19,004 research outputs found

    Experimental validation of phase space conduits of transition between potential wells

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    A phase space boundary between transition and non-transition, similar to those observed in chemical reaction dynamics, is shown experimentally in a macroscopic system. We present a validation of the phase space flux across rank one saddles connecting adjacent potential wells and confirm the underlying phase space conduits that mediate the transition. Experimental regions of transition are found to agree with the theory to within 1\%, suggesting the robustness of phase space conduits of transition in a broad array of two or more degree of freedom experimental systems, despite the presence of small dissipation.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Origin of the fast magnetization tunneling in the single-molecule magnet [Ni(hmp)(tBuEtOH)Cl]4

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    We present high-frequency angle-dependent EPR data for crystals of [NixZn1-x(hmp)(t-BuEtOH)Cl]4 (x = 1 and 0.02). The x = 1 complex behaves as a single-molecule magnet at low temperatures, displaying hysteresis and exceptionally fast magnetization tunneling. We show that this behavior is related to a 4th-order transverse crystal-field interaction, which produces a significant tunnel-splitting (~10 MHz) of the ground state of this S = 4 system. The magnitude of the 4th-order anisotropy, and the dominant axial term (D), can be related to the single-ion interactions (Di and Ei) at the individual NiII sites, as determined for the x = 0.02 crystals.Comment: 11 pages including 2 figure

    Physical aggression, compromised social support, and 10-year marital outcomes: Testing a relational spillover model

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    The purpose of the present study was to test a relational spillover model of physical aggression whereby physical aggression affects marital outcomes due to its effects on how spouses ask for and provide support to one another. Newlywed couples (n = 172) reported levels of physical aggression over the past year and engaged in interactions designed to elicit social support; marital adjustment, and stability were assessed periodically over the first 10 years of marriage. Multilevel modeling revealed that negative support behavior mediated the relationship between physical aggression and 10-year marital adjustment levels whereas positive support behavior mediated the relationship between physical aggression and divorce status. These findings emphasize the need to look beyond conflict when explaining how aggression affects relationships and when working with couples with a history of physical aggression who are seeking to improve their relationships

    Direct observation of a hydrophobic bond in loop-closure of a capped (-OCH2CH2-)n oligomer in water

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    The small r variation of the probability density P(r) for end-to-end separations of a -CH2CH3 capped (-OCH2CH2-)n oligomer in water is computed to be closely similar to the CH4 ... CH4 potential of mean force under the same circumstances. Since the aqueous solution CH4 ... CH4 potential of mean force is the natural physical definition of a primitive hydrophobic bond, the present result identifies an experimentally accessible circumstance for direct observation of a hydrophobic bond which has not been observed previously because of the low solubility of CH4 in water. The physical picture is that the soluble chain molecule carries the capping groups into aqueous solution, and permits them to find one another with reasonable frequency. Comparison with the corresponding results without the solvent shows that hydration of the solute oxygen atoms swells the chain molecule globule. This supports the view that the chain molecule globule might have a secondary effect on the hydrophobic interaction which is of first interest here. The volume of the chain molecule globule is important for comparing the probabilities with and without solvent because it characterizes the local concentration of capping groups. Study of other capping groups to enable X-ray and neutron diffraction measurements of P(r) is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Reframing e-assessment: building professional nursing and academic attributes in a first year nursing course

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    This paper documents the relationships between pedagogy and e-assessment in two nursing courses offered at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. The courses are designed to build the academic, numeracy and technological attributes student nurses need if they are to succeed at university and in the nursing profession. The paper first outlines the management systems supporting the two courses and how they intersect with the e-learning and e-assessment components of course design. These pedagogical choices are then reviewed. While there are lessons to be learnt and improvements to be made, preliminary results suggest students and staff are extremely supportive of the courses. The e-assessment is very positively received with students reporting increased confidence and competency in numeracy, as well as IT, academic, research and communication skills

    Exploratory ASCA Observations of Broad Absorption Line Quasi-Stellar Objects

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    We present the analysis and interpretation of a sample of eight ASCA observations of Broad Absorption Line Quasi-Stellar Objects (BALQSOs). This is the first moderate-sized sample of sensitive BALQSO observations above 2 keV, and the BALQSOs in our sample are among the optically brightest known (B=14.5-18.5). Despite the ability of 2-10 keV X-rays to penetrate large column densities, we find BALQSOs to be extremely weak sources above 2 keV, and we are only able to add two new 2-10 keV detections (0226-104 and IRAS 07598+6508) to those previously reported. By comparison with non-BALQSOs of similar optical continuum magnitudes, we derive the column densities needed to suppress the expected X-ray fluxes of our BALQSOs. In several cases we derive column densities > 5x10^{23} cm^{-2} for a neutral absorber with solar abundances. These are the largest X-ray column densities yet inferred for BALQSOs, and they exceed ROSAT lower limits by about an order of magnitude. Optical brightness does not appear to be a good predictor of 2-10 keV brightness for BALQSOs, but our data do suggest that the BALQSOs with high optical continuum polarizations may be the X-ray brighter members of the class. For example, the highly polarized object PHL 5200 appears to be unusually X-ray bright for a BALQSO given its optical magnitude. We discuss the implications of our results for future observations with AXAF and XMM. If the objects in our sample are representative of the BALQSO population, precision X-ray spectroscopy of most BALQSOs will unfortunately prove difficult in the near future.Comment: 19 pages, ApJ in press, also available from http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/niel/papers/papers.htm
