110 research outputs found

    Molekularna i morfološka karakterizacija evropskih vrsta roda Binodoxys Mackauer (Hymenoptera: Bracondiae: Aphidiinae)

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    The genera Binodoxys assembles 70 species of Holarctic distribution. Based on the presence of secondary tubercles on the second metasomal segment (petiole), genera Binodoxys can be discriminated from the Trioxys species. The position of the primary and secondary tubercles is taxonomic character for the separation of Binodoxys species. Based on the morphology of the petiole and other morphological characters, eight species have been described in European fauna. The main objective of this study is to determent the molecular and morphological differences between the six European species. Morphologically, using the geometric morphomterics method, 111 petioles and 175 forewings of females were analysed. Molecular analysis was applied using the barcoding COI gene. The geometric morphometrics method of petioles showed the existence of two morpho-groups: „angelicae“ (B. angelicae и B. centaureae) and „acalephae“ (B. acalephae, B. brevicornis, B. heraclei и B. similis). Species from the „angelicae“ morpho-group have elongated petioles long distance between the primary and secondary tubercles, while the petioles of “acalephae” morpho-group are short and with smaller intertubercular distance. The geometric morphometrics of forewings, showed that the B. similis has similar wing morphology to that in “angelicae” morpho-group. Forewings of “angelicae” morpho-group were narrowed, and with longer radial sector vein, when compared to the members of “acalephae” group. Molecular analysis confirmed the existence of six species, which are discriminated in two phylogenetic clades. The first clade clusters two species (B. angelicae and B. centaureae), while the remaining four species are grouped in the second lineage (B. acalephae + (B. heraclei + (B. brevicornis + B. similis))). Mapping the phylogeny over the morphological data showed that phylogenetically closer species have a similar petiole shape, but not forewings. Scanning electron microscopy revealed differences in shape and size of the heads and ovipositor. Members of “angelicae” phylo-morpho-group have long petioles and heads, but short ovipositors. Based on all the analyses applied, the existence of six Binodxys species classified into two phylo-morpho groups was confirmed

    Integration of the energy efficiency into the local development strategies

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    Balanced Scorecards represent powerful management tool for describing, explaining, representing and implementing different business strategies. Being in use for more than two decades, this tool proved its applicability in public, private and non-profit enterprises, which makes it suitable for applying in local development plans. The municipality of Sayski Venac applied balanced scorecards as decision-making tools to structure its objectives and articulate them into the strategy. However, the energy efficiency, although perceived as a national priority, was not included in the developed municipality strategy map. This paper investigates the possibilities to integrate the energy efficiency objectives and the municipality strategic objectives, in order to identify and apply proper key performance indicators, targets and measures to improve energy efficiency in different sectors. The ultimate goal is to propose proper GHG mitigation measures to enhance energy efficiency that will fit within the local development strategy of the municipality of Sayski Venac, to align the energy efficiency measures with its energy policy, to improve the selection process of the energy efficiency measures and to adjust it to the municipality needs


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    Two hymenopteran species are reported for the Serbian fauna. Diprion similis, from the family Diprionidae, served as a host for the parasitoid wasp Monodontomerus dentipes, from the family Torymidae. The specimens were collected from Mt. Zlatibor in western Serbia. The parasitoid specimens were reared from the pupal stadium of the host D. similis. &nbsp

    Cytotoxic effects of different aromatic plants essential oils on oral squamous cell carcinoma: An in vitro study

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    Background/Aim: Current approaches in therapy of head and neck cancers are surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. However, recurrence, development of multidrug resistance, side effects, and high costs of therapy are significant problems which point to the need for more efficient and less toxic drugs and interventions. Material and Methods: Eight essential oils obtained from Thymus serpyllum, Mentha piperita, Juniperus communis, Rosmarinus officinalis, Melissa officinalis, Achillea millefolium, Zingiber officinale, and Helichrysum arenarium were tested for their anti-proliferative on oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) culture and SCC-25 cell line. Cytotoxicity assays (MTT and Neutral red) were used to detect the effect of the mentioned essential oils. Results: T. serpyllum, M. piperita, J. communis, and R. officinalis essential oils exhibited the best anti-proliferative effect, on both types of cells. M. piperita had the greatest effect on SCC-25 cell line (4,5% of viable cells) and OSCC cells (7,2% of viable cells). Overall, cytotoxicity was higher in OSCC than in SCC-25 cell line. Conclusions: This study showed a clear anti-proliferative effect of four essential oils, in vitro making them novel potential antineoplastic agents


