7,615 research outputs found

    Critical and Non-Critical Einstein-Weyl Supergravity

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    We construct N=1 supersymmetrisations of some recently-proposed theories of critical gravity, conformal gravity, and extensions of critical gravity in four dimensions. The total action consists of the sum of three separately off-shell supersymmetric actions containing Einstein gravity, a cosmological term and the square of the Weyl tensor. For generic choices of the coefficients for these terms, the excitations of the resulting theory around an AdS_4 background describe massive spin-2 and massless spin-2 modes coming from the metric; massive spin-1 modes coming from a vector field in the theory; and massless and massive spin-3/2 modes (with two unequal masses) coming from the gravitino. These assemble into a massless and a massive N=1 spin-2 multiplet. In critical supergravity, the coefficients are tuned so that the spin-2 mode in the massive multiplet becomes massless. In the supersymmetrised extensions of critical gravity, the coefficients are chosen so that the massive modes lie in a "window" of lowest energies E_0 such that these ghostlike fields can be truncated by imposing appropriate boundary conditions at infinity, thus leaving just positive-norm massless supergravity modes.Comment: 29 page

    Supersymmetry of the Schrodinger and PP Wave Solutions in Einstein-Weyl Supergravities

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    We obtain the Schrodinger and general pp-wave solutions with or without the massive vector in Einstein-Weyl supergravity. The vector is an auxiliary field in the off-shell supermultiplet and it acquires a kinetic term in the Weyl-squared super invariant. We study the supersymmetry of these solutions and find that turning on the massive vector has a consequence of breaking all the supersymmetry. The Schrodinger and also the pp-wave solutions with the massive vector turned off on the other hand preserve 1/4 of the supersymmetry.Comment: 13 pages, no figur

    Predicting the solar maximum with the rising rate

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    The growth rate of solar activity in the early phase of a solar cycle has been known to be well correlated with the subsequent amplitude (solar maximum). It provides very useful information for a new solar cycle as its variation reflects the temporal evolution of the dynamic process of solar magnetic activities from the initial phase to the peak phase of the cycle. The correlation coefficient between the solar maximum (Rmax) and the rising rate ({\beta}a) at {\Delta}m months after the solar minimum (Rmin) is studied and shown to increase as the cycle progresses with an inflection point (r = 0.83) at about {\Delta}m = 20 months. The prediction error of Rmax based on {\beta}a is found within estimation at the 90% level of confidence and the relative prediction error will be less than 20% when {\Delta}m \geq 20. From the above relationship, the current cycle (24) is preliminarily predicted to peak around October 2013 with a size of Rmax =84 \pm 33 at the 90% level of confidence.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in SCIENCE CHINA Physics,Mechanics & Astronom

    Synthetic photoplethysmography (PPG) of the radial artery through parallelized Monte Carlo and its correlation to body mass index (BMI)

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    Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States and obesity significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. The measurement of blood pressure (BP) is critical in monitoring and managing cardiovascular disease hence new wearable devices are being developed to make BP more accessible to physicians and patients. Several wearables utilize photoplethysmography from the wrist vasculature to derive BP assessment although many of these devices are still at the experimental stage. With the ultimate goal of supporting instrument development, we have developed a model of the photoplethysmographic waveform derived from the radial artery at the volar surface of the wrist. To do so we have utilized the relation between vessel biomechanics through Finite Element Method and Monte Carlo light transport model. The model shows similar features to that seen in PPG waveform captured using an off the shelf device. We observe the influence of body mass index on the PPG signal. A degradation the PPG signal of up to 40% in AC to DC signal ratio was thus observed

    Using Heavy Quark Spin Symmetry in Semileptonic BcB_c Decays

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    The form factors parameterizing the B_c semileptonic matrix elements can be related to a few invariant functions if the decoupling of the spin of the heavy quarks in B_c and in the mesons produced in the semileptonic decays is exploited. We compute the form factors as overlap integral of the meson wave-functions obtained using a QCD relativistic potential model, and give predictions for semileptonic and non-leptonic B_c decay modes. We also discuss possible experimental tests of the heavy quark spin symmetry in B_c decays.Comment: RevTex, 22 pages, 2 figure

    Salivary and gut microbiomes play a significant role in in vitro oral bioaccessibility, biotransformation, and intestinal absorption of arsenic from food

