137 research outputs found

    Fibers for 160 Gbit/s Transmission and above

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    Short period dispersion management of 160 Gb/s single channel fiber system

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    Medical significance of cysteine protease inhibitors in mammalian secretory fluids

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    New cysteine protease inhibitors in human tears and milk and their medical significance are reviewed in this paper. As protective components against bacterial infection in the eyes, we detected four kinds of anti-bacterial proteins in normal human tears including lysozyme and three kinds of cysteine protease inhibitors. Using our reverse zymography of normal tears, three kinds of cysteine protease inhibitors were found to be 78kDa, 20kDa and 15kDa and were determined to be lactoferrin, Von Ebner’s Gland(VEG)protein and cystatin S, respectively. All of them belong to the cystatin super family and VEG protein and cystatin S are well known cysteine protease inhibitors. TheC-terminusarea17mer peptide,Y679-K695,of lactoferrin showed strong homology with a common active domain of the cystatin family and the synthesized peptide showed inhibition of cysteine proteases. Not only were disease-specific changes found in these inhibitor profiles, but also disease-specific new inhibitors in patients tear with certain autoimmune diseases. A 35kDa inhibitor, which was detected specifically in tears with Behcet’s disease, an typical autoimmune disease, was determined to be a lacrimal acidic proline-rich protein based on the N-terminus sequence analysis. A65kDa inhibitor of tears with Harada’s autoimmune disease was determined to be an Ig heavy chain V-III region. In addition, lactoferrin content in Harada’s disease was very low. We found two cathepsin inhibitors in bovine milk using reverse zymography, namely lactoferrinandβ-casein. TheL133-Q151, in the humanβ-casein moleculeis the active inhibitory domain. They may play an important role in antiseptic and anti-infectious functions

    A Simple, Sensitive and Safe Method to Determine the Human α/β-Tryptase Genotype

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    The human tryptase locus on chromosome 16 contains one gene encoding only β-tryptase and another encoding either β-tryptase or the homologous α-tryptase, providing α:β gene ratios of 0∶4, 1∶3 or 2∶2 in the diploid genome, these genotypes being of potential clinical relevance in severe atopy. Using an EcoRV restriction site in α- but not β- tryptase, PCR products, spanning intron 1 to exon 5, were used to determine α/β-tryptase gene ratios using non-radioactive labels, including ethidium bromide labeling of all PCR products, and either digoxigenin-primer or DY682-primer labeling of only the final PCR cycle products. Sensitivity increased ∼60-fold with each final PCR cycle labeling technique. Ethidium bromide labeling underestimated amounts of α-tryptase, presumably because heteroduplexes of α/β-tryptase amplimers, formed during annealing, were EcoRV resistant. In contrast, both final PCR cycle labeling techniques precisely quantified these gene ratios, because only homoduplexes were labeled. Using the DY682-primer was most efficient, because PCR/EcoRV products could be analyzed directly in the gel; while digoxigenin-labeled products required transfer to a nitrocellulose membrane followed by immunoblotting. This technique for determining the α/β-tryptase genotype is sensitive, accurate, simple and safe, and should permit high-throughput screening to detect potential phenotype-genotype relations for α/β-tryptases, and for other closely related alleles

    Sustainability assessment of Vietnam's electricity planning: Using section 1 of the 2009 hydropower sustainability assessment protocol

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    The Draft Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol (HSAP) was first introduced in Vietnam at the National Consultant Workshop organized by Vietnam Water Partnership (VNWP) in November 2009. Although the structure of HSAP is relatively complex and new to Vietnam, the participants (from Government agencies, experts, investors, and Vietnamese and international civil society organizations) had the impression that the HSAP has the potential to be a useful tool for participatory assessment of the sustainability of a hydropower project and broader planning. With the assistance of the M-POWER (Mekong Program on Water, Environment and Resilience), a national group of experts in multiple disciplines from government agencies, national organisations and NGOs was mobilized to conduct a rapid sustainability assessment of the energy and hydropower development policy and plan in Vietnam. Section I of the draft HSAP 2009 was used as an assessment tool. The assessment focused on the quality of the process of developing and implementing the strategic development of the electricity sector in general and hydropower development of Vietnam in particular. Even though the rapid assessment framework of HSAP was quite new to the Assessment Team and the assessment subjects are broad, the Team and participants in this trial learned positive and negative lessons that can serve as a basis for future assessment exercises to enable deeper and more comprehensive assessment. The assessment report includes four major parts: 1) Introduction and background, 2) Water and hydropower development in Vietnam; 3) Rapid assessment - process and discussion of results; and 4) Lessons learned from the assessment and recommendations for draft HSAP 2009


