16 research outputs found

    Uusi ohjelmoitava markkinoinnin maailma : Dataohjatun markkinoinnin nykytila Suomessa

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    Asiakasdataa on tallennettu pitkÀÀn, mutta vasta digitalisaation myötÀ sen kÀsittelyÀ voidaan tehokkaasti automatisoida. Asiakasdataa hyödyntÀmÀllÀ voidaan luoda uutta liiketoimintaa ymmÀrtÀmÀllÀ nykyisten ja tulevien asiakkaiden toimintaa ja tarpeita. Digitalisointi mahdollistaa lÀpinÀkyvÀn ja mitattavan tavan automatisoida markkinointia. Uusi ohjelmoitava markkinoinnin maailma tarjoaa uusia reaaliaikaisia asiakasviestinnÀn keinoja. Asiakasdataa tallennetaan yrityksissÀ jatkuvasti lukuisiin eri jÀrjestelmiin. Tallentamiseen liittyy monia haasteita, kuten markkinoivien organisaatioiden toimintakulttuuri ja muutosvastarinta. Asiakasdatan kÀsittelyÀ vaikeuttaa mm. organisaation eri osastojen omien tietojÀrjestelmien tavat kÀsitellÀ asiakasdataa. Keskitettyjen tietovarastojen puuttumisesta johtuva datan siiloutuminen aiheuttaa myös datan integriteettiin liittyviÀ haasteita. TÀssÀ tutkielmassa selvitetÀÀn mitÀ mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita uudet teknologiat tuovat asiakasdatan kerÀÀmiseen, organisoitiin ja kÀsittelyyn. Dataohjatun markkinoinnin nykytilaa Suomessa selvitetÀÀn laajan tapaustutkimuksen avulla, haastattelemalla 20:a liike-elÀmÀssÀ aktiivisesti työskentelevÀÀ henkilöÀ. Tuloksena raportoidaan nykytilanne sekÀ asiakasdatan pirstaleisuutta ja epÀyhtenevÀisyyttÀ luovat rakenteelliset ongelmat. Dataohjattu pÀÀtöksenteko on tÀrkeÀ kilpailutekijÀ ja sen merkityksen korostuessa analysointiosaamista tarvitaan entistÀ enemmÀn. NÀiden haasteiden ymmÀrtÀminen ja niihin varautuminen on entistÀ tÀrkeÀmpÀÀ jo suunniteltaessa asiakasdataa kerÀÀviÀ ja kÀsitteleviÀ tietojÀrjestelmiÀ. Dataohjatun markkinoinnin yleistyminen muokkaa tietojÀrjestelmien lisÀksi myös osaamistarpeita ja yrityskulttuureita

    Annotated bibliography of the subclass Archosauria (Class : Reptilia) : Jan 1960 - Dec 1984

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    The subclass Archosauria includes some of the most successful vertebrates to have evolved. Although traditionally viewed as 'cold-blooded' (= ectothermic) and therefore evolutionarily inferior to 'warm-blooded' (= endothermic) mammals and birds, data collected since the 1960s has resulted in significant re-evaluations and a complete reassessment of archosaur evolution, taxonomy, and inferred physiology and behaviour. Much of the relevant data emanates from the results of post WWII field work conducted in eastern Central Asia (particularly the Gobi Desert) by Russian, Polish and Mongolian palaeontologists. However, due to political, cultural and/or other reasons, there remained little scientific collaboration between them and western (particularly US) scientists until very recently. As a consequence, there developed a dichotomy in this field of archosaur research, not only between east and west, but also between Europe and the US. This thesis reviews the literature on archosaurs published world-wide from Jan 1960 - Dec 1984, with the emphasis on the important Central Asian/Gobi contributions, in order to evaluate the academic discussions that have arisen regarding archosaur evolution, physiology, behaviour, their relationship to the Aves, and the evolution of avian endothermy and flight

    Communication in Individuals with Rett Syndrome: an Assessment of Forms and Functions

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    In the present study we assessed the forms and functions of prelinguistic communicative behaviors for 120 children and adults with Rett syndrome using the Inventory of Potential Communicative Acts (IPCA) (Sigafoos et al. Communication Disorders Quarterly 21:77–86, 2000a). Informants completed the IPCA and the results were analysed to provide a systematic inventory and objective description of the communicative forms and functions present in each individual’s repertoire. Results show that respondents reported a wide variety of communicative forms and functions. By far most girls used prelinguistic communicative behaviors of which eye contact/gazing was the most common form. The most often endorsed communicative functions were social convention, commenting, answering, requesting and choice-making. Problematic topographies (e.g., self-injury, screaming, non-compliance) were being used for communicative purposes in 10 to 41% of the sample. Exploratory analyses revealed that several communicative forms and functions were related to living environment, presence/absence of epilepsy, and age. That is, higher percentages of girls who showed some forms/functions were found in those who lived at home, who had no epilepsy and who were relatively young