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    The release of a toxicant from a food matrix during the gastrointestinal digestion is a crucial determinant of the toxicant's oral bioavailability. We present a modified setup of the human simulator of the gut microbial ecosystem (SHIME), with four sequential gastrointestinal reactors (oral, stomach, small intestine, and colon), including the salivary and colonic microbiomes. Naturally arsenic-containing rice, mussels, and nori seaweed were digested in the presence of microorganisms and in vitro oral bioaccessibility, bioavailability, and metabolism of arsenic species were evaluated following analysis by using HPLC/mass spectrometry. When food matrices were digested with salivary bacteria, the soluble arsenic in the gastric digestion stage increased for mussel and nori samples, but no coincidence impact was found in the small intestinal and colonic digestion stages. However, the simulated small intestinal absorption of arsenic was increased in all food matrices (1.2-2.7 fold higher) following digestion with salivary microorganisms. No significant transformation of the arsenic species occurred except for the arsenosugars present in mussels and nori. In those samples, conversions between the oxo arsenosugars were observed in the small intestinal digestion stage whereupon the thioxo analogs became major metabolites. These results expand our knowledge on the likely metabolism and oral bioavailabiltiy of arsenic during human digestion, and provide valuable information for future risk assessments of dietary arsenic

    Ціноутворення земель техногенного походження як чинник формування рівня їх споживчих властивостей

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    Визначено засади ціноутворення як головного чинника обгрунтування рівня відтворення екологічної та господарської цінності земель техногенного походження, встановлено вплив грошової оцінки на формування їх цільового споживчого ринку, представлено принципи поєднання екологічних та економічних складових оцінки рекультивованого ґрунту.Определены основы ценообразования как главного фактора обоснования уровня восстановления экологической и хозяйственной ценности земель техногенного происхождения, определено влияние денежной оценки на формирование их целевого потребительского рынка, представлены принципы объединения экологических и экономических составляющих оценки рекультивированного грунта.Defined pricing principles as the main factor of level playing ground environmental and economic values of land anthropogenic origin, the effect of monetary valuation of forming their target consumer market, representing a combination of ecological principles and economic evaluation of reclaimed soil constituents

    A new case of t(1;11)(q21;q23) in a child with M1 ANLL

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    Case report of a translocation : A new case of t(1;11)(q21;q23) in a child with M1 ANLL

    Resolving diverse oxygen transport pathways across Sr-doped lanthanum ferrite and metal-perovskite heterostructures

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    Perovskite structured transition metal oxides are important technological materials for catalysis and solid oxide fuel cell applications. Their functionality often depends on oxygen diffusivity and mobility through complex oxide heterostructures, which can be significantly impacted by structural and chemical modifications, such as doping. Further, when utilized within electrochemical cells, interfacial reactions with other components (e.g. Ni- and Cr-based alloy electrodes and interconnects) can influence the perovskite's reactivity and ion transport, leading to complex dependencies that are difficult to control in real-world environments. Here we use isotopic tracers and atom probe tomography to directly visualize oxygen diffusion and transport pathways across perovskite and metal-perovskite heterostructures, i.e. (Ni-Cr coated) Sr-doped lanthanum ferrite (LSFO). Annealing in 18O2(g) results in elemental and isotopic redistributions through oxygen exchange (OE) in the LSFO while Ni-Cr undergoes oxidation via multiple mechanisms and transport pathways. Complementary density functional theory (DFT) calculations at experimental conditions provide rationale for OE reaction mechanisms and reveal a complex interplay of different thermodynamic and kinetic drivers. Our results shed light on the fundamental coupling of defects and oxygen transport in an important class of catalytic materials.Comment: 39 pages, 10 figure

    Optical nanofibers and spectroscopy

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    We review our recent progress in the production and characterization of tapered optical fibers with a sub-wavelength diameter waist. Such fibers exhibit a pronounced evanescent field and are therefore a useful tool for highly sensitive evanescent wave spectroscopy of adsorbates on the fiber waist or of the medium surrounding. We use a carefully designed flame pulling process that allows us to realize preset fiber diameter profiles. In order to determine the waist diameter and to verify the fiber profile, we employ scanning electron microscope measurements and a novel accurate in situ optical method based on harmonic generation. We use our fibers for linear and non-linear absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy of surface-adsorbed organic molecules and investigate their agglomeration dynamics. Furthermore, we apply our spectroscopic method to quantum dots on the surface of the fiber waist and to caesium vapor surrounding the fiber. Finally, towards dispersive measurements, we present our first results on building and testing a single-fiber bi-modal interferometer.Comment: 13 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in Applied Physics B. Changes according to referee suggestions: changed title, clarification of some points in the text, added references, replacement of Figure 13