150 research outputs found

    Verification of the H2O Linelists with Theoretically Developed Tools

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    Two basic rules (i.e., the pair identity and the smooth variation rules) resulting from the properties of the energy levels and wave functions of H2O states govern how the spectroscopic parameters vary with the H2O lines within the individually defined groups of lines. With these rules, for those lines involving high j states in the same groups, variations of all their spectroscopic parameters (i.e., the transition frequency, intensity, pressure broadened half-width, pressure-induced shift, and temperature exponent) can be well monitored. Thus, the rules can serve as simple and effective tools to screen the H2O spectroscopic data listed in the HITRAN database and verify the latter's accuracies. By checking violations of the rules occurring among the data within the individual groups, possible errors can be picked up and also possible missing lines in the linelist whose intensities are above the threshold can be identified. We have used these rules to check the accuracies of the spectroscopic parameters and the completeness of the linelists for several important H2O vibrational bands. Based on our results, the accuracy of the line frequencies in HITRAN 2008 is consistent. For the line intensity, we have found that there are a substantial number of lines whose intensity values are questionable. With respect to other parameters, many mistakes have been found. The above claims are consistent with a well known fact that values of these parameters in HITRAN contain larger uncertainties. Furthermore, supplements of the missing line list consisting of line assignments and positions can be developed from the screening results

    H216O line list for the study of atmospheres of Venus and Mars

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    IR spectroscopy is an important method of remote measurement of H216O content in planetary atmospheres with initial spectroscopic information from the HITRAN, GEISA, etc., databases adapted for studies in the Earth’s atmosphere. Unlike the Earth, the atmospheres of Mars and Venus mainly consist of carbon dioxide with a CO2 content of about 95%. In this paper, the line list of H216O is obtained on the basis of the BT2 line list (R.J. Barber, J. Tennyson, G.J. Harris, et al., Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 368, 1087 (2006)). The BT2 line list containing information on the centers, intensities, and quantum identification of lines is supplemented with the line contour parameters: the self-broadening and carbon dioxide broadening coefficients and the temperature dependence coefficient at 296 K in the range of 0.001–30000 cm−1. Transitions with intensity values 10−30, 10−32, and 10−35 cm/molecule, the total number of which is 323310, 753529, and 2011072, respectively, were chosen from the BT2 line list

    H2O self-broadening coefficients of rotation-vibration lines in the 15 500-16 000 cm-1 region

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    Line broadening coefficients of the Н2О-Н2О system were investigated in the region 15500 – 16000 cm-1 using a high resolution Fourier-transform spectrometer IFS-125M. The White type multipass absorption cell with a basic length of 60 cm was used. Least-square-fitting algorithm WXSPE was used to retrieve of the spectroscopic parameters from measured spectral data set. Calculations of self-broadening are performed using a semi-empirical approach. This method is further developed by using anharmonic wavefunctions in the estimates of line profiles. This approach explicitly takes into account all scattering channels induced by collisions. Calculated data are in a good agreement with the measured ones. © (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only

    Verification of H2O lines from the HITRAN database for remote sensing of the water vapour isotopic composition

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    The quality of the spectroscopic line parameters from the HITRAN Database for remote sensing of the water vapour isotopic composition of the atmosphere is widely discussed. In this research we show that the HITRAN-2008 data for H2O isotopologues in the near infrared spectral range (4000-6400 cm-1) is reasonably good. The HITRAN data was tested with independent calculation (ab initio et al.). For the evaluation we've used two following criteria: a quality of the fitting of atmospheric spectra measured at the Ural Atmospheric Station (UAS, Kourovka) with the high-resolution Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer and an agreement between the retrieved HDO/H2O relative concentration ratios in the atmospheric column and the results of the simulation of the isotopic general circulation model ECHAM5-wiso (validated for Kourovka region). © (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only