    Cool luminous stars: the hybrid nature of their infrared spectra -- Carbon, oxygen, and their isotopic abundances in 23 K - M giant stars

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    We identified a possible origin of the difficulty in abundance analysis of cool luminous stars. We found purely empirically that there is a limit of logW/nu = -4.75 (W: equivalent width, nu: wavenumber) above which the observed lines do not follow the line formation theory based on the classical micro-turbulent model and that the abundance analysis can be done only with the lines of logW/nu < -4.75. The C, O, and their isotopic abundances determined from such weak lines of CO and OH in 23 K - M giants are roughly consistent with the predictions of evolutionary models. However, the stronger lines of logW/nu > -4.75 cannot be analyzed at all by the classical line formation theory. From the behavior of these lines and considering other observations such as the detections of H2O lines, not only in the late M giants but also in the early M and K giants, we found that these lines are badly disturbed by the contamination from extra molecular layers. We already know that the very strong lines of logW/nu > -4.4 are contaminated by the contribution from the extra warm molecular layers, but we now show that such contamination should be prevailing not only in the strong low excitation lines but also in the intermediate-strength lines (-4.75 -4.4) as well. The reason why these lines cannot be used for determining photospheric abundances is simply because they include the contamination of the non-photospheric origin. Instead they can be new proves of the warm molecular envelope for which little is known yet. An important conclusion is that the infrared spectra of K - M giants are a hybrid of at least two components originating in the photosphere and the warm molecular envelope. In the interpretation and analysis of the infrared spectra of cool luminous stars, it is essential to keep their hybrid naure in mind.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, corrected typo

    Incontinence in Individuals with Rett Syndrome: A Comparative Study

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    Frequency and type of incontinence and its association with other variables were assessed in females with Rett Syndrome (RS) (n = 63), using an adapted Dutch version of the ‘Parental Questionnaire: Enuresis/Urinary Incontinence’ (Beetz et al. 1994). Also, incontinence in RS was compared to a control group consisting of females with non-specific (mixed) intellectual disability (n = 26). Urinary incontinence (UI) (i.e., daytime incontinence and nocturnal enuresis) and faecal incontinence (FI) were found to be common problems among females with RS that occur in a high frequency of days/nights. UI and FI were mostly primary in nature and occur independent of participants’ age and level of adaptive functioning. Solid stool, lower urinary tract symptoms and urinary tract infections (UTI’s) were also common problems in females with RS. No differences in incontinence between RS and the control group were found, except for solid stool that was more common in RS than in the control group. It is concluded that incontinence is not part of the behavioural phenotype of RS, but that there is an increased risk for solid stool in females with RS

    Stress in fathers – a quantitative cross-sectional study about newly become fathers parental stress.

