190 research outputs found

    Un aspect de l'oeuvre de François Bourricaud : Indiens et Cholos du Pérou

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    L'accalmie politique bolivienne (1982 - 1989)

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    Comment expliquer aprĂšs des annĂ©es de violence politique interne, l'accalmie politique que connait actuellement la Bolivie ? Il est nĂ©cessaire d'Ă©tudier les groupes mobilisĂ©s qui se disputent la proie Ă©tatique en Ă©tudiant leurs ressources, leurs stratĂ©gies, et en voyant la maniĂšre dont s'interpĂ©nĂ©trent les secteurs sociaux. DĂšs lors, malgrĂ© le retour spectaculaire aux formes constitutionnelles, on peut ĂȘtre pessimiste sur l'essor des vertus dĂ©mocratiques en terre bolivienne.How can we explain, after a large period of political violence, the political calm in Bolivia ? It seems necessary to study the strategy and resources of the mobilised groups struggling for State power. Then, in spite of the spectacular return to constitutional structures, one may be pessimistic about the emergence of democracy in Bolivia

    MĂšres contre la dictature en Argentine et Bolivie

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    Les dictatures militaires latino-amĂ©ricaines des annĂ©es 1960 Ă  1980 ont suscitĂ© des rĂ©sistances civiles au nom du droit Ă  la vie et, plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement, des droits de l’homme. Les femmes ont Ă©tĂ© Ă  l’avant-garde de ces combats en Argentine et en Bolivie. AprĂšs avoir briĂšvement prĂ©sentĂ© ces deux rĂ©sistances non-violentes, on avancera ici quelques hypothĂšses relatives Ă  l’engagement collectif de ces femmes en tant que mĂšres et Ă  la rĂ©ussite de leur entreprise de mobilisation. On discutera notamment les prĂ©sentations qui font exclusivement reposer la protestation collective sur des caractĂ©ristiques liĂ©es au genre, en distinguant le discours performatif qui l’accompagne de l’explication de celle-ci.The Latin-American military dictatorships from the 1960’s to 1980 generated civil resistance in the name of the right to life, and, more generally, human rights. Women were at the forefront of the struggles in Argentina and Bolivia. After a brief presentation of these two movements of nonresistance, the article offers a number of hypotheses concerning the collective mobilization of these women as mothers and the success of their mobilization efforts. Particular attention will be paid to those movements that represented collective protest based only on gender characteristics, distinguishing the performative discourse accompanying these protests from the explanations offered

    Espace et sens chez Cortåzar « Reunión con un círculo rojo »

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    À la lecture de « ReuniĂłn con un cĂ­rculo rojo », conte fantastique de CortĂĄzar publiĂ© pour la premiĂšre fois en 1976 dans le recueil Alguien que anda por ahĂ­, nous avons Ă©tĂ© frappĂ©e par la diffĂ©rence entre le traitement du temps et des personnages d'une part et celui de l'espace d'autre part. Le lecteur, en effet, assiste Ă  un gommage systĂ©matique de toute marque temporelle prĂ©cise : aucune indication d'annĂ©e, de saison, de jour ou d'heure. On sait simplement qu'il fait froid, qu'il pleut et q..

    Le portrait photographique d'Ă©crivain vu de face et de profil

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    A Messy State of the Union: Taming the Composite State Machines of TLS

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    To appearInternational audienceImplementations of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol must handle a variety of protocol versions and extensions, authentication modes, and key exchange methods. Confusingly, each combination may prescribe a different message sequence between the client and the server. We address the problem of designing a robust composite state machine that correctly multiplexes between these different protocol modes. We systematically test popular open-source TLS implementations for state machine bugs and discover several critical security vulnerabilities that have lain hidden in these libraries for years, and have now finally been patched due to our disclosures. Several of these vulnerabilities, including the recently publicized FREAK flaw, enable a network attacker to break into TLS connections between authenticated clients and servers. We argue that state machine bugs stem from incorrect compositions of individually correct state machines. We present the first verified implementation of a composite TLS state machine in C that can be embedded into OpenSSL and accounts for all its supported ciphersuites. Our attacks expose the need for the formal verifica- tion of core components in cryptographic protocol libraries; our implementation demonstrates that such mechanized proofs are within reach, even for mainstream TLS implementations

    SNP discovery and genetic mapping using genotyping by sequencing of whole genome genomic DNA from a pea RIL population

