50 research outputs found

    Influence of Syntectonic sedimentation and décollement rheology on the geometry and evolution of orogenic wedges: analog modelling of the Kuqa Fold-and-thrust belt (NW China)

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    Contractional deformation in the outer parts of fold‐and‐thrust belts is in part controlled by the presence of syntectonic sediments and multiple décollements (e.g., the Apennines, the Appalachians, the Pyrenees, the Zagros, or the Sub‐Andean and Kuqa fold‐and‐thrust belts). To better understand the influence of these parameters in the kinematic evolution of fold‐and‐thrust systems, we carried out an experimental study including four 3‐D sandbox models inspired by one of the previously mentioned prototypes, the Kuqa fold‐and‐thrust belt. This belt contains two décollements: a weak synorogenic salt layer and a deeper, preorogenic, and frictionless décollement (i.e., organic‐rich shales) showing along strike variations of rheology. The experimental results show that increasing synkinematic sedimentation rate (i) generates a progressive change from distributed to localized deformation and (ii) delays the development of frontal contractional structures detached on the salt, favoring the formation and reactivation of more hinterland thrusts and backthrusts. With respect to the rheology, our study reveals that as the viscosity of the prekinematic décollement increases, (i) the deformation propagates more slowly toward the foreland, and (ii) the underlying thrust stack becomes broader and lower and has a gentler thrust taper angle. The rheology of the prekinematic décollement defines the distribution and geometry of the structures detached on it that in turn influence the development of overlying, salt‐detached structures. Subsalt structures can (i) determine the areal extent of the salt and therefore of any fold‐and‐thrust system detached on it and (ii) hamper or even prevent the progressive foreland propagation of deformation above the salt

    Corruption, Concurrence et D�veloppement: Une Analyse Econom�trique � l'Echelle des Entreprises

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    http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~db=all?content=10.1080/09578810701289170L’ouverture des économies à la concurrence est souvent présentée comme un moyen de lutter contre la corruption. Pourtant, aucune étude théorique ou empirique ne permet de conclure que l’intensification de la concurrence réduit la corruption. Cet article utilise une enquête réalisée auprès de plus de 10 000 firmes de plus de 80 pays pour étudier les liens entre la corruption et la concurrence inter firmes. Nos résultats mettent en évidence que ce n’est pas l’intensité de la concurrence mais plutôt la nature de celle- ci qui détermine la probabilité du recours à la corruption. Ils montrent également des différences importantes dans les déterminants du recours à la corruption entre les pays développés et les pays en développement notamment en ce qui concerne la concurrence des importations légales.Competition is often presented as a good way to fight against corruption. However, no theoretical or empirical study allows us to conclude that an increase in competition reduces corruption. This article uses surveys of more than 10,000 firms in 80 countries to analyse the links between corruption and inter-firm competition. Our results show that it is not the intensity of competition but rather its nature that influences the probability of corruption. They also shed light on significant differences in the factors explaining the use of corruption between developing and developed countries in particular as far as the competition of legal imports is concerned.ou

    Influence of Particle Size and Crystal Orientation on theElectrochemical Behavior of Carbon-Coated LifePO4

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    We investigate the influence of particle size and crystal orientation on the electrochemical behavior of carboncoated LiFePO4 prepared by a hydrothermal synthesis in the presence of a polymeric surfactant and a source of carbon. We evaluated the charge/discharge profiles of two samples, one constituted by particles in the micrometer range with a platelet-like shape (large ac facet and (020) crystal orientation) and another made of sub-micrometer-rounded particles with a random crystal orientation. At low current rates the crystal orientation seems to be the prevailing factor, whereas at high current rates smaller particles can allow a shorter electronic conduction path, so reducing the resistance experienced by Li ions during diffusion

    On the Equivalence of Common Approaches to Cross Sectional Weights in Household Panel Surveys

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    The computation of cross sectional weights in household panels is challenging because household compositions change over time. Sampling probabilities of new household entrants are generally not known and assigning them zero weight is not satisfying. Two common approaches to cross sectional weighting address this issue: (1) "shared weights" and (2) modeling or estimating unobserved sampling probabilities based on person-level characteristics. We survey how several well-known national household panels address cross sectional weights for different groups of respondents (including immigrants and births) and in different situations (including household mergers and splits). We show that for certain estimated sampling probabilities the modeling approach gives the same weights as fair shares, the most common of the shared weights approaches. Rather than abandoning the shared weights approach when orphan respondents (respondents in households without sampling weights) exist, we propose a hybrid approach; estimating sampling weights of newly orphan respondents only

    Avaliação das ações em saúde mental na estratégia de saúde da família: necessidades e potencialidades

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    O artigo tem como objetivo apontar necessidades e potencialidades das ações em saúde mental na Estratégia Saúde da Família, avaliadas por atores sociais engajados a um Conselho Local de Saúde. Os métodos utilizados foram Avaliação de Quarta Geração e Método Comparativo Constante. Foram realizadas observações e entrevistas com oito participantes. As informações que emergiram do estudo convergiram no núcleo temático avaliação participativa das ações em saúde mental, salientando necessidades e potencialidades. As ações de saúde mental têm como necessidades o acolhimento orientador-sensível, o benefício da Previdência Social e o Programa Bolsa Família e como potencialidades, o apoio matricial e o controle social. A avaliação das ações em saúde mental fortalece a cidadania e a participação nos espaços decisórios, reconhecendo os usuários-atores e as redes de solidariedade no território

    MCM-41 silica effect on gel polymer electrolytes based on thermoplastic polyurethane

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    Polymer electrolytes were prepared from thermoplastic polyurethane with addition of mixture of Nethyl( methylether)-N-methylpyrrolidinium trifluoromethanesulfonimide (PYRA12O1TFSI) ionic liquid, lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfoneimide) salt and propylene carbonate. MCM-41 mesoporous silica was added in proportions ranging from 5 to 20 wt.% with respect to TPU. The electrolytes were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, linear voltammetry and impedance spectroscopy. The MCM-41 addition to the system was found to improve the electrochemical stability of the membranes and to reduce the gel electrolyte/metallic Li interfacial resistance. The filler influence on the ion transport processes was discussed according to results obtained by equivalent circuit fitting of impedance spectra