18 research outputs found
Particle-in-cell Simulation of Whistler Heat-flux Instabilities in the Solar Wind:Heat-flux Regulation and Electron Halo Formation
We present results of a two-dimensional fully kinetic particle-in-cell simulation in order to shed light on the role of whistler waves in the scattering of strahl electrons and in the heat-flux regulation in the solar wind. We model the electron velocity distribution function as initially composed of core and strahl populations as typically encountered in the near-Sun solar wind as observed by Parker Solar Probe. We demonstrate that, as a consequence of the evolution of the electron velocity distribution function (VDF), two branches of the whistler heat-flux instability can be excited, which can drive whistler waves propagating in the direction oblique or parallel to the background magnetic field. First, oblique whistler waves induce pitch-angle scattering of strahl electrons, toward higher perpendicular velocities. This leads to the broadening of the strahl pitch-angle distribution and hence to the formation of a halo-like population at the expense of the strahl. Later on, the electron VDF experiences the effect of parallel whistler waves, which contributes to the redistribution of the particles scattered in the perpendicular direction into a more symmetric halo, in agreement with observations. Simulation results show a remarkable agreement with the linear theory of the oblique whistler heat-flux instability. The process is accompanied by a significant decrease of the heat flux carried by the strahl population
ABSTRAK Yusuf Bintang Syaifinuha, E0012414. 2016. IMPLEMENTASI PEMBERIAN GANTI KERUGIAN LAYANAN PAKET DI PT TIKI JALUR NUGRAHA EKAKURIR (JNE) CABANG SURAKARTA DITINJAU DARI UNDANG-UNDANG NOMOR 38 TAHUN 2009 TENTANG POS. Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi pemberian ganti kerugian di PT Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) Cabang Surakarta ditinjau dari UU Pos dan untuk mengetahui cara penyelesaian sengketa yang timbul dari implementasi pemberian ganti kerugian di PT Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) Cabang Surakarta. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian empiris. Data yang digunakan terdiri dari dua data yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah dengan metode wawancara dan studi pustaka. Berdasarkan hasil analisis penelitian, dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa implementasi pemberian ganti kerugian di JNE kurang sesuai dengan Pasal 28 UU Pos karena jenis ganti kerugian hanya untuk kehilangan kiriman dan kerusakan isi kiriman. Pengirim yang mengajukan klaim ganti kerugian harus memenuhi syarat administrasi yang telah ditetapkan oleh JNE. Nilai ganti kerugian yang diberikan JNE adalah 10 kali biaya pengiriman atau sesuai harga barang yang hilang dan/atau rusak jika menggunakan asuransi. JNE memilih upaya hukum diluar pengadilan (nonlitigasi) berupa negosiasi dalam menyelesaikan sengketa yang terjadi dalam implementasi pemberian ganti kerugian. Kata kunci :Perjanjian, Wanprestasi, Implementasi ganti kerugian
Is shrimp farming a successful adaptation to salinity intrusion? A geospatial associative analysis of poverty in the populous Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta of Bangladesh
The Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna delta of Bangladesh is one of the most populous deltas in the world, supporting as many as 140 million people. The delta is threatened by diverse environmental stressors including salinity intrusion, with adverse consequences for livelihood and health. Shrimp farming is recognised as one of the few economic adaptations to the impacts of the rapidly salinizing delta. Although salinity intrusion and shrimp farming are geographically co-located in the delta, there has been no systematic study to examine their geospatial associations with poverty. In this study, we use multiple data sources including Census, Landsat Satellite Imagery and soil salinity survey data to examine the extent of geospatial clustering of poverty within the delta and their associative relationships with salinity intensity and shrimp farming. The analysis was conducted at the union level, which is the lowest local government administrative unit in Bangladesh. The findings show a strong clustering of poverty in the delta, and whilst different intensities of salinization are significantly associated with increasing poverty, neither saline nor freshwater shrimp farming has a significant association with poverty. These findings suggest that whilst shrimp farming may produce economic growth, in its present form it has not been an effective adaptation for the poor and marginalised areas of the delta. The study demonstrates that there are a series of drivers of poverty in the delta, including salinization, water logging, wetland/mudflats, employment, education and access to roads, amongst others that are discernible spatially, indicating that poverty alleviation programmes in the delta require strengthening with area-specific targeted interventions