    Implementation of the program of measles elimination in the WHO African region

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    The review is devoted to the analysis of the available literature on the elimination of measles. The review focuses on the current measles epidemic situation in the African Region (AFR) and the implementation of the WHO strategic plan for the elimination of measles in AFR by 2020. Measles in the AFR is characterized by a severe course with a high risk of death due to malnutrition, vitamin A deficiency, concomitant bacterial and viral infections, and malaria. In 2015, 105,256 cases of measles were reported in the WHO African Region, most of them among children under 5 years old, 79% of whom were not vaccinated or had unknown vaccine status. Initially, the strategy for implementing the measles elimination program in AFRs was based on a combination of immunization campaigns for children under 14 years of age (coverage of more than 90%) and routine vaccination of at least 90% of children aged 9–15 months. It was recommended to repeat the campaign of mass immunization of children aged 9 months up to 4 years every 3–5 years. The use of this strategy has reduced the number of measles cases by 83–97% during the first year of additional immunization programs. The recommended age of routine measles vaccination in AFRs is 9 months — a strategy to reduce infant mortality, including that due to complications of measles. In 2016, measles vaccination was introduced into the national immunization schedule in all AFR countries, and 24 countries introduced revaccination. Currently, the measles elimination program in a number of AFR countries is based on two-dose immunization (MCV1 and MCV2). The measles prevention program in a number of AFR countries was disrupted due to the Ebola epidemic. There are some common problems in the realization of the program in AFR countries. All AFR countries are committed to the measles elimination program. The review provides information on strategies and successes in overcoming challenges to achieve the goals set for the WHO African Region in the implementation of the programme of measles elimination

    A herd immunity to measles and rubella viruses in the population of the Republic of Serbia

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    According to the WHO Strategic Plan, measles should be eradicated in 2020 in the five WHO Regions including European Region. However, large measles outbreaks are being periodically registered in diverse European countries. In the Republic of Serbia (SRB), 5,076 measles cases were detected in 2018, among which 15 cases were fatal.Aim of the study was to examine herd immunity to measles and rubella viruses in the population of the Republic of Serbia.Materials and methods. Blood serum samples obtained in 2018 and 2019 from conditionally healthy residents of the Republic of Serbia were tested for the presence of IgG antibodies to measles and rubella viruses in five age groups: I — children from 2 to 6 years old, II — children from 8 to 14 years old, III — 15 to 24 years old, IV — 25 to 49 years old and V — over 50 years old. A total of 1000 samples were obtained, 200 sera in each group. Enzygnost® Anti-Measles virus/IgG and Enzygnost® Anti-Rubella virus/IgG ELISA test systems (Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Products GmbH, Germany) were used according to the manufacturer's instructions.Results. Overall, around 23.0% and 33.7% of the surveyed persons had no or low level of anti-measles IgG antibody (≥ 275.0 — ≤ 1000.0 IU/1). In age group I, 60% children contained no or “low” anti-measles antibodies titer (29.5% and 30.5%, respectively). In addition, low antibody titer level was mainly detected in individuals from age group II and III (p < 0.05). A third of children under 8—14 contained high IgG-antibodies titer against measles (> 3000.0 IU/l) that might serve as an evidence that such subjects recently recovered after measles. Similar results were obtained for IgG antibodies to rubella in the same age groups.Discussion. The study results evidence about altered routine immunization against measles and rubella in children aged 12—15 months (first vaccination) and those at age of 6—7 years (revaccination) with MMR vaccine. The data obtained correlate with official data on coverage with measles and rubella vaccines in the Republic of Serbia


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    The Badain Jaran desert is located in the western part of Inner Mongolia (China) in the Alashan Highland. The investigated soda-salt lakes combine high pH (more than 9) and mineralization (up to 400 g/dm3), where conditions for the development of an alkali-halophilic microbial community are created. The purpose of our work was to isolate and study pure alkali-halophilic microorganisms in the lakes of the Badain Jaran desert. From the accumulative cultures of the cortex salt and the microbial mats of the lakes of the Badain Jaran desert, pure cultures belonging to the family Bacillaceae (the phylum Firmicutes) were isolated and described. With the help of biochemical methods, the ecological and physiological properties of the isolated bacteria were determined. The isolated bacteria exhibit the properties of alkalophiles and obligate alkalophiles and develop at pH 7–10.5, the optima ranging from 9 to 10. With respect to the concentration of NaCl, the strains showed the properties of obligate halophiles and extreme halophiles. With respect to temperature, the isolated microorganisms are mesophiles growing at 10–50 °C, the optimal growth being at 30–40 °C. With respect to the substrates used, the isolated cultures are noted for extensive metabolic activity and, when in their natural habitats, are supposedly active participants of the destruction of organic matter. To study the hydrochemical indicators of water, the following methods were used: atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma, ion chromatography and capillary electrophoresis. As a result, it was found that a sodium cation and anions of carbonate, bicarbonate of chlorine and sulphate dominate in the soda-salt lakes of the Badain Jaran desert in a multicomponent composition. The results obtained broaden the notion of the diversity and ecological significance of bacteria in the extreme natural ecosystems of the Badain Jaran desert. The isolated strains are of interest for biotechnology as producers of enzymes resistant to high pH and mineralization

