13 research outputs found

    The influence of cognition and emotion on Nigerian undergraduates frustration during e-Registration

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    This study was designed to investigate the relative and combined contributions of cognition and emotion to Nigerian undergraduates’ level of computer frustration in online environments. The 1972 students who participated in the study were randomly selected from the two state-owned universities in Ogun State, Nigeria. The data for the study were collected through the use of the Students’ Cognition Scale, Students’ Emotion Scale, and Students’ Computer Frustration Scale. Data analysis involved the use of mean and standard deviation as descriptive statistics, as well as the Pearson Product Moment Correlation and regression analysis as inferential statistics. The research findings revealed that students encountered various frustrating experiences during e-Registration and that a combination of the predictor variables, cognition and emotion, significantly accounted for 2.5% of the variance in the students’ level of frustration. Cognition was found to be the more potent contributor to this frustration. The results of this study further indicated that there was a statistically significant difference in the level of computer frustration among students at the two universities, potentially due to the relative differences in the schools’ technology facilities. Recommendations are made at the end of this paper in accordance with the findings of the study

    Gender, Computer Access and Use as Predictors of Nigerian Undergraduates’ Computer Proficiency

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    This study X-rayed the contributions of gender, access to computer andcomputer use to the Nigerian undergraduates’ computer proficiency. Threehundred and fifteen (315) undergraduates from the Faculty of Education ofOlabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria served as the sample for this study.The instruments used for the data collection were Computer Access andUsage Scale (CAUS) and Computer Proficiency Scale (CPS). The datacollected were analysed using simple percentages, standard deviation,Analysis of Variance and Multiple regression statistics. Meanwhile, thefindings revealed that gender, access to computer and computer usage jointly predicted the student’s computer proficiency. However, gender had the least predictive power of the criterion variable. Recommendations based on the outcome of this study were highlighted in this paper.Keywords: Gender, Computer-access, Computer Use, Undergraduates,Computer Proficienc


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    The study examined the attitude of undergraduate students towards the use of mobile technology for learning; it investigated the perception of undergraduate students on the use of mobile technology for learning and also determined the relationship that exists between the attitude of the undergraduate students and their use of mobile technology for learning. These were with the view to encouraging the utilization of mobile technologies in the classroom in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Six hundred undergraduate students were selected from the six faculties using stratified random sampling based on the level of study and faculty. A 32 item questionnaire designed on five points Likert Scale was used to gather information from the sample. The results revealed that the students had a very good attitude towards the use of mobile technology for learning (X= 42.11, S.D= 4.73). The result showed that undergraduate students had the right perception of the use of mobile technologies (x= 27.2, S.D= 3.58). The results also revealed that attitude was a predictor of students use of mobile technologies (F= 87.48; p< 0.05). There was a significant relationship between the student’s attitude and their use of mobile technologies for learning (r= 0.373; P < 0.05). Also, there is no significant difference between male and female undergraduate students attitude towards the use of mobile technologies for learning and based on the result obtained which is p=0.71 which means that p<0.05


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    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has been hinted and painted by its providers as an educational innovation with an unprecedented potential to bridge knowledge gap especially for the developing countries that continually struggle to catch up with the rest of the world. This study investigated the present state of MOOCs among Nigerian postgraduate students. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study and purposive random sampling technique was adopted to select three federal universities approved to run postgraduate programme by the National University Commission in the Southwest, Nigeria. A self-structured questionnaire with reliability coefficient of 0.70 was used for data collection. The findings revealed that there is prevalence of digital internet-enabled devices among Nigerian postgraduate students; however, their interest and involvement towards MOOCs is still very low. In addition, the level of awareness of MOOCs among Nigerian postgraduate students is still shallow. Furthermore, the few that enrolled in MOOCs is basically for employment or job advancement.  Article visualizations

    “Cyberbullying”: A Disruptive Behaviour in Modern Day Secondary School Classrooms

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    The prevalence of traditional bulling has drastically reduced in most Nigerian secondary schools due to various punishments meted out to the bullies. However, sequel to the technological affordances of secondary school students to own mobile phones as well as its ubiquitous ability has not only made internet connection efficient but also proffers another platform to better taunt peers in a more relaxed environment which is different from the usual face-to-face bullying . The purpose of the study is to position and familiarise the school with its supposed role as haven to those who are cybervictims and to enlighten the cyberbullies of the unintended consequences therein. The study involved 240 students who were randomly selected to participate in a questionnaire survey. The findings revealed that most students are not bothered with cyberbullying within the classroom environment but were disturbed outside the classroom environment. Although, students might be aware of the word “cyberbullying” but the consciousness have not been known to them like traditional or physical victimization and torture inflicted upon them by their peers DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2014.v4n6p42

    Efficient and reliable method for the simulation of scanning tunneling images and spectra with local basis sets

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    Based on Bardeen's perturbative approach to tunneling, we have found an expression for the current between tip and sample, which can be efficiently coded in order to perform fast ab initio simulations of STM images. Under the observation that the potential between the electrodes should be nearly flat at typical tunnel gaps, we have addressed the difficulty in the computation of the tunneling matrix elements by considering a vacuum region of constant potential delimited by two surfaces (each of them close to tip and sample respectively), then propagating tip and sample wave functions by means of the vacuum Green's function, to finally obtain a closed form in terms of convolutions. The current is then computed for every tip-sample relative position and for every bias voltage in one shot. The electronic structure of tip and sample is calculated at the same footing, within density functional theory, and independently. This allows us to carry out multiple simulations for a given surface with a database of different tips. We have applied this method to the Si(111)-(7x7) and Ge(111)-c(2x8) surfaces. Topographies and spectroscopic data, showing a very good agreement with experiments, are presented.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    A theoretical study of scanning tunnelling microscope images of graphite

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