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    BakgrundAtt fĂ„ barn Ă€r en hĂ€ndelse i livet som kan medföra förĂ€ldrastress. FörĂ€ldrastress beskrivs som enpsykologisk reaktion pĂ„ de krav som stĂ€lls pĂ„ att vara förĂ€lder. BarnhĂ€lsovĂ„rdssköterskan(BHV-sköterskan) som möter nyblivna pappor kan med hjĂ€lp av en mellanmĂ€nsklig relationstödja pappor att anpassa sig till den nya situationen.SyfteAtt undersöka förĂ€ldrastress och influerande faktorer hos pappor tvĂ„ mĂ„nader efterförlossningen.MetodStudien Ă€r en kvantitativ tvĂ€rsnittsstudie baserad pĂ„ en enkĂ€tundersökning. Totalt deltog 38pappor i studien. Papporna fick besvara tvĂ„ enkĂ€ter om bakgrundsdata samt ett formulĂ€r omförĂ€ldrastress, Swedish Parenthood Stress Questionnaire (SPSQ), vilket mĂ€ter totalförĂ€ldrastress och i fem olika dimensioner. Data har analyserats med deskriptiv och jĂ€mförandestatistik.HuvudfyndSPSQ:s totalpoĂ€ng visade ett medelvĂ€rde pĂ„ 2,49 (standard avvikelse, SD ± 0,55). Högst nivĂ„av förĂ€ldrastress, medelvĂ€rde 3,20 (SD ± 0,69), fanns i dimensionen ”RollbegrĂ€nsning” ochlĂ€gst nivĂ„ av förĂ€ldrastress, medelvĂ€rde 2,05 (SD ± 0,82), fanns i dimensionen ”Problem irelationen”. Pappor med hög utbildning, barn sedan tidigare eller med barn som ammadesdelvis eller inte alls, upplevde mer förĂ€ldrastress i dimensionen ”RollbegrĂ€nsning”. VidarepĂ„visade resultatet att flerbarnspappor upplevde att de hade mer hĂ€lsoproblem Ă€nförstagĂ„ngspappor.SlutsatserHög utbildningsnivĂ„, barn sedan tidigare samt om barnet ammades delvis eller inte allsinfluerande till förĂ€ldrastress hos pappor tidigt i förĂ€ldraskapet. Ökad kunskap om att dessafaktorer influerar till förĂ€ldrastress hos pappor, kan bidra till att BHV-sköterskan lĂ€ttare kanidentifiera pappor med högre risk för förĂ€ldrastress. Genom att BHV-sköterskan ger dessapappor ett ökat stöd kan deras vĂ€lbefinnande och hĂ€lsa stĂ€rkas.BackgroundHaving a child is a big event in life that may lead to parental stress. Parental stress is describedas a psychological reaction to the demands placed on being a parent. The primary care nursewho works with child health care and meets newly become fathers can help them adapt to thenew situation.AimTo investigate parental stress and influencing factors in fathers two months after delivery.MethodThe study is a quantitative cross-sectional study based on a survey. In total, 38 fathersparticipated in the study. Fathers were asked to answer questionnaires on demographics and theSwedish Parenthood Stress Questionnaire (SPSQ), which measures parental stress. Data havebeen analyzed with descriptive and comparative statistics.Main findingsSPSQÂŽs total scores showed a mean of 2.49 (standard deviation, SD ± 0.55). The highest meanof parental stress, 3.20 (SD ± 0.69), was found in the dimension “Role limitation” and thelowest mean of parental stress, 2.05 (SD ± 0.82), was found in the dimension “Problems in therelationship”. Fathers with a higher education, child from before or with child who partiallybreastfed or not, experienced more parental stress in the dimension of "Role limitation".Furthermore, the fathers who had children from before experienced that they had more healthproblems.ConclusionsHigh level of education, children from before and whether the child was breastfed partially ornot influenced to parental stress in fatherÂŽs early parenthood. Increased knowledge that thesefactors influence parental stress in fathers can contribute to the child health care nurse beingable to more easily identify fathers with a higher risk of parental stress. By giving these fathersincreased support the child health care nurse can strengthen their well-being and health

    Stress in fathers – a quantitative cross-sectional study about newly become fathers parental stress.

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    BakgrundAtt fĂ„ barn Ă€r en hĂ€ndelse i livet som kan medföra förĂ€ldrastress. FörĂ€ldrastress beskrivs som enpsykologisk reaktion pĂ„ de krav som stĂ€lls pĂ„ att vara förĂ€lder. BarnhĂ€lsovĂ„rdssköterskan(BHV-sköterskan) som möter nyblivna pappor kan med hjĂ€lp av en mellanmĂ€nsklig relationstödja pappor att anpassa sig till den nya situationen.SyfteAtt undersöka förĂ€ldrastress och influerande faktorer hos pappor tvĂ„ mĂ„nader efterförlossningen.MetodStudien Ă€r en kvantitativ tvĂ€rsnittsstudie baserad pĂ„ en enkĂ€tundersökning. Totalt deltog 38pappor i studien. Papporna fick besvara tvĂ„ enkĂ€ter om bakgrundsdata samt ett formulĂ€r omförĂ€ldrastress, Swedish Parenthood Stress Questionnaire (SPSQ), vilket mĂ€ter totalförĂ€ldrastress och i fem olika dimensioner. Data har analyserats med deskriptiv och jĂ€mförandestatistik.HuvudfyndSPSQ:s totalpoĂ€ng visade ett medelvĂ€rde pĂ„ 2,49 (standard avvikelse, SD ± 0,55). Högst nivĂ„av förĂ€ldrastress, medelvĂ€rde 3,20 (SD ± 0,69), fanns i dimensionen ”RollbegrĂ€nsning” ochlĂ€gst nivĂ„ av förĂ€ldrastress, medelvĂ€rde 2,05 (SD ± 0,82), fanns i dimensionen ”Problem irelationen”. Pappor med hög utbildning, barn sedan tidigare eller med barn som ammadesdelvis eller inte alls, upplevde mer förĂ€ldrastress i dimensionen ”RollbegrĂ€nsning”. VidarepĂ„visade resultatet att flerbarnspappor upplevde att de hade mer hĂ€lsoproblem Ă€nförstagĂ„ngspappor.SlutsatserHög utbildningsnivĂ„, barn sedan tidigare samt om barnet ammades delvis eller inte allsinfluerande till förĂ€ldrastress hos pappor tidigt i förĂ€ldraskapet. Ökad kunskap om att dessafaktorer influerar till förĂ€ldrastress hos pappor, kan bidra till att BHV-sköterskan lĂ€ttare kanidentifiera pappor med högre risk för förĂ€ldrastress. Genom att BHV-sköterskan ger dessapappor ett ökat stöd kan deras vĂ€lbefinnande och hĂ€lsa stĂ€rkas.BackgroundHaving a child is a big event in life that may lead to parental stress. Parental stress is describedas a psychological reaction to the demands placed on being a parent. The primary care nursewho works with child health care and meets newly become fathers can help them adapt to thenew situation.AimTo investigate parental stress and influencing factors in fathers two months after delivery.MethodThe study is a quantitative cross-sectional study based on a survey. In total, 38 fathersparticipated in the study. Fathers were asked to answer questionnaires on demographics and theSwedish Parenthood Stress Questionnaire (SPSQ), which measures parental stress. Data havebeen analyzed with descriptive and comparative statistics.Main findingsSPSQÂŽs total scores showed a mean of 2.49 (standard deviation, SD ± 0.55). The highest meanof parental stress, 3.20 (SD ± 0.69), was found in the dimension “Role limitation” and thelowest mean of parental stress, 2.05 (SD ± 0.82), was found in the dimension “Problems in therelationship”. Fathers with a higher education, child from before or with child who partiallybreastfed or not, experienced more parental stress in the dimension of "Role limitation".Furthermore, the fathers who had children from before experienced that they had more healthproblems.ConclusionsHigh level of education, children from before and whether the child was breastfed partially ornot influenced to parental stress in fatherÂŽs early parenthood. Increased knowledge that thesefactors influence parental stress in fathers can contribute to the child health care nurse beingable to more easily identify fathers with a higher risk of parental stress. By giving these fathersincreased support the child health care nurse can strengthen their well-being and health