    Modern trends in economic security of enterprise in Ukraine

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    Анісімова, О. М. Сучасні тенденції економічної безпеки підприємства в Україні / О. М. Анісімова, Л. В. Лаврентьєва // Теоретичні і практичні аспекти економіки та інтелектуальної власності = Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Economics and Intellectual Property : збірник наукових праць : у 2-х вип. / ПДТУ. – Маріуполь, 2015. – Вип. 1, Т. 1. – С. 153–158.В статті досліджується економічна безпека як важлива категорія для теоретичної концепції національної безпеки. Визначено поняття «економічна безпека підприємства» з точки зору різних вчених та головна мета управління економічною безпекою. Вказано на зв'язок між економічною безпекою господарюючих суб’єктів та економічним розвитком держави на фоні сучасних глобалізаційних процесів розвитку міжнародних відносин. Представлено ряд проблем, які сьогодні перешкоджають зміцненню економічної безпеки підприємництва в Україні та її регіонах і на вирішення яких має бути спрямована послідовна й активна державна економічна політика у цій сфері. Виявлено недоліки в ефективності державного регулювання підприємництва в Україні. Запропоновано шляхи подальшого вдосконалення податкової політики в Україні в контексті забезпечення безпеки на підприємствах. Наведено низку пропозицій щодо підвищення фінансової безпеки підприємств в Україні. Тим самим, представлено, що зміни мають впроваджуватися не лише на рівні підприємств, але й з боку держави. Наголошено на найбільш важливих факторах, що впливають на економічну безпеку підприємства.В статье исследуется экономическая безопасность как важная категория для теоретической концепции национальной безопасности. Определено понятие «экономическая безопасность предприятия» с точки зрения различных ученых и главная цель управления экономической безопасностью. Указано на связь между экономической безопасностью хозяйствующих субъектов и экономическим развитием государства на фоне современных глобализационных процессов развития международных отношений. Представлен ряд проблем, которые сегодня препятствуют укреплению экономической безопасности предпринимательства в Украине и ее регионах, и на решение которых должна быть направлена последовательная и активная государственная экономическая политика в этой сфере. Обнаружены недостатки в эффективности государственного регулирования предпринимательства в Украине. Предложены пути дальнейшего совершенствования налоговой политики в Украине в контексте обеспечения безопасности на предприятиях. Приведен ряд предложений по повышению финансовой безопасности предприятий в Украине. Тем самым, представлено, что изменения должны внедряться не только на уровне предприятий, но и со стороны государства. Сделан акцент на наиболее важных факторах, влияющих на экономическую безопасность предприятия.The article explored important theories of national safety question determinations of the category economic safety. Define the concept of "economic security" from the point of view of different scientists, and the main purpose of management of economic security. Listed on the link between economic security of business entities and economic development of the state on the background of modern globalization processes of international relations. Presents a number of problems, which are now an impediment to the promotion of economic security of enterprises in Ukraine and its regions and the solution of which must be focused, consistent, and active government economic policy in this area. Detected shortcomings in the efficiency of state regulation of entrepreneurship in Ukraine. Ways of further improvement of tax policy in Ukraine in the context of ensuring security in enterprises. Given a number of proposals to improve the financial security of enterprises in Ukraine. Thus, it appears that the changes should be implemented not only at the enterprise level, but also on the part of the state. Focus on the most important factors affecting the economic security of the enterprise

