underexploited research area, taking into account its empirical evolution and growth prospects. Despite the existing progress in the scientific production in tourism, the studies covering perceptions and attitudes of nautical tourism demand are limited. The present research was conducted to nautical tourists in a segmented way during their visit to the Canary Islands and Morocco between 2013 and 2014. Findings indicate that although the intentions of the nautical tourists to repurchase and recommend both destinations are high, their expectations respect to the nautical and leisure activities on offer at the destinations have not been fulfi lled. The study provides the opportunity to identify destinations´ weaknesses from the market point of view. Finally, the contrasted analysis shows the existence of similar profi les between the nautical tourists visiting both regions, and the market potential for developing transnational and joint nautical tourism products and services, which is, in fact, a priority for the Public Administrations in both regionsEl turismo náutico se considera un área de investigaciĂłn poco abordada si se compara con la evoluciĂłn empĂ­rica y las perspectivas de crecimiento que se le otorgan al sector. A pesar de los avances en la producciĂłn cientĂ­fi ca del cocimiento en turismo, los estudios referentes a la demanda de turismo náutico, sus percepciones y actitudes, aĂşn se consideran escasos. El presente artĂ­culo aborda un análisis segmentado de las percepciones de los turistas náuticos durante su visita a las Islas Canarias y Marruecos entre los anos 2013 y 2014. Los resultados muestran que, aunque las intenciones futuras de estos turistas náuticos de volver a visitar y recomendar los destinos son positivas, sus expectativas con respecto a la oferta de actividades náutico-turĂ­sticas del destino no han sido cumplidas. AsĂ­ mismo, el estudio empĂ­rico permite identifi car las principales debilidades de los destinos, desde la perspectiva de su demanda actual. Finalmente, el artĂ­culo demuestra que existen claras similitudes en el perfi l de los turistas náuticos que visitan ambas regiones, y que existe un potencial de mercado para la generaciĂłn conjunta de productos y servicios transnacionales en turismo náutico, lo que constituye una prioridad para el sector pĂşblico de ambas regiones.  Le tourisme nautique est une domaine d’investigation peu abordĂ©e s’il est comparĂ© Ă  l’évolution empirique et aux perspectives de croissance qui lui sont donnĂ©es Ă  ce secteur. MalgrĂ© les avances dans la production scientifique en tourisme, les Ă©tudes concernant la demande du tourisme nautique se considèrent peu abondantes. Cet article prĂ©sente une analyse segmentĂ©e des perceptions et attitudes des touristes nautiques pendant leur visite aux Ă®les Canaries et au Maroc entre les annĂ©es 2013 et 2014. Selon les rĂ©sultats obtenus, bien que ces touristes nautiques aient des intentions positives de revisiter et recommander les destins, ses expectatives au sujet de l’offre d’activitĂ©s nautiques et touristiques du destin ne se sont pas accomplies. L’étude empirique permet d’identifier les faiblesses principales des destins, depuis la perspective de son actuelle demande. Finalement, l’article dĂ©montre qu’existent de claires similitudes dans le profil des touristes nautiques qui visitent les deux rĂ©gions, et qu’il y a un grand potentiel de marchĂ© pour la gĂ©nĂ©ration conjointe de produits et de services transnationaux dans le tourisme nautique, ce qui constitue une prioritĂ© pour le secteur public des deux rĂ©gions.O turismo náutico Ă© uma área de investigação pouco abordada se Ă© comparada com a evolução empĂ­rica e as perspectivas de crescimento que Ă© dado Ă quele setor. Apesar dos avanços na produção cientĂ­fi ca do cocimiento em turismo, os estudos sobre a demanda de turismo náutico, as suas percepções e atitudes, ainda Ă© considerado escassas. Este artigo apresenta uma análise segmentada de turistas náuticos durante sua visita para as Ilhas Canárias e Marrocos entre os anos 2013 e 2014. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, embora estes turistas náuticos tĂŞm intenção de visita novamente e de recomendar os destinos, nĂŁo foram completadas seus expectativas sobre a oferta de atividades náuticas e turĂ­sticas do destino. O estudo empĂ­rico tambĂ©m permite identificar as fraquezas principais dos destinos, da perspectiva de sua demanda atual. Finalmente, o artigo demonstra que existem semelhanças claras no perfil dos turistas náuticos que visitam ambas regiões, e que há um potencial de mercado para a geração combinada de produtos e serviços transnacionais em turismo náutico, o que constitui uma prioridade para o setor pĂşblico de ambas regiões.&nbsp