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    Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) fuel is currently an energy source being widely applied in many fields in Vietnam, making a significant contribution to the development of the national economy. This paper presents research results of applying LPG fuel used in motorbikes. The traditional liquid fuel system (gasoline) on a motorbike was replaced by an electronically controlled LPG fuel injection system. LPG fuel is designed to inject into the intake manifold. The injection quantity and injection timing are calculated and controlled by the electronic control unit through the calculation and analysis of the input of key parameters such as intake air pressure and temperature, throttle position, engine speed, and camshaft position. The testing results on real roads in an urban area show that the motorbike operates stably on flat and uphill roads. In addition, the cost of LPG fuel consumption is less than that of the gasoline fuel consumption


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    This research was conducted to investigate the impact of entrepreneurial education on the entrepreneurial intentions of university students. The research methodology incorporates Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The survey results from 355 students at University of Economics, Hue University revealed that entrepreneurial education, which encompasses teaching methods, faculty support, and extracurricular programs, had a positive influence on students' entrepreneurial intentions and their entrepreneurial attitudes. Entrepreneurial attitudes also positively influenced entrepreneurial intentions. Based on these findings, several implications are proposed to enhance entrepreneurial education, including (i) Close integration into the local entrepreneurial ecosystem; (ii) Consideration of making entrepreneurial education programs mandatory; (iii) Teaching through case studies and fostering debates on business ideas or projects; (iv) Enhancing faculty support by incorporating business storytelling and encouraging students to engage in real business activities; (v) Ensuring that extracurricular activities are substantial and deeply connected to the business community; and (vi) Assisting students in better understanding themselves and developing an appropriate attitude towards a culture of embracing failure.Nghiên cứu được thực hiện nhằm tìm hiểu sự tác động của giáo dục khởi nghiệp đến ý định khởi nghiệp của sinh viên. Phương pháp tiến hành nghiên cứu gồm phân tích nhân tố khám phá, phân tích nhân tố khẳng định và mô hình cấu trúc tuyến tính. Kết quả khảo sát 355 sinh viên trường Đại học Kinh tế, Đại học Huế cho thấy: Giáo dục khởi nghiệp (gồm phương pháp dạy học, hỗ trợ của giảng viên và chương trình ngoại khoá) tác động cùng chiều đến ý định và thái độ khởi nghiệp của sinh viên. Thái độ khởi nghiệp tác động cùng chiều đến ý định khởi nghiệp. Dựa vào kết quả nghiên cứu, các hàm ý quản trị được đề xuất nhằm phát triển giáo dục khởi nghiệp: (i) Kết nối chặt chẽ vào hệ sinh thái khởi nghiệp địa phương; (ii) Cân nhắc đưa chương trình đào tạo giáo dục khởi nghiệp thành học phần bắt buộc; (iii) Dạy học theo hướng case study và tăng cường tranh luận về ý tưởng hoặc dự án kinh doanh; (iv) Giảng viên tăng cường hỗ trợ sinh viên thông qua câu chuyện kinh doanh và khuyến khích họ làm quen với hoạt động kinh doanh; (v) Hoạt động ngoại khóa phải thực chất và kết nối sâu với cộng đồng doanh nhân; và (vi) Giáo dục để sinh viên thấu hiểu bản thân và có thái độ phù hợp với văn hoá thất bại

    Le portail g-INFO pour surveiller la grippe Influenza A

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    Le portail g-INFO pour surveiller la grippe Influenza

    Discovering Water Quality Changes and Patterns of the Endangered Thi Vai Estuary in Southern Vietnam through Trend and Multivariate Analysis

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    Temporal and spatial water quality data are essential to evaluate human health risks. Understanding the interlinking variations between water quality and socio-economic development is the key for integrated pollution management. In this study, we applied several multivariate approaches, including trend analysis, cluster analysis, and principal component analysis, to a 15-year dataset of water quality monitoring (1999 to 2013) in the Thi Vai estuary, Southern Vietnam. We discovered a rapid improvement for most of the considered water quality parameters (e.g., DO, NH4, and BOD) by step trend analysis, after the pollution abatement in 2008. Nevertheless, the nitrate concentration increased significantly at the upper and middle parts and decreased at the lower part of the estuary. Principal component (PC) analysis indicates that nowadays the water quality of the Thi Vai is influenced by point and diffuse pollution. The first PC represents soil erosion and stormwater loads in the catchment (TSS, PO4, and Fetotal); the second PC (DO, NO2, and NO3) determines the influence of DO on nitrification and denitrification; and the third PC (pH and NH4) determines point source pollution and dilution by seawater. Therefore, this study demonstrated the need for stricter pollution abatement strategies to restore and to manage the water quality of the Thi Vai Estuary