    A herd immunity to rubella virus in selected geographical regions

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    Since 2017, the incidence rate of rubella in the Russian Federation has been below 1 case per million total population. In addition, no circulation of endemic strains of the rubella virus is recorded evidencing about achieving infection elimination phase. In modern conditions, it is important to constantly monitor the level of herd immunity to the rubella virus to identify epidemically significant population groups, especially in countries lacking rubella vaccination or featured with insufficient disease control. Purpose: to study herd immunity to the rubella virus in selected countries in Eurasia and Africa. Materials and methods. Between 2018 and 2021, 15,594 samples of blood sera were tested for IgG and IgM antibodies to the rubella virus from subjects of different ages obtained from regional measles and rubella surveillance centers in the Northwestern Federal District (NWFD) of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Serbia, South Vietnam, and the Republic of Guinea. The “Anti-Rubella Virus ELISA (IgМ)” and “Anti-Rubella Virus ELISA (IgG)” (Euroimmun, Germany) test kits were used. Statistical data processing was carried out using the MS Excel, Prizm 5.0 (GraphPad Software Inc.), and Statistica 8.0 (StatSoft Inc.) software package. Results. During the observation period (2018–2020) the population seroprevalence of the to the rubella virus in the NWFD of the Russian Federation was 96.6–97.7% and fluctuated slightly both in separate years and among individual age groups evidencing about high coverage of rubella vaccination. In the Republic of Serbia conducting two-fold immunization against rubella the overall seroprevalence rate was lower than in the Russian Federation and comprising 86.8%. The minimum number of IgGpositive sera was recorded in the 2–4-year-old age group pointing to the shortcomings of routine vaccination. In South Vietnam, children aged 1–3 years (41.9%) predominated among those recovering from rubella, i.e. the age cohort that should be protected by vaccination at the age of 18 months. No rubella vaccination is carried out in Guinea. The total proportion of seropositive individuals was 75%; herd immunity to the rubella virus was established mainly among children and adolescents, reaching 90% only in the older age group. 30% of unprotected subjects of the most active reproductive age were identified among the females surveyed in Guinea. Conclusion. Insufficient herd immunity to the rubella virus, identified in a number of countries, may contribute to the maintenance of the infectious process and the spread of infection. Globalization contributes to the virus importation into regions being at the stage of measles and rubella elimination. The results obtained suggest about a need to continue efforts aimed at maintaining epidemiological wellbeing regarding rubella in diverse countries of the world.Начиная с 2017 г. в Российской Федерации показатель заболеваемости краснухой находится на уровне ниже 1 случая на 1 млн населения. Также отсутствует циркуляция эндемичных штаммов вируса краснухи. Это свидетельствует о достижении фазы элиминации инфекции. В современных условиях важным является постоянный мониторинг уровня коллективного иммунитета к вирусу краснухи для выявления эпидемически значимых групп населения, особенно в странах, где вакцинация против краснухи не проводится или контроль недостаточен. Цель исследования: изучение коллективного иммунитета к вирусу краснухи в ряде стран Евразии и Африки. Материалы и методы. В период с 2017 по 2021 г. на IgG- и IgM-антитела к вирусу краснухи исследовано 15 594 образца сывороток крови лиц разного возраста, полученные из региональных центров по надзору за корью и краснухой в СЗФО РФ, Республике Сербия, в Южном Вьетнаме, в Гвинейской Республике. Использовали ИФА тест-наборы «Anti-Rubella Virus ELISA IgМ» и «Anti-Rubella Virus ELISA (IgG)» (Euroimmun, Германия). Статистическая обработка результатов проводилась с помощью пакета программ MS Excel, Prizm 5.0 (GraphPadSoftware Inc.), Statistica 8.0 (StatSoft Inc.). Результаты. В СЗФО РФ за период наблюдения серопревалентность населения к вирусу краснухи составляла 96,6–97,7% и колебалась незначительно как по отельным годам, так и среди отдельных возрастных групп, что свидетельствуют о высоком охвате вакцинацией против краснухи. В Республике Сербия общий показатель серопревалентности оказался ниже, чем в РФ, и составил 86,8%. Наименьшее количество IgG-положительных сывороток регистрировали в возрастной группе 2–4 года, что говорит о недостатках плановой вакцинации. В Южном Вьетнаме среди переболевших краснухой преобладали дети в возрасте 1–3 года (41,9%), то есть та группа, которая должна быть максимально защищена плановой прививкой против краснухи в 18 месяцев. В Гвинее специфическая профилактика краснухи не проводится. Общая доля серопозитивных лиц составила 75%, коллективный иммунитет к вирусу краснухи формировался, в основном, среди детей и подростков, достигая 90% лишь в старшей возрастной группе. Среди обследованных женщин Гвинеи выявлено 30% незащищенных лиц наиболее активного репродуктивного возраста. Заключение. Недостаточный уровень коллективного иммунитета к вирусу краснухи, выявленный в ряде стран, может способствовать распространению инфекции, а условия глобализации — импортированию вируса в регионы, находящиеся на этапе элиминации кори и краснухи. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о необходимости продолжения усилий, направленных на поддержание эпидемиологического благополучия в отношении краснухи в разных странах мира