23 research outputs found

    Étude d'un fonds régional de capital de risque : le cas Amisk au Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean (1979-1998)

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    La fin des années 1970 se caractérise principalement par la fin des années d'abondance de l'État-Providence et le début d'un contexte économique plus difficile amplifié par la crise économique du début des années 1980. La société change, l'État se retire graduellement pour laisser la place au libre marché, les industries se modernisent en s'adaptant au virage technologique, laissant sans emploi des milliers de travailleurs. Les régions ressources telles que le Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean souffrent particulièrement de leur dépendance envers la grande entreprise. En effet, les axes industriels de développements touchent des secteurs très spécifiques : le bois et la forêt, l'agriculture et l'aluminium. Il est alors difficile de penser à autre chose car le contexte géographique ne s'y prête pas : le Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean est une région enclavée et sa structure de transport limite considérablement son développement. C'est en réaction à ce contexte économique qu'un groupe de gens d'affaires et d'élus de la région font alors fait le constat que le développement de la région passe nécessairement par la transformation des matières premières. Pour ce faire, il devient primordial d'encourager la mise en place de petites et moyennes entreprises RENTABLES et COMPÉTITIVES qui s'appuieront sur les forces économiques (compétences et ressources) de la région

    Physiological Correlates of Endurance Time Variability during Constant-Workrate Cycling Exercise in Patients with COPD

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    RATIONALE: The endurance time (T(end)) during constant-workrate cycling exercise (CET) is highly variable in COPD. We investigated pulmonary and physiological variables that may contribute to these variations in T(end). METHODS: Ninety-two patients with COPD completed a CET performed at 80% of peak workrate capacity (W(peak)). Patients were divided into tertiles of T(end) [Group 1: <4 min; Group 2: 4-6 min; Group 3: >6 min]. Disease severity (FEV(1)), aerobic fitness (W(peak), peak oxygen consumption [VO2(peak)], ventilatory threshold [VO2(VT)]), quadriceps strength (MVC), symptom scores at the end of CET and exercise intensity during CET (heart rate at the end of CET to heart rate at peak incremental exercise ratio [HR(CET)/HR(peak)]) were analyzed as potential variables influencing T(end). RESULTS: W(peak), VO2(peak), VO2(VT), MVC, leg fatigue at end of CET, and HR(CET)/HR(peak) were lower in group 1 than in group 2 or 3 (p≤0.05). VO2(VT) and leg fatigue at end of CET independently predicted T(end) in multiple regression analysis (r = 0.50, p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: T(end) was independently related to the aerobic fitness and to tolerance to leg fatigue at the end of exercise. A large fraction of the variability in T(end) was not explained by the physiological parameters assessed in the present study. Individualization of exercise intensity during CET should help in reducing variations in T(end) among patients with COPD

    Nouveaux cahiers d'Ethos (2)

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    1ère partie - Quelques enjeux éthiques associés à la pandémie de COVID-19 : La vaccination obligatoire des travailleurs de la santé contre la COVID-19 -- Les éthiques de la vulnérabilité et du care pour aborder la situation des travailleur.euse.s essentiel.le.s en temps de COVID-19 -- Prendre soin de l'itinérance en temps de pandémie. Réflexion éthique sur l'impact des directives sanitaires auprès des personnes vivant en situation d'itinérance -- Le service public en contexte de pandémie : le dilemme de Jeanne, infirmière -- Hold-up : les enjeux éthiques du financement participatif à l'épreuve du contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19 -- 2e partie - Varia : Angles morts écologiques, maîtrise et déni de vulnérabilité -- Du processus d'insertion sociale à l'inclusion sociale ou de la vulnérabilité à la résilience-reliance -- Portrait éthique et identité du professionnel dans l'environnement de recherche publique fédérale

    Quality of bronchial biopsies for morphology study and cell sampling: A comparison of asthmatic and healthy subjects

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    BACKGROUND: Bronchial biopsies are widely used for histopathological, primary cell culture and genetic studies, but very few reports have evaluated their quality

    Relieving dyspnoea by non-invasive ventilation decreases pain thresholds in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    International audienceBackground: Dyspnoea is a threatening sensation of respiratory discomfort that presents many similarities with pain. Experimental dyspnoea in healthy subjects induces analgesia. This 'dyspnoea-pain counter-irritation' could, in reverse, imply that relieving dyspnoea in patients with chronic respiratory diseases would lower their pain thresholds.Methods: We first determined pressure pain thresholds in 25 healthy volunteers (22-31 years; 13 men; handheld algometer), during unloaded breathing (BASELINE) and during inspiratory threshold loading (ITL). Two levels of loading were used, adjusted to induce dyspnoea self-rated at 60% or 80% of a 10 cm visual analogue scale (ITL6 and ITL8). 18 patients with chronic respiratory failure due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) were then studied during unassisted breathing and after 30 and 60 min of non-invasive ventilation-NIV30 and NIV60-(same dyspnoea evaluation).Results: In healthy volunteers, pressure pain thresholds increased significantly in the deltoid during ITL6 (p<0.05) and ITL8 (p<0.05) and in the trapezius during ITL8 (p<0.05), validating the use of pressure pain thresholds to study dyspnoea-pain counter-irritation. In patients with ALS, the pressure pain thresholds measured in the deltoid during unassisted breathing decreased by a median of 24.5%-33.0% of baseline during NIV30 and NIV60 (p<0.05).Conclusion: Relieving dyspnoea by NIV in patients with ALS having respiratory failure is associated with decreased pressure pain thresholds. Clinical implications have yet to be determined, but this observation suggests that patients with ALS could become more susceptible to pain after the institution of NIV, hence the need for reinforced attention towards potentially painful diagnostic and therapeutic interventions

    Correlation analysis to endurance time.

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    <p>Values are mean ± SD.</p><p>*r is the Pearson's correlation coefficient.</p><p><i>Definitions of abbreviations: CET: constant-workrate exercise test; FEV<sub>1</sub>: forced expiratory volume in one second; FVC: forced vital capacity; TLC: total lung capacity; FRC: functional residual capacity; RV: residual volume; DL<sub>CO</sub>: single-breath carbon monoxyde diffusion capacity; IC: inspiratory capacity; SpO<sub>2</sub>: Oxygen pulse saturation; W<sub>peak</sub>: peak workrate capacity; HR: heart rate;</i><sub>peak:</sub><i> peak oxygen consumption;</i><i>: minute ventilation; MVC: maximal voluntary contraction; Twq: quadriceps twitch tension; MVV: maximal voluntary ventilation.</i></p