22 research outputs found

    Taxonomic revision and reclassification of Pseudolinosyris with related taxa in Galatella (Asteraceae)

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    The taxonomic position of Pseudolinosyris is revised. The genus is reduced to Galatella sect. Pseudolinosyris (Novopokr.) Scnnikov comb. nova. It differs from the other sections by its shorter corolla lobes and a higher level of stem lignification. Two species are recognised in this section: G. grimmii (Regel & Schmalh.) Sennikov comb. nova, with three subspecies including G. grimmii subsp. microcephala (Novopokr.) Scnnikov comb. nova and G. grimmii subsp. simenisii (Bornm.) Scnnikov comb. nova. and the newly added G. corymbulosa (Bornm.) Sennikov comb. nova. A further species is transferred from Crinitaria to Galatella, G. a.sperella (Rech. f. & Koie) Sennikov, comb. nova to form a monotypic section Galatella sect. A.sperilbliae Sennikov. sect. nova. All the species and subspecies are redescribed and mapped. and their complete synonymy with typifications and a new identification key are provided.Peer reviewe

    Taxonomic assessment of three species of Silene (Caryophyllaceae) described by Boris K. Schischkin from Turkey

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    Silene porphyrantha, established by Boris K. Schischkin on the basis of specimens collected during his expedition to Turkey in 1916, is the earlier and correct name for S. konuralpiae ("konuralpii"), which was recently described from the same area. A new description and a distribution map are provided for this species. Two more species of S. sect. Auriculatae described by Schischkin from Turkey are assessed and synonymised with broadly distributed species: S muradica with S. aigentea, and S. pachyneura with S. arguta. A revised identification key to the species traditionally included in S. sect. Spergulifoliae in Turkey is provided, with the exclusion of taxonomically misplaced or misidentified species. Nomenclature and typifications are established or verified for all accepted names and synonyms. Lectotypes of four species names are designated.Peer reviewe

    Ligularia philanthrax (Asteraceae), a new species from a coal mining region of Kyrgyzstan

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    Ligularia philanthrax Lazkov & Sennikov sp. nova (Asteraceae) is a new species from Kyrgyzstan, narrowly distributed in the Turkestan Mountain Range. It differs from the most similar species, L. pavlovii (Syrdaiya Karatau Mts., Kazakhstan) by having fewer scales at its stem base, oblong-obovate basal and lower cauline leaves with narrow herbaceous sheaths, and by having more numerous longer ligulate flowers. Ligularia philanthrax occurs in the Suluku coal mining region and is considered Critically Endangered because of its restricted distribution, anthropogenic impact and a high level of grazing.Peer reviewe

    Euphorbia talassica (E. sect. Esula, Euphorbiaceae), a new species of leafy spurges from the Western Tian-Shan

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    A species of Euphorbia sect. Esula (Euphorbiaceae) from the Western Tian-Shan, Central Asia, is described as new to science. Euphorbia talassica sp. nova occurs in the Talas Mountain Range in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and falls into E. ser. Andrachnoides because of its relatively short and broad leaves. Euphorbia talassica is most similar to E. irgisensis, from which it differs by having a slender and spreading rootstock (vs. a vertical taproot), and incrassate (vs. thin) leaves. The new species also grows at much higher elevations. Euphorbia ser. Andrachnoides is overviewed for Central Asia and adjacent areas, with seven species discussed and mapped.Peer reviewe

    Taxonomic revision of two Iranian Arenaria endemics reveals further synonyms in Eremogone (Caryophyllaceae)

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    Two recently described endemics of northern Iran are reduced to synonyms: Arenaria assadii to a synonym of Eremogone brachypetala, and A. longibracteata to a synonym of E. macrantha. Both species were already known from the same places in Iran but were overlooked in the latest treatments. Nomenclatural data are verified and corrected for all the taxa involved.Peer reviewe

    Arenaria kandavanensis is a synonym of A. fursei and belongs in Eremogone (Caryophyllaceae)

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    Arenaria kandavanensis, recently described from the type area of A. fursei, is synonymized with the latter species. It is a narrow endemic of the Chalus Gorge in the Kandovan Mountains, Alborz Range (Mazandaran Province. northern Iran). A new nomenclatural combination, Eremogone fursei (Lazkov) Lazkov & Sennikov, is proposed for this species name in agreement with its phylogenetic placement in E. sect. Sclerophyllae. An updated description and distribution map of the species is provided, with an identification key to the species of E. sect. Sclerophyllae occurring in Iran.Peer reviewe