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    The diversity of species of Cotesia Cameron, 1891 for the territory of Serbia is given as a faunistic survey. The paper presents the results of research in the period from 1902 to 2021. Literature, databases and new, unpublished records were combined for a comprehensive list of species, with notes on localities, dates, number and sexes of individuals. In total, 35 species are presented, of which 11 were registered in Serbia for the first time. The species most often collected were Cotesia ofella and C. tibialis

    Rezultati biološkog testa bikova simentalske rase u centralnoj Srbiji

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    Exceptionally important aspect in cattle production, from the aspect of production and economy, is ensuring normal and regular fertility. Every cattle breeder wants to have high-yielding animals which at the same time have good fertility. In proper cattle breeding this means that from each cow during single year one healthy calf is obtained. Use of artificial insemination has enabled that one breeding male is used as sire for several tens of thousands of progeny, however, there is always the risk that sires could be carriers of lethal and semi-lethal genes, which can cause huge losses of calves. In order to bring these undesirable occurrences to a minimum, so called bilogical test is included in the breeding and selection activities, i.e. bulls are tested through their progeny for presence of difficult calving (dystocia) abd calf losses caused by genetic anomalies. In Republic of Serbia, this test is carried out on ehtire Simmental population in an exchange of data produced by primary breeding organizations. Per each tested bull, it is necessary to have data on minimum 50 randomly selected calves. Calves are examined visually 65 days after the birth, at the latest. In the present study, the results of the biological testing of 35 Simmental bulls, sires of total 3572 calves on the territory of Central Serbia, in the period 2008-2009, are used. The effect of sires on parameters of biological test were studied: body mass of calves at birth, calf score and calving score. Also, bulls were ranked based on said parameters, male/female calves ratio and percentage of twins and still-born calves for each bull individually were determined. After the rank of bulls was established, the correlation between the rank and studied fertility traits was determined. Correlations were expressed using the Spearman coefficient. Research results show that the effect of bulls was very high p (lt) 0,001 on all three parameters of the biological test, and also that the percentage of still born calves for all bulls was within limits, with the exception of bulls Zahlo (HB 1497) and Woz (HB 1433) where it was above 5.Izuzetno važan aspekt u govedarskoj proizvodnji, gledano sa proizvodnog i ekonomskog stanovišta je obezbeđivanje normalne i redovne plodnosti. Svaki odgajivač goveda želi da ima grla koja su visoko proizvodna i istovremeno poseduju dobru plodnost. Za pravilno odgajivanje goveda to znači da se od svake krave u toku godine dobije po jedno zdravo tele. Upotreba veštačkog osemenjavanja omogućila je da jedan priplodnjak bude otac nekoliko desetina hiljada potomaka. Međutim, uvek postoji rizik da su očevi nosioci letalnih i semiletalnih gena, što može prouzrokovati velike gubitke teladi. Da bi se ove nepoželjne pojave svele na najmanju moguću meru u odgajivački i selekcijski rad uključeno je ispitivanje bikova po potomstvu na teška teljenja i gubitke teladi izazvane genetskim anomalijama, tzv. biološki test. Ovaj test se u Republici Srbiji vrši jedinstveno za čitavu populaciju simentalske rase, razmenom podataka između odgajivačkih organizacija. Po svakom biku koji se testira, neophodno je imati podatke za najmanje 50 slučajno odabrane teladi. Vizualni pregled teladi se obavlja najkasnije do 65 dana, od datuma rođenja teleta. U ovom istraživanju korišćeni su rezultati biološkog testa 35 bikova simentalske rase koji su bili očevi ukupno 3572 teladi na teritoriji centralne Srbije u periodu 2008. i 2009. godine. U radu je ispitivan uticaj očeva na parametre biološkog testa: telesnu masu teladi po rođenju, ocenu teleta i ocenu toka teljenja. Takođe je izvršeno rangiranje bikova na ove parametre, kao i utvrđivanje odnosa muške i ženske teladi, procenat bližnjenja kao i procenat mrtvorođene teladi za svakog bika posebno. Nakon utvrđenog ranga bikova izvršena je korelacija ranga ispitivanih osobina plodnosti. Korelacije su iskazane Spirmanovim koeficijentom. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je uticaj bikova izuzetno visok p (lt) 0,001 na sva tri parametra u biološkom testu, kao i da je procenat mrtvorođene teladi kod svih bikova u dozvoljenim granica, osim bikova Zahlo (HB 1497) i Woz (HB 1433) gde je iznosio preko 5

