38 research outputs found

    A Ranking Method to Prioritize VFR Airports to be Provided Instrument Approach Procedures

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    The primary purpose of this work is to investigate the necessity of a more comprehensive and systematic method to prioritize airports to be provided with instrument approaches and landing procedures in the Brazilian air transportation landscape. First, an overview of the main contributors to risks associated with the approach and landing phases is provided, covering the most critical aspects of unstable approaches and controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) events. Second, considering the emergence of Terrain Awareness and Alerting Systems (TAWS), the role of its contribution to safety is discussed and the certification context related to the design, installation, and operation of those systems. A ranking method is developed based on the analysis of TAWS alert events in several Brazilian airports. The technique results in a ranking list of airports eligible for instrument procedures and points to objective means to improve safety, accessibility, and efficiency on the flight operations to those locations

    Control of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) for small animal ventilators

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) for the mechanical ventilation of small animals is frequently obtained with water seals or by using ventilators developed for human use. An alternative mechanism is the use of an on-off expiratory valve closing at the moment when the alveolar pressure is equal to the target PEEP. In this paper, a novel PEEP controller (PEEP-new) and the PEEP system of a commercial small-animal ventilator, both based on switching an on-off valve, are evaluated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The proposed PEEP controller is a discrete integrator monitoring the error between the target PEEP and the airways opening pressure prior to the onset of an inspiratory cycle. In vitro as well as in vivo experiments with rats were carried out and the PEEP accuracy, settling time and under/overshoot were considered as a measure of performance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The commercial PEEP controller did not pass the tests since it ignores the airways resistive pressure drop, resulting in a PEEP 5 cmH<sub>2</sub>O greater than the target in most conditions. The PEEP-new presented steady-state errors smaller than 0.5 cmH<sub>2</sub>O, with settling times below 10 s and under/overshoot smaller than 2 cmH<sub>2</sub>O.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The PEEP-new presented acceptable performance, considering accuracy and temporal response. This novel PEEP generator may prove useful in many applications for small animal ventilators.</p


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    Payment for Environmental Services (PES) is an important tool for environmental conservation and is a relevant practice in many countries for the maintenance of forests. Thus, the objective of the present study was to evaluate challenges and opportunities of implementing a Payment for Environmental Services program in the municipality of Senhora de Oliveira, Minas Gerais. Socioeconomic and environmental diagnosis was performed using the Rapid Participatory Diagnosis technique. The total of 20 socioeconomic and environmental questionnaires were applied in the municipality, aiming to know in detail the local reality, raising potentialities and demands. The number of members of the 20 families that participated in the rural diagnosis was 72, of which 36 were men and 36 were women, with an average of 3.6 persons per family. Of the 20 rural properties that participated in the rural diagnosis, 35% have delimited RL areas and none of them has a management plan. The exploration of Legal Reserve occurs in 15% of the evaluated properties, being the production of firewood and cuttings the predominant activity. The average value of disposition receivable by rural producers was R$ 220.00 ha-1year-1, in which the producers who did not respond to this question were not considered. The municipality of Senhora de Oliveira, Minas Gerais has the necessary conditions to implement the PES, however the producers still do not receive any incentive to provide environmental services. If this process of PES is implemented, there will certainly be advances in environmental conservation and will bring social benefits throughout the region

    A educação em saúde como foco preventivo em relação as IST’S: relato de experiência

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    As infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST’s) são causadas por vírus, bactérias ou outros microorganismos. São transmitidas, principalmente, por meio do contato sexual (oral, vaginal, anal) sem o uso de camisinha masculina ou feminina, com uma pessoa que esteja infectada. A transmissão de uma IST pode acontecer, ainda da mãe para a criança durante a gestação, o parto ou amamentação. Repassar informações de prevenção acerca das infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST’s) aos colaboradores de uma instituição hospitalar por meio de palestras. Sabe-se portanto, que as infecções tem cura se descobertas em fase inicial. Devemos nos prevenir da melhor forma possível e sempre ir ao médico para que sejam solicitados os exames complementares. A nossa saúde é um bem muito importante, onde devemos e podemos alertar sobre os benefícios do sexo seguro e os riscos do sexo desprotegido. &nbsp


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    A cada ano, as empresas de melhoramento criam novas cultivares para atender as demandas dos produtores, que tem diante de si, a necessidade cada vez maior de produzir mais, apesar das dificuldades. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a adaptação de diferentes cultivares de soja, às condições edafoclimáticas do Estado de São Paulo. Os parâmetros avaliados na cultura da soja foram: altura de inserção da primeira vagem, altura de plantas, estande final ha-1, massa de mil grãos e produtividade de grãos. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados. Os dados foram submetidos ao teste F e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Scott-Knott (


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    Foram instalados 11 experimentos com objetivo de avaliar cultivares de milho convencional nas safras de 2011/12 e 2012/13. Empregou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Foram utilizados 22 cultivares na safra de 2011/12 e 15 na safra de 2012/13, sendo apenas 6 comuns nos anos.. As parcelas foram constituídas de quatro linhas de 5,0 m de comprimento espaçadas de 0,8 m, exceto em Riolândia onde o espaçamento foi de 0,67 m em 2011/12 e de 0,50 m na safra de 2012/13. A população inicial de plantas foi de aproximadamente 62.500 plantas por hectare. De modo geral, a produtividade dos ensaios na safra de 2011/12 foi menor que a verificada na safra de 2012/2013, principalmente devido ao longo período de veranicos. Os cultivares que se destacaram com maior produtividade em 2011/12 foram DKB 370, AS 1580, AG 7088, 2B707 e AS 1596; e em 2012/13 foram 2M77, 30A91, 3M51, 2M70, NS56 e 2M90. Na análise conjunta de dois anos dos tratamentos comuns, destacaram-se os híbridos XB 6018 e IAC 8390 com produtividade acima de 8.500 kg ha-1 e 21% superior a média das variedades. Conclui-se que as cultivares convencionais disponíveis no mercado têm boa adaptação na região Norte/Oeste do Estado de São Paulo