    The Impact of Degradation of Islands’ Land Ecosystems Due to Climate Change on Tourists’ Travel Decisions

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    The degradation of terrestrial ecosystems may change the perceived value of destinations for tourists. This article analyses tourists’ travel decisions when the land ecosystems of the destinations they are planning to visit are threatened by climate change impacts. More specifically, it analyses tourists’ willingness to pay for their holidays at island destinations endangered by the increase in forest fires, terrestrial wildlife losses, water shortages, and damages to infrastructure and cultural heritage. With this aim in mind, a discrete choice model was designed and empirically tested with a representation of European travellers, using an alternative specific conditional logistic regression. The results show that the sharp increase in the occurrence of wildfires has had the greatest negative impact on tourists’ willingness to pay for their next holiday at the affected tourist destination, followed by severe losses in terrestrial wildlife and significant damage to cultural heritage. This study highlights the importance of having accurate information on future climate change conditions impacting land attributes at the local level, not only to be more effective in the early prevention of threats to prioritise but also to confront the potential damage to the tourism economy more efficiently

    Factors Constraining International Growth in Nautical Tourism Firms

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    In tourism, entrepreneurial internationalisation is considered a measure of the development of the industry and a key driver of innovation, competitiveness and image enhancement. In nautical tourism, research is still scarce in terms of supporting business’ internationalisation. This paper analyses factors constraining the international growth of island-based nautical tourism organisations. For the research, a sample of 60 nautical tourism SMEs´ owners of six different islands in the Macaronesia Region (Canary Islands, Madeira and Cape Verde archipelagos) were interviewed. As a result, we provide up to date information about current conditions and barriers to the internationalisation process within the segment and also identify the profile of the firms with the best international performance. The study is of great usefulness for the industry as it guides on the areas that require special attention to enhance those social, environmental and economic conditions of nautical tourism firms that ensure sustainable international growth. Moreover, it helps policymakers of island destinations seeking specialisation and positioning within the international nautical tourism market to raise the efficiency of current incentive mechanisms for internationalisation, thus contributing to increase tourism competitiveness. Finally, the study highlights the importance of fostering wider cooperation among islands with common interests in nautical specialisation and the challenges that this represents for the tourism management

    Mooring in the green room : Sailors’ preferences and willingness to pay for green policies in marinas

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    'Going green' is still challenging in the yachting industry partly due to the lack of consumer-centric approaches. This study assesses sailors' preferences and willingness to pay for green policies in marinas, in the context of other measures to increase health security and digital transformation. To do so, a choice experiment was designed through the lens of stakeholders and supported by the Delphi technique. The study is based on the marinas of the Canary Islands in the Atlantic crossing and involved European sailors as potential users. Data confirm that sailors' utility and intention to visit marinas increase the most when ambitious green programs are in place, thereby confirming a high environmental sensitivity among them. More specifically, solar energy use, single-use plastic eradication, and waste recycling are the programs with the greatest positive impact on sailors' willingness to pay. This indicates a potential profitability and market opportunities derived from more environmental friendly practices in marinas. The study opens a new perspective to improve incentive and funding schemes and close implementation gaps in recreational ports

    Sustainability in whale-watching : a literature review and future research directions based on regenerative tourism

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    There is scientific consensus that human activity through whale-watching is causing an increasing amount of damage to the natural environment, which poses critical challenges to the goal of sustainability. Based on a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the scientific literature, this study calls for urgent rethinking in regards to whale-watching sustainability. A new, integrative framework for research actions built upon the concept of regenerative tourism is provided so as to lead to a more balanced evaluation of environmentally and socially responsible whale-watching tourism. The assessment of the literature review leads to three main research areas that have driven the research field in whale-watching tourism: the ecological responses of cetaceans due to human disturbance, the determinants of whale-watching tourism demand, and the impact of tourism on sustainability from macro-cultural and political perspectives. The new integrative framework, which additionally considers innovation and external drivers as prominent research areas, proposes future guidelines for studying the interplay between some of the more specific research topics: social change, economic drivers, gender perspective, co-creation, social responsibility, technology, climate change and long-term cumulative effects, among other issues of concern