    Varijabilnost osobina fundamenta kod prvotelki simentalske rase

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    Visual evaluation and recognition of dairy traits of cows are preliminary indicators of milk yield, longevity, and reproductive ability of the individual animal, which is very important from the aspect of the economics of milk production. The deficiencies in the fundament traits lead to poor production, poor health and premature culling of cows from the herd. The paper examines the frequency of preferred scores of a certain trait in the first calving heifers according to the housing method (animals reared by individual agricultural producers and farm animals) and their origin (domestic and imported animals), as well as the impact of these two factors on the observed properties. Four fundament traits were analysed: the position of the hind legs, the development of the hocks/joints, the pastern joints and the height of the feet on a total of 954 first-calving Simmental heifers. Observed by the housing method, the higher frequency of the preferred scores for all of the fundament traits, was achieved by the farm cows, while according to the origin of the cows, the higher frequency of the preferred scores for all of the fundament traits was realized by imported animals in relation to domestic cows. The influence of the factors of the housing method and origin of animals examined by χ2 test on all the tested linear scores (frequency of scores) of the fundament traits was statistically very significant (p≤0.001), while the analysis of the variance (F test) determined high significance (p≤0.001) of the interaction between the origin and housing method on the height of the feet, as well as significant effect (p≤0.05) on the position of the hind legs, while on other linear scores of the fundament traits it did not exhibit statistical significance (p>0.05).Vizuelna procena i prepoznavanje mlečnih karakteristika krava su preliminarni pokazatelji mlečnosti, dugovečnosti, kao i reproduktivnih sposobnosti grla, što je veoma važno sa aspekta ekonomičnosti proizvodnje mleka. Nedostaci u osobinama fundamenta dovode do slabije proizvodnje, lošeg zdravstvenog stanja i preranog isključenja krava iz zapata. U radu je ispitivana učestalost poželjnih ocena određene osobine kod prvotelki podeljenih po načinu držanja (grla kod individualnih proizvođača i grla sa farme) i podeljenih po poreklu (grla domaćeg odgoja i grla iz uvoza), kao i uticaj ova dva faktora na posmatrane osobine. Analizirane su četiri osobine fundamenta: položaj zadnjih nogu, razvijenost skočnog zgloba, kičični zglobovi i visina papaka na ukupno 954 prvotelke simentalske rase. Posmatrano prema načinu držanja, veću frekvenciju poželjnih ocena za sve osobine fundamenta iskazane u ocenama ostvarile su krave sa farme, dok su prema poreklu krava, veću frekvenciju poželjnih ocena za sve osobine fundamenta iskazane u ocenama ostvarile krave poreklom iz uvoza u odnosu na krave domaćeg porekla. Uticaj faktora načina držanja i porekla grla ispitivani χ2 testom na sve isptitivane linearne ocene (frekvenciju ocena) osobina fundamenta bio je statistički vrlo visoko značajan (p≤0,001), dok je analizom varijanse (F test) utvrđena visoka značajnost (p≤0,001) interakcije porekla i načina držanja na visinu papaka, kao i značajnost (p≤0,05) na poziciju zadnjih nogu, dok na ostale linearne ocene osobina fundamenta nije ispoljila statističku značajnost (p>0,05)

    Pojava deformacije ekstremiteta krava simentalske rase u različitim tipovima ležišta