Evolving deltas: Coevolution with engineered interventions
Deltaic environments are often densely populated with high socio-economic values, and thus are hotspots of climatic, environmental and anthropogenic change. Large scale engineered structures, such as dike systems, have played an important role in shaping both environmental and socio-economic conditions in deltas, with such interventions more likely where there is a high population and a wealthy economy. Engineered interventions interact with the morphological evolution of the delta, reducing or removing sedimentation and accelerating subsidence, increasing the consequences of flooding and necessitating further adaptation. They also encourage further development, reinforcing this feedback. Thus, in these cases, the deltaic landscape and associated livelihoods can be considered to be the result of a coevolution process between natural delta processes and human engineered interventions. This paper explores this hypothesis. It analyses the history of large scale engineering interventions and their implications in five representative, large, populated deltas across the globe (Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna, Yangtze, Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt, Mekong and Nile). The results demonstrate coevolution has occurred and indicate that the response type and the management approach of these engineered structures have significant implications for future delta development. To understand and manage unintended consequences and the development of lock-in trajectories in deltas, a systematic understanding of delta development, including these coevolution processes is essential
Solid state structures of the complexes between the antiseptic chlorhexidine and three anionic derivatives of calix[4]arene
1 - ArticleThe solid state structures of the complexes between antiseptic chlorhexidine and three anionic calix[4] arene derivatives are described. Each of the three calixarenes shows typical self-organisation in the solid-state that will further impose a specific complexation of the active molecule in the co-crystal
Synthesis of the pharmaceutical substances 5-amino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydrophtalazin-1,4-dione sodium salt
Agricultural livelihoods in coastal Bangladesh under climate and environmental change - a model framework
Coastal Bangladesh experiences significant poverty and hazards today and is highly vulnerable to climate and environmental change over the coming decades. Coastal stakeholders are demanding information to assist in the decision making processes, including simulation models to explore how different interventions, under different plausible future socio-economic and environmental scenarios, could alleviate environmental risks and promote development. Many existing simulation models neglect the complex interdependencies between the socio-economic and environmental system of coastal Bangladesh. Here an integrated approach has been proposed to develop a simulation model to support agriculture and poverty-based analysis and decision-making in coastal Bangladesh. In particular, we show how a simulation model of farmer’s livelihoods at the household level can be achieved. An extended version of the FAO’s CROPWAT agriculture model has been integrated with a downscaled regional demography model to simulate net agriculture profit. This is used together with a household income-expenses balance and a loans logical tree to simulate the evolution of food security indicators and poverty levels. Modelling identifies salinity and temperature stress as limiting factors to crop productivity and fertilisation due to atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations as a reinforcing factor. The crop simulation results compare well with expected outcomes but also reveal some un-expected behaviours. For example, under current model assumptions, temperature is more important than salinity for crop production. The agriculture-based livelihood and poverty simulations highlight the critical significance of debt through informal and formal loans set at such levels as to persistently undermine well-being of agriculture-dependent households. Simulations also indicate progressive approaches to agriculture (i.e. diversification) might not provide the clear economic benefit from the perspective of pricing due to greater susceptibility to climate vagaries. The livelihood and poverty results highlight the importance of the holistic consideration of the human-nature system and the careful selection of poverty indicators. Although the simulation model at this stage contains the minimum elements required to simulate the complexity of farmer livelihood interactions in coastal Bangladesh, the crop and socio-economic findings compare well with expected behaviours. The presented integrated model is the first step to develop a holistic, transferable analytic method and tool for coastal Banglades