315 research outputs found

    Project H.O.M.E: A Novel Nature-based Therapy Approach for the Treatment of Veterans with Trauma

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    Around the world, trauma disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are on the rise. Evidence-based treatment protocols, such as cognitive processing therapy (CPT) and prolonged exposure (PE) are effective in treatment. However, high dropout rates, stigma, and other barriers to treatment are driving the exploration of alternative treatment options. Nature-based interventions, such as wilderness or adventure therapy, forest bathing, and horticulture therapy, have been utilized for a variety of medical and psychological disorders for several years. There are limited formal programs, but research generally supports positive outcomes with specified interventions. However, there are several challenges to studying the effectiveness of these types of treatments. Moreover, although often called “therapy,” psychologists are rarely involved in the development or implementation of such programs. This could lead to increased risk and poor outcomes, particularly for individuals with trauma disorders. This paper will discuss types of nature-based interventions, theories behind these treatments, summarize research on current nature-based therapy programs, and discuss how these types of interventions are beneficial for veterans. Lastly, this paper will present a novel program called Project H.O.M.E. (Healing Outdoors through Mindful Experiences), which utilizes a variety of nature-based interventions along with skills from dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) to treat PTSD in veterans

    Major geographic factors in the distribution of population in some parts of South America.

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    A generalized electronic diabatic model applied to two-state reactions.

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    A generalized electronic diabatic model for chemical reactions includes a physical mechanism for the transition from a reactant-like to a product-like quantum state, namely, an external field. In our model, an external electric field couples states and modifies effective potential energy surfaces thereby allowing to treat a reaction as a fully quantum process. Through semi-classical models of two-state reactions, we show that we can control the identity of the most stable nuclear configuration by varying the form and intensity of the external field’s coupling potential. We group topologically equivalent potential energy curves in phase diagrams for a manifold of simple two-state models. We also illustrate the method’s implementation in a fully quantum-mechanical approach by considering two diabatic states in the radical HBN⇄BNH isomerization. To ensure diabaticity, these states are built on a grid of floating Gaussian orbitals and the potential energy curves are constructed by moving the nuclei.Master's These

    Reported Barriers to AAC Service Delivery & Post-Professional Learning Preferences Among Speech-Language Pathologists

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    This mixed methods experimental study used a survey to identify speech-language pathologists’ perceptions, including preparedness to provide augmentative-alternative communication (AAC) services to individuals with complex communication needs and learning preferences for post-professional training. Following certification standard changes in 2005 and 2014, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) now requires instruction and clinical experiences during graduate studies across nine major content areas, including the use of AAC modalities. Prior to this change, the number of preservice programs reported to offer at least one AAC course increased from 62% (Ratcliff & Beukelman, 1995) to 72% (Ratcliff, Koul, & Lloyd, 2008). Since the certification standard changes, the trend continued with 86% of preservice programs reported to offer at least one dedicated AAC course (Johnson & Prebor, 2019). Despite improvements in preservice training coursework, the confidence and competence to provide AAC services to individuals with CCN remains a concern. Only 51% of graduate programs feel that at least half of students are prepared for AAC service delivery at the time of graduation (Johnson & Prebor, 2019). More than 70% of speech-language pathologists report inadequate preparation to delivery AAC services (Costigan & Light, 2010; Marvin, Montano, Fusco, & Gould, 2003) and 60% report having limited or poor comfort with AAC (Marvin et al., 2003). This study identified caseload, time, and knowledge as primary barriers for AAC service delivery. Speech-language pathologists reported learning preferences for on-the-spot training related to AAC evaluation and specific AAC interventions. Further, participants reported preferences for In-service, webinar, and conference training formats. Based on these results, trainings for post-professional speech-language pathologists can be designed to reflect both training preferences and current service delivery barriers.https://digitalcommons.odu.edu/gradposters2020_healthsciences/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Penser la traduction dans une perspective herméneutique : la contribution de Gadamer à la traductologie

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    Le phénomène de la traduction occupe une place importance dans la philosophie de Gadamer en tant que modèle qui met en évidence la médiation langagière à l'oeuvre dans toute compréhension. Notre mémoire se propose d'illustrer comment l'herméneutique de Gadamer – fondamentalement animée par une pensée de conciliation, tel que l'évoquent ses idées de fusion des horizons, d'entente dialogique et de participation à une vérité commune – pourrait en retour permettre à la traductologie de penser le succès de la traduction en dehors du cadre théorique extrêmement binaire dans laquelle elle évolue depuis ses origines, en plus de justifier la participation du traducteur à ce qu'il traduit comme étant nécessaire à la médiation du sens d'un texte d'un horizon linguistique et culturel à un autre, un processus qui ne se laisse pas réduire au simple transfert linguistique, mais qui n'est pas pour autant subjectif ou arbitraire. Inspirée par la pensée herméneutique gadamérienne, qui elle-même suppose une tradition humaniste et métaphysique, la traductologie pourrait non seulement intégrer dans ses réflexions la dimension historique et interprétative de la traduction, mais elle pourrait également parvenir à mieux se comprendre elle-même par delà ce que le protocole méthodologique des sciences exactes exige d’elle.It is well known that the phenomenon of translation plays an important role in Gadamer's philosophy as a hermeneutical model that emphasizes the universality of the linguistic element, but less obvious is whether his philosophy could be of any help for translation studies. This dissertation is an attempt to show that Gadamers's conciliating thinking – as exemplarily presented in his ideas of fusion of horizons, dialogical understanding and participation – could not only enable the translatology to think the success of translation outside of the binary theoretical framework in which it evolves, but could also contribute to justify the participation of the translator in the process of rendering the meaning of a text in a new language, a role that certainly goes beyond the sole linguistic transfer, without being, per se, subjective

    Bertrand Laverdure

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    Système intégré de gestion des couts et du temps

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    L'hyperactivité et la suractivité chez les préadolescents atteints du syndrome de Gilles de la Tourette : aspects cognitifs

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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