46 research outputs found

    Activation of adherent vascular neutrophils in the lung during acute endotoxemia

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    BACKGROUND: Neutrophils constitute the first line of defense against invading microorganisms. Whereas these cells readily undergo apoptosis under homeostatic conditions, their survival is prolonged during inflammatory reactions and they become biochemically and functionally activated. In the present study, we analyzed the effects of acute endotoxemia on the response of a unique subpopulation of neutrophils tightly adhered to the lung vasculature. METHODS: Rats were treated with 5 mg/kg lipopolysaccharide (i.v.) to induce acute endotoxemia. Adherent neutrophils were isolated from the lung vasculature by collagenase digestion and sequential filtering. Agarose gel electrophoresis, RT-PCR, western blotting and electrophoretic mobility shift assays were used to evaluate neutrophil activity. RESULTS: Adherent vascular neutrophils isolated from endotoxemic animals exhibited decreased apoptosis when compared to cells from control animals. This was associated with a marked increase in expression of the anti-apoptotic protein, Mcl-1. Cells isolated 0.5–2 hours after endotoxin administration were more chemotactic than cells from control animals and expressed increased tumor necrosis factor-alpha and cyclooxygenase-2 mRNA and protein, demonstrating that they are functionally activated. Endotoxin treatment of the animals also induced p38 and p44/42 mitogen activated protein kinases in the adherent lung neutrophils, as well as nuclear binding activity of the transcription factors, NF-κB and cAMP response element binding protein. CONCLUSION: These data demonstrate that adherent vascular lung neutrophils are highly responsive to endotoxin and that pathways regulating apoptosis and cellular activation are upregulated in these cells

    Locomotor activity of the Holarctic molluscs Radix auricularia (from Lake Baikal) in various light pollution conditions

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    Light pollution is a modern environmental problem. The scale of light pollution is increasing yearly and is negatively affecting the functioning of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Of the aquatic ecosystems, marine ecosystems are the most studied, while there is very little information on the effect of artificial lighting on freshwater ecosystems. Among freshwater aquatic organisms, there are relatively little data on the effect of artificial light on crustaceans and fish, while we could find no meaningful data on the effect of artificial light on molluscs are practically absent. Here we test whether different types of artificial lighting, differing in their spectra, affect the activity of the Holarctic mollusc Radix auricularia. For this, we used two light sources (with warm and cold light) and a 1-m long aquarium. We found that both light sources affect individuals of this species, but the effects of this exposure are different. Artificial lighting (depending on the spectral characteristics) can increase the activity of molluscs of this species or reduce it. In the long term, the impact on the ecosystem will depend on the type of water body where light pollution is present, where individuals of this species live, and the type of light sources

    Effect of Artificial Light on Physiological and Hematological Parameters of Individuals of Phoxinus phoxinus (Linnaeus, 1758)

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    In the natural environment, the life activity of organisms takes place under conditions of stable daily, lunar and annual light cycles. However, human activities aimed at creating comfortable conditions for people have resulted in light becoming one of the factors of anthropogenic environmental pollution. Artificial lighting at night can cause physiological and behavioural changes and disturbances in aquatic organisms, affecting their vital functions. Fish are one of the groups of aquatic organisms that are most susceptible to the influence of light at night, largely due to the anatomical structure of their eyes. The aim of this work was to test whether keeping Phoxinus phoxinus (Linnaeus, 1758) under constant light exposure promotes the growth of inflammatory processes in them, and also to study whether lighting at night affects oxygen consumption. Experiments showed that the oxygen consumption of P. phoxinus increased statistically significantly (p = 0.04303) at night with light compared to night without light. In an experiment in which blood cell counts were performed, the results showed a statistically significant increase in leukocytes (p = 0.01506) in the third experimental group of four kept under constant artificial light for 17 days. Based on the results of our study, it has been confirmed that keeping fish under abnormal light conditions, i.e. using different sources of artificial light at night near water bodies, can lead to physiological changes that can have a negative impact on the life of organisms. In fish, the level of oxygen consumption increases, indicating an increase in the level of metabolism, which in turn affects the growth and formation of organisms, causing a decrease in the intensity of various physiological processes such as feeding and reproduction. There is also an increase in the level of leukocytes, which indicates an increase in inflammatory processes in the organisms, which can lead to a decrease in immune function and, as a result, the susceptibility of fish to various diseases

    Differential cell reaction upon Toll-like receptor 4 and 9 activation in human alveolar and lung interstitial macrophages

