982 research outputs found

    Limit Your Consumption! Finding Bounds in Average-energy Games

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    Energy games are infinite two-player games played in weighted arenas with quantitative objectives that restrict the consumption of a resource modeled by the weights, e.g., a battery that is charged and drained. Typically, upper and/or lower bounds on the battery capacity are part of the problem description. Here, we consider the problem of determining upper bounds on the average accumulated energy or on the capacity while satisfying a given lower bound, i.e., we do not determine whether a given bound is sufficient to meet the specification, but if there exists a sufficient bound to meet it. In the classical setting with positive and negative weights, we show that the problem of determining the existence of a sufficient bound on the long-run average accumulated energy can be solved in doubly-exponential time. Then, we consider recharge games: here, all weights are negative, but there are recharge edges that recharge the energy to some fixed capacity. We show that bounding the long-run average energy in such games is complete for exponential time. Then, we consider the existential version of the problem, which turns out to be solvable in polynomial time: here, we ask whether there is a recharge capacity that allows the system player to win the game. We conclude by studying tradeoffs between the memory needed to implement strategies and the bounds they realize. We give an example showing that memory can be traded for bounds and vice versa. Also, we show that increasing the capacity allows to lower the average accumulated energy.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL'16, arXiv:1610.0769

    Patientens vej igennem systemet

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    Alien Registration- Laursen, Martin R. (Presque Isle, Aroostook County)

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    Genomic GC-content affects the accuracy of 16S rRNA gene sequencing bsed microbial profiling due to PCR bias

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    Profiling of microbial community composition is frequently performed by partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing on benchtop platforms following PCR amplification of specific hypervariable regions within this gene. Accuracy and reproducibility of this strategy are two key parameters to consider, which may be influenced during all processes from sample collection and storage, through DNA extraction and PCR based library preparation to the final sequencing. In order to evaluate both the reproducibility and accuracy of 16S rRNA gene based microbial profiling using the Ion Torrent PGM platform, we prepared libraries and performed sequencing of a well-defined and validated 20-member bacterial DNA mock community on five separate occasions and compared results with the expected even distribution. In general the applied method had a median coefficient of variance of 11.8% (range 5.5–73.7%) for all 20 included strains in the mock community across five separate sequencing runs, with underrepresented strains generally showing the largest degree of variation. In terms of accuracy, mock community species belonging to Proteobacteria were underestimated, whereas those belonging to Firmicutes were mostly overestimated. This could be explained partly by premature read truncation, but to larger degree their genomic GC-content, which correlated negatively with the observed relative abundances, suggesting a PCR bias against GC-rich species during library preparation. Increasing the initial denaturation time during the PCR amplification from 30 to 120 s resulted in an increased average relative abundance of the three mock community members with the highest genomic GC%, but did not significantly change the overall evenness of the community distribution. Therefore, efforts should be made to optimize the PCR conditions prior to sequencing in order to maximize accuracy

    Nye udviklingsveje for afsætning af økologiske kyllinger

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    Økologiske kyllinger fylder under 1% af kyllingesalget, og samtidig er kyllinger en af de varegrupper, hvor det økologiske markedsandel er lavest. Den gennemsnitlige økologiske markedsandel er eksempelvis på 7%, og for enkelte varegruppers vedkommende er den mere end 25% (æg og mælk). Derudover er aspekter som dyrevelfærd, bæredygtighed og smag, hvor den økologiske kyllingeproduktion kan adskille sig markant fra den konventionelle produktion, vigtige elementer i forbrugernes valg af dagligvarer, og der synes såle-des at være et stort potentiale for at udvide markedsandelen af økologiske kyllinger. MultiChick projektet har til formål at bidrage til øget vækst i økologisk slagtefjerkræproduktion via en re-vurdering af produktionssystemerne. Projektet finansieres af Organic RDD 2 programmet under Fødevare-ministeriet og gennemføres som et samarbejde mellem Aarhus Universitet, SEGES, DLG, Top-æg Aps og Økologiske fjerkræproducenter (for yderligere oplysninger om projekt se: http://icrofs.dk/forskning/dansk-forskning/multichick/). En af opgaverne i MultiChick projektet er at identificere mulige udviklingsveje for produktion og afsætning, der kan sikre økologiske kyllinger en højere markedsandel. I regi af projektet, har der været afholdt en workshop på Gothenborg den 12. maj 2015. Denne rapport er vores bearbejdede kondensat af oplæg, diskussioner og konklusioner fra workshoppen

