1,023 research outputs found

    Developing a Philippine Local Government Bond Market

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    The 1991 Local Government has initiated comprehensive changes in Philippine public administration such as decentralization and greater local autonomy. However, the macroeconomic picture has been characterized by volatile inflation, foreign exchange and interest rate. Against this backdrop, this paper investigates issues that affect the market development for LGU bonds. It also identifies the constraints in the design of LGU bond issue and assesses its marketability.local government unit, financial economy, financial system, decentralization, bond market

    Developing a Philippine Local Government Bond Market

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    The 1991 Local Government has initiated comprehensive changes in Philippine public administration such as decentralization and greater local autonomy. However, the macroeconomic picture has been characterized by volatile inflation, foreign exchange and interest rate. Against this backdrop, this paper investigates issues that affect the market development for LGU bonds. It also identifies the constraints in the design of LGU bond issue and assesses its marketability.financial economy, financial system, decentralization, bond market, Local Government Units (LGUs)


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    Tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi saat ini dunia teknologi informasi sudah berkembang dengan sangat pesat. Dari jaman pertama kali ketika komputer pertama kali diciptakan, komputer hanya dapat dimiliki oleh kalangan menengah keatas. Namun bila kita melihat saat ini, kini hampir setiap orang menenteng komputer jinjing mereka masing-masing. Perkembang teknologi informasi (TI) ini juga sangat terasa di dunia bisnis. Saat ini hampir semua sektor bisnis mulai mengintegrasikan TI pada operasional bisnis mereka masing-masing. Dunia bisnis yang dituntut untuk selalu efektif dan melakukan perubahan, saat ini dituntut juga untuk mengintegrasikan TI sebagai bagian dari mengikuti jaman. Industri penerbangan juga tidak lepas dari sentuhan ajaib TI ini. Agen pesawat terbang yang merupakan bagian penting dari industri penerbangan, satu demi satu mulai mengintegrasikan TI ke dalam bisnis mereka. Mulai dari agen pesawat dengan skala besar samapai yang skala kecil. Diharapkan dengan mengintegrasikan TI dalam bisnis mereka, bisnis agen pesawat terbang dapat menjadi lebih efektif dan sesuai dengan perkembangan jaman

    Does hostile campaigning work?

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    A new Polis report by Laya Maheshwari looks at the topic of hostile campaigning in the corporate sector and explores where the line is drawn between confrontation and bullying

    Rules of the House: Strategy, Tactic, and Violence in One World By Night, World of Darkness, Live-Action Role-Play Games

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    The following thesis focuses on governance of institutionalized play in three World of Darkness live-action role-play (larp) games (ethnographic field work conducted between May and August of 2016), whose players have willingly allowed the international organization of One World by Night – an organization made up of their peers – to unify them in such a way as to create connection, community, and shared story across the world. I analyze four locii within these games (the book, the organization, the storyteller, and the player) using Michel de Certeau’s, The Practice of Everyday Life, translated by Steven Rendall, specifically focusing on the roles of the tactician and the strategist, to illustrate how the varying levels of power within these games work with, and pull against, each other. As the field work was originally conducted to investigate violence within these physical role-play games, the heart of this thesis, and one of the threads that connects each chapter, is a discussion of violence, used to confirm the serious attitude these games can sometimes engender. Though Michele de Certeau may not be a name generally associated with the discussion of gaming, it is my hope to show that gaming communities can be analyzed using the same theories anthropologists might use to examine any other community or society, as gaming communities are not separate from the rest of the world, but an integral part of the system

    The power of low blows: when attacking communication works

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    We are delighted to announce Laya Maheshwari as the winner of the StockWell Communications Polis Research Prize 2015. The award went to the best research proposal by an LSE post-graduate student on the topic of ‘Corporate Reputation, Media and Society’

    Urbanization in Central Asia; a GIS Analysis of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

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    Urbanization presents problems for developing countries around the world. Cities undergoing urbanization are typically receiving an influx of immigrants from rural areas and a high natural increase rate. They experience problems such as poor sanitation, lack of waste management services, lack of improved water, lack of electricity, informal housing and economic activities, and congestion. However, urbanization in post socialist Central Asia is unique. While these problems are present in these cities, including Almaty, Astana, Bishkek, and Ulaanbaatar, their histories and political systems have created unique urban environments with their own sets of problems. Soviet influence combined with their nomadic cultural heritage has urban spaces with a unique set of challenges. Mongolia, in particular, has created urban environments unlike any other cities in the world, and has a very unique set of problems. This research aims to determine the viability and social and economic sustainability of these cities, as well as residential satisfaction in these cities. In addition, it offers suggestions as to how Ulaanbaatar’s supporters and government officials can work to improve Ulaanbaatar’s infrastructure, and discusses potential solutions to combat the public health crisis concerning Ulaanbaatar’s air pollution

    Factors in the Client-Clinician Interaction That Are Perceived to Influence Hearing Aid Adoption in First Time Hearing Aid Candidates and Their Rated Importance by Clients and Clinicians

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    The purpose of this dissertation was to gain a better understanding of the impact of the client-clinician interaction in the hearing aid adoption process. The specific goals of this dissertation were: 1) to identify factors in client-clinician interactions that were perceived by clients and clinicians to influence hearing aid adoption in first time adult hearing aid candidates, 2) to investigate the importance of the identified factors from clients and clinicians perspectives, and 3) to compare the importance of the identified factors between clients and clinicians. These goals were achieved using a mixed-methods approach. Three studies were undertaken. In the first study a concept mapping approach was used to explore the collective views of clients and clinicians in identifying factors in client-clinician interaction that influence hearing aid adoption. Ten audiologists and 13 clients generated 122 statements that formed eight conceptually homogenous clusters of factors. The concepts were: 1) ensuring client comfort, 2) understanding and meeting client needs, 3) client-centered traits and actions, 4) acknowledging client as an individual, 5) imposing undue pressure and discomfort, 6) conveying device information by clinician, 7) supporting choices and shared decision making, and 8) factors in client readiness. In the second study, nine audiologists and 11 clients who participated in the first study rated the importance of the 122 statements. Clients rated the concept conveying device information by clinician more important than audiologists. In the third study, a broad and geographically diverse sample of clients and clinicians including audiologists and hearing instrument practitioners rated the importance of the 122 items identified in the first study. The comparison of the client and clinician groups’ ratings revealed discrepancies between the groups’ ratings. The largest discrepancy was between the importance each participant group assigned to the concepts conveying device information by clinician, which was rated much higher by clients and factors in client readiness, which was rated much higher by clinicians. This work contributes to the literature on client-clinician interaction in the audiological encounter. Results have implications for training of students and clinicians in facilitating the integration of shared decision making and client-centered care in hearing aid adoption process
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