    Taxonomic corrections and new records in vascular plants of Kyrgyzstan, 3

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    A series of notes on distribution, taxonomy, morphology and nomenclature of some vascular plants in Kyrgyzstan is presented. The presence of Scutellaria popovii Vved. in Talas Range is confirmed and documented with herbarium specimens, and this species is mapped. The known distributions of Galinsoga parviflora Cav. and Reseda lutea L., established invasive aliens, are documented with many new records and mapped. Eminium alberti (Regel) Engl. ex B. Fedtsch., Iris inconspicua (Vved.) T. Hall & Seisums, I. khassanovii Tojibaev et Turginov and Lagopsis flava Kar. et Kir. are reported as new to Kyrgyzstan. Astragalus testiculatus Pall., Corydalis glaucescens Regel, Morina parviflora Kar. et Kir., Pedicularis karatavica Pavlov, Tulipa turkestanica (Regel) Regel are reported as new to Talas Range, and Iris narbutii O. Fedtsch. as new to Alay Range. The distributions of Iris linifolia (Regel) O. Fedtsch. and I. narynensis O. Fedtsch. in Kyrgyzstan are verified and mapped. Iris zenaidae (Vved.) F.O. Khass. & Rakhimova is reduced to the synonymy of I. graeberiana Sealy; this species is reported as new to many territories of Western Tian-Shan. A new combination, Iris rodionenkoi (Lazkov & Naumenko) Lazkov & Sennikov is provided for Juno rodionenkoi Lazkov & Naumenko. The species known as Cephalorrhynchus polycladus (Boiss.) Kirp. is transferred to Lactuca as L. piestocarpa (Boiss.) Sennikov, comb. nov. with a new section, L. sect. Zollikoferiastrum (Kirp.) Sennikov, comb. nov.; this species is new to Kyrgyzstan

    Taxonomic corrections and new records in vascular plants of Kyrgyzstan

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    A series of notes on distribution, taxonomy and nomenclature of some vascular plants in Kyrgyzstan is presented. Two new hybrids (Delphinium Ă— pskemense Sennikov & Lazkov, Perovskia Ă— intermedia Lazkov) are described. The variety Rhinactinidia limoniifolia var. brachyglossa Lazkov & Sennikov and forma Rubus praecox Bertol. f. rutiliflorus H.E.Weber & Sennikov are described for unusual morphotypes of these species. Five transfers from Pyrethrum to Richteria (R. brachanthemoides (Kamelin & Lazkov) Sennikov, R. neglecta (Tzvelev) Sennikov, R. sovetkinae (Kovalevsk.) Sennikov, R. sussamyrensis (Lazkov) Sennikov, R. sect. Trichanthemopsis (Tzvelev) Sennikov) are proposed in conformity with the phylogeny of Anthemideae. Nomenclature is discussed and lectotype is designated for Achillea biebersteinii Afan. Three transfers (Arctium nidulans (Regel) Sennikov, A. sect. Plagiocephalum (Rupr.) Sennikov, Harmsiella olgae (Regel) Sennikov) are proposed because of priority under the current phylogeny of Asteraceae and Lamiaceae. Ten native species (Centaurea chartolepis Greuter, Cousinia hamadae Juz., Hypopitys hypophegea (Wallr.) G.Don, Lemna turionifera Landolt, Lycopus exaltatus L. f., Portulaca granulatostellulata (Poelln.) C.Ricceri & P.V.Arrigoni, P. nitida (Danin & H.G.Baker) C.Ricceri & P.V.Arrigoni, Ranunculus acris L., Rubia laevissima Tschern., Zygophyllum miniatum Cham.) and two aliens (Calystegia spectabilis (Brummitt) Tzvelev, Rubus praecox Bertol.) are new to Kyrgyzstan. Ten species are new to certain mointain ranges. The presence of Sorbus turkestanica (Franch.) Hedl. in Kyrgyzstan is confirmed; this species and S. persica Hedl. are mapped anew for conservation purposes. Otostegia nikitinae Scharasch. and O. schennikovii Scharasch. are synonyms of Harmsiella olgae and therefore need no protection in Kyrgyzstan

    Molecular systematics of Echinops L. (Asteraceae, Cynareae): A phylogeny based on ITS and trnL-trnF sequences with emphasis on sectional delimitation

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    11 p., il.[EN] The monogeneric subtribe Echinopsinae of Cynareae (Asteraceae) was analysed using nrDNA ITS and plastid trnLtrnF for 81 of the ca. 120 species, representing all Echinops sections except Cenchrolepis and Pterolepis. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses were used for each dataset and for the combined data. The resulting molecular phylogenetic framework resolves Echinops as monophyletic and confirms the inclusion of E. acantholepis (= Acantholepis orientalis) within the genus. Echinops is divided into two lineages, one consisting of E. sect. Chamaechinops and sect. Acantholepis (almost exclusively annual or biennial), and the other the remaining sections (almost all perennial). Our results support an infrageneric classification of Echinops into nine previously recognized sections: Acantholepis (= Nanechinops), Chamaechinops, Echinops (= Terma), Hamolepis, Hololeuce, Oligolepis, Phaeochaete, Psectra and Ritropsis, all resolved as strongly monophyletic after some species relocations. The status of E. sect. Phaeochaete and the sectional assignment of E. onopordum, E. pungens and E. transcaucasicus remain to be clarified. The evolution of involucral bracts is congruent with the phylogenetic framework and supports the sectional classification. Annual pollen type does not constitute an autapomorphy of the clade grouping the annuals but may represent the ancestral character state for the entire genus.Peer reviewe