    First foods and gut microbes

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    The establishment of the human gut microbiota in early life has been associated with later health and disease. During the 1st months after birth, the microbial composition in the gut is known to be affected by the mode of delivery, use of antibiotics, geographical location and type of feeding (breast/formula). Consequently, the neonatal period and early infancy has attracted much attention. However, after this first period the gut microbial composition continues to develop until the age of 3 years, and these 1st years have been designated “a window of opportunity” for microbial modulation. The beginning and end of this window is currently debated, but it likely coincides with the complementary feeding period, marking the gradual transition from milk-based infant feeding to family diet usually occurring between 6 and 24 months. Furthermore, the ‘first 1000 days,’ i.e., the period from conception until age 2 years, are generally recognized to be of particular importance for the healthy development of children. While dietary changes are known to affect the adult gut microbiota, there is a gap in our knowledge on how the introduction of new dietary components into the diet of infants/young children affects the gut microbiota development. This perspective paper summarizes the currently very few studies addressing the effects of complementary diet on gut microbiota, and highlights the recent finding that transition to family foods greatly impacts the development of gut microbial diversity. Further, we discuss potential impacts on child health and the need for further studies on this important topic

    Faecalibacterium Gut Colonization Is Accelerated by Presence of Older Siblings

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    ABSTRACT Faecalibacterium prausnitzii is a highly abundant human gut microbe in healthy individuals, but it is present at reduced levels in individuals with gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases. It has therefore been suggested to constitute a marker of a healthy gut and is associated with anti-inflammatory properties. However, factors affecting the colonization of F. prausnitzii in the human gut during early life are very poorly understood. By analysis of 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing data from three separate infant study populations, we determined the colonization dynamics of Faecalibacterium and factors affecting its establishment in the gut. We found that in particular, the presence of older siblings was consistently associated with Faecalibacterium gut colonization during late infancy and conclude that acquisition of Faecalibacterium is very likely to be accelerated through transfer between siblings. IMPORTANCE Faecalibacterium prausnitzii has been suggested to constitute a key marker of a healthy gut, yet the factors shaping the colonization of this highly oxygen-sensitive, non-spore-forming species in the intestinal environment remain poorly understood. Here, we provide evidence from three separate infant study populations that F. prausnitzii colonization in the gut happens during late infancy and is affected by the number of older siblings in the family. We conclude that Faecalibacterium acquisition is highly likely to be accelerated by contact between siblings. Bearing in mind the immunoregulatory properties of F. prausnitzii and the well-established protective effects against allergic disorders related to the presence of older siblings, early colonization of this species may have profound consequences for child health

    The SOPHY Framework:Simulation, Observation and Planning in Hybrid Systems

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    Effects of lowering body temperature via hyperhydration, with and without glycerol ingestion and practical precooling on cycling time trial performance in hot and humid conditions

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    Background Hypohydration and hyperthermia are factors that may contribute to fatigue and impairment of endurance performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of combining glycerol hyperhydration and an established precooling technique on cycling time trial performance in hot environmental conditions. Methods Twelve well-trained male cyclists performed three 46.4-km laboratory-based cycling trials that included two climbs, under hot and humid environmental conditions (33.3 ± 1.1°C; 50 ± 6% r.h.). Subjects were required to hyperhydrate with 25 g.kg-1 body mass (BM) of a 4°C beverage containing 6% carbohydrate (CON) 2.5 h prior to the time trial. On two occasions, subjects were also exposed to an established precooling technique (PC) 60 min prior to the time trial, involving 14 g.kg-1 BM ice slurry ingestion and applied iced towels over 30 min. During one PC trial, 1.2 g.kg-1 BM glycerol was added to the hyperhydration beverage in a double-blind fashion (PC+G). Statistics used in this study involve the combination of traditional probability statistics and a magnitude-based inference approach. Results Hyperhydration resulted in large reductions (−0.6 to −0.7°C) in rectal temperature. The addition of glycerol to this solution also lowered urine output (330 ml, 10%). Precooling induced further small (−0.3°C) to moderate (−0.4°C) reductions in rectal temperature with PC and PC+G treatments, respectively, when compared with CON (0.0°C, P<0.05). Overall, PC+G failed to achieve a clear change in cycling performance over CON, but PC showed a possible 2% (30 s, P=0.02) improvement in performance time on climb 2 compared to CON. This improvement was attributed to subjects’ lower perception of effort reported over the first 10 km of the trial, despite no clear performance change during this time. No differences were detected in any other physiological measurements throughout the time trial. Conclusions Despite increasing fluid intake and reducing core temperature, performance and thermoregulatory benefits of a hyperhydration strategy with and without the addition of glycerol, plus practical precooling, were not superior to hyperhydration alone. Further research is warranted to further refine preparation strategies for athletes competing in thermally stressful events to optimize health and maximize performance outcomes