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    International audienceBackground - Progress in genetics and breeding in pea still suffers from the limited availability of molecular resources. SNP markers that can be identified through affordable sequencing processes, without the need for prior genome reduction or a reference genome to assemble sequencing data would allow the discovery and genetic mapping of thousands of molecular markers. Such an approach could significantly speed up genetic studies and marker assisted breeding for non-model species. Results - A total of 419,024 SNPs were discovered using HiSeq whole genome sequencing of four pea lines, followed by direct identification of SNP markers without assembly using the discoSnp tool. Subsequent filtering led to the identification of 131,850 highly designable SNPs, polymorphic between at least two of the four pea lines. A subset of 64,754 SNPs was called and genotyped by short read sequencing on a subpopulation of 48 RILs from the cross 'Baccara' x 'PI180693'. This data was used to construct a WGGBS-derived pea genetic map comprising 64,263 markers. This map is collinear with previous pea consensus maps and therefore with the Medicago truncatula genome. Sequencing of four additional pea lines showed that 33 % to 64 % of the mapped SNPs, depending on the pairs of lines considered, are polymorphic and can therefore be useful in other crosses. The subsequent genotyping of a subset of 1000 SNPs, chosen for their mapping positions using a KASPℱ assay, showed that almost all generated SNPs are highly designable and that most (95 %) deliver highly qualitative genotyping results. Using rather low sequencing coverages in SNP discovery and in SNP inferring did not hinder the identification of hundreds of thousands of high quality SNPs. Conclusions - The development and optimization of appropriate tools in SNP discovery and genetic mapping have allowed us to make available a massive new genomic resource in pea. It will be useful for both fine mapping within chosen QTL confidence intervals and marker assisted breeding for important traits in pea improvement

    Pharmacologic Modulation of Picryl Chloride-Induced Contact Dermatitis in the Mouse

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    A biphasic response of ear swelling was observed 2h and 24h after application of the antigen to picryl chloride-sensitized Balb/c mice. A platelet-activating factor (PAF) antagonist, BN 52063, or the anti-inflammatory drug, betamethasone, applied topically or injected subcutaneously, inhibited in a dose-dependent fashion the antigen-induced increase in ear thickness observed after 24h. In addition, BN 52063 and betamethasone presented a synergistic effect when administered in vivo simultaneously and subcutaneously.Indomethacin administered subcutaneously at the time of the antigen challenge significantly potentiated the early swelling phase and inhibited the late one. In contrast, the inhibitors of histamine and serotonin, ketotifen and methysergide, respectively, modulated mostly the early, and to a lower extent the late phase when administered at the time of antigen challenge. In contrast, none of these drugs inhibited the late phase reaction when administered 4h after the antigen. A significant eosinophil and mononuclear-cell ear infiltrate was observed following topical application of the antigen, a phenomenon that was markedly reduced by either BN 52063 or betamethasone.These results demonstrate the effectiveness of PAF antagonists, either alone or in association with glucocorticosteroids, in experimental CD, the modulation of the infiltration of eosinophils and mononuclear cells possibly explaining part of the inhibitory action of these drugs

    Multisignal control of expression of the LHCX protein family in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum

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    Diatoms are phytoplanktonic organisms that grow successfully in the ocean where light conditions are highly variable. Studies of the molecular mechanisms of light acclimation in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum show that carotenoid de-epoxidation enzymes and LHCX1, a member of the light-harvesting protein family, both contribute to dissipate excess light energy through non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). In this study, we investigate the role of the other members of the LHCX family in diatom stress responses. Our analysis of available genomic data shows that the presence of multiple LHCX genes is a conserved feature of diatom species living in different ecological niches. Moreover, an analysis of the levels of four P. tricornutum LHCX transcripts in relation to protein expression and photosynthetic activity indicates that LHCXs are differentially regulated under different light intensities and nutrient starvation, mostly modulating NPQ capacity. We conclude that multiple abiotic stress signals converge to regulate the LHCX content of cells, providing a way to fine-tune light harvesting and photoprotection. Moreover, our data indicate that the expansion of the LHCX gene family reflects functional diversification of its members which could benefit cells responding to highly variable ocean environments

    Mistral 7B

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    We introduce Mistral 7B v0.1, a 7-billion-parameter language model engineered for superior performance and efficiency. Mistral 7B outperforms Llama 2 13B across all evaluated benchmarks, and Llama 1 34B in reasoning, mathematics, and code generation. Our model leverages grouped-query attention (GQA) for faster inference, coupled with sliding window attention (SWA) to effectively handle sequences of arbitrary length with a reduced inference cost. We also provide a model fine-tuned to follow instructions, Mistral 7B -- Instruct, that surpasses the Llama 2 13B -- Chat model both on human and automated benchmarks. Our models are released under the Apache 2.0 license.Comment: Models and code are available at https://mistral.ai/news/announcing-mistral-7b