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    Problems with legs and various forms of lameness of cows, in intensive milk production, are the third significant problem occuring in this production, after mastitis and reproductive disorders, both globally and in our country. The paper analyzes the incidence of the deformation of legs of 145 cows of the Simmental breed in the Kolubara region, and the influence of paragenetic factors (housing/holding and type of stall/bedding and lactation) on the incidence of deformations. The obtained results show that, of the total number of cows assessed, 3.45% had 'X' position of the front legs, 14.8% had a 'X' position of the hind legs. The convergent position of the front legs was recorded in 35.86%, and divergent in 8.28% of animals. The convergent position of the hind legs was observed in 16.55% of cows, and divergent in 2.76%. The outward position of the front legs was observed in 4.14% of cows, inward position in 11.03%, and broad position in 4.14% of studied cows. Also, 17.24% of the cows had a so called sable like position of hind legs, and 7.59% showed steap angle of hind legs. The pronounced soft front leg pasterns were observed in 7.59% of the cows, and the soft pasterns of the hind legs in 33.79% of the total number of observed cows. The observed changes in the ankles in the shape of swelling were recorded in 1.38% of cattle on the carpal joint and 2.76% on the tarsal ankle. The damaged shoulder and body joint (scabbed shoulder) was observed in 43.45% of the total number of cows evaluated. Scores for the front and hind legs front, back and side views, varied at different levels of significance under the influence of the type of stall/bedding, while the scores for the condition of the hind leg pasterns varied highly significantly (p lt 0.001) under the influence of the type of stall/bedding. The scores for the front leg pasterns and scores for shoulder and body joint were not significant (p> 0.05) depending on the type of stall/bedding and the method of housing/holding of cows.Problemi sa nogama i različiti oblici šepavosti krava, u intenzivnoj proizvodnji mleka su treći problem po značaju posle mastitisa i reproduktivnih poremećaja, kako u svetu tako i u našoj zemlji. U radu su analizirane pojava deformacije stavova nogu 145 krava simentalske rase na području Kolubarskog okruga, i uticaj paragenetskih faktora (način držanja i tip ležišta i laktacija po redu) na pojavu deformacija. Od ukupnog broja ocenjenih krava 3,45 % je imalo 'X' stav prednjih nogu, 14,8% je imalo 'X' stav zadnjih nogu. Konvergentan stav prednjih nogu imalo je 35,86%, a divergentan 8,28%. Konvergentan stav zadnjih nogu imalo je 16,55% krava, a divergentan 2,76%. Isturen stav prednjih nogu imalo je 4,14% krava, podvučen 11,03%, a širok stav 4,14%. Sabljast stav zadnjih nogu imalo je 17,24% krava, a stubast 7,59%. Izražene mekane kičice prednjih nogu imalo je 7,59% krava, a mekane kičice zadnjih nogu imalo je 33,79% od ukupnog broja ocenjenih krava. Uočene promene na zglobovima u vidu otoka imalo je 1,38% krava na karpalnom zglobu i 2,76% na tarzalnom zglobu. Narušen spoj lopatice i tela (odvaljena plećka) imalo je 43,45% od ukupnog broja ocenjenih krava. Ocene za stavove prednjih i zadnjih nogu posmatrano spreda, otpozadi i sa strane varirale su na različitom nivou značajnosti pod uticajem tipa ležišta, dok ocene za stanje kičica na zadnjim nogama su vrlo visoko značajno (p lt 0,001) varirale pod uticajem tipa ležišta. Ocene za kičice prednjih nogu i ocene za spoj lopatice i trupa, nisu značajno (p>0,05) zavisile od tipa ležišta i načina držanja krava


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    The water lily aphid is a cosmopolitan species that feeds on various plants. Its primary hosts are Prunus species from which they migrate to their secondary hosts – aquatic and semi-aquatic plants. So far, in Serbia, Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae is recorded to attack only three plant species as secondary hosts. In our study, conducted in September 2020, we have researched the association of water lily aphid with secondary hosts in wetland habitats. A total of 44 samples were collected from 16 localities. In addition to the plant species previously reported, in this study 11 secondary hosts are documented for the first time in Serbia. The most common trophic association of R. nymphaeae was with Salvinia natans which was registered in 13 localities. There is a high possibility of finding new records of secondary hosts, therefore, more research is needed to complete the information about the water lily aphid and its hosts in Serbia

    Polymorphism of k-casein and b-lactoglobuline in simmental cattle in Serbia

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    The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of the kappa-casein and beta-lactoglobulin genotypes in the Simmental cattle in Serbia and compare it with the frequency according to the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium law. Blood samples were taken from a total of 157 cows of the Simmental breed in Toplica and Rasina districts. Of the 157 cows included in this study, the AA kappa-casein genotype was found in 53 cows, which makes a frequency of 33.80%, the AB genotype in 81 cows or 51.60% and the BB genotype in 23 cows or 14.60%. The allelic frequency A was 59.60%, while allele B had a frequency of 40.40%. In regard to the frequency of genotypes and beta-lactoglobulin alleles for the total studied population of cows obtained for AA, AB and BB genotypes for beta-lactoglobulin, was 33.10%, 49.70% and 17.20%, respectively, which means that 52 animals had genotype AA, 78 genotype AB and 27 genotype BB. The frequency of alleles A and B resulting from the incidence of genotypes was 58.00% for allele A and 42.00% for allele B. The specified frequencies for both protein fractions statistically differed significantly from the frequency according to the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium law, which confirmed the absence of equilibrium in the examined population