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    BACKGROUND: Investigations on pulmonary macrophages (MΦ) mostly focus on alveolar MΦ (AM) as a well-defined cell population. Characteristics of MΦ in the interstitium, referred to as lung interstitial MΦ (IM), are rather ill-defined. In this study we therefore aimed to elucidate differences between AM and IM obtained from human lung tissue. METHODS: Human AM and IM were isolated from human non-tumor lung tissue from patients undergoing lung resection. Cell morphology was visualized using either light, electron or confocal microscopy. Phagocytic activity was analyzed by flow cytometry as well as confocal microscopy. Surface marker expression was measured by flow cytometry. Toll-like receptor (TLR) expression patterns as well as cytokine expression upon TLR4 or TLR9 stimulation were assessed by real time RT-PCR and cytokine protein production was measured using a fluorescent bead-based immunoassay. RESULTS: IM were found to be smaller and morphologically more heterogeneous than AM, whereas phagocytic activity was similar in both cell types. HLA-DR expression was markedly higher in IM compared to AM. Although analysis of TLR expression profiles revealed no differences between the two cell populations, AM and IM clearly varied in cell reaction upon activation. Both MΦ populations were markedly activated by LPS as well as DNA isolated from attenuated mycobacterial strains (M. bovis H37Ra and BCG). Whereas AM expressed higher amounts of inflammatory cytokines upon activation, IM were more efficient in producing immunoregulatory cytokines, such as IL10, IL1ra, and IL6.CONCLUSION: AM appear to be more effective as a non-specific first line of defence against inhaled pathogens, whereas IM show a more pronounced regulatory function. These dissimilarities should be taken into consideration in future studies on the role of human lung MΦ in the inflammatory response

    The Nitric Oxide Pathway Provides Innate Antiviral Protection in Conjunction with the Type I Interferon Pathway in Fibroblasts

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    The innate host response to virus infection is largely dominated by the production of type I interferon and interferon stimulated genes. In particular, fibroblasts respond robustly to viral infection and to recognition of viral signatures such as dsRNA with the rapid production of type I interferon; subsequently, fibroblasts are a key cell type in antiviral protection. We recently found, however, that primary fibroblasts deficient for the production of interferon, interferon stimulated genes, and other cytokines and chemokines mount a robust antiviral response against both DNA and RNA viruses following stimulation with dsRNA. Nitric oxide is a chemical compound with pleiotropic functions; its production by phagocytes in response to interferon-γ is associated with antimicrobial activity. Here we show that in response to dsRNA, nitric oxide is rapidly produced in primary fibroblasts. In the presence of an intact interferon system, nitric oxide plays a minor but significant role in antiviral protection. However, in the absence of an interferon system, nitric oxide is critical for the protection against DNA viruses. In primary fibroblasts, NF-κB and interferon regulatory factor 1 participate in the induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression, which subsequently produces nitric oxide. As large DNA viruses encode multiple and diverse immune modulators to disable the interferon system, it appears that the nitric oxide pathway serves as a secondary strategy to protect the host against viral infection in key cell types, such as fibroblasts, that largely rely on the type I interferon system for antiviral protection

    Thymidine phosphorylase expression in normal, hyperplastic and neoplastic prostates: correlation with tumour associated macrophages, infiltrating lymphocytes, and angiogenesis

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    Thymidine phosphorylase is an angiogenic factor primarily expressed by cancer cells, stromal cells and tumour-associated macrophages in many human malignancies. These different types of thymidine phosphorylase-expressing cells, however, may have a distinct place in the angiogenic process, and this question was addressed in the present study. A series of 20 normal/hyperplastic prostate glands and 60 prostate carcinomas was investigated by immunohistochemistry, using specific antibodies for thymidine phosphorylase (P-GF.44C), tumour-associated macrophages (CD68), endothelium (CD31) and prostate specific antigen (ER-PR8). Thymidine phosphorylase expression by normal and hyperplastic epithelial or stromal cells occurred almost exclusively in the context of an intense lymphocytic infiltrate. High thymidine phosphorylase cancer cells and thymidine phosphorylase stromal cells expression was associated with high angiogenesis in prostate carcinomas, and this significant association was extended to include both tumour-associated macrophages and tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes. Thymidine phosphorylase expression and tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes were related inversely with prostate specific antigen reactivity. In conclusion, thymidine phosphorylase is a major angiogenic factor in prostate carcinomas and its up-regulation is likely to occur in the context of a host immune response