    LÀroböcker i idrott och hÀlsa : En studie om varför vissa lÀrare anvÀnder lÀroböcker i undervisningen i idrott och hÀlsa

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    Syfte och frÄgestÀllningar Vi har identifierat tre olika problemomrÄden kopplade till undervisningen i Àmnet idrott och hÀlsa. Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka lÀrares uppfattning om lÀroböckers roll inom ramen för Àmnet idrott och hÀlsa. I studiens avslutande del diskuteras lÀromedlens roll i relation till framskrivna problemomrÄden för idrott och hÀlsa. PÄ vilket sÀtt bidrar en lÀrobok till elevers rÀtt till en likvÀrdig utbildning? PÄ vilket sÀtt kan en lÀrobok tillÄta en effektivisering av planeringen för undervisningen? Hur kan en lÀrobok förtydliga syftet med Àmnet? Metod Studien Àr kvalitativ och intervjuer gjordes med verksamma lÀrare i idrott och hÀlsa, bÄde pÄ grund- och gymnasieskolor. Vid urvalet anvÀnde vi oss av ett mÄlinriktat urval dÄ vÄr önskan var att fÄ intervjua personer relevanta för vÄr studie. Urvalet kom att omfatta fem deltagare. Resultat LÀrarna i studien sÄg en lÀrobok som nÄgot som bidrar till i en mer likvÀrdig utbildning, nÄgot som ger en tidsoptimering samt klarhet i syftet med Àmnet för bÄde elev och lÀrare. LÀrarna beskriver att en lÀrobok Àr ett bra medel för att nÄ en framgÄngsrik skola dÀr konkurrens om elever kan lÀggas Ät sidan. VÄra deltagare anvÀnder lÀroboken olika mycket inom lÀroplanens kunskapsomrÄden, nÄgra anvÀnder den för samtliga, andra endast för vissa av omrÄdena. Oavsett hur mycket de anvÀnder lÀroboken Àr vÄra respondenters uppfattning att en lÀrobok gav en tidsbesparing vad gÀller lektionsplanering och elevuppgifter. Slutsats VÄr studie har visat att det finns ett behov av att bryta den kultur som innebÀr att lÀrare i idrott och hÀlsa endast sparsamt anvÀnder lÀromedel i undervisningen. En slutsats frÄn studien Àr att om lÀrarna ges möjlighet att med hjÀlp av lÀromedel ha samma utgÄngspunkt för undervisningen, skulle genomförandet av en likvÀrdig utbildning i idrott och hÀlsa öka. Detta skulle Àven medföra ett förtydligat syfte med Àmnet samt en tidsbesparing i form av undervisningsmaterial och planeringsunderlag